Pulmonary Hypertension: What you need to know
Pulmonary Hypertension: What you need to know
Learn about pulmonary hypertension risk factors, signs, symptoms, and the importance of not delaying care with Dr. Mrinalini Krishnan, advanced heart failure cardiologist.
Learn more about Dr. Kishnan: https://www.medstarhealth.org/doctor/…
2.879 -> hello and welcome to another live
4.64 -> broadcast with medstar health my name is
7.2 -> karen single and i'm joined today by
9.44 -> advanced heart failure cardiologist dr
12.08 -> marin milani krishnan today we're
14.96 -> discussing pulmonary hypertension and
17.119 -> the importance of not delaying care
19.92 -> although pulmonary hypertension or ph is
23.439 -> rare it is a serious condition where the
26.16 -> blood vessels that carry blood from your
28.32 -> heart to your lungs becomes hard and
31.359 -> narrow causing your heart to work harder
34.079 -> to pump the blood through
35.84 -> so today we'll talk about risk factors
39.04 -> symptoms diagnosis and treatment for
42.239 -> pulmonary hypertension so thank you for
45.28 -> joining us today give us a like let us
48 -> know you're watching share this
49.76 -> broadcast with your friends and family
51.92 -> and ask your questions in the comments
54.399 -> dr krishnan welcome and thank you for
56.559 -> joining us thank you so much so as you
59.52 -> know i'm dr mirnalini krishnan i'm an
61.92 -> advanced heart failure and transplant
63.76 -> cardiologist at medstar and i specialize
66.799 -> in caring for patients with pulmonary
68.72 -> hypertension and i see them both here at
71.2 -> union memorial in baltimore as well as
73.6 -> at washington hospital center in dc
76.08 -> so i've actually been a part of the
77.759 -> medstar team for about two years now
80.159 -> including my heart failure training in
81.759 -> dc
82.96 -> and prior to which i was actually
85.119 -> at the university of alabama at
86.64 -> birmingham specifically training in
88.56 -> pulmonary hypertension and heart failure
92.479 -> i'm also the educational chair for
95.28 -> cardiology here at medstar in baltimore
97.84 -> so i'm very passionate about teaching
99.6 -> whether it's my patients whether it's
101.36 -> medical students or residents junior
103.68 -> doctors or really whoever wants to learn
107.2 -> so as you know karen this is my second
109.84 -> facebook live so for those of you that
111.92 -> tuned in back in february we spoke about
114.96 -> covid19 and heart failure and so today
118 -> i'm really excited to talk about
119.52 -> pulmonary hypertension so thank you so
121.52 -> much for having me
123.119 -> of course thank you so much for joining
125.28 -> us and thank you for telling our viewers
127.28 -> about yourself and we're glad to have
129.2 -> you back so let's get into some
131.44 -> questions we have about pulmonary
133.44 -> hypertension let's just start with what
135.76 -> is it and what causes it
137.84 -> absolutely so pulmonary hypertension is
140.48 -> a medical condition that affects the
142.56 -> arteries or the blood vessels in your
144.72 -> lungs so pulmonary meaning lung and
147.92 -> hypertension meaning high pressure so
150.319 -> just like patients who have hypertension
152.4 -> or high pressure
153.76 -> these patients specifically have high
155.84 -> blood pressures in their lung arteries
158.879 -> so the way we think about it is all the
160.72 -> blood in our body comes back to the
162.56 -> right side of the heart and then goes
164.4 -> into your lungs and your lung arteries
166.64 -> and then into your lungs where oxygen
168.879 -> and carbon dioxide get exchanged and
171.2 -> then that blood with oxygen then goes to
173.12 -> the left side of the heart and then gets
174.879 -> pushed out to your body again so it's
176.8 -> kind of like a hose if you pinch down at
179.44 -> a certain part of a hose then you get
181.04 -> back pressure behind that point so these
183.76 -> patients will get high pressures or
186.159 -> pinching down in their lung arteries
188.8 -> which can then cause stretching or
190.64 -> strain and even lead to the failing of
193.84 -> the right side of the heart as a result
195.84 -> of
197.84 -> thank you that makes a lot of sense and
199.36 -> thank you for that analogy that helps
201.12 -> helps me to and our viewers i'm sure to
203.44 -> understand what it is
205.36 -> um so what are the symptoms that
207.2 -> indicate someone might have pulmonary
209.2 -> hypertension
210.64 -> so pulmonary hypertension is a little
212.56 -> bit tricky in the sense that some of the
214.4 -> symptoms people have overlap with a lot
216.879 -> of other medical conditions so people
218.799 -> might have trouble breathing especially
221.2 -> when they try to do certain activities
224 -> or they might even have fatigue or
226.159 -> tiredness so a lot of people as they get
228.799 -> older kind of just chalk that up to
230.48 -> getting older and they're not really
232.08 -> sure
232.959 -> but their stamina isn't there the way
234.959 -> that it was before and their breathing
236.799 -> really limits them from what they're
238.4 -> able to do and they're not able to do
240.159 -> the things they were able to do before
241.92 -> three months six months or a year before
244.879 -> when it leads to the point of having
246.959 -> right-sided heart failure as a result of
249.84 -> those high pressures then people can
252.08 -> start having swelling in their belly or
254.56 -> in their legs and more trouble breathing
257.199 -> so these are typically things that we
258.56 -> tell any of our heart failure patients
260.479 -> to look out for
263.36 -> thank you very much so it's really
265.28 -> important that our viewers understand
267.759 -> pulmonary hypertension because it can be
270.24 -> um confused with with other things that
272.639 -> are happening so thank you for that um
275.199 -> how is it diagnosed
277.44 -> so pulmonary hypertension is something
279.68 -> where if we suspect somebody has it
282.16 -> we'll typically start with a screening
284.16 -> test which is called an echocardiogram
286.4 -> or an ultrasound of your heart so we're
288.4 -> able to take pictures of the heart and
290.4 -> able to see if the heart is able to pump
292.56 -> the blood out to the body the other
