Stroke Exercises for Arm & Hand with Little to No Strength-for Home
Stroke Exercises for Arm & Hand with Little to No Strength-for Home
“Famous” Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp \u0026 Brad Heineck demonstrate stroke exercises you can do in your own home for the arm and hand that has little to no strength.
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0 -> top is bad the 203 this is a good day
5.33 -> [Music]
8.429 -> hi folks I'm Bob Shrum physical
10.53 -> therapist Brad handy physical we have
12.36 -> the most famous physical therapist on
13.74 -> internet and I'll opinion of course all
15.33 -> right I want to show some stroke
17.039 -> exercises you can do today for someone
19.14 -> who you know their arm was involved and
22.02 -> they have virtually no strength at all
24.24 -> or very little strength okay so it can
27.81 -> hardly move it just minimally a penny
30.72 -> right so where are our end goal here
33 -> Brad but you know after you've had a
34.469 -> stroke there's often two ways in which
36.93 -> you get returned one there's swelling in
39.27 -> the brain right after the stroke if
40.62 -> there's been an assault on the brain as
42.93 -> that swelling goes down you get some
44.85 -> returns sure but the other thing is
46.68 -> you're trying to train other parts of
48.3 -> the brain to help out and take over they
50.64 -> call it developing other pathways right
53.07 -> we are not going to get into the details
55.41 -> of that it's pretty complicated but your
57.059 -> brain can learn and train and retrain
59.82 -> itself so to speak and other and what we
62.1 -> have found that helps the most is
64.11 -> repetition sure and also seeing results
66.9 -> I mean we want people to start making
69.119 -> that connection so we want to you know
71.189 -> give them something to shoot for and
73.4 -> give them a win right eclis right so
76.53 -> you're at all when you see progress you
78.479 -> know it promotes more progress and you
80.939 -> know you feel better about things and
82.439 -> just life is better now the return after
84.9 -> stroke tends to be that you tend to get
87.39 -> the return what we call proximal to
89.52 -> distal which means the shoulder the
92.549 -> shoulder muscles tend to come back
94.409 -> before the fingers in the hands or so
97.079 -> we're going to start working on the
98.46 -> muscles of the shoulder first and then
99.93 -> we'll work down into the hand here and
102.09 -> the end goal that we're trying to reach
104.159 -> Brad is we're trying to going to be able
106.829 -> to do this simple task where we turn you
109.47 -> know you're bringing the shoulder
110.729 -> forward like this turning it out and
112.799 -> reaching forward to something so like if
114.84 -> you're going to grab a glass of water or
116.579 -> grab some sure this is the functional
118.71 -> movement we're shooting for very basic
121.17 -> but like I said very functional
123.24 -> something that you can do that it helps
125.46 -> a lot okay that's going to take a lot of
127.38 -> work one of the things again why we want
130.679 -> you to make sure that your concentrate
132.21 -> now doing the movement all with this arm
134.16 -> and not helping with the other arm is
135.69 -> because you need to establish those
137.58 -> pathways
138.42 -> there's even you know there's research
140.31 -> that showed that you remember the old
142.08 -> constraint induced where you constrain
144.3 -> this one bar right so you actually make
147.6 -> it so you can't use your good arm and so
149.55 -> you have to use the bad arm and that
151.59 -> there's been some success with that
153.06 -> because you are forcing yourself to make
155.25 -> those paths right before we going
157.44 -> further bred real quickly if you're new
159.3 -> to our Channel please take a second to
160.68 -> subscribe to us we provide you with lots
163.14 -> of helpful videos like this on how to
164.73 -> stay healthy pain-free and fit and help
167.4 -> you after tragedies like this exactly
169.74 -> right and we upload every day wrap the
171.9 -> subscribe button probably right there
173.49 -> sometimes it's up there alright the
175.08 -> first one Brad we're going to work on a
176.46 -> lot of times the problem is people the
178.8 -> arm too gets to tend to start to tighten
181.02 -> up like this
181.74 -> we want to stay out of this pattern as
183.45 -> much as Popeye so one thing we're going
185.97 -> to work on is we're going to start
187.02 -> working on moving the shoulder forward
189.21 -> and back like this okay and we don't
191.52 -> want to do it with the arm you know bent
193.65 -> like this so you can just take a piece
195.57 -> of cardboard like this or a box and you
197.79 -> slide your arm in there and now this is
200.43 -> all taken out of you know I also worry
202.89 -> about this part that's not all support
