Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Lifestyle
Being active, enjoying the outdoors and eating a balanced diet all affect how we feel. Watch our healthy living video for tips on living a healthy life.
0.23 -> [Music]
0.799 -> it's important to remember our physical
2.96 -> health affects our mental health and
4.72 -> vice versa
5.68 -> what we do to our bodies makes a big
7.759 -> difference to how we feel
9.28 -> physical activity diet alcohol smoking
12.24 -> and drugs can all affect our mental
14.16 -> health and well-being
15.519 -> in different ways so let's talk about
17.68 -> them
18.56 -> physical activity releases feel-good
20.8 -> hormones called endorphins
22.48 -> which help us sleep and feel better it
25.039 -> also improves our physical fitness
27.359 -> which tends to make people feel better
29.199 -> in general even small amounts of regular
31.679 -> physical activity can improve your
33.6 -> mental well-being
34.719 -> especially if it's doing something you
36.399 -> enjoy physical activity is even a
38.719 -> recommended treatment for some types of
40.8 -> depression
41.52 -> you can get active at your own pace in
43.68 -> your own way
45.2 -> there's no need to join a gym or even
47.039 -> spend any money
48.48 -> simple small changes in our day to day
50.64 -> can make all the difference
52.32 -> taking a brisk walk at lunchtime or
54.48 -> walking to get where we're going
56.079 -> getting active in the garden or cycling
58.16 -> once or twice a week are great options
60.399 -> if there's a type of activity you used
62.16 -> to enjoy think about how you could pick
64.32 -> it up again
65.119 -> for example there are lots of local
67.119 -> groups and sports teams
68.56 -> open to all levels of ability what's
71.52 -> more studies show that time in green
73.439 -> spaces
74.159 -> is beneficial so head to your local park
76.96 -> if you can
77.84 -> if you need a little help fitting more
79.6 -> physical activity into your day
81.439 -> try the active10 app it helps you get
84.24 -> short bursts of brisk walking into your
86.479 -> day
87.04 -> there's also the fantastic couch to 5k
89.6 -> app
90.159 -> which will get you up and running in
91.84 -> just nine weeks
93.36 -> eating better can play a big role in our
95.84 -> health and well-being
97.6 -> it won't come as a surprise to learn
99.439 -> that what we eat and how much
101.2 -> plays a big part in our physical health
103.36 -> which can impact our mental health too
105.68 -> ideally we should aim to eat a healthy
107.52 -> balanced diet with plenty of fruit and
109.68 -> veg
110.24 -> it's important to keep an eye on your
112 -> calories and minimize
113.6 -> foods that are high in sugar fat and
115.84 -> salt
116.64 -> for helpful tips on eating a better diet
119.28 -> check out the 1u
120.64 -> website alcohol caffeine tobacco
123.92 -> and even drugs may seem tempting when
126.32 -> we're stressed or tired
128.16 -> and when we use them to try and cope the
130.479 -> idea of stopping them can feel like it
132.48 -> would make things even harder
134.4 -> but they can cause more problems than
136.4 -> they solve especially long
138.08 -> term all these habits can complicate our
140.48 -> sleep patterns
141.44 -> and affect how anxious and depressed we
143.52 -> feel so try cutting down
145.28 -> or even quitting and remember that
147.52 -> there's support available
149.2 -> alcohol in particular can worsen our
151.28 -> moods so cutting down can really help us
154.08 -> feel better
155.04 -> for more help cutting down you can
156.72 -> download the drink free days app
158.959 -> and for help cutting back on drugs visit
161.599 -> the talk to frank website
164.8 -> as for cigarettes stopping smoking is
167.04 -> one of the best things you can do for
168.56 -> your body and your brain
170.4 -> you'll breathe easier feel better and
172.879 -> save money
173.84 -> check out nhs dot uk smoke free for
176.959 -> advice and support on quitting
178.72 -> whatever you choose to do what's good
180.48 -> for your body is good for your mind
184.18 -> [Music]
189.56 -> [Music]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg_GW7yhq20