20 mins Yoga for Heart Diseases| Yoga from Home |

20 mins Yoga for Heart Diseases| Yoga from Home |

20 mins Yoga for Heart Diseases| Yoga from Home |

If you need more help on heart problem, we have wonderful program designed called Yoga therapy for heart diseases. Contact us at [email protected].

Cardiovascular diseases/Heart diseases are taking estimated 17.9 million lives globally every year which make it to the top.
CVD group of diseases related to heart and blood vessels includes coronary heart diseases, hypertension, high blood pressure, blocked blood vessels and stroke.
Raised blood pressure, glucose, lipids, obesity and overweight shows the risk of Individuals for CVD. Sometimes it does not get diagnosed until one has heart attack, angina, stroke or heart failure.

Follow these yoga techniques to follow healthy lifestyle.

🎤 About Archana Amlapure :
Archana Amlapure, a health \u0026 wellness coach and a Yoga teacher ,Yoga therapist and also founder of Ojas Yoga and wellness.
She has set herself on a mission to spread the knowledge about best ways to practice a healthy, happy and joyful life. She believes that Yoga is the most comprehensive way to achieve a perfect balance between all aspects of health like physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Having worked in corporate life for 12+ years, she has an acute sense of problems the corporate lifestyle can lead people to and hence her approach to solving those is very practical and result oriented. She has helped many individuals across all age groups and genders to achieve the true sense of mindfulness and stability which as per her philosophy, is the ultimate way of leading a successful life.
She is passionate to contribute to the online community through her YouTube videos.