204.51 -> it your arm straight then you don't have
206.04 -> to think about that you know and you
208.05 -> know you probably they can use a box
209.91 -> like that in the therapy world we have
211.59 -> some other device yeah we have air Flint
213.78 -> right once you put that on Brad while
215.52 -> you're and I'll show you how to your
216.84 -> head I just took a peanut butter jar
218.79 -> here I typed taped a little type taped a
222.27 -> little straw to this and so now I went
224.94 -> with me and a good posture and in this
226.59 -> position I can just work on and see I
228.87 -> can watch the straw and it takes very
231.78 -> little moving on now I'm not using my
233.37 -> whole body to do this I'm just using my
235.68 -> shoulder so you get a cue mint or you
238.35 -> just use in this shoulder now if someone
241.08 -> has no movement in their arm whatsoever
243 -> and and you started and they work on
245.76 -> this one else and I start seeing that
247.26 -> move right there it's a big deal right
249.36 -> it started you know what all right arm
251.1 -> there is some hope I can move it exactly
253.44 -> you can do it on with that Brad again I
255.6 -> would like to see that you're maybe
257.04 -> turned a little bit like this Steven
258.66 -> here and that's what I had my hand in
260.52 -> here I had it thumb up like
262.57 -> this right that's how you're going to
264.1 -> want to eventually be for granted I
265.48 -> don't want it flat down like this yeah
267.1 -> so again you can see the straw you can
269.65 -> put the straw at 12 o'clock and see try
272.05 -> to get it to 3 o'clock or try to get it
274.27 -> to 1 o'clock you know so this seems so
276.76 -> easy but if you've had a stroke little
279.88 -> motions like this can take all the
281.95 -> effort they have at that point of time
283.59 -> next one Brad so let's say that one's
286.09 -> working in here oh you can do hundreds
288.1 -> and 200 a repetition of it once you get
291.31 -> them all over and you have to keep
292.78 -> working now we're going to work on
294.25 -> getting the because in order to grab
296.83 -> something you got to bring their arm
297.97 -> with what we call external rotation out
299.8 -> this way you want to give me that ball
301.21 -> Brad in the orange ball so what we've
305.35 -> taken is we've taken a just a regular
308.08 -> plastic cup and we've taped it on top to
310.87 -> a ball and you're going to put your arm
312.73 -> up on here and now I can just work on
315.27 -> turning my arm this way working it into
318.43 -> an external rotation to get started
321.64 -> birth birth or a family member may have
323.68 -> to help you hold this well you can hold
325.69 -> it with your good arm but I mean the
327.55 -> hand around here all right
329.29 -> on the grip you have so we have to
331.84 -> understand you may have to make some
333.25 -> kind of compensations to do this or if
335.65 -> it's too tall maybe you go lower right
339.06 -> right I mean this ball might be a little
341.83 -> bit big for this table or put a little
343.87 -> more surface because this would look a
345.37 -> lot better to me then right I'm more
347.53 -> functional because here I'm pretty high
349.57 -> but those are adjustments you have good
352.45 -> judgment you'll make good tape a straw
354.19 -> up there and the same thing you could
356.32 -> never go take the straw off there and
359.47 -> again I'm going to try to go to two
361.3 -> o'clock you know here's 12 o'clock
364.06 -> here's 2 o'clock and I'm just going to
365.53 -> work on it and again when you if you
367.87 -> haven't been able to do this and you
369.55 -> start seeing that oh you know what I can
371.38 -> move my shoulder a little bit this is a
373.54 -> big deal and you might think well why do
375.58 -> you need to take a straw there are a lot
377.38 -> of times with strokes that are severe
379.3 -> vision is impaired too or they have
381.31 -> neglect and when you have the more
383.62 -> obvious it is to make a bit more
385.87 -> feedback now we are a bigger ball with
388.06 -> this on to Brad that we did the same
390.19 -> thing if you have one of the big physio
391.99 -> balls some people might have it there
394.39 -> apartment and this is one too that you
398.05 -> you might not even need a table then you
399.85 -> can put it on the floor and you can work
401.86 -> like this and we work on I'm going there
405.07 -> sure again we have the straw there's a
406.93 -> little bit of visual feed right all
409.3 -> right next one Brad is we're going to
410.77 -> work on flexion and this is going
413.74 -> forward so we got two devices here that
417.43 -> we could possibly use for that one we
419.35 -> just have a good old board here Brad's
422.89 -> going to put a peanut butter back
424.69 -> together here and so I understood and
429.13 -> I'd like to tape a cup again here if you
431.38 -> tape the cup and you I don't would be
