ATTN: If you are having chest pain right now, turn off this video and call 911/112/EMS!
Medical doctors used to think heart attacks only happened in old white men. Thankfully, those days are gone. Given the terrible, inflammatory diet most of us eat these days, anyone could be at risk. Some types of chest pain can be safely ignored, or treated at home. Other types of chest pain must be dealt with by medical personnel immediately.
The nerves in your chest behave differently than the nerves in your finger. Often the pain in your chest can be subtle and confusing. Don’t ignore an important type of chest pain because this video will help you know which is which. Chest pain can often be a sign of serious illness.
Don’t take any chest pain for granted, if in doubt go see your doctor. You can prevent a heart attack by eating the proper diet. You can recover from a heart attack quicker by reporting immediately to a medical professional with worrisome chest pain. Help me help others by sharing this video because so many people just don’t know…
Thanks so much to our Champion Patrons, Nick N., Dennis F, Shawn J., John C, Katherine M, Jackie K, Chris B, LeaAnn E, Rumi K, Rocky R, Doyle R, Jeff P, Joe W for helping make this video possible…
Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far. For Collaborations please email me : [email protected] Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Although all measures are taken to ensure that the contents of the YouTube channel is accurate and up-to-date, all information contained on it is provided ‘as is’. We make no warranties or representations of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel. Dr. Ken D. Berry may at any time and at its sole discretion change or replace the information available on this channel. To the extent permitted by mandatory law, Dr. Ken D. Berry shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel, including viruses, regardless of the accuracy or completeness of any such content. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
0.46 -> Hey, this is dr. Berry
1.92 -> Let's talk for just a few minutes about which
4.54 -> Kinds of chest pain you should worry about in which kind you can get to when you get to it
11.259 -> Chest pain can be a very concerning symptom and you should be concerned about it
16.15 -> But you don't want to be running to the emergency department for every little tweak you feel in your chest
21.73 -> But at the same time and much more importantly you don't want to stay home because you think your chest pain is no big deal
28.75 -> So I want to go through the different types of chest pain you might experience and when you should go to the emergency
35.89 -> Department or see your doctor now if you have any doubt whatsoever
40.75 -> Obviously called 9-1-1 and if you're having chest pain right now
44.89 -> why are you watching this video call 9-1-1
47.289 -> Okay, because you haven't watched this video yet. So you don't know the difference, so don't take the time to watch this video
52.78 -> Initiate your emergency medical services now, okay
56.61 -> now if you like videos that help you with your health and your nutrition and your diet and your lifestyle
63.309 -> Please consider subscribing to this channel. Click that little Bell notification button right beside the subscribe button
70.35 -> So every time I get a bright idea you'll be one of the very first to note now. Let's talk about chest pain
76.33 -> so
77.14 -> You're not wired the same in your chest that you're wired
80.86 -> Out in your your fingers and toes if I cut you right here. You're gonna hurt right there
87.549 -> It's not like that in your chest
89.59 -> You can be having a severe lung problem or heart problem and just kind of hurt all over
95.82 -> I have a vague uneasiness or pressure you're not wired the same and so that's why it can become so confusing
103.119 -> with chest pain and then also if you have other problems like diabetes or
108.009 -> previous heart disease lung disease
109.81 -> Then that even Muddy's the water even further as you've probably seen in the media women don't always have the same
116.829 -> classic signs that most men have not all men but most and so for women also women tend to ignore things because they're trying to
124.439 -> Probably do something to take care of, you know their man
127.17 -> And so they ignore themselves and you should not do that. If you're having chest pain you need to listen to this video
