Heart attack (myocardial infarction) interventions and treatment | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

Heart attack (myocardial infarction) interventions and treatment | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

Heart attack (myocardial infarction) interventions and treatment | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

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1.573 -> - In addition to treatment with medications
3.856 -> after a heart attack,
5.445 -> as part of your overall treatment,
7.407 -> you might also have some procedures done.
9.614 -> And these range from smaller interventional procedures
13.11 -> to big open heart surgeries.
15.413 -> Generally these are reserved
16.754 -> for patients with STEMIs,
18.482 -> ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarcts
20.821 -> The more serious type of Infarct.
23.471 -> But they can be done for patients with NSTEMIs,
26.013 -> Non ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarcts, as well,
29.217 -> if they're not responding
30.367 -> to treatment with medication alone,
32.813 -> or if they have a lot of risk factors
34.848 -> for bad coronary vessel disease.
37.455 -> So, once you've been given some medications
39.689 -> to deal with your myocardial infarct,
42.29 -> the first thing that happens,
43.613 -> from a interventional point of view,
45.25 -> is you'll get a coronary angiogram done.
47.979 -> Which is where an interventional cardiologist,
50.974 -> a specialized heart doctor,
52.692 -> will take a sort of unique type of x-ray
55.793 -> of your heart's blood vessels.
58.367 -> And normally on a normal x-ray
60.609 -> you can't really see people's blood vessels,
63.056 -> so in an angiogram, the cardiologist will inject
66.274 -> a special type of dye into the patient's circulation.
70.524 -> And that dye will help the cardiologist
72.846 -> to really see the blood vessels of the heart
75.029 -> really clearly.
76.53 -> So, coronary angiograms are to check
78.673 -> how badly, and also where your coronary arteries
81.786 -> are blocked or narrowed.
83.985 -> And depending on how the bad the clogging is
86.208 -> inside the coronary arteries,
88.031 -> the cardiologists will then make a recommendation
90.771 -> for what procedure that you need to go on to next
93.538 -> to fix the underlying problem with your heart.
96.06 -> So, this is what a coronary angiogram looks like.
99.726 -> You can see, it's really a cool, sort of, dynamic picture.
103.17 -> You can get a real-time look
104.609 -> at how healthy the person's coronary arteries are.
107.853 -> So, yes, these are blood vessels
109.788 -> and this is actually the outline of the heart here.
113.015 -> In this coronary artery here,
114.401 -> there's a pretty severe blockage,
116.159 -> a pretty severe narrowing of this coronary artery.
119.504 -> And over here on the right, it's resolved,
122.187 -> it's opened up.
123.649 -> And that's after treatment.
125.746 -> So depending on how bad the clogging is
128.304 -> inside a given person's coronary arteries,
131.589 -> the cardiologist will then go on
133.342 -> to make a recommendation
134.805 -> for what procedure to move on to next
137.231 -> to fix the underlying problem with someone's heart.
141.088 -> So, let's actually have a look
142.218 -> at a few of these procedures.
143.965 -> Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, or PCI,
147.749 -> is where a doctor will insert a catheter.
150.247 -> So, here I'm drawing a catheter now,
151.964 -> this purple thing.
153.391 -> So this is actually a wire-like tube
156.109 -> that a doctor will thread into your femoral artery,
159.348 -> or actually sometimes some other arteries,
161.147 -> but usually the femoral artery.
163.271 -> So, he'll thread it into your artery,
164.804 -> sort of put it into your artery,
166.348 -> and thread it up to your heart
167.962 -> and into your coronary vessels.
170.15 -> Which, as it probably sounds like,
171.921 -> it takes a lot of skill and knowledge to do this.
175.098 -> And depending on what they find in your coronary vessels,
177.609 -> depending on how bad the blockage in your vessels is,
180.187 -> they'll either just do something called an angioplasty,
182.984 -> which is where they blow a balloon up,
184.969 -> that's on the end of the catheter.
186.491 -> So, there's a balloon on the end of the catheter
188.441 -> and when they blow it up,
189.729 -> it sort of opens up the blockage,
191.482 -> pushes all that atherosclerotic plaque aside,
194.645 -> and allows blood through again.
196.683 -> Or they'll do an angioplasty,
199.063 -> so what we saw here,
200.225 -> and insert a stent,
202.302 -> which is a tough, mesh-like cylinder
205.066 -> made out of metal,
206.459 -> that gets left behind in your coronary vessel
209.272 -> to prop it open.
210.469 -> So that's PCI, that's Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
