Acetazolamide in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure with Volume Overload
Acetazolamide in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure with Volume Overload
One of the most important news items during this year’s European Society of Cardiology meeting was unrelated to a new drug or technology. The ADVOR trial demonstrated that IV acetazolamide significantly improved decongestion in patients with acute on chronic decompensated heart failure. We welcome Dr. Wilfried Mullens, the principal investigator of this trial, to discuss the rationale for the trial and explain its results.
Acetazolamide in Acute Decompensated\rHeart Failure with Volume Overload:
Follow the Yale Heart Failure Program:
2.1 -> foreign
4.04 -> good afternoon at noon everybody thanks
6.66 -> for joining us um we've got an exciting
8.76 -> uh visitor today
10.92 -> um today we are happy to welcome Dr
12.78 -> Wilfried Mullins and I'd like to take a
15.299 -> moment to uh introduce him uh Dr Mullins
18.359 -> received his degree in cardiology as
19.92 -> well as cardiac rehabilitation in
21.779 -> Belgium in 2005.
23.88 -> he then graduated as advanced fellow in
26.82 -> heart failure and transplant in 2007 as
29.88 -> well as a fellow in electrical therapies
31.56 -> for heart failure in 2008 at the
33.48 -> Cleveland Clinic
34.68 -> uh he received his doctor philosophy or
37.739 -> PhD at Technical University Eindhoven in
39.719 -> the Netherlands in 2009 and currently as
42.36 -> a staff cardiologist in the I'm going to
44.78 -> butcher this name probably but his
46.86 -> Hospital East Lindbergh in Belgium and
50.1 -> also is an associate professor in the
52.32 -> school of medicine and Life Sciences at
54.48 -> the University of hasselt in Belgium
57.42 -> uh Dr Mullins is a heart failure
59.1 -> clinician with a strong commitment to
60.48 -> translational research translating new
63.059 -> mechanistic insights into answering
64.92 -> questions of clinical interests his main
67.439 -> research topics are cardiac
69 -> resynchronization therapy as well as the
71.52 -> cardio renal interactions with and he's
73.32 -> published more than 270 peer-reviewed
75.42 -> Publications
76.68 -> uh he's been the president of the
78.06 -> Belgian working group on heart failure
79.68 -> and serving as a board member of the
81.24 -> European heart failure Association
83.52 -> so without further Ado uh Dr Mullins
85.92 -> thank you again for taking the time to
87.36 -> join us and uh we look forward to
89.28 -> hearing you speak
91.08 -> and good afternoon everybody it's
92.82 -> already evening here in Belgium but
94.74 -> thank you for the introduction
96.72 -> um for the invitation and also hi to
99.36 -> Jeff and Irene which I get to know
103.079 -> already for a couple of years so I'm
105.54 -> going to talk a little bit about at four
107.04 -> but um try to introduce at for a little
109.439 -> bit and I'm a hard Floor specialist I
111.6 -> think just like many of you but
113.82 -> sometimes I think I should have been a
115.32 -> nephrologist
117.06 -> um or do a lot of research in my centers
119.7 -> of course not me who's doing this I'm
122.1 -> fortunate that I have a lot of really
124.14 -> excellent PhD fellows who join me over
126.899 -> the last decade and most of the times we
128.7 -> have two PhD fellows who are really
130.92 -> really active to try to investigate
134.76 -> um everything that Michael just alluded
136.92 -> to with regards to cardiovino
138.599 -> interactions and resynchronization
140.879 -> therapy
142.08 -> so I don't have to tell you that
143.94 -> congestion is a risk factor for
147.3 -> hospitalization and all-cause mortality
149.16 -> but I think most of our colleagues don't
151.14 -> take this for granted that the risk is
153.54 -> up to 20 percent of two years in
155.52 -> ambulatory patients and goes up to 60
158.04 -> percent of one year especially if we
160.8 -> send our patients home with ongoing
162.72 -> congestion
163.92 -> that's why we put in our HFA guidelines
166.56 -> but also you did it in hfsa guidelines
168.84 -> that congestion needs to be treated
170.7 -> aggressively identified early on to
174.06 -> prevent further adverse outcomes
177.959 -> and I think one of the first people who