132.73 -> Think about this and and get emergency services or go. See your doctor. If you're concerned about your chest pain. Don't put that off
139.209 -> Okay, three types that you don't have to worry about right off the bat
143.45 -> first
144.65 -> If an exercise gets I mean if if chest pain gets better when you exercise
151.099 -> Then it's probably nothing to worry about almost no serious chest pain is going to get better when you exercise
157.28 -> and so if you go for walking that makes it better or you
160.849 -> Just get on the rowing machine or whatever and it go it goes away
163.599 -> that's not anything to worry about the next is if you have a
168.079 -> Pinpoint pain in the chest almost never is this a problem if you say if you can say oh it hurts right here
174.079 -> Right here or right here. That's almost never a pain to be worried about now
181.389 -> You may still need to see your doctor if it continues and really bothers you but it's probably not your heart
186.489 -> Which is what we're always worried about
189.019 -> if you have a pain that is a shooting pain or like an electrical shock or it's like oh
195.579 -> I just had a it was just for a second and it went from here to here or here to here or here to here
199.4 -> Doesn't matter from where to where but if it's a shooting quick pain like that
202.879 -> That's virtually never a problem or anything to worry about
206.53 -> Okay, and there so those are the ones if you had and we all had those from time to time
210.699 -> I just had one just in it's nothing to worry about. Don't worry about that unless it
215.09 -> Continues and gets worse than of course. See your doctor. Now. Let's talk about the types of chest pain
220.419 -> You should worry about these can these can be a big deal. These can be life endures. And so you have to take these seriously
228.199 -> Yes, even you women who are busy trying to do chores for you or whatever
233.06 -> You got to take these things. Seriously. These are not something you can ignore safely. So if you have chest pain
240.259 -> With shortness of breath and so any chest pain you're like, yeah
244.359 -> I'm also out of breath or you know, usually I can take this flight of stairs, and it's no big deal
249.669 -> But now I have this discomfort this pressure and I'm more short of breath now
254.259 -> I mean immediate you got to go see the doctor that could be bad that could be your heart or some heart lung combination
260.69 -> Don't wait. So your doctor
262.729 -> Next is if you have chest pain
265.219 -> That you also have swear in your ankles in your feet in your legs
270.4 -> It's like I yeah, I don't know my chest has been even vaguely uncomfortable and I have all this swelling in my feet now
278.12 -> Immediately go to the doctor right now
279.83 -> That's that's hard until proven. Otherwise
282.039 -> And so chest pain was shortness of breath or chest pain with new swelling and your feet and ankles and legs
288.74 -> All bets are off go to the emergency department and get checked out. Okay
293.479 -> now what if it's just
295.19 -> the chest pain typically that we worry about is if you have a a
300.74 -> Squeezing pain or pressure like an elephant sitting on my chest or it feels like somebody's got me in a bear hug
307.639 -> And I can't get a deep breath and I really feel pressure and tightness in my chest
311.96 -> That's the classic engine chest pain that doctors worry about
317.6 -> don't hesitate go see the doctor right then if you have that tightness or that pressure, and that's kind of the
324.53 -> Universal sign of this like, I don't know it just like something to go to the emergency room
329.44 -> You need to see a doctor for that and it may turn out not to be your heart
332.93 -> But for that kind of pain, you're a dummy if you don't go to the emergency department, okay?
338.59 -> And now let me tell you this you may not know this about me
340.99 -> But but for the first few years of my practice, I was an emergency room physician
345.55 -> I took care of all comers at the local emergency room. And so I was the guy and so never feel like you're going to
354.02 -> Inconvenience the emergency department staff the doctor there or you're gonna embarrass
358.46 -> Yourself if you are of appropriate age and you haven't been here 12 times and you're you're 12 years old
365.86 -> We're not gonna be upset with you if you come to the emergency department
369.349 -> With chest pain. No, I don't work in the emergency department anymore, but I can tell you from my experience
374.84 -> Never did we get upset with somebody?