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1.92 -> hello everyone this is our China yoga and  wellness trainer and health coach so today  
26.04 -> in this video I'm gonna take you through a short  sequence which is a perfect sequence which is very  
31.89 -> good for heart diseases heart problem high blood  pressure and so on there are various reasons for  
39.72 -> hypertension high blood pressure and stress is  one of the major reason so this yoga sequence  
49.41 -> helps to release stress bring that blood flow  to your heart to your lungs improves the blood  
56.58 -> circulation helps to reduce cholesterol and comes  down your mind so this is a perfect sequence to  
65.07 -> do it for heart-related problems hypertension  and so on and keep doing it regularly and you  
74.16 -> will see the change so let's begin so we start  with loosening first so sit comfortably stretch  
83.49 -> arms forward come inside and let's do the wrist  rotation and when we do this it has direct effect  
91.89 -> on your heart so when you are doing this focus  on your breathing so inhale and exhale with all  
99.06 -> mindful awareness to the action to your breathing  and go for about five to ten rotation each side
114.11 -> okay now from here let's work on shoulders  so bring your palms on your shoulder when you  
120.08 -> inhale elbows goes up exhale down and continue so  this is helping to improve and open up your lungs  
127.43 -> brings that blood flow and blood circulation  three four and five now Center it and do it  
142.34 -> from the back one two three four and five good  so this sequence is not only good for people  
157.79 -> who have who have hypertension and all heart  related problems but to avoid those problems  
166.25 -> you can also follow this sequence it's very  good okay now next one just sit comfortably  
172.88 -> again keeping back straight it's a part of a toxin  so bring your palms at this side fingertips on the  
178.94 -> mat now as inhale with all mindful breathing and  movement bring your palms together and exhale down
189.53 -> inhale
196.46 -> exhale one more than me and just hold your so once  you're here just give a good stretch to your arms  
209.03 -> and your back and shoulder and hold about ten  counts and when you're many when you're holding  
216.71 -> that should be normal breathing again focus on  your breath feel free to close your eyes when  
222.65 -> you hold this pose her as exhale slowly bring  your arms down so if you can observe you feel  
229.67 -> your lungs are getting open and improves the  blood circulation now next one is hands stretch  
238.13 -> breathing so stretch your arms forward and when  you inhale your palms together when you inhale  
243.59 -> slowly open up your chest your arms goes away from  each other exhale together inhale again now with  
256.37 -> all mindful breathing focusing on your breath  and hang an exhale and you can go about five  
266.69 -> to ten wraps and relax so this all the sequence  as we are bringing that focus to mind body and  
276.56 -> read it activates a sympathetic nervous system  helps to relax in my mind on your body okay next  
284.81 -> one come on your knees so your knees about hip  distance apart on your pants wrist and shoulder  
293.51 -> in one line now when you exhale completely round  your back and bring your chin to chest inhale arch
305.18 -> exhale down the back inhale arch
315.34 -> hey Marjorie Arsenal cotton towel ready and come  to Center okay again you can go up to turn up so  
327.61 -> it again helps to release that pressure tension  from your upper back helps to release the stress  
333.85 -> okay now from you're sitting in which lesson so  you can just drop your palms behind your back  
341.14 -> okay and now just push your chest forward and  just keep breathing for this pose about ten to  
350.92 -> fifteen seconds and see how your lungs are  getting open it helps to improve breathing
364.41 -> thank slowly come to Center and relax so all  the sequence is not only good to relieve stress  
371.91 -> and anxiety it also helps to release cholesterol  helps to reduce cholesterol and that is another  
378.3 -> reason of getting that blockages in arteries  and so on okay so again now next one just come  
387.15 -> on standing position feet apart okay this is  three corners and willing so stretch your arms  
394.17 -> at a shoulder level do it in again use that  mindfulness keep a redness to your breath  
399.42 -> and exhale on your right inhale Center exhale  left you can go about five to seven rounds here
415.88 -> and you can hold this pose at the end about  five cups with read a normal reading five  
425.18 -> four three two and one now come to Center  and on your left and hold for five four  
436.22 -> three two and one okay bring your arms  down feet together and relax now coming  
447.74 -> to sitting position again so here stretch  your legs forward and bend your right knee  
455.18 -> bring your right heel close to your left hip  left heel close to your right so we are going  
461.09 -> into go moccasin stretch Goma Carson force but  if you're not able to sit in this position you  
466.94 -> can simply sit in cross leg position okay now  your stretch your left arm up bend your elbow  
476.57 -> take your thumbs on back and collapse your  fingers behind your back now if you're not  
482.45 -> able to get this collapse you can use toggle or  belt to hold and get the claps okay now again  
489.53 -> hold with normal breathing five you can hold  up to 30 second here four three two and one
502.76 -> so this helps to open your thorax region and  against improves the blood circulation and when  
510.92 -> there is a good amount of blood circulation helps  to open up your nerves which gets constricted due  
518.09 -> to constant stress and so on okay so let's slip it  from other side now change stretch your right arm
530.22 -> and hold with again mindful breathing normal  breathing okay you can hold about so when if  
542.97 -> you're doing with the video on just posit  hold for few more few more seconds and then  
549.6 -> move on now come on your stomach we  going for bridging gas and breathing  
555.27 -> so here I feet together bring the pants  on the side of your time hips so I hope  
564.12 -> your chest and when you inhale slowly come  up until your navel exhale down inhale up
580.68 -> exhale down inhale and for  y'all about five to ten cups
594.06 -> so all these poses are focused on opening  up the lungs and improves the blood flow  
602.76 -> to your heart okay now let's go for  say to bundys on breathing so here  
612.12 -> bend your knees knees hip distance apart  bring your palms at the side at the close  
617.55 -> of your heels and when you inhale  lift your hips up higher exhale down
625.11 -> inhale up and try to go as much as you can  again feel that opening up blood in blood  
637.14 -> flowing to your heart to your face to your  brain okay that's how it helps to release  
643.98 -> stress and anxiety continuing let's  hold last round about 10 to 20 seconds
659.96 -> and slowly come to Center and relax now after  doing this whole sequence just you need to rest  
667.58 -> in shavasana social relaxation is very very  important that is one of the best the active  
676.25 -> relaxation you are aware but you are relaxing  your whole mind and body that helps to relax  
682.43 -> your mind relax your body take you out of  the constant thought like feeling of over  
690.8 -> vent and stress so just take your relaxed  full focus on your breath relax completely
710.23 -> you can relax about two to three minutes here and  then slowly bring your feet together stretch your  
719.29 -> right arm over your head bend your knees and  now just turn on one side stay here whenever  
727.72 -> you feel ready from your slowly come to sitting  position okay so this poses are definitely very  
738.58 -> good to reduce those heart related problems that  it is also good to not get those problems so if  
748.75 -> you continue practice doing this you will be away  from all those heart related problems now there  
756.07 -> are very young people like about a age of 3040  they are also getting this heart diseases heart  
763 -> attack strokes and so on so it's very very  important that we work on our lifestyle to  
769.18 -> change our lifestyles sleep better so all these  poses and reading techniques help you to sleep  
775.24 -> better sleep is oh another important factor in  releasing all working on all these conditions  
785.05 -> so this is just a short sequence if you need to  if you want to work on more you want to work on  
791.8 -> focus take that therapy related hypertension feel  free to contact me we have a full sequence and it  
800.62 -> is very effective helped a lot of people okay  so let's move on to breathing technique plan I  
807.04 -> am which is a very very very important aspect  are to work and release hypertension so first  
815.14 -> one is nourish with deep runnin or alternate  nostril breathing so here your right thumb first  
823.54 -> two fingers Bend use your ring finger and thumb  to close your both nostril so left mom and chin  
831.73 -> mudra keep your back straight now close your left  nostril with ring finger inhale from your right
841.39 -> exhale left in her left
850.34 -> exhale right we go for two more rounds inhale  right exhale left inhale left exhale right
870.35 -> inhale right exhale left in  her left and exhale right
889.02 -> relax now I just showed few rounds about  three rounds but you can go about 12 to  
896.52 -> top to 27 rounds and make sure you do this  pronounce every day regularly you have to  
903.48 -> take out time from your busy schedule to work  on your health okay and this Branum has to  
910.5 -> activate your nervous system best breathing  technique to relieve stress and anxiety okay  
918.51 -> now next one will go for primary planning this  is again helps to release stress anxiety and it  
925.8 -> helps you to sleep better okay so here tip of  your tongue you touch it to your upper palate  
932.64 -> close your lips and as we exhale we just have  to produce more sound it's a drummer is male  
939.24 -> honeybees sound okay so in so just observe  hurons and do it along with me so inhale
961.61 -> and hail
978.51 -> and hey
994.76 -> again you can go up to 27 rounds 12 to 27 dots and  at the end of primary plan I'm just sits with your  
1007.27 -> breath sit in that mindful Street bringing all  your awareness to your breathing observing your  
1014.86 -> inhalation and exhalation try to observe that  stillness that inner peace in a start silence
1030.17 -> and now whenever you feel that is slowly  with few blinks open your eyes so I hope  
1037.61 -> you have enjoyed the sequence and this is our  best sequence to work on your heart problems  
1043.28 -> okay so make sure you take out some time from  your busy schedule to work on the sequence to  
1050 -> work on your mind body and your breath that is  the way to work on your lifestyle habits there  
1057.17 -> are certain habits which is affecting which is  creating causing a problem health problems so  
1062.84 -> work on try to bring awareness what you need  to change in your life just so that you can  
1069.35 -> bring that focus make a product to your health  as a priority so hope this you have hope this  
1078.2 -> whole sequence helps you I'm sure it will  help you and please have to share with your  
1084.11 -> friends family it might help someone okay so  at last try to work on your stress sleep better  
1093.74 -> drink enough water again that will help you to  work on these problems so look good feel good

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS7uNgsrlYA