180.54 -> actually noticed this was Greg phonero I
182.819 -> don't think he ever published this data
184.44 -> this was from an abstract where he
186.66 -> showed that a reduction in left-sided
188.34 -> feeling pressures was more important
190.14 -> than an improvement in cardiac outputs
192.48 -> in patients who came into the hospital
194.519 -> with low cardiac outputs
197.04 -> if you look at the kidney the kidney
199.68 -> gets tremendous amount of blood almost
201.78 -> one meter per minute so it's not a
204.659 -> surprise that also the kidney depends on
207.78 -> Central hemodynamics we but also other
210.659 -> people just like Jeff have shown that
212.879 -> also for the kidney perspective reducing
216.42 -> central venous pressure so filling
218.7 -> pressures for the kidney is more
220.92 -> important than improving forward flow to
223.44 -> the kidney and so if you have an
225.06 -> elevated central venous pressure this is
227.4 -> really associated with worsening renal
229.56 -> function and patients are admitted with
231.18 -> heart failure but it's also associated
233.4 -> with more sodium and water retention
236.959 -> we done an animal experiment a couple of
239.76 -> years ago where we did The Selective
241.799 -> partial ligation of the vena cava
244.5 -> inferior in Reds was a pretty difficult
247.14 -> experiment to be honest because we had
249.42 -> to intubate these rats and it's not so
251.04 -> easy to intubate a rats but anyway if
253.439 -> you do that and you increase the central
255.72 -> venous pressure just selectively in the
258.299 -> abdomen not touching even the heart you
261.299 -> see that already after a couple of weeks
263.46 -> that there are irreversible changes to
265.74 -> the glomeruli of these Reds so elevated
268.8 -> Central Venus pressure is really a bad
270.9 -> thing to happen for your kidneys
273.9 -> one slide about chronic heart failure
276.36 -> and bear in mind that you lose about one
278.759 -> ml per G of R per year once you reach
281.699 -> the age of 50 this goes up to 2.5 ml if
285.36 -> you have heart failure and up to five if
287.58 -> you have diabetes which is uncontrolled
289.8 -> that is why we have to do our utmost
292.08 -> best to stop this deterioration and for
295.5 -> chronic heart failure the best Two drugs
298.44 -> that we have available are RNA and sjlt2
302.22 -> and CKD is a far more smaller predicate
305.4 -> than ejection fraction for prognosis so
308.04 -> halting this deterioration is really
310.8 -> important that's only the only thing I'm
312.78 -> going to say about chronic heart failure
315.18 -> now
316.56 -> if you look back at the kidney the
318.84 -> kidney is a very long chewable and the
321.24 -> reason for the tubal to be very long is
323.82 -> that we need to filter a lot we need to
326.28 -> filter about 100 seeds of water sodium
328.68 -> and toxic substances and of that 100cc
331.44 -> which is filtered only one CC per minute
335.34 -> actually is produced as urine all the
338.58 -> other 99 will be reabsorbed in the
342.06 -> chewables but we need at 100cc to filter
345.479 -> to in order to excrete all the toxic
348.36 -> substances that our body is producing
351.38 -> bear in mind that most of the water and
354.24 -> sodium is reabsorbed in the proximal
356.22 -> parts of the kidney and that is really
358.32 -> exaggerated if you have heart failure I
361.02 -> know Jeff doesn't agree with me on that
362.88 -> but I'm going to show him later that I
365.1 -> am correct and he is wrong
368.699 -> um if you look at normal human beings
371.039 -> they're also and minded to absorb every
373.5 -> bit of sodium that you eat in your gut
375.419 -> we cannot lose sodium in our guts
378.3 -> because we have a very high brass
380.4 -> activity and this resides from the fact
383.4 -> that we used to be uh lizards and then
386.34 -> then we didn't really have access to
388.86 -> sodium and then we were upstanding in an
391.919 -> upright position so we need High
393.66 -> pressures and that's the reason why we
395.699 -> have a very activated rust system
399.9 -> uh no when you eat
402.3 -> um every day one bag of potato chips
404.759 -> with salt you will see that you have an
407.4 -> increased natural recess which is