294.88 -> thing these pictures will show us is if
296.96 -> there is a chance that there's high
298.72 -> pressures in the right side of the heart
300.72 -> or towards the lung arteries and it can
303.36 -> also show us the right side of the heart
304.88 -> and how well that is pumping and
306.4 -> squeezing and if that's been stretched
308.08 -> out over time so if we get an
310.479 -> echocardiogram and suspect that somebody
312.88 -> may have pulmonary hypertension the
315.44 -> definitive test to know if the pressures
317.6 -> truly are high is to go in the heart and
319.52 -> measure them so it's called a right
321.84 -> heart catheterization where we'll
323.68 -> typically go in a vein either in your
326.4 -> neck or in your groin with a plastic
328.88 -> catheter and we actually
330.96 -> lead that up and inside your heart and
333.12 -> measure the pressures in your heart and
335.039 -> up into those pulmonary arteries and
337.84 -> that test will also give us a good idea
339.759 -> if your heart is then able to get blood
341.919 -> around to your body like we were talking
343.919 -> about earlier
346.72 -> great that's that's very interesting
348.96 -> what are the
350 -> um different types of pulmonary
351.759 -> hypertension so there's a lot of things
354.08 -> that can cause pulmonary hypertension
356.24 -> and as a result pulmonary hypertension
358.319 -> has actually been broken down into five
360.8 -> categories so group one through group
364.24 -> five pulmonary hypertension
366.479 -> so group one refers to pulmonary
368.639 -> hypertension that is truly caused by an
371.52 -> issue with those arteries themselves
373.6 -> where the arteries have get have gotten
375.6 -> damaged over time with high pressures
378.16 -> and continue to cause those pressures to
380.479 -> keep rising so that's group one or
382.8 -> pulmonary arterial hypertension which
385.84 -> can sometimes be associated with things
388.08 -> like lupus or sarcoidosis or other
391.039 -> medical conditions that can lead to that
392.88 -> as well
394.4 -> or even hiv for example
396.8 -> group two pulmonary hypertension refers
399.36 -> to high pressures in the lung arteries
401.36 -> that's actually caused by the left side
403.759 -> of the heart so if you have left-sided
406.08 -> heart failure or any valve disease in
408.8 -> the left side of the heart that can
410.639 -> cause the back pressure to happen into
412.8 -> the lungs causing the pressures in the
414.319 -> lungs to be high so that's group two
416.24 -> pulmonary hypertension
418.08 -> group three pulmonary hypertension
420.24 -> refers to any lung disease or low oxygen
423.759 -> levels that can cause those pressures to
426 -> become high so that could be copd it
428.24 -> could be asthma it could be
430.24 -> sleep apnea any of those things that can
432.8 -> then cause the pressures in the lung
434.479 -> arteries to become high
436.479 -> group four pulmonary hypertension or
439.28 -> also called c-tef chronic thromboembolic
442.56 -> pulmonary hypertension refers to if you
444.479 -> have a blood clot in your lung arteries
447.599 -> and then over time that old blood clot
450.16 -> is causing a clog so your
452.16 -> blood is not able to get through there
453.919 -> and out to your body like it needs to
455.919 -> and that pressure builds up and causes
458.24 -> high pressures or pulmonary hypertension
460.319 -> group four and then group five is a
462.72 -> category that can be all sorts of other
464.479 -> things that may be contributing and
466.16 -> causing again with sarcoidosis as i had
468.16 -> mentioned earlier um so that's a tricky
470.72 -> one because it we typically will check
473.28 -> all sorts of blood work to look for
475.039 -> autoimmune meaning the body working
477.199 -> against itself type of conditions that
479.68 -> can cause pulmonary hypertension as well
483.44 -> okay thank you so five different types
485.919 -> when you're diagnosed with pulmonary
487.599 -> hypertension would you be
489.599 -> also told what type you have absolutely
492.96 -> because that's going to be critical when
494.639 -> we talk about how we treat that
496.319 -> pulmonary hypertension as well
498.72 -> great thank you i know we're going to be
500.16 -> talking about treatment a little bit
501.52 -> later
502.639 -> but in terms of who gets
505.52 -> pulmonary hypertension can you talk
507.44 -> about the difference between
509.919 -> adults and children can adults and
512.479 -> children get pulmonary hypertension or
514.8 -> is it only found in adults
517.12 -> yeah so that's a great question so
518.88 -> depending on the type of pulmonary
520.88 -> hypertension that somebody might have
523.2 -> typically the the types of patients that
525.04 -> i will see will be
526.56 -> adult uh patients that have pulmonary
528.959 -> hypertension and typically it tends to
530.72 -> be more common in female patients but if
534.08 -> somebody has lung disease that would
535.76 -> predispose them or if they have heart
537.36 -> disease that could predispose them so
539.04 -> those patients would be at a higher risk
540.64 -> of developing pulmonary hypertension as
542.48 -> well
543.36 -> there is a small subset of pulmonary
545.44 -> hypertension that's also genetic or
547.36 -> hereditary
548.48 -> so it can run in your family
550.88 -> and so that can be seen in younger
553.12 -> patients even in children
555.6 -> or if somebody has any
557.76 -> heart defects or lung defects that
559.76 -> they're born with so congenital defects
562.48 -> that can also cause pulmonary
564.32 -> hypertension in childhood as well
568.88 -> thank you very much there's a related
570.72 -> question from
572.399 -> our viewer
573.68 -> kyle
574.72 -> um
575.6 -> the the question is about
578.48 -> patients with
579.92 -> current cardiac conditions
582.08 -> um are they more
584.56 -> susceptible to
586.16 -> future pulmonary hypertension if they
588.8 -> have a current cardiac condition
591.2 -> yeah so that depends on what cardiac
593.519 -> condition they have so there's a lot of
595.76 -> cardiac conditions including blockages
597.839 -> in the heart arteries which is coronary
599.68 -> disease
600.72 -> or arrhythmias such as atrial
