Controlling and Preventing Heart Disease Risk Factors

Controlling and Preventing Heart Disease Risk Factors

Controlling and Preventing Heart Disease Risk Factors

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States. This video explains the two types of heart disease risk factors — ones that you can control and prevent and the ones that you can’t. It’s important to know the risk factors because having just one risk factor doubles your chance of developing heart disease.

This video is by The Heart Truth® — a program sponsored by NHLBI, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The program’s goal is to raise awareness about heart disease in women — the risks, the causes, and the ways women can keep their hearts healthy.

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0.03 ->
10.06 -> We know that if women take care of their hearts
12.4 -> and are aware of their risk,
13.73 -> they can reduce their chances
15.16 -> of developing coronary artery disease.
17.1 -> Some of the risk factors that you can control
19.26 -> are smoking,
20.33 -> high blood pressure, high cholesterol,
22.76 -> and high triglyceride levels,
24.76 -> diabetes and pre-diabetes,
26.36 -> being overweight or obese,
28 -> being physically inactive, or having metabolic syndrome.
31.36 -> The risk factors you can't control
33.13 -> include having a family history of early heart disease,
35.8 -> being over the age of 55,
37.63 -> or having had a history of preeclampsia.
40.46 -> Narrator: Heart health is important at all ages.
43.03 -> Having just one risk factor can double your chance
45.8 -> of developing heart disease.
47.33 -> Two risk factors can quadruple your risk,
49.7 -> while having three or more risk factors
51.93 -> increases your risk for heart disease more than tenfold.
55 -> Prevention is key.
57.53 -> Here are some steps you can take to improve your heart health:
60.66 -> don't smoke, and if you do, quit!
64 -> Aim for a healthy weight.
65.76 -> Overweight and obesity cause many preventable deaths.
69.43 -> Get moving!
70.8 -> Try for 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity a day.
74.66 -> Eat for heart health.
76.06 -> Choose a diet low in saturated fat, trans fat,
78.93 -> and cholesterol.
80.1 -> Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains
82.93 -> and fat-free or low-fat milk products.
85.36 -> Know your numbers.
86.53 -> Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure,
89.26 -> cholesterol, and blood glucose.
91.1 -> Work with your doctor to improve any numbers that are not normal.
94.76 -> Know your family's medical history.
97.63 -> Because The Heart Truth starts with you.
114.13 -> Brought to you by The US Department
115.73 -> of Health and Human Services,
117.13 -> National Institutes of Health,
118.73 -> National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
121.13 ->
