Attention au formol dans vos aliments! 5 conseils qui vous sauvera la vie

Attention au formol dans vos aliments! 5 conseils qui vous sauvera la vie

Attention au formol dans vos aliments! 5 conseils qui vous sauvera la vie

   / @aucoeurdubienetresuzanne  

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0 -> [Music] hello and welcome to this new video I'm very happy to have you again my
11.16 -> name is Suzanne for those who don't know me I hope you're doing well and even if it's not okay it's going to be
15.24 -> okay you're indeed on our YouTube channel at the heart of well-being today
20.22 -> we are going to talk about an element I believe that if you are watching this video today
26.22 -> I believe it is a grace for you in fact because in reality it is important
30.36 -> to know what we can poison ourselves on a daily basis, that is to say everyone with cases of
37.02 -> bizarre disease, bizarre strokes who follow me personally where I am talking to you it's
44.4 -> been a few months I had just lost my dad following a hemorrhagic stroke and you know
52.02 -> it's I believe that this information that I share with you this Youtube channel at the heart of
57.42 -> well-being is important so that things that happen more actually because it was
62.88 -> only lately in my research that I discovered that actually over 90% of the vast
70.92 -> majority of what is consumed in Africa here at home contains formalin [Music]
79.2 -> I I'm shocked I'm shocked you can't imagine how much it's due to digesting
88.98 -> I don't want we're not going to attract long to age we're going to come back
93.6 -> you said we're going we're going to slice we're going to say we have desire for the subject of the video
99.66 -> watch out for the format the format it's part of the family of formats, that is to say it's
105.96 -> a very wide variety you're going to see a woman who actually makes her cushion her
112.38 -> mad by putting sugar on it it already costs more than white sugar even in itself
119.46 -> contains formaldehyde ah Lord you know she prefers instead of putting sugar already than the
128.94 -> sugar itself by consuming sugar is not spared she prefers to put in the instead of sugar what
134.88 -> we generally call that is to say all that it's part of the families of the formatted others will
140.94 -> call it what they want sucrose of if of that to sweeten because in reality formalin has a
146.82 -> sweet taste in fact they are going to use the format to sweeten their sucrose I mean
153.3 -> consume them madly the very natural juices that we have added inside so that it is sucrose we say to
160.86 -> him and we add that inside to have good taste you will make for yourself at home
165.36 -> you will realize that despite all the efforts you have made you do not
168.96 -> taste exactly the same as what you buy at the market at the street vendor but in reality
175.98 -> it is very good it's when you go it's very delicious but in reality consuming formalin
185.88 -> it's serious it's serious I don't know because our governments don't control what it
193.26 -> comes in or else break everything I don't can't digest that yet and that's not
198.9 -> all in our food, that is to say you're going to homage you add bananas
205.2 -> a banana that has ripened a banana that is ripening a banana that is still with us put
211.26 -> formalin on the banana so that we don't rot quickly or we put cheese on the banana, that is to say
216.84 -> there is so much variety of these products which come from the family of formalities that we
221.22 -> put on our food either on the banana so that it does not ripen quickly so that we can
224.64 -> have time to sell it either so that we can the banana so that it can ripen very
229.8 -> quickly because what is more expensive than what does not is not ripe that has already ripened naturally
236.04 -> so that it doesn't rot oh my God what are we going to do to be spared
242.34 -> and that's not all you add salads to the market you think you are in the process of
246.96 -> feeding you well but we put products from the formalism family so that the raw vegetables
253.02 -> remain, that is to say I'm going to take a simple example I'm going to recount downright look at
260.22 -> this it's a plant of pain for example [Music] and look it's going to go to the
266.4 -> sale market for example it arrives at the market is it the shore it does not flow all its
271.86 -> merchandise today tomorrow it will be faded and customers will no longer want to buy
277.86 -> in this what is she doing what is she doing she just has the product there we are going to call back
281.76 -> all that formaldehyde eh the products from the family there are many formalities
287.76 -> she adds formaldehyde she will go and sell the first day she will always be incapable like that
294.06 -> in the evening she has not finished pouring her goods her vegetables it may not be whatever it could
299.04 -> be carrots it could be cucumber it could be parsley it could be salads it could be
304.98 -> cabbage it could be the the the what what else okra I said everything we eat
311.52 -> every day we say no we're eating well she's going to put some formalin
317.28 -> she's going to sell her 3 days it'll still be intact it'll be green you're going to go see another Kia
322.98 -> which is natural because it's already faded a bit she hasn't had time to sell everything you're
328.62 -> not going you're going to buy what you see it's still fresh whereas when
334.68 -> it's poison that you're buying it's not is not all you go to the butcher there
340.8 -> is no sector where we are spared you go to the butcher outright you arrive at the
345.54 -> butcher you see stuffed up there there are too many flies in front of his meat and you are