410.1 -> hampered if you have heart failure but
412.259 -> over time you'll have a positive sodium
414.96 -> balance so that means that the problem
417.36 -> of heart failure doesn't only stop with
419.58 -> the kidney but it starts with the kidney
421.44 -> and we have a problem there because we
423.66 -> have a positive sodium balance also if
426.72 -> you don't have heart failure and most
429 -> people don't really realize that that
431.039 -> that's not like everything that you're
433.02 -> going to eat will be excreted in your
435.36 -> kidneys so it made us think made us look
438.9 -> at at the renal physiologist that you
441.96 -> know really well
444.02 -> I mean also from Yale where he actually
447.44 -> assessed that there are stores where you
450.9 -> can actually hide sodium and we took it
453.36 -> one step further in heart failure
455.039 -> patients and we found out that there's
456.84 -> also a lot of sodium hiding in the skin
459 -> and if you do skin biopsies and heart
461.22 -> failure patients you see more of these
463.08 -> structures in heart failure and you also
465.36 -> see a very activated grass system in
468.3 -> patients with heart failure we're
470.759 -> actually trying to prospectively assess
472.979 -> this by giving heart for your patients
475.139 -> additional sodium and during cereal skin
477.78 -> biopsies to see if the skin actually
480.06 -> reacts in in the face of a different
483.12 -> sodium loading well anyway coming back
486.3 -> to acute heart failure eventually will
488.58 -> have more sodium and water retention our
490.8 -> bodies cannot accommodate it will have
492.96 -> an increase in plasma volume and the
495.479 -> higher the plasma volume the higher the
497.34 -> likelihood that the patients will be
498.96 -> admitted with heart failure if you have
501.479 -> a patient with acute heart failure the
503.52 -> guidelines tell us that we should give
505.259 -> them Loop diuretic therapy in the HFA
508.56 -> guidelines published in 2021 Loop
511.74 -> Diuretics is the only therapy with a
514.68 -> Class 1 recommendation independent of
517.32 -> the ejection fraction to treat
519.3 -> congestion because of course will change
521.339 -> with the sclv2 Inhibitors but in 2021 it
524.94 -> was the only jerk with the class 1
527.519 -> recommendation to treat signs of
530.459 -> congestion now bear in mind that we
533.04 -> don't really have much data to support
536.16 -> this with a Class 1 recommendation and
539.399 -> the only perspective randomized
541.44 -> double-blind trial with Loop theoretics
543.3 -> was the dose strap those as you know was
545.82 -> comparing continuous versus bolus low
548.64 -> versus high doseamide so four different
551.88 -> treatment strategies the primary
554.04 -> endpoint was the neutral and when you
556.68 -> looked at the secondary endpoints of all
558.72 -> cost mortality and we heart flare Rios
560.519 -> realization the risk was up to 60 up to
563.82 -> 50 percent at two months so half of the
567.3 -> patients and those were either dead or
570.42 -> back in the hospital after two months so
572.58 -> another really good results to be really
574.68 -> honest and when you looked at what the
577.08 -> investigators were reporting freedom
579.18 -> from congestion after three days was
581.279 -> only 15 percent so only one out of six
584.82 -> of the patients included in those was
586.92 -> dry at the end of the study periods
590.04 -> there are many reasons for that but also
592.74 -> bear in mind that if you give Loop
594.66 -> Paradox and monotherapy on the left you
597.899 -> see the urinary volume per 40 milligrams
601.019 -> of furosomide and on the right you see
603 -> the urinary sodium and chloride contents
605.459 -> over three consecutive days so what this
608.64 -> slide actually shows is that you have a
610.74 -> decrease in sodium content while you
613.86 -> have a similar urinary output it means
616.68 -> that the quality of the urine is
618.779 -> dramatically changing if you you only
621.24 -> give lucrative therapy over three
623.22 -> consecutive days and there it is in mind
625.44 -> we're going to talk about ad4
627.779 -> so this is a product from Jeff normally
630.18 -> if you give 40 milligrams of furosoma to
