Do you have high blood pressure? Why you should monitor and understand the risks
Do you have high blood pressure? Why you should monitor and understand the risks
Do you have high blood pressure? Here’s why you should understand the risks.
0.599 -> some 47 of adults in the U.S have high
3.659 -> blood pressure but many don't actually
5.759 -> know much about it yeah that's true Dr
7.56 -> Frank McGeorge though is here with a
9 -> closer look at the facts doctors wish
11.4 -> their patients knew about high blood
12.96 -> pressure and how it affects your health
15.78 -> having high blood pressure basically
17.4 -> means the force of your blood pushing
19.14 -> against the walls of your blood vessels
20.699 -> is consistently too high that means your
23.34 -> heart and blood vessels are working
24.539 -> harder and less efficiently than they
26.22 -> should and over time that extra pressure
28.619 -> can damage the blood vessels and they
30.599 -> become more narrow all of this can raise
33 -> your risk of a long list of health
34.62 -> problems
35.7 -> about 116 million Americans are living
38.46 -> with high blood pressure recent studies
40.5 -> suggest one in eight people don't even
42.54 -> realize they have it we call it a silent
44.82 -> killer because people don't pay much
46.98 -> attention to it until you have what we
49.02 -> called end organ damage according to the
51.42 -> American Heart Association high blood
53.16 -> pressure can raise the risk of stroke
54.84 -> vision loss heart failure heart attack
56.879 -> sexual dysfunction kidney disease and
59.399 -> kidney failure it's also been linked to
61.92 -> an increased risk of dementia but most
64.32 -> people with high blood pressure don't
65.939 -> have symptoms unless their blood
67.439 -> pressure is very high that's why knowing
70.56 -> your numbers matters you need to know
73.02 -> that number at the top of your brain at
75.36 -> the tip of your tongue what's that
77.04 -> number a normal blood pressure reading
79.02 -> is less than 120 over 80. elevated blood
81.84 -> pressure is between 120 and 129 over 80.
85.259 -> above that is considered high blood
87.36 -> pressure having a home blood pressure
89.1 -> monitor can help you keep track of your
91.08 -> numbers they're available for less than
93 -> forty dollars but it's important to take
95.34 -> your blood pressure often we tell the
98.1 -> patients that they need to get as many
99.9 -> readings as possible because that gives
102.6 -> us a better understanding of the true
105 -> blood pressure a recent Oxford study
107.22 -> found one in eight adults had blood
109.079 -> pressure spikes at night that were
110.579 -> missed by daytime readings suggesting
112.439 -> you may want to take your blood pressure
114.06 -> at night from time to time as well
115.619 -> bottom line it's clear from the numbers
117.78 -> that everyone needs to be much more
119.64 -> active in learning about their blood
121.079 -> pressure and how to reduce it if it's
123.54 -> too high back to you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caD4CW7eaAU