602.48 -> fibrillation things like that do not
604.48 -> necessarily have anything to do with the
606.399 -> pressures in the lung arteries
608.72 -> when i talk about heart conditions that
610.959 -> could be related to pulmonary
612.32 -> hypertension i'm referring back to that
614.72 -> group two pulmonary hypertension meaning
617.279 -> the left side of the heart causing back
619.92 -> pressure into the lung arteries and over
622.32 -> time those long arteries have remodeling
624.72 -> and it can get thicker and stiffer and
627.44 -> have high pressures so this is typically
629.92 -> left-sided heart failure typically in
632.8 -> patients that have heart failure where
634.399 -> their heart is stiff and not able to
636.24 -> relax to back uh to push the blood out
638.959 -> and then relax between each heartbeat or
641.839 -> sometimes if people have issues with the
644.16 -> heart valves on the left side of the
645.92 -> heart which is the mitral valve if it's
647.839 -> leaking and things like that that can
649.839 -> cause that back pressure to go back to
652.48 -> the lung arteries and cause the
653.76 -> pressures to be high so i wouldn't say
655.76 -> all cardiac conditions but there are
657.92 -> certain cardiac conditions that can
659.68 -> definitely lead to pulmonary
661.2 -> hypertension
664.399 -> thank you very much can you talk a
665.92 -> little bit more about who typically gets
668.399 -> ph are there certain people who are more
670.48 -> likely to develop that than others
673.279 -> yeah absolutely so there are certain
675.279 -> medical conditions which i alluded to
677.12 -> earlier that are associated with
679.36 -> pulmonary hypertension so there's
681.12 -> definitely certain autoimmune diseases
684.399 -> um as i mentioned lupus for example um
687.519 -> so patients with connective tissue
689.519 -> disorders those are
691.279 -> the patients that can be at higher risk
692.959 -> for developing pulmonary hypertension
698.16 -> thank you very much you talked earlier
700.32 -> about when we were talking about
702.72 -> the symptoms and how some people might
704.959 -> think that there's
706.32 -> um it's another health condition but can
708.959 -> you talk about
710.56 -> does pulmonary hypertension increase the
712.88 -> risk of developing other health
714.959 -> conditions or can it make an existing
717.2 -> condition worse
719.36 -> yeah so that's also a great question so
721.36 -> pulmonary hypertension is affecting your
723.839 -> lungs so as a result if you have any
725.839 -> other conditions that are affecting your
728.48 -> lungs then those kind of work against
730.399 -> each other and they work against your
731.839 -> body or or multiply the effects on your
734.48 -> body so anybody that has any other
736.72 -> pre-existing lung conditions pulmonary
739.279 -> hypertension can definitely make their
741.12 -> breathing or their
743.04 -> ability to do activities etc
745.6 -> a lot worse
747.279 -> the other
748.48 -> big thing that i always highlight to my
750.32 -> patients is anybody that's on oxygen
752.72 -> therapy it's extremely important that
756.24 -> patients maintain their oxygen levels at
758.639 -> an appropriate level typically over 90
761.12 -> or 92 percent
762.8 -> oxygen levels the reason being
765.44 -> our bodies are built so that if our body
768.8 -> senses low oxygen the compensation that
772.56 -> our body does is it actually creates
775.04 -> higher pressures in those lung arteries
777.6 -> so you can imagine if somebody has
779.2 -> pulmonary hypertension so they already
781.279 -> have high pressures in their lung
782.72 -> arteries
783.76 -> then if they have low oxygen levels
786.16 -> their brain tells their lung arteries to
788.72 -> clamp down even more which causes lower
791.839 -> oxygen which causes higher pressures and
794.24 -> then it's just this vicious cycle so we
796.32 -> never want to get into that situation so
798.639 -> we maintain those oxygen levels high
800.8 -> enough so they never get to the point
803.12 -> where they they kind of get spiraling
805.76 -> and have worsening of their hypoxia or
808.24 -> low oxygen levels or their breathing
811.68 -> thank you what about
813.2 -> covin 19 does
815.6 -> pulmonary hypertension increase your
817.519 -> risk for covin
819.36 -> that's a great question and it's a
820.8 -> conversation i have with all my patients
823.279 -> um so it's not to say necessarily that
826.32 -> having pulmonary hypertension would put
828.399 -> you at increased risk of developing the
830.8 -> covet infection
832.399 -> however what i tell all my patients is
834.88 -> they already have lung disease which
837.36 -> means if they were to contract covid
840.399 -> that will affect their body much more
842.639 -> severely than when they compare to
845.12 -> somebody that does not have any lung
847.279 -> disease or heart disease so i encourage
850.32 -> all my patients to be vaccinated double
853.12 -> vaccinated and when the time comes for
855.199 -> boosters i think that's going to be a
857.36 -> strong push to get boosters
859.92 -> for the vaccine as well for these
861.92 -> patients because god forbid they develop
864.48 -> covet infection they can get very sick
867.04 -> and unfortunately even with some of my
869.12 -> own patients they can end up in the icu
871.92 -> intubated and even die
875.12 -> right
876 -> thank you
877.76 -> so let's take a moment we have had some
879.839 -> additional viewers join us um wanted to
882.399 -> say welcome and thank you for joining us
884.959 -> we are talking today with advanced heart
887.36 -> failure cardiologist dr marin milani
890.639 -> krishnan and we're talking about
892.8 -> pulmonary hypertension so thank you for
895.6 -> all of your comments and questions so
897.279 -> far and if you have other questions for
899.36 -> dr krishnan please ask them in the
902 -> comments we've talked about
904 -> the causes the symptoms
906.56 -> diagnosis the different the five
908.399 -> different types
910.399 -> who gets pulmonary hypertension and um
914.399 -> is there an increased risk of developing
916.72 -> other health conditions but now i'd like
918.8 -> to
919.6 -> talk about treatment um which we uh
922.399 -> started
923.36 -> talking about a little bit or alluded to