632.279 -> a normal human being it should be being
633.839 -> out about three liters of water and
635.58 -> sodium and almost none of our Hardware
638.399 -> patients are doing that especially if
640.92 -> they are already on a loop theoretic
643.56 -> there are many reasons for that but the
645.66 -> main reason is that Luke diuretics were
648.66 -> distal I work at the Loop of handling
651.18 -> which is distal from the site where most
654.3 -> sodium is reabsorbed
656.22 -> and we're trying to overcome that
658.74 -> so we try to write a document a couple
661.2 -> of years ago how we can better guide use
666.42 -> usage of loop theoretic therapy it's one
669.839 -> of the most cited articles in European
671.88 -> Journal of heart failure that has almost
674.1 -> more than 200 000 downloads because it
676.74 -> has a lot of very practical flow charts
679.74 -> I'm gonna just go very quickly over five
682.38 -> of the most important rules first of all
685.14 -> door to theoretic time there's no reason
687.3 -> to wait to give Loop direct to any
690.54 -> patient who comes in with congestion but
693 -> the most important rule is that you have
694.86 -> to evaluate the effect of the loop
696.54 -> theoretic within hours after you get the
699.36 -> direct Loop theoretics work for about
701.579 -> six to eight hours maximum so you should
704.339 -> evaluate the effect within hours after
707.1 -> you gave the diuretic now we propose to
710.16 -> look at natural races so take a urinary
713.76 -> sample send it to the lab and if it's
716.459 -> below 50 Megs per liter it means that
719.519 -> you will never reach your goals and that
721.56 -> you should increase the dose of the loop
723.66 -> theoretic already after eight hours only
727.38 -> stock motivation is dry and continue
729.48 -> guide and directed medical therapy if
731.88 -> possible we actually Incorporated this
735.54 -> flowchart identically the same flowchart
738.3 -> now in our ESC guidelines as a guidance
742.56 -> to use Loop theoretic therapy better so
745.26 -> this is not in Europe just a suggestion
747.36 -> it's really a recommendation now that
749.76 -> you should use another research guided
752.1 -> approach to improve the utilization of
754.86 -> loop theoretic therapy
756.959 -> we're actually testing this algorithm
758.76 -> now prospectively in every continent
761.579 -> outside the United States in more than
764.279 -> 26 centers and I can nobody can tell you
767.579 -> that the results are really Spectacular
769.399 -> Now what is what may be the future for
773.36 -> Loop theoretic it may be subcutaneous
776.339 -> ferosamide there was a small
779 -> observational study presented at HFA
781.98 -> this year for the investigators in
784.56 -> Scotland infused during five hours 30
787.079 -> milligrams of furosamide
789.779 -> the in the first hour and afterwards
792.54 -> 12.5 milligrams and what they actually
794.7 -> showed is that they could evoke more
796.68 -> natural resources and diuresis also with
799.32 -> a Sub-Q ball this has now been this is
802.079 -> now currently being tested in a
804.12 -> prospective trial in patients who are
807.24 -> outpatient to try to prevent the
810.66 -> hospitalization and it's then giving by
813.18 -> heart failure nurses in an outpatient
815.1 -> setting in Scotland
817.26 -> now what is the other option if your if
819.959 -> Loop directs fail to do the job it might
821.76 -> be thiazides and tiazide's work will
823.92 -> also distal the nephron I know you're
826.44 -> all really fond of thiazides and you
829.74 -> know there might Contraband with this
831.3 -> hypertrophy they work in low G of R
833.88 -> States but they have a slow gr
835.44 -> absorption so you have to give them
837.3 -> hours before you give the loop directly
839.639 -> as Jeff also showed that if you give
842.88 -> long-term tires as they are linked with
845.639 -> an increased mortality which is probably
848.16 -> related to a higher likelihood of
850.68 -> high-end disturbances you you know that
853.38 -> if you give this long term all these
855.36 -> patients develop hypernatremia and
857.1 -> hypokalemia so thiazides are a drug that
859.8 -> can be used short term to improve
862.38 -> decongestion but should not be used long
