Continence problems after a stroke
Continence problems after a stroke
1.63 -> [Music]
7.04 -> continence problems can develop after a
9.36 -> stroke
10.4 -> and this may affect someone's bladder
13.2 -> bowel
14 -> or both i have very minor
17.359 -> bladder incontinence um
20.56 -> mainly the problem with there is it's
23.279 -> that if i need to go to the toilet
25.039 -> then i have if as soon as i get the urge
27.84 -> to go to the toilet i need to go
29.279 -> otherwise i won't make it to the toilet
30.96 -> and i suffer with stress incontinence as
32.88 -> well and
34.079 -> following the stroke and but the biggest
36.88 -> issue i have is
37.92 -> my bowel went to sleep my life i had
41.44 -> slight problems before the stroke but
44 -> after the stroke
45.039 -> um the large bowel completely went to
48.559 -> sleep
49.44 -> so i i had to
52.879 -> have in the end bowel surgery and i now
56.96 -> have an early ostomy of stoma
59.76 -> well when i first had my stroke it was
61.92 -> it was just um
63.359 -> an urgency thing not being able to get
66.64 -> to the toilet in time because obviously
69.68 -> my um mobility was restricted so i
73.84 -> couldn't run
75.2 -> bowel incontinence is put down to
79.4 -> diverticulitis and
82.64 -> so something to do with my digestive
85.119 -> system
86.32 -> obviously if i caught a cold or i had a
88.08 -> cough or i sneezed
89.759 -> that's obviously when the stress
91.92 -> incontinence kicks in
93.92 -> approximately half of stroke survivors
97.52 -> will have bladder problems and a third
100.24 -> of stroke survivors
101.36 -> will have bowel problems initially after
104.32 -> their stroke
105.759 -> to start off i was quite embarrassed
109.52 -> i do get embarrassed sometimes with the
111.439 -> bladder incontinence
113.2 -> but with the bowel problem um
117.68 -> it was a case of i had to learn to
121.84 -> to cope with that
125.28 -> i did obviously having problems quite as
128.239 -> severe as i had
129.679 -> i was under the hospital but the
131.84 -> embarrassment soon went
134.64 -> and there's a lot i've had a lot of
135.84 -> support to work around that so
139.52 -> now it's just the bladder incontinence
142.319 -> that just cause some
143.2 -> embarrassment at times when people
144.56 -> you're out and people don't understand
147.04 -> so i always used to have to wear tenor
150.08 -> ladies basically
152.8 -> and very often it has happened to me
156.16 -> before
156.879 -> that i was sitting on somebody's city
158.72 -> and i had a coffin fit
160.64 -> and i left a wet patch on their seti
163.28 -> which is
164.72 -> absolutely dreadful i don't have a
167.599 -> problem at night
169.519 -> but after time during the morning
173.12 -> i get an urgent feeling and sometimes i
176.319 -> don't get to the toilet quickly enough
179.04 -> but on other times if i'm sitting in the
181.84 -> chair like this and i
183.68 -> happen to fall asleep i wake up having
188.4 -> dribbled a bit and depending on where i
191.76 -> am
192.72 -> the the thickness of the pad of course
196.159 -> matters
197.12 -> continence problems can develop after a
199.519 -> stroke for a number of reasons
201.92 -> it may be that the area of the brain
204.48 -> that controls our bladder and bowel is
206.64 -> affected
207.92 -> it may be due to medication
211.12 -> it may be that someone is lying in bed
214.08 -> for a long time
215.28 -> and they become constipated or it may be
218.319 -> that someone has communication problems
220.56 -> after a stroke
221.84 -> and they're not able to tell someone
223.76 -> that they need to go to the toilet
226.159 -> you have to talk about it in the end
229.04 -> because
229.44 -> you know you want something done about
230.879 -> it but it is very embarrassing
233.84 -> and inconvenient as well well i have to
236.959 -> make sure
237.76 -> when i go out that i've got a pad
240.64 -> available in
241.76 -> in my bag if i need to change
245.519 -> and thinking it also about when you're
248.319 -> visiting other people you need to
250.4 -> change your pad it's really difficult to
253.76 -> know
254.08 -> where to put the the dirty one
258.16 -> and sometimes people's little bins
261.6 -> are very small and you can hardly stuff
265.52 -> it in your handbag
268.24 -> so that that can be a bit of a problem
271.28 -> if you're having continence problems do
274.4 -> talk to your family about it do talk to
277.52 -> your gp
279.28 -> don't be embarrassed and don't not
282.32 -> talk to someone your gp may be able to
285.84 -> refer you to a specialist service
288.16 -> that can help you overcome this the
290.8 -> challenges was
291.68 -> trying not to wet myself when i coughed
293.52 -> or sneezed or laughed
295.68 -> so you know i tried not to
299.04 -> cough too much but of course if you've
300.639 -> had a cold and a cough there's nothing
301.919 -> you can do about it
303.199 -> and i like to laugh so but
306.24 -> how did i overcome them by wearing tenon
308.16 -> ladies
309.759 -> when you're out in the public is finding
313.039 -> enough disabled toilets
314.4 -> that's one of the challenges if you go
316.56 -> to a group
318.24 -> then you'll find that you're not the
320.32 -> only one within that group there are
321.68 -> other group members that have the same
323.199 -> problems and
324.16 -> issues that you have yourself but the
326.4 -> main i would say the main port of call
327.919 -> is your gp
329.44 -> because my if you have a good gp like
331.44 -> i've got
332.639 -> then they're the ones that can either
336.32 -> help you themselves or put you in
337.919 -> contact with the the correct people that
340.08 -> you need to see
341.28 -> well first of all go on the internet and
344.4 -> because there's quite a lot of help
346.24 -> on the internet and the way i discovered
349.84 -> turner lady was on the internet and also
352.72 -> advertising on tv we get a lot of course
356 -> of the helpline
356.88 -> from stroke survivors about continence
359.039 -> problems
360.4 -> you're not alone and there is someone
362.8 -> that you can talk to
364.4 -> there are specialist nurses there are
367 -> organizations
368.479 -> who manage and can talk to you about
370.8 -> this situation
372.479 -> so please don't be embarrassed do talk
375.52 -> to us on the helpline
377.039 -> your family or your gp
381.66 -> [Music]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0IQWwLSeW8