926.48 -> the the first question i have for you is
928.639 -> what type of doctor treats pulmonary
931.04 -> hypertension
932.48 -> yeah so pulmonary hypertension is not a
934.959 -> common disease it's a very specific
937.44 -> specialized disease process and as a
939.759 -> result not every cardiologist or
942 -> pulmonologist out there
944.079 -> is comfortable or has the um the ability
947.36 -> to treat these patients so pulmonary
949.6 -> hypertension is typically treated by a
951.92 -> specialized cardiologist
954.639 -> or a specialized pulmonologist where
957.36 -> they have access to the specific
958.959 -> medications which we'll be talking about
960.88 -> shortly
962.079 -> and other
963.279 -> kind of things up their sleeves so to
964.88 -> speak in taking care of these very
966.639 -> specialized patients
970.56 -> thank you uh
972.16 -> how is pulmonary hypertension treated
974.16 -> are there and can you talk a little bit
975.759 -> about the medications used as well and
978 -> what they do
979.199 -> absolutely so this is a this is a big um
983.12 -> a big bag of things is how i would say
985.199 -> it the main thing about pulmonary
986.56 -> hypertension is you got to figure out
988.16 -> what's causing the pulmonary
989.68 -> hypertension and then as a result we
991.519 -> treat the thing that's causing it so if
993.6 -> somebody has group two pulmonary
995.36 -> hypertension caused by their heart the
997.759 -> left side of their heart then we manage
1000.24 -> that
1001.44 -> if somebody has group 3 pulmonary
1003.68 -> hypertension meaning it's caused by
1005.6 -> their lungs then we treat their copd or
1008.079 -> we treat their sleep apnea and we treat
1010.56 -> their low oxygen levels in order to
1013.199 -> lower those blood pressures in the lung
1015.12 -> arteries
1016.24 -> for the patients that have
1018 -> group four pulmonary hypertension um
1021.12 -> they might have blood clots that are in
1022.959 -> their lung arteries so we can even do
1025.76 -> surgeries where we actually go in and
1028 -> take out the clot that's sitting there
1030.319 -> in order to alleviate that pressure and
1033.199 -> bring the pressures down or even
1036.079 -> sometimes cure their pulmonary
1037.839 -> hypertension
1039.199 -> um and then in group five pulmonary
1042.319 -> hypertension we treat whatever the
1044.24 -> underlying causes can be for group one
1047.039 -> pulmonary hypertension which is
1048.64 -> pulmonary arterial hypertension that's
1051.76 -> the one that has very specific
1053.679 -> specialized medications for this
1056.96 -> for this medical process so um there's
1060.4 -> several categories three different
1062 -> categories of medications that we can
1063.679 -> use with the logic being that we're
1066 -> trying to alleviate that pressure or
1068.4 -> lower the pressure in the lung arteries
1070.559 -> so they're called vasodilators
1072.96 -> because they dilate those vessels the
1074.88 -> vaso um
1076.559 -> in your lungs specifically so sometimes
1079.28 -> um it's actually a funny conversation
1081.2 -> i'll have with my patients because one
1082.96 -> category are called phosphodiesterase
1085.28 -> inhibitors or commonly what people have
1087.28 -> heard of as viagra or cialis so peop my
1090.799 -> you know a lot of patients say doc
1092.4 -> you're going to give me viagra for my
1093.919 -> pulmonary hypertension
1095.6 -> but but that's what works so there's one
1098.4 -> category which would be either
1099.679 -> sultenophil or tadalaphyl which can help
1102.16 -> alleviate that pressure in the lung
1103.76 -> arteries there's another category of
1105.84 -> medications which is also oral
1107.52 -> medications which is masatentin um
1110.48 -> or bosentin for example
1112.64 -> and then um
1114.08 -> a third category of medication can
1116.16 -> actually come
1117.6 -> as pills as an inhaled type of
1120.48 -> medication or even continuous infusion
1123.919 -> either through an iv that we can put
1125.6 -> into their arm or subcutaneously through
1128.32 -> their skin so what we typically try to
1130.64 -> do is we try to come at it a few
1132.32 -> different ways because we've seen that
1134.4 -> when patients where we hesitate or we
1136.88 -> take longer to kind of build up the
1139.039 -> medications to treat this we see them
1141.28 -> developing right heart failure and and
1144.24 -> getting worse unfortunately so we try to
1147.28 -> come uh to treat the pulmonary arterial
1150.48 -> hypertension with one medication
1153.039 -> typically in each of these categories
1156.96 -> thank you what what happens if your
1159.76 -> pulmonary hypertension is left untreated
1162.799 -> yeah so um as i was mentioning one of
1165.2 -> the things is your oxygen levels
1167.44 -> typically tend to get lower which will
1169.36 -> then cause your pulmonary hypertension
1171.2 -> to get worse and then you kind of just
1172.799 -> spiral into
1174.32 -> right-sided heart failure
1176.48 -> so anytime when you leave these
1177.919 -> pressures untreated as i mentioned with
1179.919 -> our analogy earlier you're pinching down
1182.559 -> on that hose and if you continue to
1184.32 -> pinch down there's so much back pressure
1187.039 -> that the right side of the heart just
1188.24 -> can't handle it and people develop
1190.08 -> right-sided heart failure and can even
1192.16 -> die
1194.48 -> thank you that's that's why
1196.24 -> we want to educate um our viewers and
1199.12 -> hope that you all share
1200.799 -> this information with your friends and
1202.64 -> family because
1204.24 -> it is a serious condition and while it's
1207.039 -> rare we do want to make sure that you
1210 -> you you know what to look out for and
1211.919 -> what the risks are and make sure that
1213.84 -> you get treated for it and why you
1216.08 -> shouldn't delay that care um speaking of
1218.72 -> our viewers we have um some other
1221.039 -> questions for you from them
1223.28 -> um this one's from anna anna thank you
1225.36 -> for your question
1226.799 -> um she said i had a quad bypass eight
1230.24 -> years ago
1231.44 -> is this condition pertaining to me
1235.28 -> um so i'm guessing she's referring to a
1237.76 -> quadruple bypass surgery which is the