377.21 -> Who came to the emergency department with chest pain of any kind because we know that's very scary and we know that has to be
384.08 -> ruled out that it's not something serious, so don't
387.26 -> Worry about what the nurse is gonna say or the doctor is gonna think none of that crap
391.909 -> Matters, if you're having chest pain that worries you go to the emergency department
396.889 -> Okay. Now the next one is if the if the chest pain gets worse with exercising when I say exercise. I don't mean
404.6 -> You know running on the treadmill at full speed
406.97 -> I
407.75 -> mean that
408.86 -> If you're having chest pain that usually you carry your little bag of groceries up one flight of steps and you don't have any problem
414.73 -> Now that causes chest pain that's a problem. That's a red flag
418.18 -> You need to see your doctor ASAP
419.96 -> If you if you're like, you know just walk across the street now and I have this pressure
424.7 -> You need chest pain that gets worse with walking with taking a flight of steps with exercise. That is
431.75 -> angina or stable angina until proven otherwise and you know the way to prove otherwise is to go see
437.93 -> The emergency physician or your regular doctor ASAP and get that checked out
443.12 -> If you had and so we already talked about the aching and the crampy deep kind of pain
448.91 -> Chest pain that can kill you almost never is a sharp shooting pain or just a sharp
454.7 -> Short-term pain it's a deep
456.77 -> Visceral ache and so that's the kind of pain that you should really be worried about now with the two exceptions
463.22 -> One is if you're a diabetic
466.37 -> all bets are off because
468.92 -> One of the things that diabetes does is it causes neuropathy and now diabetics know what neuropathy and their feet feels like it's that numb
476.15 -> tingly ant crawling up your sock
480.41 -> Discomfort but you can also have neuropathy and these nerves as well
483.89 -> And so you might very well not have any of the classic Fred Sanford Oh Elizabeth
489.82 -> I'm coming to join you you might not have any of that at all and I'll tell you one example
495.53 -> Years ago working in the emergency department
497.83 -> I had a little lady come in who's a severe and controlled diabetic and she came in because she couldn't stop throwing up she had
504.86 -> Severe nausea and vomiting. That was her only
509.57 -> symptom and she wound up having a massive heart attack and we didn't save her and
516.26 -> so she had waited hours before she came in but if she had known that as a diabetic if you have any
523.58 -> Discomfort from your nose to your navel all the way out to your fingers
529.73 -> Anything in from the nose to the navel if you have discomfort
534.38 -> You're a diabetic
536.04 -> Especially an uncontrolled diabetic or a newly diagnosed diabetic a diabetic who's not eating the ketogenic way of eating
543.54 -> You got to go to the emergency department to make sure that's okay
547.28 -> And so just remember my little lady that came in with nausea and vomiting and now is no longer with us
552.84 -> because of the severe heart attacks
554.87 -> She was having the other
556.59 -> Group or class of people who really all bets are off if you have discomfort between the nose and the navel is women
564.03 -> Women don't have that classic middle of the chest
568.29 -> Substernal chest pain women can have shoulder pain they can have upper belly pain
573.78 -> they could have any of these kinds of pains and
577.08 -> It'd be a heart attack and that doesn't mean every pain you have is a heart attack
581.18 -> It just means that you can have weird pains and I'll tell you a story from the emergency department
586.01 -> I had a sweet little lady come in when late one night
589.89 -> She couldn't sleep because her shoulder was killing her and she was very stoic the lady. She was not a complainer at all
596.36 -> She'd never been to the emergency department before and so
600.33 -> She had no injury to his shoulder
601.89 -> but she so convinced me that she had a rotator cuff problem in her shoulder that actually
608.01 -> injected her shoulder to try to give her some relief so she could go home and get some sleep and after 20 minutes she said
613.19 -> No, it's no better. It's still killing me at that point
616.55 -> I as a young ER physician said, you know, maybe we should get a chest x-ray on this lady
621.51 -> She was having a heart attack. And so
624.18 -> Thankfully we didn't dally too long and we were able to get her to the cardiologist and she's still with us today
630.51 -> But as a young ER doc I missed it
632.75 -> She totally convinced me that it was her shoulder
634.64 -> And actually when I first suggested it an EKG, she said oh, I don't need that. It's not my heart. It's my shoulder
641.22 -> But it was her heart and so ladies out there if you have any discomfort
646.65 -> Between your nose and your navel that bothers you
650.1 -> You need an EKG. You need to go see your doctor
652.73 -> You need to go to the emergency department if it's severe enough to make sure you don't have a heart problem
659.25 -> So that's really chest pain in a nutshell
663.05 -> I hope this has helped but let me end this video again by saying if your having any discomfort in your chest
670.1 -> That's getting worse that you're not sure what's going on
673.94 -> You need to go see your doctor
675.18 -> Okay
675.86 -> I personally suffered from from reflux for years and I can tell you personally it is very very severe and
683.22 -> Remember how I talked about we're not wired the same in our chest as we are in our fingers
688.35 -> It can it can hurt here and it'd be several different things
692.15 -> But if it's hurting here, then it's severe you need to see your doctor because you need something diagnosed. Okay?
698.61 -> Now if you enjoyed this video and you think that you know, someone who might enjoy this, please share this video
704.52 -> You can really help me to help lots of other people by sharing this video on any of your social media on Twitter on Instagram
711.83 -> On Facebook that helps me help lots of other people. Alright, this is dr. Barry. I'll see you next time