350.88 -> not interested in all that you say ah there are too many flies over there that one has no flies in front of his
355.02 -> counter he is clean you are going to add the one which you do not see any flies yet there
361.98 -> are no flies on his meat because he put the cheese on his meat so that it does
367.26 -> n't just rot quickly so that he has time to completely drain the meat
373.2 -> that's just serious that's just very very very serious you're going to buy you're
380.04 -> going to go home at home you will eat cheese every day after we will say that
385.14 -> the hope becomes in Africa is very very low because all that we consume in
390.36 -> fact is everything is all the conditions are met so that we can be poisoned every day to
395.28 -> day that's not all let's come back now to the case of the drinks you're going to say yes I'm going to
401.82 -> go buy the natural cushions the crazy ones the bissap juice yes I already know that she
408.12 -> may or may not have put some but a large majority a doctor to be able to get away with it
412.44 -> to make it cheap you're going to say ok I'm going I'm going to buy the soft drinks or the
417.36 -> juices or the beer and everything the vast majority the vast majority of everything we we consume
423.9 -> in Africa whether it's beer beer so let's not talk about it anymore let's not talk about it anymore it's serious
429.72 -> counterfeit drinks there you see whiskey the wind all that ah it's serious
437.58 -> when I'm even aware it doesn't even have to be a counterfeit to have this poison, in fact,
443.04 -> everything comes together can make you cheap it's business it's business that's
447.84 -> why it's really important to be aware of all our different poisons
454.56 -> to be able to avoid as best we can because often it's by avoiding not even falling into
461.7 -> the real poison but the best thing is to know it to be aware of this so that
470.28 -> when I can imagine how harmful the consumption of formalin is for your health it is harmful
476.88 -> and serious again the consequences are always long term he said you are consuming there now
484.38 -> you go the resentments you are going to have are the elements that cannot even attract
490.08 -> your be careful you're going to believe that no ah lately i've been feeling too tired i have to
495.78 -> in the morning i wake up tired i'm doing this i feel the knee there which hurts i feel the back i feel i
503.7 -> have the device lately I smell I don't sleep well I have this I have hemorrhoids I have
510.12 -> constipation I have this I have bloating I have vomiting I have migraines all the
515.64 -> time I was the health problem I have the bladder I have hypertension I have diabetes I am so
521.64 -> for young people they are going to have problems already a young person like that who is really not
526.08 -> virile he will not know how it started but yet you go see someone like that
531.72 -> who is downright sterile you're going to say but he was born sterile what was going on there's
537.48 -> not only that there's everyone elements that I wouldn't even dare to pronounce this chain
541.5 -> Youtube at the heart of well-being because it is these people who decide who will poison
547.32 -> are very powerful and if we are going to come and unpack everything eh we talk what we land you what
553.86 -> we are a tenth eh I would really like to be able to tell you really really everything but
561.24 -> every day give us a little courage to go a little further because
564.18 -> I should have gone to watch the video I told you about the cube with which we poison ourselves
570.42 -> every day at the daily you know you give us the strength the courage to always carry out
574.86 -> the investigations to always come up with the best natural homemade remedies the
578.52 -> best health advice that will help you take better care of your well-being 100% natural
582.6 -> and really really above all especially when you're ignorant of a number of things you've been told I
591.72 -> still can't digest you know it's so sad to see how bad it is
598.68 -> and that's not all it's not only in these elements, that is to say we put the cheese on the
603.24 -> corpse so that the corpse does not rot quickly and it is even for me there we put in
608.82 -> the meat so that it does not rot and we come to us sell we put in our raw vegetables
613.02 -> we put in our salads we put in all the elements that we consume on a daily basis and
617.4 -> that's not all by force we say to ourselves yes I'm going to eat bushmeat game to
624.66 -> avoid maybe to go to the butcher that he put the format on the meat but what we are
629.7 -> spared they do the same they put some so that if today and tomorrow they couldn't
634.92 -> sell everything that he can always have good merchandise to sell and that's because
640.14 -> if it already rots they won't be able to sell anymore they prefer to put formalin to keep so
645.66 -> that eh because generally the customer will say no I don't want what comes out of the freezer because
649.62 -> that's not true they're going to put cheese on it to keep it fresh for you
654.6 -> it's still it's still it's anyway
659.58 -> the family here is what you think in the comments
662.16 -> and these are to say see you very soon in a next video but in any case it's serious
669.48 -> it's serious I'm thinking because I want to tell you something else but
675.78 -> I tell myself for this video today I'm stopping like this and we may come back
679.44 -> in a future video with other ingredients other elements that we
684.78 -> dissuade you that it's good that's what is good for your health but in reality [Applause]
691.2 -> take care see you soon take care of yourself
694.74 -> [Applause]