1240.159 -> coronary arteries meaning she had
1241.76 -> blockages and she had bypass surgery um
1244.32 -> so that would mean that she had coronary
1246.08 -> disease or heart blockages um and so
1248.88 -> typically that's not something that um
1252.24 -> that we see causing pulmonary
1254.24 -> hypertension
1255.679 -> um that being said
1257.679 -> i think um you know the big thing to do
1260.24 -> sorry
1261.2 -> it's okay um that being said the big
1263.679 -> thing to do is try to make sure that the
1265.2 -> left side of the heart is working
1267.2 -> properly because if the left side of the
1268.799 -> heart doesn't relax properly um then the
1273.2 -> that back pressure could cause high
1275.679 -> pressures in the lung arteries so not
1278.159 -> necessarily directly related to having a
1280.799 -> quadruple bypass surgery but if the
1283.2 -> heart pumping function and relaxing
1285.52 -> function
1286.72 -> is not normal that could potentially be
1290.24 -> causing some pulmonary hypertension
1293.44 -> thank you very much i have another
1295.44 -> question from rose
1297.52 -> rose asks
1298.96 -> can
1299.76 -> scarcoidosis
1301.44 -> have to do with this and can you um
1304.4 -> i know i'm not familiar with what scar
1306.96 -> coidosis is so there might be viewers
1309.52 -> that don't know either if you could
1311.679 -> address that and then answer rose's
1313.919 -> question
1315.12 -> absolutely so that's a really great
1316.88 -> question so sarcoidosis
1319.12 -> is a
1320 -> an infiltrative
1322.24 -> condition that can affect different
1323.52 -> parts of your
1324.96 -> heart for example
1326.559 -> but it's actually an inflammatory
1328.159 -> condition that can also affect your
1329.84 -> lungs and your lung arteries um so
1333.28 -> patients that have sarcoidosis
1336.08 -> again something that could also run in
1337.679 -> their families
1338.96 -> but what happens is different parts of
1340.96 -> their body will have inflammation and so
1343.52 -> if you have inflammation in the heart
1345.44 -> muscle itself that can cause
1348.08 -> infiltrative disease as we as i um
1350.48 -> mentioned earlier which can cause the
1352.08 -> heart muscle to not be able to work
1353.76 -> properly
1354.96 -> um
1356.08 -> if you have sarcoidosis in your lungs
1358.88 -> then that can affect your breathing and
1360.96 -> um and your ability um for your lungs to
1363.679 -> work properly so sarcoidosis can also
1366.799 -> directly also affect the lung arteries
1370.159 -> and can cause pulmonary hypertension so
1372.48 -> it's kind of that um that caveat to the
1375.36 -> categories of types of pulmonary
1377.039 -> hypertension as i was mentioning because
1378.559 -> sarcoidosis could truly be a group three
1381.6 -> where it's affecting the lungs it could
1383.28 -> be a group five where it's one of those
1385.36 -> kind of mixed bag other things that are
1387.36 -> affecting your whole body and it can be
1389.44 -> a group one depending on if the vessels
1391.44 -> themselves also get affected
1393.679 -> so that's a tricky one and it's
1394.96 -> definitely
1396.4 -> a subset of patients that we see
1399.28 -> and that we definitely look into and
1401.44 -> make sure that they don't have
1403.84 -> pulmonary hypertension or we treat it
1406.24 -> and treat their sarcoidosis to kind of
1408.08 -> keep it in check
1410.88 -> thank you and thank you for that
1412.4 -> question rose this is a related question
1414.88 -> from tammy um
1417.2 -> where would you find a specialized
1418.96 -> cardiologist or a pulmonary physician
1422.08 -> that's a great question
1425.279 -> um so you know a lot of
1427.36 -> a lot of health systems will have
1429.12 -> typically at least one or two
1432.08 -> providers that can take care of
1434.159 -> pulmonary hypertension um specifically
1436.88 -> so at medstar there's me
1439.84 -> and then there's also dr raymond young
1442.4 -> who works out of the baltimore part of
1444.24 -> our team um and takes care of pulmonary
1446.48 -> hypertension um and then down in dc we
1449.76 -> actually have um we're trying to build
1451.52 -> up our team so we actually have a nurse
1452.88 -> practitioner that works with us as well
1456.08 -> and then dr john scherner who is a
1458.4 -> pulmonologist also helps out with our
1461.279 -> pulmonary hypertension patients
1465.279 -> wonderful thank you great question tammy
1467.76 -> thank you very much for that we have
1469.84 -> some more questions rolling in from our
1472.32 -> viewers this one is from erica
1475.12 -> is pulmonary hypertension considered a
1477.76 -> lung disease heart disease or both
1481.679 -> that's a great question it's really both
1483.84 -> um so if you have lung disease that
1486.88 -> could cause your pulmonary hypertension
1488.64 -> or your high pressures in your lungs
1491.44 -> um if you have heart disease that could
1493.2 -> cause pulmonary hypertension but really
1495.36 -> when we get kind of at a purest level
1497.44 -> about it the pulmonary hypertension is
1499.6 -> affecting the blood vessels so it's a
1502.08 -> cardiac disease but in the lungs so it's
1504.799 -> a lung disease so it's really a
1506.4 -> combination of both
1509.52 -> wonderful thank you thanks erica for
1511.52 -> that question
1512.96 -> we have another question from bonnie
1515.2 -> um she says my mother
1517.36 -> had ph and had the treatments that you
1520.72 -> described earlier
1522.72 -> she handled it very well but eventually
1524.4 -> got nemo pneumonia and unfortunately she
1527.12 -> died six weeks later
1529.36 -> so she's wondering if this is a
1530.799 -> hereditary disease i know we
1533.2 -> talked about that earlier but if you
1534.799 -> could address that again for bonnie she
1536.64 -> says
1537.44 -> she doesn't have any symptoms but she
1539.44 -> wants to make sure she knows what to
1541.12 -> look out for so if we can um remind uh
1544.559 -> share that information again for bonnie
1546.72 -> uh
1547.76 -> i'm so sorry to hear that bonnie um so
1550.799 -> you know there is a subset a very small
1553.2 -> subset of pulmonary hypertension which
1555.279 -> does uh run in families or is hereditary
1558.559 -> but it's pretty uncommon
1561.12 -> usually if somebody has pulmonary