864.66 -> term because they are linked to a worse
866.94 -> outcome
868.139 -> now there has been The Chronic trial
870.18 -> grodic was a Spanish randomized
872.519 -> double-blind trial done over the last
875.279 -> six years where investigators compared
877.92 -> Placebo with Hydrochlorothiazide for
880.079 -> three days in patients with acute heart
881.88 -> failure their primary endpoint was
884.279 -> weight loss and they showed that more
886.98 -> weight loss in the hydrochlorothiazide
889.8 -> the paper has not been published yet but
891.959 -> it has been presented at HFA a couple of
894.3 -> months ago I think everybody's waiting
896.399 -> for the paper to to appear somewhere but
899.699 -> so far it's not been published
903.48 -> the other option that you might think of
905.279 -> is hydrospinal electone so this was
907.86 -> tested in a Tina trial 25 versus 100
910.56 -> milligrams that did not show a reduction
912.899 -> in anti-pro BMP that also did not show
915.48 -> an increase in diuresis so spinal lectin
918.42 -> is extremely important as in this
920.94 -> modifying agent that is not an agent
923.399 -> that will help you to decongest patients
925.32 -> easier
926.579 -> the reason for all of that is in my mind
929.82 -> that all these agents work distal really
933.72 -> distal from the side where most sodium
936.24 -> is reabsorbed that is the proximal part
938.639 -> and the oldest drug that we had to
941.699 -> improve the natural resis that works on
946.38 -> the proximal parts of the kidneys and
948.18 -> cetazolamides cetazolamide is a carbon
950.94 -> any Trace inhibitor it blocks there for
953.88 -> the uptake of sodium it interferes with
957.18 -> the Sodium proton exchanger and which is
960.42 -> responsible for more than 60 percent of
963.18 -> the sodium reabsorption in the proximal
965.04 -> bars of the kidney we've done a small
968.06 -> perspective randomized double-blind
971.22 -> trial almost a decade ago very compared
974.959 -> acetozolomite plus Loop Diuretics with
977.88 -> Loop Diuretics only in acute heart
979.68 -> failure in a dead small trailer we
981.899 -> showed in in almost a doubling of the
985.019 -> natural reasons in and I think it was
988.199 -> like 80 patients this was the
990.779 -> rationality to develop the ad4 trial and
994.26 -> that first stands for acetozolamide in
996.6 -> the compensated heart failure patients
998.459 -> with volume or movement
1000.62 -> this is uh just to show it if there are
1002.899 -> fellows around it took us almost six
1005.779 -> years to conduct the trial we needed
1008.66 -> about 2 million euros it's a little bit
1010.579 -> more than you can get from any yeah
1012.98 -> sponsor so we had to back to the
1016.16 -> healthcare authorities to get the money
1017.72 -> there was absolutely zero company
1019.399 -> interested to give us the money but it's
1021.8 -> a lot of work if you want to do a trial
1023.72 -> like this and we were Aiming High
1025.819 -> because we thought the only way to to
1028.52 -> prove to Jeff the stani that this drug
1031.28 -> would work is to do a double-blind
1033.079 -> randomized prospective multi-center
1035.839 -> trial but that's not so easy to
1037.88 -> accomplish with a trial steering
1040.16 -> committee
1041.299 -> with a lot of international and famous
1044.6 -> people from Europe we had 29
1047.24 -> participants fighting sites only in
1049.46 -> Belgium we only recruited in Belgium
1051.74 -> because it was the Belgium Healthcare
1053.419 -> authorities you were going to pay for
1054.799 -> the child and that they did not allow us
1057.38 -> to go abroad
1059.179 -> patient recruitment so we estimated that
1061.88 -> we would finish finalize the trial
1063.44 -> within two years we needed 519 patients
1066.62 -> it took us three years because of course
1069.74 -> of coffee during the first covet wave
1072.559 -> everything stopped and what we did
1074.24 -> almost the same in the second covet wave
1077.419 -> they also have done a biomarker sub
1079.88 -> study if any of you is interested we
1081.98 -> collected blood samples urine samples
1084.62 -> and about 130 patients this was also a
1087.799 -> lot of work because we didn't have
1089.12 -> funding for that so when I was on call
