Adapting your home after stroke
Adapting your home after stroke
0 -> [Music]
6.64 -> many stroke survivors
8.32 -> are able to return to their own home
10.719 -> after their stroke
12.24 -> but their home may now need aids and
14.799 -> adaptations to help them live
16.56 -> independently i did return home
20.24 -> after my stroke yes i wanted to be at
23.68 -> home
24.32 -> i expected to go back to to my cottage
27.439 -> it was a nice cottage a 200 year old
29.84 -> cottage
30.96 -> this cottage was exactly what i wanted
33.76 -> to stay in
36.8 -> so the um
40.16 -> social services people said no you can't
43.2 -> go back to your cottage
45.039 -> unless you have all these different
49.68 -> things done to it the kitchen just
52.879 -> was not friendly enough to massachusetts
59.12 -> as it was one i couldn't
62.8 -> reach things if i wanted them
67.68 -> right um everything was like
71.28 -> down below fridge was down below
75.84 -> and it was just no good
78.96 -> if you know that your home needs changes
81.52 -> and adaptations
83.119 -> do talk to an occupational therapist or
86.08 -> a physiotherapist
87.68 -> because they will be able to visit your
89.52 -> home with you
91.2 -> and make an assessment of your needs
93.68 -> they sent two people out to assess my
96.32 -> home
98.84 -> and they came back with
101.56 -> recommendations and then they uh
104.399 -> arranged for for the workmen to come and
108 -> do it
108.799 -> my my kitchen now
111.84 -> every drawer is soft
114.96 -> closed i've got units where
118.56 -> shelves pull out and there's all the
122 -> tins
123.04 -> stacked now i can
126.479 -> move around the kitchen even with my
129.679 -> stroller
131.2 -> an occupational therapist can work with
134.239 -> you
134.72 -> and your family in making your home a
137.76 -> safer and easier place to live in
140.16 -> now you've had a stroke they can provide
143.12 -> small pieces of equipment
145.04 -> which will help you live independently
148.56 -> the typical changes that are made to
150.72 -> someone's home
152.319 -> are ramps for example if you're in a
154.959 -> wheelchair
156.16 -> and you can't manage the steps they
158.16 -> might be able to put a ramp in for you
161.04 -> they may be able to put to grab rails
163.68 -> around the home
165.2 -> or seating over the bath which will help
168.64 -> you
169.2 -> get in and out of the bath so lots of
172.16 -> small
172.879 -> adaptations they might provide a commode
175.84 -> for example
176.879 -> if you're not able to manage the stairs
179.12 -> in the initial
180.319 -> stages when you return home after your
182.56 -> stroke
183.519 -> so then upstairs they said oh yes well
187.36 -> you'll need a
188.879 -> a special fitting to the side of your
191.12 -> bed well i've got
192.48 -> a full poster bed you see so with this
195.76 -> fitting
196.64 -> at the side of the bed so that i could
199.2 -> pull myself up in bed
201.36 -> the other thing was
204.4 -> being upstairs and the toilet being down
208.72 -> here he here at
214.319 -> i couldn't get down
217.68 -> here i'd have accidents and i was having
221.76 -> lots of
222.56 -> accidents through that
225.599 -> and that ad falls as well
230.319 -> because there's nothing to hold
233.92 -> on to you
237.599 -> and so we add a shower room
241.12 -> to upstairs with everything
245.36 -> easy to touch i can
248.64 -> lift the tap with my little finger
252.319 -> and the shower is easy to turn on
257.6 -> so and the toilet is
260.959 -> higher so i don't have to struggle
264.639 -> getting
265.36 -> up off it it's
268.88 -> a proper high toilet
272.639 -> many county councils can provide small
275.759 -> changes to your home free of charge
278.88 -> sometimes they can provide equipment up
281.199 -> to the cost of a thousand pounds
284.08 -> unfortunately anything over that you
286.8 -> would have to fund yourself
289.28 -> the local council has what's called a
291.52 -> disabled facilities grant
293.919 -> and that can help you make larger
295.84 -> adaptations
297.28 -> such as a shower room for example
300.4 -> or there may be charities that can help
303.12 -> you
303.44 -> by giving you a grant to make the
305.68 -> adaptations
306.88 -> to suit your needs
310.479 -> i didn't have to pay for any of the
312.56 -> changes that were
314 -> done to my home it was done by the
319.12 -> council i believe through
323.12 -> nhs they seem to sort of share a lot of
326.479 -> different
327.919 -> activities like that i suppose it's
329.919 -> social services isn't it
332.96 -> the alterations to my bathroom i got
336.16 -> grant for because it was an old cottage
340.08 -> and i was upgrading it they did it very
343.28 -> efficiently i paid for a new toilet
346.88 -> and basin and i think i played
350.32 -> for the flooring as well in the bathroom
353.44 -> because that bit wasn't it wasn't in
355.919 -> their mandate
359.52 -> go to the local council
363.039 -> for improvements
366.24 -> in your home like ramps
369.919 -> rails if your kitchen's not friendly
374.479 -> if you've not got an upstairs toilet
378.24 -> and you need one go
382 -> to your local council adult
385.12 -> section if you're unsure
388.24 -> about the changes that you need you
390.56 -> could always contact your local county
392.479 -> council
393.44 -> and ask them if a social worker could
395.759 -> come and visit you
397.12 -> an occupational therapist can help you
400.08 -> you could call
400.96 -> the stroke helpline and we could
402.8 -> signpost you
404.08 -> to local and national organizations who
406.88 -> may also be able to assist you
408.88 -> with making these decisions
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhx3wqeoWvY