1562.72 -> hypertension it'll be one of the other
1564.32 -> ones that i was talking about or it
1566.159 -> might even be group one pulmonary
1568.159 -> arterial hypertension but not
1570.24 -> necessarily something that runs um in
1572.72 -> your family um so that being said the
1575.679 -> things to be looking out for um would be
1578.559 -> the heart failure type symptoms as i was
1580.96 -> mentioning earlier so one would be your
1583.76 -> uh
1584.559 -> breathing pay attention to it if there's
1586.64 -> things that you were able to do three
1588.24 -> months ago six months ago that are now
1590 -> getting you out of breath that should be
1592.24 -> worrisome and that should be something
1593.679 -> that um you know should at least warrant
1595.919 -> you being seen by your primary care
1598.24 -> physician and figure out if it's
1599.919 -> something that needs to be looked into
1601.279 -> further
1602.24 -> um the other thing that goes along with
1603.76 -> that is fatigue so if you're getting
1605.52 -> tired trying to do the things you were
1606.88 -> doing three months six months ago that's
1608.64 -> something that should kind of key you in
1610.24 -> to say is something else going on should
1612.4 -> we look into this if it progresses to
1615.039 -> the point where you've got right heart
1617.2 -> failure then you might start seeing um
1620.24 -> you know swelling in your belly or
1622.08 -> swelling in your legs
1624.24 -> and those are things that can really you
1626.24 -> know it's never normal to just have
1627.919 -> swelling in your belly that doesn't go
1630 -> away or swelling in your legs that
1631.76 -> doesn't go away um you know so i think
1634.88 -> that's one of those things where you
1636.48 -> really need to look into it and make
1638.159 -> sure
1639.76 -> sorry uh really look into it yeah the
1642.88 -> people are calling
1645.52 -> but um definitely look into it and
1647.279 -> definitely make sure that you're not
1648.96 -> missing um something more serious like
1651.52 -> pulmonary hypertension
1654.88 -> thank you very much bonnie i hope that
1656.64 -> um that helped uh
1659.36 -> helped you to understand what to look
1661.279 -> out for and um yeah sorry again to
1664.96 -> hear about your mom thank you for
1667.039 -> watching and for your question
1669.36 -> this one next one is from brian is there
1671.919 -> a relationship between ph and diabetes
1676.88 -> um so typically no
1679.84 -> diabetes can definitely lead if you if
1682.48 -> it remains uncontrolled diabetes can
1684.399 -> definitely lead to heart disease
1687.52 -> and that would be something to kind of
1688.88 -> keep in check and make sure you stay on
1690.399 -> top of your diabetes but typically there
1693.44 -> is no direct relationship between
1695.279 -> diabetes and developing pulmonary
1696.96 -> hypertension
1700.159 -> thank you very much um and thanks brian
1702.559 -> for that question we have another one
1704.399 -> from terry
1706.08 -> do blood pressure readings um help to
1708.96 -> indicate that the uh this problem
1712.88 -> um so no um the short answer so your
1716.88 -> blood pressure readings or your blood
1718.72 -> pressures in your body so they check it
1721.12 -> on your arm or on your leg for example
1723.52 -> so that's the blood vessels in your body
1725.52 -> and if you have high pressures in your
1727.279 -> body that's definitely that's something
1728.799 -> that needs to be treated um but this is
1732.24 -> now specifically talking about high
1734.159 -> blood pressures in the lung arteries
1736.48 -> themselves so this is something totally
1738.32 -> separate where you say
1740.32 -> there's something causing the pressure
1741.919 -> here in the lung arteries to be high
1744.48 -> measuring the pressure in your arm
1746.799 -> it may be high it may be low it may be
1748.72 -> totally normal and it can be completely
1750.72 -> unrelated and typically is completely
1753.12 -> unrelated to what's going on in your
1755.2 -> lung arteries
1757.679 -> okay thank you
1759.679 -> another question from diane do we still
1762.08 -> use nitrous to treat lung
1764.84 -> issues so i'm wondering if she's
1767.52 -> referring to
1769.039 -> inhaled nitric oxide um which is
1771.679 -> something that we can use as a dilator
1774.64 -> in the lungs and it's typically
1776.64 -> something not something people do at
1777.76 -> home this is something for people who
1779.52 -> are sick enough to be in the hospital
1781.679 -> and they might even be on a ventilator
1783.44 -> and sometimes we can use inhaled nitric
1785.84 -> oxide to help dilate because the
1788.159 -> medicine actually goes directly into
1790.24 -> their lungs and in their lung arteries
1792.64 -> and can help dilate those vessels and
1794.72 -> drop that pressure in the lung arteries
1798.559 -> okay thank you
1800.399 -> are there any specific lifestyle changes
1803.52 -> that someone would need to make if they
1805.44 -> have pulmonary hypertension like their
1807.279 -> diet exercise
1809.12 -> um stopping to smoke for example
1812.24 -> yeah i think any uh self-respecting
1814.48 -> doctor is going to tell you stop smoking
1816.48 -> um but this is specifically something
1818.48 -> affecting your lungs so absolutely
1821.2 -> stopping smoking is huge
1823.76 -> in terms of diet
1825.52 -> so typically we tell pulmonary
1827.279 -> hypertension patients the same thing we
1829.12 -> tell our heart failure patients so you
1831.279 -> need to watch your sodium your salt
1833.279 -> intake no more than two grams of sodium
1835.76 -> in a day
1836.96 -> and we watch your fluid intake no more
1838.96 -> than
1839.76 -> 2 liters or 64 ounces of fluid in a day
1844.159 -> the reason being if you put salt into
1846.08 -> your body or if you put fluid into your
1847.76 -> body then it tends to stay there and
1849.919 -> your heart has that then has to work
1851.919 -> harder to push the blood around your
1853.919 -> body and has more work to do so if you
1856.32 -> limit the amount of fluid and salt going
1858.799 -> into your body then that's less work for
1860.96 -> your heart to do
1862.32 -> in terms of exercise um typically we
1864.799 -> tell people to stay active and do all