1091.22 -> at 1am in the morning I was actually
1093.38 -> taking blood samples to to put in the
1096.32 -> biobank
1097.4 -> the budget was 2.2 million
1100.52 -> um
1101.24 -> it's not so much for a trial which is
1103.34 -> publishing a New England Journal of
1104.539 -> Medicine but it's still a lot of money
1106.64 -> it's actually the money that you need if
1108.86 -> you want to do a trial like this so what
1111.02 -> was the trial design again prospective
1113.059 -> maltes and randomized academic trial no
1116.12 -> industry funding I can actually tell you
1118.94 -> we reached out to one of the companies
1120.679 -> that made acetozolomite but there are
1123.62 -> absolutely zero interest and then I
1126.5 -> asked them you know can we get 10 000
1128.6 -> vials of a set of dolomite which is a
1130.64 -> powder and they said sure you can get it
1132.86 -> so I asked them can we get them for free
1134.9 -> and they said no
1136.88 -> anyway so we paid for everything what
1139.58 -> was the inclusion criteria it was a
1141.32 -> pragmatic trial so we wanted the
1143.66 -> patients to be admitted with acute heart
1145.46 -> failure with at least one sign of volume
1148.039 -> Overload at them on the legs and or
1150.799 -> pleural effusion and or ascitis
1154.22 -> since we were Aiming High We
1157.66 -> demanded to the investigators that if
1160.34 -> they would say there was plural of
1161.72 -> fusion or ascitis that that needed to be
1163.58 -> confirmed by technical exam so they had
1166.22 -> to do an ultrasound or radiography of
1169.28 -> the of the chest or an ultrasound of the
1171.62 -> abdomen to actually confirm that there
1174.2 -> was fluid present patients needed to be
1177.02 -> at least one month on maintenance
1178.64 -> therapy of Overlook theoretics and their
1180.799 -> antipropmbs needed to be above 1000. we
1183.919 -> needed the samples as a 519 to detect an
1186.98 -> absolute risk reduction of 10
1189.28 -> absolutely we're not talking about
1191.179 -> relative risk here we're talking about
1192.799 -> absolute risk reduction so this is a
1195.559 -> really clinical benefit at 10 absolute
1199.22 -> risk reduction it came down to 66
1202.16 -> percent of relative risk reduction now
1205.52 -> we base ourselves upon dose and in the
1207.98 -> dose since the control group in ad4 was
1211.1 -> really comparable with those we
1212.84 -> estimated that the likelihood of
1215.539 -> decongestion was 15 in the control group
1218.059 -> and we hope that the acetosol might
1220.1 -> would push that up to 25 percent
1223.46 -> so we trained investigators to fill in
1225.74 -> this congestion score comprised of Edema
1228.74 -> plural effusion and ascites patients
1231.86 -> were deemed to be dry if they had a
1233.66 -> congestion score of less or equal to one
1237.679 -> the trial was really pragmatic so what
1239.96 -> were we comparing three days Loop
1242.96 -> theoretic therapy twice the home dose
1245.419 -> intravenously plus Placebo versus three
1249.32 -> days same amount of loop direct therapy
1251.66 -> twice the home dose every day plus 500
1254.6 -> milligrams of acetazolamide
1256.88 -> the primary endpoint was successful
1259.82 -> decongestion after three days so meaning
1263.299 -> is your patient dry if it uses theoretic
1267.08 -> strategy after three days so the control
1269.78 -> group was almost like those and the
1272.059 -> intervention group was those plus 500
1274.52 -> milligrams of acetazolamide bear in mind
1277.28 -> again that this primary endpoint is
1279.38 -> going to be very relevant because it's a
1281.6 -> class of one recommendation in our HF
1283.7 -> guidelines
1284.74 -> if you look at the basic characteristics
1287.179 -> of patients included in in at 4 they
1290 -> were really similar there were 78 years
1293 -> of age ejection faction mean was 43
1295.58 -> percent two tourists that have Beth one
1298.039 -> third and half ref median antipropine p
1301.64 -> over six thousand so these were elderly
1304.58 -> patients with a lot of comorbidities and
1307.7 -> this is what we're seeing in Europe I
1309.919 -> don't know about the us but this is
1311.6 -> exactly what we're seeing in Europe 78
1314.78 -> years of age antipropine piece 6000 poor
1318.679 -> renal function that's just what we're
1320.72 -> seeing this is where our emergency rooms
1323.12 -> are flooding with we have the same in
1325.76 -> the Swedish HF registry which is a
1328.34 -> registry in Sweden we have the same in
1330.62 -> the European Registries and heart
1332.12 -> failure elderly people with a lot of
1334.28 -> comorbidities
1336.08 -> if you look at their congestion score
1338 -> they all had severe edema on their legs
1340.88 -> but 60 of the pleural effusion and 10
1343.88 -> have ascites
1346.039 -> when we compared ourselves with the
1348.02 -> order of fermenting trials those Athena
1350.72 -> and caress like caress was an
1352.34 -> ultrafiltration versus step
1354.02 -> chromological and diuretic therapy you
1356.78 -> could see that patients were old were
1358.7 -> Elder and ad for remoron MREs and at
1362.419 -> higher anti-pro bmps just reflective of
1365.659 -> a pragmatic trial this is really
1367.7 -> pragmatic trial including patients that
1370.039 -> we're seeing in Daily clinical life
1372.62 -> this was the primary endpoint and the
1375.559 -> placebo group it was 30 percent and this
1379.1 -> was a worry for us because the only
1381.26 -> thing that we knew a little bit during
1383.059 -> the trial it was double blind of course
1384.919 -> was that there seemed to be more
1386.659 -> patients dry than what we had
1388.34 -> anticipated because we had anticipated
1390.62 -> 15 so if it was 30 percent we knew that
1395.659 -> the absolute risk reductions should even
1398.96 -> be higher otherwise we could never reach
1401.78 -> statistical significance but we were
1404.36 -> lucky in a way that we reached it so
1407.78 -> there were 42 percent of the patients
1410.299 -> dry after three days with acetazolamide
1412.82 -> B value your highly specifically
1414.98 -> significant relative risk production of
1417.5 -> 46 percent
1419.9 -> there was absolutely no interaction with
1423.2 -> any of the predefined subgroups as you
1426.5 -> could see elderly ejection fraction
1428.36 -> antipropylene P sex they all favored the
1431.6 -> acetazolamide group
1433.64 -> now very importantly what was the
1436.28 -> decongestion rate at this charge because
1438.799 -> you might think you know I don't use a
1441.14 -> cetazolamine I give it thiazide or I do
1443.6 -> something else and I don't listen to ad4
1445.7 -> and I'll make it up you know I don't
1448.159 -> need it so that's why we also analyzed a
1451.64 -> discharge so the investigators did a
1453.86 -> pretty good job they had 62 percent of
1456.14 -> the patients dry at the moment of
1458.72 -> discharge but and he said the zolomite
1461.78 -> arm they had almost 80 percent dry
1464.84 -> number needed to treat of six so only
1468.2 -> six patients needed to be treated for
1470.299 -> three days with acetazolamide to have
1472.76 -> the spectacular Improvement in
1474.98 -> decongestant rates at discharge again
1477.14 -> these were double blinded this was a
1480.26 -> double-blinded trial so this means that
1483.32 -> you cannot make it up and why is that
1486.5 -> there is an incremental benefit of
1489.32 -> acetazolamide over consecutive days
1492.38 -> the incremental benefit I know but now
1494.659 -> from several sip analysis is not so much
1497.12 -> the benefit of acetazolamide per se but
1500.059 -> it's the prevention the prevention of
1503.12 -> loop theoretic resistance it's the
1505.76 -> prevention depth of more and more sodium
1508.76 -> reabsorption in the proximal parts of
1511.22 -> the kidney and that drives the problem
1513.74 -> and acetazolamide is now the only drug
1516.38 -> which has proven that it can prevent
1519.22 -> diuretic resistance far better than
1522.74 -> giving just Loop theoretic in
1524.419 -> monotherapy
1525.799 -> when we looked at Diaries and natural
1528.2 -> reasons there was a tremendous increase
1530.48 -> in Natures over the first two days we
1533.6 -> didn't we did not measure that during
1535.22 -> three days we did during collections
1537.14 -> during the first two days a lot more
1539.419 -> natural reasons than diuresis when we
1542.9 -> looked at secondary endpoints predefined
1545.059 -> length of stay was significantly reduced
1547.76 -> with one day
1549.2 -> which is important for healthcare
