Stroke Therapy to regain memory skills

Stroke Therapy to regain memory skills

Stroke Therapy to regain memory skills

Stroke can severely impact an individual’s memory skills. Here, an occupational therapist uses playing cards to evaluate a patient’s memory and help her regain her skills.

Utilizing the different colors and numbers on the cards, and arranging them differently each time, is a useful therapeutic tool in rebuilding memory post stroke.


13.26 -> Therapist - Ok so what we're going to work on is memory right now. What we're going to
16.92 -> do is we're going to match just the colors and the correct number with the
21.06 -> color.
21.72 -> Patient - Ok, color and number Therapist - Color and number don't worry about the suit
25.2 -> Ok, all right, ready
32.25 -> Patient - Black, so I have to guess? Therapist - You have to guess
33.49 -> and
34.41 -> just remember where everything is.
39.15 -> Patient - Oh! Therapist - That's pure luck "Laughter" alright, keep on going.
43.02 -> Patient - ok.
55.06 -> Therapist - Nice
61.6 -> Therapist - This brings up the difficulty, ok everything is not in line,
65.56 -> there's more cards, and you have to try and remember exactly where everything is
69.04 -> okay?
70.87 -> All right. Let me know if you can reach that when you need to get up here over
74.62 -> here.
75.19 -> Good.
81.25 -> Patient - Lucky. Therapist - You can stack them and put them on the side.
93.88 -> Beautiful.
95.909 ->
97.65 -> Patient - I see, yes.
114.96 -> Therapist - Your memory is definitely improved.
123.68 ->
131.95 -> Therapist - Good, do you remember what the rule was? Patient - Oh, yes.
138.74 -> Laughter.
141.68 -> Therapist - Okay, so only flip them, you can't move them.
149.97 ->
166.64 -> Patient - Seven, seven.
171.73 -> Therapist - Good.