1866.559 -> the things um you know uh to try to have
1869.12 -> some cardiac activity three days or
1871.279 -> excuse me five days a week 30 minutes a
1873.279 -> day ideally same recommendation for any
1875.6 -> other um patients
1877.84 -> but there's something specific called
1879.679 -> pulmonary rehab that we get a lot of our
1881.919 -> pulmonary hypertension patients into or
1884.08 -> any other lung disease patients into
1886.64 -> which is typically a session about an
1888.64 -> hour hour and a half
1890.399 -> a day three days a week and patients
1893.36 -> will go there where they'll be monitored
1895.6 -> and they'll actually watch their blood
1896.96 -> pressures or oxygen counts and then get
1899.2 -> them exercising and building up that
1900.96 -> exercise stamina so they're able to do
1903.519 -> the things that they would like to do
1908.32 -> thank you very much
1909.84 -> i have um two more questions for you
1912.32 -> before we wrap up our broadcast
1915.2 -> is there a way to reduce the risk of
1917.519 -> developing pulmonary hypertension yeah
1920.559 -> so when we talk about the types of
1922.32 -> pulmonary hypertension um that are
1925.279 -> caused by something else meaning heart
1927.519 -> disease or lung disease the way to
1930.08 -> reduce the risk is to control those
1931.679 -> things so um you know somebody has sleep
1933.919 -> apnea they should be wearing their cpap
1935.519 -> every night if somebody has copd they
1937.919 -> should be using their inhalers like
1939.2 -> they're supposed to um you know if
1941.2 -> somebody has left sided heart failure um
1944.48 -> then they should be you know on the
1946.72 -> medications to keep their blood
1948.32 -> pressures down and keep their heart
1949.6 -> failure in check so these are all things
1951.279 -> that are going to
1953.12 -> help
1954.399 -> stop somebody from developing pulmonary
1956.24 -> hypertension caused by that
1958.96 -> so that being said if you have pulmonary
1961.279 -> arterial hypertension or group 1
1963.84 -> pulmonary hypertension there's really
1965.84 -> nothing
1966.88 -> specific to do to not develop it
1969.44 -> unfortunately because these are things
1971.519 -> that they just happen it's a process
1973.279 -> that happens in your lung arteries um
1975.6 -> but
1976.48 -> should you develop it then staying on
1978.64 -> top of it and making sure that you're
1980.399 -> actually you know taking the medications
1982.32 -> the way that you're supposed to and uh
1984.64 -> exercising the way you're supposed to et
1986.08 -> cetera those are things that can really
1988.159 -> help
1989.039 -> um you know keep keep somebody from
1991.44 -> progressing with pulmonary hypertension
1996.08 -> thank you very much is there a way to
1998.399 -> reverse or slow down or even cure
2001.279 -> pulmonary hypertension
2003.279 -> yeah and that's and that's really it so
2005.679 -> um so with pulmonary hypertension the
2007.919 -> main thing we're trying to do is we're
2009.84 -> trying to treat it before we get to the
2012.08 -> point that the right side of the heart
2014.159 -> um gets so weak that it fails so as we
2017.84 -> treat pulmonary hypertension the right
2019.919 -> side of the heart can get stronger and
2022.08 -> can even unstretch back to a normal size
2024.799 -> if we treat it properly
2027.279 -> but if we get to a point where in spite
2029.919 -> of all the medicines we're doing and
2032.08 -> using
2033.36 -> those three categories as i was
2034.799 -> mentioning earlier if in spite of that
2037.519 -> your heart continues to stretch and get
2040.159 -> weaker you can develop right-sided heart
2042.72 -> failure to the point that
2044.559 -> you know we call end stage heart failure
2047.76 -> or end stage pulmonary hypertension so
2050.639 -> those are patients if it's appropriate
2052.72 -> we talk about even evaluating um for a
2055.52 -> lung transplant for example um or if
2058.48 -> it's somebody who you know is not really
2060.639 -> doing the things they're supposed to be
2061.839 -> doing then unfortunately you get to that
2063.839 -> point and that's something that um that
2066.159 -> has a very high uh mortality um and
2069.52 -> people definitely die
2072.839 -> from thank you very much i have some
2075.359 -> more questions from our viewers
2077.599 -> for you um
2079.04 -> we have another question from kyle kyle
2081.119 -> thanks for
2082.159 -> uh your your question are there any uh
2085.44 -> case reports that show whether or not
2088.159 -> this is more common in one gender over
2090.639 -> another
2092.159 -> yeah so it's not really case reports
2093.839 -> there's actually um registries that have
2095.599 -> been done more so european registries
2098.079 -> but they have seen that it is more
2099.76 -> common in females um so that's something
2102.72 -> and you know depending on which
2104.48 -> registries you look at there's you know
2106.72 -> um a higher either twofold or fivefold
2109.599 -> higher chance in females but but
2111.52 -> everybody agrees that it tends to be
2113.52 -> more common in females okay thank you
2117.44 -> and thank you kyle um this one's from
2119.839 -> michelle
2121.04 -> uh she asked would your pulse pulse ox
2124.56 -> um be low
2126.079 -> if you have pulmonary hypertension yeah
2128.72 -> so your pulse ox or your pulse oximeter
2130.88 -> is what we were talking about earlier is
2132.8 -> what actually measures your oxygen
2134.72 -> levels in your um in your blood
2137.28 -> so if your um if your pulmonary
2140.16 -> hypertension is to the point that it is
2142.079 -> causing low oxygen levels that pulse
2144.32 -> oximeter will show low
2146.56 -> low being less than 88
2148.72 -> um but we typically as i was mentioning
2150.4 -> earlier like to keep it around 90 or 92
2152.56 -> percent specifically in these pulmonary
2154.56 -> hypertension patients so that they don't
2156.8 -> spiral into having higher pressures by
2158.8 -> having low oxygen levels um so
2162 -> when pulmonary hypertension is first
2164.079 -> diagnosed a patient may or may not have
2166.72 -> low oxygen levels
2168.8 -> but they typically tend to develop that
2171.119 -> and typically end up needing oxygen
2174 -> therapy wearing oxygen
