If You Have A Family History Of Heart Disease You Must Watch This Video
If You Have A Family History Of Heart Disease You Must Watch This Video
Mr Birdi, Leading Cardiac Surgeon Discusses The Importance Of Genetic History And Your Risk Of Having A Heart Attack Or Stroke In Your Life By Describing The Story Of A 43 Year Old Man Who, Though Seemingly Healthy, Developed Severe Coronary Disease. He Had Strong Family History Which Could Have Alerted Doctors To His High Cholesterol And Hypertension, Which, If Detected And Treated Earlier In His Life, Would Certainly Have Reduced The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease.
0.08 -> i met a really interesting man in the
1.76 -> clinic this week a very healthy
3.52 -> gentleman non-smoker non-drinker
5.68 -> exercised all of his life fit as a
7.919 -> fiddle lean as you could imagine but of
9.84 -> course he was in my clinic for a reason
11.599 -> and that was because he had developed
13.28 -> coronary artery disease or furring of
15.839 -> the heart arteries and his simple
17.84 -> question to me was doctor how has this
20.64 -> happened to me
22.24 -> well when we looked at his past medical
24.24 -> history we pulled out some really
26 -> important things his father had had a
28.24 -> heart attack in the past his mum had had
30.48 -> a stroke at a very early age he had a
32.96 -> strong
33.92 -> family history and then of course when
35.92 -> we examined him we noted that he had
37.76 -> high blood pressure that had not been
39.2 -> treated
40.399 -> for most of his life had not been
42.16 -> detected
43.36 -> he had high cholesterol he was over
45.68 -> eight which he had not known about and
48.48 -> of course the first thing we wanted to
49.92 -> do is deal with these risk factors to
51.92 -> control his blood pressure to deal with
53.76 -> his cholesterol by one means or another
55.44 -> to lower it to reduce the risk of him
57.84 -> developing further problems down the
59.68 -> line whilst we
61.84 -> you know uh indicated him an immediate
64.159 -> treatment to improve the blood supply of
65.76 -> his heart
67.119 -> now of course had he known
69.52 -> the importance of genetic history
72.4 -> early on in his life had he known
74.72 -> perhaps in his early 30s that his blood
76.799 -> pressure was out of control or that his
78.72 -> cholesterol was high we as doctors could
81.52 -> have done so much more to reduce the
84.56 -> risk of him developing heart disease in
87.759 -> his forties
89.2 -> which is really important if you've got
91.439 -> heart disease in the family that you go
93.439 -> and see your doctor and ensure that you
94.96 -> don't have any risk factors specific to
97.36 -> you that are going to
99.119 -> perpetuate potentiate precipitate speed
102.64 -> up the development of
104.88 -> heart disease or furring up of arteries
107.36 -> in your body and i say for everybody
110.72 -> genetic history or not it's really
112.479 -> important when you reach adulthood that
114.079 -> you get used to measuring your blood
115.439 -> pressure regularly i say rest for five
117.6 -> minutes and measure it perhaps once a
119.68 -> fortnight or once a month and if it's
121.68 -> persistently high then you need to go
123.52 -> and see your doctor and he can check it
125.68 -> and then prescribe you the right
127.28 -> medications because without good blood
129.92 -> pressure control you are going to run
131.68 -> the risk of cardiovascular issues and of
134.8 -> course if you're not eating healthy and
136.48 -> you put on weight you're at high risk of
138.319 -> developing diabetes your blood
140.239 -> cholesterol if it's high we can do
142 -> things to lower that either simply
143.52 -> through dietary means or with the use of
145.68 -> statins uh if you are able to tolerate
148.48 -> them so don't ignore family history
150.64 -> don't wait for something to happen to
151.92 -> you before you start doing something
153.28 -> because we can make a big difference
154.72 -> we're beginning to realize as doctors if
156.64 -> we
158.56 -> intervene at an earlier stage in
161.36 -> your life
162.64 -> i hope that was helpful to you we will
164.48 -> be putting some videos out shortly about
166.64 -> the top five foods that i would
168.64 -> recommend that you ate and perhaps the
170.8 -> top three foods that you should try and
172.64 -> avoid at all costs
174.56 -> bye for now
177.82 -> [Music]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccgUZ_hE4AQ