8 Reasons for High Blood Pressure | Hypertension Prevention and Control Tips| Swami Mukundananda

8 Reasons for High Blood Pressure | Hypertension Prevention and Control Tips| Swami Mukundananda

8 Reasons for High Blood Pressure | Hypertension Prevention and Control Tips| Swami Mukundananda

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Understand 8 reasons for high blood pressure and tips for high blood pressure prevention and cure from Swami Mukundananda. As Swamiji graciously explains in this video, the heart is a muscle that pumps blood around the body. The pumping of blood creates pressure. Blood pressure is the amount of force exerted against the walls of the arteries as blood flows through them. If a person has high blood pressure, it means that the walls of the arteries are receiving too much pressure on a constant basis. High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. In the United States, according to the American Heart Association (AHA), about 1 in every 3 adults over 20 years of age have high blood pressure. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimate that about two-thirds of people over the age of 65 in the U.S. have high blood pressure.
Some of the reasons for high blood pressure are
1) Age.
2) Family history.
3) Weight.
4) Smoking.
5) Alcohol intake.
6) Physical inactivity.
7) Mental stress.
8) Diabetes.

Also, Swamiji says that exercise/aerobics/Yoga help combat Diabetes, but we should never over strain during these physical activities.

Watch this beautiful illustration which demonstrates the do’s and don’ts of High Blood Pressure, explained by Swami Mukundananda:
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Swami Mukundananda authored the book on “Science of Healthy Diet”, get your copy now, visit:

Also, if you are interested in Yoga then this book is for you - “Yoga for Body, Mind \u0026 Soul” , visit:

About Swami Mukundananda:

Swami Mukundananda is a renowned spiritual leader, philosopher, visionary, author, and humanitarian. He is the founder of the yogic system called “JKYog.” Swamiji is a unique sanyasi (in the renounced order of life), with distinguished degrees in Engineering and Management from two world famous Institutes in India, IIT and IIM. He is a senior disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj.

Swamiji’s enlightening discourses clarify the deepest concepts of the Vedic scriptures with wit, humor, and perfect logic. Along with his discourses, he teaches the comprehensive system “Yoga for the body, Mind and Soul”. For the youth, Swamiji has conducted programs at prestigious universities such as Princeton, Stanford, Yale, MIT, Duke and Kellogg School of Management. He has been invited to speak at various Fortune 500 companies like Google, Oracle, Intel, etc. For children, he has established a special personality development program, called “Bal-Mukund Character Building Program.”

He has inspired millions of people around the world on the path of spirituality, holistic health, yoga, meditation, service to society, and God-realization. Swamiji’s warmth and humility touch all those who have had the fortune to have his association.

For full profile, visit:

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14.88 -> the heart is a muscle that pumps blood around the body the pumping of blood
24.27 -> creates pressure blood pressure is the amount of force exerted against the
32.59 -> walls of the arteries as the blood flows through them if a person has high blood
41.14 -> pressure it means that the walls of the arteries are receiving too much pressure
48.909 -> on a constant basis high blood pressure is also known as
55.62 -> hypertension in the United States according to the American Heart
63.58 -> Association about one in every three adults over 20 years of age has high
72.79 -> blood pressure the National Institute of Health
77.14 -> estimates that about two-thirds of people over the age of 65 in USA have
85.6 -> high blood pressure some of the reasons for high BP are first age the older you
97.99 -> are the higher your risk of having high BP to family history if you have close
108.939 -> family members with hypertension your chances of development are significantly
116.709 -> higher 3 weight overweight people are more likely to develop high BP compared
128.769 -> to people of normal weight for smoking smoking reduces the blood oxygen content
140.25 -> so the heart has to pump faster in order to compensate causing a rise and bb5
152.01 -> alcohol intake people who drink regularly have high systolic blood
159.01 -> pressure compared to those who do not researchers have found that systolic
167.29 -> blood pressure levels are about seven millimeters of mercury
173.26 -> higher in people who drink compared to those who do not
179.65 -> number six physical inactivity lack of exercise as well as having a sedentary
188.45 -> lifestyle raises the risk of hypertension 7th mental stress
198.159 -> especially if it continues over a long term it can have a serious impact on
207.23 -> blood pressure eight diabetes people with diabetes are at a higher risk of
217.34 -> developing hypertension there could be many other causes such as weak kidneys
226.629 -> that stopped removing waste and extra fluid from the blood now treating it if
238.03 -> hypertension is left untreated or uncontrolled it can cause many health
245.479 -> problems these conditions include heart failure vision loss stroke and kidney
255.889 -> problems
258.4 -> let me suggest to you some tips for lowering the blood pressure over the
267.47 -> years research reveals that several habit and lifestyle changes can greatly
275.419 -> increase your odds of preventing high blood pressure and maintaining a healthy
281.74 -> blood pressure range these include 1 reduce your weight and
290.38 -> watch your baseline weight loss is one of the most effective lifestyle changes
299.69 -> for controlling BP losing even a small amount of weight if you are overweight
306.86 -> or obese can help reduce your BP tremendously besides shedding pounds you
316.61 -> should also keep an eye on your waistline carrying too much weight
323.539 -> around your face can put you at a greater risk of high blood pressure to
333.22 -> exercise regularly regular physical activity about 30 minutes a day six days
342.74 -> a week can lower your BP by about five to eight mmm some examples of aerobic
351.889 -> exercises you may try to lower your BP include yoga walking jogging cycling
363.22 -> swimming you can also try the Sun Salutations or
369.889 -> Surya Namaskar do a few rounds until your heart is pumping hard and then take
377.84 -> a break again do a few rounds and take a break you can repeat this in cycles this
385.819 -> is the yogic way of high-intensity interval training which involves
394.189 -> alternating short bursts of intense activity with subsequent recovery
400.159 -> periods of lighter activity antigravity yoga CIL's that result in
408.74 -> strength training can also help reduce blood pressure three Iza on salt it's a
420.11 -> prime offender in raising blood pressure check your food labels to see how much
427.76 -> you're getting seventy five percent of your sodium intake comes from eating out
434.99 -> of packaged foods so keep your diet as unprocessed as possible consuming less
444.02 -> things that come in packages avoiding takeout restaurant food and really
451.37 -> limiting fast food so cook more at home cooking at home is an important part of
462.74 -> lowering your BP making your homemade meals from fresh nutrient-dense foods
471.62 -> helps you lower your sodium and sugar intake while boosting your intake of
478.22 -> powerful BP lowering nutrients like potassium antioxidants and fiber for
489.04 -> increase fiber consumption consuming plenty of fiber has been shown
497.12 -> to help prevent hypertension plus it can manage our appetite and avoid the blood
506.18 -> sugar rollercoaster that results in cravings fatigue poor digestion and
513.909 -> various health problems fiber is found in nearly all unprocessed plant foods so
523.729 -> eating fresh vegetables aids in lowering your BP
531.089 -> five quick alcohol drinking alcohol can raise your blood pressure by several
540.269 -> points it can also reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure
546.35 -> medications six quit smoking each cigarette you smoke increases your BP
556.649 -> for many minutes after you finish stopping smoking helps your blood
563.339 -> pressure return to normal quitting smoking can reduce your risk of
569.819 -> heart disease and improve your overall health 7 reduce your stress
577.91 -> chronic stress may contribute to high blood pressure lowering your stress
584.97 -> helps keep your BP normal try mind-body exercises like yoga and Tai Chi listen
595.499 -> to or create calming music and if you wish to go deeper into the topic of
604.769 -> stress management do hear my video on this topic eight sitting in the Sun can
613.769 -> boost feel-good chemicals called endorphins and lower your blood pressure
619.589 -> in the next episode I will go into the details of what to eat to help reduce
627.99 -> your blood pressure
640.63 -> you
660.22 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXE9ZuSs0Q0