214.225 -> Either just angioplasty,
216.06 -> so opening up a clogged artery with a balloon
219.519 -> by using a catheter with a balloon on the end,
221.887 -> or by doing angioplasty, so the ballooning technique,
225.567 -> plus inserting a stent and leaving it
227.577 -> in there long-term.
228.769 -> So, i.e., forever, right, indefinitely.
230.951 -> So, that's PCI.
232.799 -> Now, the next sort of grade up,
237.143 -> in terms of interventions,
238.64 -> is Coronary Bypass Grafts.
241.284 -> So, this one is really a whole different ball game.
243.724 -> This is an open heart surgery.
245.919 -> So, let me clear off some space here.
247.404 -> Let me clear off some room here.
248.742 -> Because now this is the big time.
252.154 -> So, here I'll draw in some more coronary arteries here.
255.005 -> And the reason I'm drawing more on,
256.998 -> is because I just want to show you that
259.285 -> Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts,
261.271 -> or cabbage, as the acronym sort of
264.513 -> allows us to pronounce it, cabbage,
267.156 -> is really only done in patients
269.131 -> who have really severe coronary artery disease.
272.035 -> And so by severe coronary artery disease I mean
274.831 -> if they have pretty significant plaques built up
278.255 -> in at least three of their coronary vessels.
280.56 -> And we call this condition triple vessel disease.
283.362 -> And so you can just kind of imagine that
285.593 -> if somebody has triple vessel disease
287.729 -> it's really not going to be easy for them
289.678 -> to get oxygen, say, from their coronary artery up here,
294.185 -> right, down to this part of the heart down here
296.499 -> because there's this huge blockage in the way.
299.364 -> And that's the same sort of thing goes
302.148 -> for this plaque and this plaque right here.
305.949 -> So, in the situation like this,
307.546 -> you've got huge areas of heart,
309.752 -> so basically all of this area of heart
311.853 -> that this vessel supplies,
313.673 -> actually it supplies more than that
314.952 -> but I won't bother drawing it in,
316.758 -> and, you know, all of this area of heart
319.608 -> and all of this area of heart,
321.314 -> that's essentially being deprived of oxygen.
325.399 -> So, we have to do something about that.
326.933 -> That's really, really serious.
328.512 -> So, what happens?
329.349 -> What happens in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting?
332.639 -> Well, just as the name suggests, bypassing,
335.954 -> we take blood vessels from elsewhere in the body
339.38 -> and use them to bypass the atherosclerotic plaque.
343.547 -> So, I'll draw some on here
344.708 -> to show you exactly what I mean.
346.036 -> And I'll actually use pink to draw
347.889 -> on the new blood vessels.
349.909 -> So a blood vessel might be sort of attached on here
352.568 -> before the plaque,
354.774 -> and then sort of used to re-route blood
357.292 -> around the plaque,
358.381 -> so it'd be obviously attached again
360.67 -> on the other side, after the plaque.
362.897 -> And by doing this, you can restore blood flow
365.825 -> to that affected area that I sort of highlighted before,
369.096 -> that wasn't getting much oxygen at all.
371.549 -> And so the same sort of procedure will happen
373.812 -> with the rest of your blocked vessels.
375.47 -> And, let me just say, that I'm not drawing it
377.342 -> exactly how it's done in theater, in the operating theater,
380.523 -> but this is really the general idea of what happens.
383.692 -> So, just for interest's sake, blood vessels are
385.507 -> usually taken from three main places.
388.596 -> So, on the inside of your rib cage.
390.91 -> So, what I'm drawing now is on the inside,
393.189 -> not on the outside, on the inside of your rib cage,
395.581 -> there's one that's really popular
397.508 -> for use in bypass graft.
399.351 -> That's called your internal mammary artery
401.607 -> and there's one on each side.
403.96 -> In the forearm, you've got a good one.
405.689 -> So, in the forearm you've got a radial artery.
408.72 -> And on your inner leg and thigh,
410.768 -> you've got another one,
411.969 -> a vein, called the great saphenous vein.
416.231 -> And, again, just to reiterate,
417.64 -> the purpose of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
420.394 -> is to re-route blood around plaques.
423.718 -> So, the blood can get to the heat muscle
425.174 -> where it's needed.
426.351 -> So this is a really cool surgery.
427.648 -> I mean it sounds super complex and difficult
430.255 -> and it really is.
432.092 -> But I remember the first time I scrubbed
433.764 -> into one of these procedures,
435.166 -> and the whole time I was really just amazed
436.864 -> at the skill and the composure of the surgeons
439.074 -> who were doing it.
440.27 -> They're really well trained.
441.316 -> So the rate of complications is low.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLtFP6t99yo