2176.16 -> either when they exert themselves or
2177.76 -> when they sleep or sometimes all day
2180.4 -> in order to keep their oxygen levels
2182.48 -> where they need to in order for their
2184.24 -> heart to get blood around their body and
2185.92 -> oxygen to all your organs like you need
2187.76 -> to
2189.2 -> okay thank you thanks michelle for that
2191.52 -> uh question another question from erica
2194.72 -> thank you erica in addition to blood
2197.76 -> pressure medicine should someone with
2199.599 -> pulmonary hypertension be regularly
2202.56 -> using inhalers or
2206.28 -> bronchodilators to help lungs function
2209.119 -> better
2210.4 -> so it depends on what's causing their
2211.92 -> pulmonary hypertension if somebody has
2214.48 -> a medical condition where they've been
2216.32 -> prescribed
2217.68 -> the bronchodilator so uh
2220.24 -> copd or asthma you know then those
2223.92 -> medications are absolutely appropriate
2226.079 -> in order to help the lungs work properly
2228.24 -> which can then help the pressures in the
2230.32 -> lungs come down
2232.72 -> if somebody has no lung disease no lung
2235.599 -> condition then there's no utility
2237.76 -> there's no use of
2239.28 -> any bronchodilators or any inhalers
2242.16 -> because they don't work on the blood uh
2245.44 -> pressures in those lung arteries um
2248 -> there is one medication i was kind of
2250.88 -> alluding to earlier um that we use which
2253.839 -> is called tyveso and that's actually an
2255.76 -> inhaled medicine
2257.76 -> that goes directly into the lung
2259.68 -> arteries and dilates them so this is
2261.68 -> different from regular inhalers that we
2264 -> talk about like somebody having their
2265.28 -> albuterol inhaler this is a specific
2267.599 -> pulmonary hypertension medication that
2270.24 -> happens to be inhaled so you can breathe
2272.32 -> it in and it can dilate those blood
2274.24 -> vessels
2276.72 -> thank you speaking of
2278.96 -> treatment we have a question from dana
2281.599 -> um she says my son had pulmonary
2284 -> hypertension in utero and up until four
2286.96 -> years of age and is continuously
2288.96 -> followed yearly
2290.56 -> she's wondering if um
2293.28 -> these two treatments are still something
2295.52 -> that are used she says um
2299.76 -> let's see
2300.839 -> sildentifill and lasix
2303.839 -> are those skill treatments for pulmonary
2305.52 -> hypertension yeah so sildenafil um is
2308.48 -> the generic name for viagra um as i was
2311.68 -> talking about earlier so that's
2312.88 -> definitely one of the three categories
2314.72 -> um it's in one of the three categories
2316.96 -> for pulmonary hypertension treatment
2319.44 -> and then lasix or furosemide is actually
2322.32 -> a water pill so we use that in pulmonary
2324.8 -> hypertension patients to keep the extra
2326.56 -> fluid out as i was mentioning earlier we
2328.88 -> watch what fluid goes in and sometimes
2330.56 -> we may even need water pills like lasix
2333.52 -> um to help patients pee out that extra
2336 -> fluid
2336.96 -> so it's definitely something that we use
2338.88 -> both of them are medications we use
2341.359 -> often
2343.119 -> thank you very much um
2345.28 -> what is a water pill
2347.599 -> yeah i mean i think
2350.56 -> yeah so i just i say water pill um it's
2352.8 -> called it you know because it makes
2354.56 -> sense to certain people um they drink
2356.88 -> water and then it makes them pee out the
2358.32 -> water what i'm referring to is a
2359.68 -> diuretic um so really any medication
2362.4 -> that makes you pee yeah so either a
2364.16 -> diuretic or a water pill and there's
2365.68 -> several out there
2367.2 -> but we use you know furosemide um we can
2369.92 -> use um bumex or bumetanide sometimes we
2372.32 -> use torsimide as well um they all work
2374.88 -> on your kidneys to help you pee out
2376.32 -> extra fluid
2377.76 -> gotcha thank you for that yeah what is
2381.119 -> so um thank you for to all of our
2383.839 -> viewers who have asked questions
2385.76 -> especially our our viewers who've been
2388 -> watching the entire broadcast and and
2390.24 -> have had multiple questions we hope that
2392 -> this
2393.2 -> has really helped you to understand and
2396.4 -> learn more about pulmonary hypertension
2399.359 -> before we conclude our broadcast uh dr
2402.48 -> christian what is the the key takeaway
2404.56 -> you'd like our viewers to walk away with
2406.4 -> today after watching this broadcast
2408.8 -> yeah so i guess the main thing to say is
2410.8 -> you know pulmonary hypertension it's
2412.72 -> rare but it is a very serious condition
2415.92 -> so it's something where if you suspect
2418.16 -> that you might be having any of the
2419.599 -> symptoms i was talking about earlier we
2422.24 -> don't delay any care you should really
2424.24 -> be seen as soon as possible the reason
2426.24 -> being we can start treating it we do the
2428.56 -> testing figure out what's causing it
2431.119 -> figure out if you truly have it and then
2433.359 -> start treatment as soon as possible in
2435.28 -> order to kind of prevent or undo that
2438 -> extra stress on the right side of your
2439.68 -> heart
2440.56 -> so it's it's very very important um to
2443.52 -> look into it if this is even a potential
2445.76 -> thing
2446.64 -> that you think you might have or that
2448.24 -> runs in your family etc um and and not
2451.44 -> delay medical care
2454 -> thank you that is great advice uh dr
2456.72 -> krishnan thanks again for your time and
2459.52 -> for joining us today educating our
2461.28 -> viewers thanks to everyone who watched
2463.76 -> today uh for more information or to
2466.8 -> schedule an appointment you can call
2471.56 -> 410-554-6550 we'll post that
2474.079 -> number in the comments as well and uh we
2476.96 -> hope you all have a wonderful rest of
2478.8 -> the day that you learned something new
2480.72 -> today about pulmonary hypertension and
2482.96 -> that you all stay safe and well dr
2485.599 -> christian thanks again of course thank
2487.68 -> you so much for having me
2489.52 -> of course
2490.56 -> bye everybody we'll see you next time
2492.48 -> bye
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqkrXOxCPTc