Heart Disease – Dr Devi Shetty Heart Tips Lecture | Heart Failure Symptoms and Causes

Heart Disease – Dr Devi Shetty Heart Tips Lecture | Heart Failure Symptoms and Causes

Heart Disease – Dr Devi Shetty Heart Tips Lecture | Heart Failure Symptoms and Causes

Dr Devi Shetty heart tips and he gives heart disease lecture that are related to heart failure symptoms and causes. It is a very common problem. About 10% people get this problem all over the world. Narayana health in India is a biggest hospital in India. CHF symptoms can happen for many other causes and lack of prevention.

Heart disease symptoms in women are very common. It has a great high risk of human death. Overweight and excess fat is one of the main causes of this problem. If you are overweight you should exercise regularly. Regular walking decreases the extra fat and reduces the risk of congestive heart problem symptoms.

Chronic heart failure causes are most common developed nations and European countries. Oily foods and excess oil can raise this sickness. Smoking is the best harmful activity and it grows to develop this heart disease treatment. Dr. Devi Shetty is a popular person and he is one of the best doctor in the world.

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10.72 -> My name is Dr. Devi Shetty and  I’m a heart surgeon by profession.  
20.24 -> Question about young people developing heart  disease. We have a serious problem in our  
26.32 -> hand. When I used to practice in England,  most of my patients were old retired people.  
34 -> In India most of the patients I treat are the  young breadwinners of the family. It's not the  
43.68 -> young son bringing his old father for  a heart operation in my practice. It  
49.6 -> is the old father bringing his  young son for a heart operation.  
55.12 -> What is the reason for this virtual epidemic of  heart disease? The reason is we are genetically  
63.52 -> more vulnerable. We are 3 times more vulnerable  than Caucasians in developing heart disease,  
70.64 -> and we have a very high incidence of diabetes. We  are becoming the diabetic capital of the world,  
77.04 -> and diabetes leads to premature heart attack,  
80.96 -> and we have very high incidence  of tobacco abuse and smoking.
86.8 -> There is hardly any perceptible campaign against  
92.16 -> adverse effects of tobacco,  smoking, and in any other form,  
98.88 -> and our diet Indian diet is a recipe for disaster.  We need to change our dietary habits in terms of  
109.92 -> going away from very oil-rich fried stuff  into something, which is subtle and something  
120.16 -> which is more rich with proteins and other  stuff rather than oil, and Indians have  
127.6 -> virtually no intention to exercise. We are  not very conscious about the benefits of  
133.6 -> exercise and the the the the greatest virtues  of exercise, so we need to change our habits.  
142.24 -> How many people walk in the morning or exercise?  How many playgrounds you see across the country?  
147.68 -> There are hardly any? So essentially we have a  serious problem in hand. We have to address it.
157.6 -> First is the lifestyle. It’s  very very important that we take  
166.08 -> a heart healthy food, reduce  the oil content in the diet,  
171.12 -> reduce fatty food, fried stuff, ghee, butter  cheese, milk, and milk products. You can eat  
177.2 -> fish and chicken, no very little of red meat,  very little of egg preferably the white,  
185.92 -> then smoking, tobacco. Smoking totally destroys  the heart, so is the tobacco, so you have to  
196.48 -> stop the consumption of tobacco in any form, then  exercise you have to exercise keep yourself fit.  
207.68 -> If you're a diabetic control your blood  sugar. Most young people don't bother  
213.52 -> about controlling the blood sugar,  because they don't have any symptoms.  
218.88 -> Uncontrolled diabetes can damage virtually  every organ. It's a silent killer,  
224.48 -> so control the diabetes. If the blood  pressure is high, control the blood pressure.  
230.48 -> Then more than anything else you have  to change your perception towards life.  
235.92 -> It's very hard to create a perfect  world. We have to accept it.
240.48 -> We have to accept this world as it is than  as it should be that is the best way to  
247.84 -> accept the rules and regulations  and the prevailing situation  
252.96 -> and by peace within yourself, and my last  advice for all of you is become spiritual.  
261.36 -> I’m not saying you should become religious. You  should become spiritual. Believe in the existence  
267.2 -> of god, who is going to take care of all of  us, and the belief that somebody is there on  
273.84 -> top taking care of all of us, and everything what  we do can be a very soothing part of your life.
285.2 -> Then we have to see how we can reduce the  chances of developing heart attack for that we  
292.08 -> need to change our diet. We have to reduce the oil  content fried stuff. We have to preferably become  
299.92 -> vegetarian fruit eaters that is not possible,  but lean meat is okay. Fish and chicken is okay,  
308.56 -> Then we should develop the habit of exercising.  Somehow, it is not in our culture to exercise.  
317.92 -> The third and the most important thing  is, if you are a smoker quit smoking.  
323.12 -> Tobacco in any form can  damage your heart very badly.  
329.76 -> Then it's very important that if your  diabetes control your blood sugar.  
335.12 -> Monitor your blood sugar very regularly. If you  are hypertensive control your blood pressure.
343.52 -> Thank you very much for listening. My  message to all of you is take care of  
348.16 -> your heart. You have only one heart and that  should take care of you throughout your life,  
355.76 -> so that you can really enjoy this world  filled with wonderful creations from god.  
362.96 -> Have a great day and celebrate  life good luck and god bless.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdRZMB9ITy4