Stroke Therapy to regain memory skills
Stroke Therapy to regain memory skills
Stroke can severely impact an individual’s memory skills. Here, an occupational therapist uses playing cards to evaluate a patient’s memory and help her regain her skills.
Utilizing the different colors and numbers on the cards, and arranging them differently each time, is a useful therapeutic tool in rebuilding memory post stroke.
13.26 -> Therapist - Ok so what we're going to work on is
memory right now. What we're going to
16.92 -> do is we're going to match just the
colors and the correct number with the
21.06 -> color.
21.72 -> Patient - Ok, color and number Therapist - Color and number don't worry about the
25.2 -> Ok, all right, ready
32.25 -> Patient - Black, so I have to guess? Therapist - You have to guess
33.49 -> and
34.41 -> just remember where everything is.
39.15 -> Patient - Oh! Therapist - That's pure luck "Laughter" alright, keep on going.
43.02 -> Patient - ok.
55.06 -> Therapist - Nice
61.6 -> Therapist - This brings up the difficulty, ok
everything is not in line,
65.56 -> there's more cards, and you have to try
and remember exactly where everything is
69.04 -> okay?
70.87 -> All right. Let me know if you can reach
that when you need to get up here over
74.62 -> here.
75.19 -> Good.
81.25 -> Patient - Lucky. Therapist - You can stack them
and put them on the side.
93.88 -> Beautiful.
95.909 ->
97.65 -> Patient - I see, yes.
114.96 -> Therapist - Your memory is definitely improved.
123.68 ->
131.95 -> Therapist - Good, do you remember what the rule was?
Patient - Oh, yes.
138.74 -> Laughter.
141.68 -> Therapist - Okay, so only flip them, you can't move them.
149.97 ->
166.64 -> Patient - Seven, seven.
171.73 -> Therapist - Good.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW1EPIaNeZM