433.84 -> terrible to take somebody's fingers
435.16 -> around there I don't know well if
437.23 -> there's slipping off you know you better
439.15 -> use you know some elastic banding or
442.36 -> whatever you do want to help you may
443.8 -> just hold to get started you know and
446.35 -> again you know the idea here is that
448.24 -> again we're at 12 o'clock try to move
451.09 -> the board to to you know the straw to
452.89 -> two o'clock and there it's very clear to
455.47 -> see that motion and again doesn't take
458.32 -> much movement to do this and and again
461.29 -> you can do hundreds of repetitions of
463.51 -> this because you want to start making
464.74 -> that connection right over and over and
467.32 -> over again get those pathways
468.55 -> established in the nervous system
470.11 -> alright Brad well we got to put a little
472.12 -> plug in for our device that we've made
473.74 -> and that's actually quite often used
475.69 -> with me replacement patients it's called
477.97 -> the knee glide and we invented this and
480.51 -> we thought you know what you can also
482.47 -> use it for this so you could tape a cup
484.63 -> to this and you can put your your roll
488.62 -> on there and the same thing you could
490.57 -> just you know this slides very easily so
493.99 -> you can work on doing some flexion with
495.82 -> this shoulder screw right by also
497.74 -> working on this all right we got an up
500.56 -> on being putting the up position our it
502.72 -> is possible that if you put it in this
504.34 -> locate you know on the flat position it
506.74 -> may or might be higher here or might be
508.21 -> harder depending on the person so again
511.41 -> fifty hundred two hundred repetitions of
514.12 -> this trying to get this starting to get
515.71 -> some flexion sure so well wow that was a
520.54 -> nice size and that neat thing I like
523.599 -> about this is even in the therapy world
526.92 -> you
527.99 -> can just use simple things like the
529.339 -> balls a cup and you can do this at home
531.589 -> we've got a lot of people watching that
533.6 -> either don't have insurance or they
535.31 -> cannot access a therapist or the
537.74 -> hospital or clinic do these things at
539.99 -> home they're not complicated they can
541.79 -> work all we're going to work on the land
543.11 -> and yet the final one we're going to do
545.06 -> is the hand read when you're working on
548.39 -> the fingers of the hand and I'll go up
550.13 -> to the camera to show this Brad but what
552.44 -> you don't want to do the more that your
554.57 -> hand is over in this position in this
556.67 -> pattern it's going to want to flex write
558.74 -> the fingers naturally come together or
560.93 -> that you take it out of this pattern the
562.7 -> more easier just to open the fingers
564.68 -> it's just a little bodywork just wired
567.14 -> in what we call PMF patterns so you're
570.08 -> going to try to bring the arm out here
571.58 -> you know in that functional position
572.779 -> once you're out here and you're going to
574.49 -> work on and what I've done is I just
577.52 -> took a marker here I will so you can see
581.839 -> that line I just took a marker and it
585.29 -> just kind of gives you a visual aid you
587.779 -> know when that line is moving again
589.61 -> somebody that might have not the great
590.959 -> vision you know in your hand is going to
592.97 -> be like this and I want you just to work
595.22 -> on seeing that line and straining that
597.62 -> line out it's bent here try to
599.75 -> straighten the line out very neatly
601.22 -> straight yep
602.27 -> gives you a visual goal to work on and
605.029 -> again little things like that can make a
607.22 -> big difference or may not sound like it
608.779 -> but it's that's why we do it the thing
611.75 -> is you can use your creativity here but
614 -> again you know we're working on in the
615.829 -> shoulder forward getting the shoulder
617.54 -> turned out and flexing the shoulder
620.06 -> keeping the hand up on this way so you
622.64 -> can work on even a pronation and
625.76 -> supination or mop the palm down yeah so
628.339 -> that would be another one Brad you can
629.57 -> put a straw here and you could work on
631.25 -> going like this and we could either mow
633.709 -> down the big where so I know this was
637.01 -> fast I know we just can't touched upon
638.54 -> these but I hope it kind of you know
639.92 -> generates your creativity so that you
641.66 -> can think about other ways you can work
643.31 -> on just trying to get a little bit right
644.959 -> you know you might see one or two things
646.459 -> here to give you some ideas that rules
648.41 -> into a whole other progress area for
651.38 -> your so good ideas Bob do work out well
654.89 -> thanks for watching
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoR9H9zuJPY