1550.88 -> related costs but also for quality of
1553.279 -> life but we did not reduce all cost
1555.799 -> mortality and heart failure
1557.059 -> rehospitalization bear in mind that our
1559.76 -> travel is of course underpowered to do
1562.039 -> so and this is a diuretic trial this is
1564.98 -> not a trial which has which which needed
1567.86 -> to show long-term outcomes this was just
1570.14 -> a trial to show that you can reach more
1572.48 -> effective decongestion
1575.48 -> and we do the source the coveted
1578.24 -> sensitivity analysis which showed that
1580.46 -> there was no inference of covet on the
1582.559 -> primary endpoint
1584.419 -> there was also no difference in
1586.159 -> utilization of Loop Diuretics between
1587.84 -> the two groups and there was a little
1590.48 -> bit of increase in MRA used in
1593.62 -> asphalamide treated patients what about
1596.179 -> safety there was Zero signal of harm
1599.72 -> when we looked at the trial there was no
1602.36 -> increase in renal endpoints there was no
1604.88 -> increase in hypotension there was no
1607.039 -> increase in severe metabolic acidosis or
1609.76 -> hypokalemia and also bear in mind that
1612.2 -> the drug has been used for more than 70
1614 -> years so I think it has shown a safety
1616.64 -> profile over the last decades
1619.34 -> now I know there's a lot of comments
1622.52 -> about our exclusion Criterium to exclude
1625.4 -> stl2 Inhibitors and we specifically
1628.36 -> excluded this in the trial why was that
1631.88 -> well the trial started in 2016 and at
1635.12 -> that moment there was absolutely zero
1638.32 -> data that sle2 and embarrassed should be
1641.419 -> used in heart failure or however at that
1645.26 -> moment we already published a review
1646.9 -> stating that these are these were very
1650.059 -> promising agents for heart failure
1651.86 -> because they also work in the proximal
1653.48 -> part of the kidney but we there was no
1656.059 -> indication and we wanted to prevent this
1659 -> balance in the two treatment groups for
1661.7 -> these drugs now if you look at the
1664.159 -> mechanism of effect of facility there is
1667.1 -> an approximal tubal they block glucose
1669.799 -> uptake and that glucose sodium channel
1672.98 -> is only responsible for five percent of
1675.74 -> the sodium uptake which is completely
1678.38 -> different from cetazolamide so if
1681.26 -> anything then these drugs will work
1683.02 -> synergistically but not mutually
1685.52 -> exclusive when you look at all the
1687.919 -> transit Scala twin bearers they are they
1690.98 -> show that you have an increase in
1692.84 -> diuresis but not so much an increase in
1696.08 -> natural resistance so should they use be
1698.779 -> used in combination absolutely should
1701.419 -> ac32 inverse be used as a diuretic agent
1704.179 -> I don't think so but they should be used
1706.58 -> in all art for their patients
1708.679 -> chronically and acetozolomite is a
1711.32 -> diuretic agent which is completely
1713.12 -> different
1714.559 -> and so these are our conclusions I think
1716.84 -> edfer was the largest era electoral and
1718.76 -> acute hydler ever performed with a very
1721.279 -> important clinical endpoint adver was
1723.98 -> the first trial and acute heart failure
1725.84 -> where the positive endpoint it showed
1728.299 -> that the addition of 500 milligrams of
1729.919 -> acetozolamide to standardize
1731.919 -> ivulptoretic therapy was associated with
1734.779 -> a 46 percent higher incidence of
1737.12 -> decongestion the benefit was consistent
1740 -> across all pre-specified subgroups and
1742.94 -> the three patients treated with this
1744.32 -> that was a little more it had more
1745.58 -> natural resist at a shorter Hospital
1748.34 -> stay and were more likely to be
1750.799 -> discharged without volume orbitals again
1753.44 -> number needed to treat of six and not 20
1756.559 -> not 100 only six
1759.08 -> there was no reduction or cost mortality
1761.48 -> or hardly hospitalization but the
1763.7 -> trailer was under power to do so and the
1766.279 -> rates of these endpoints were
1768.38 -> considerably lower than was was reported
1771.799 -> in those Although our patients were
1774.26 -> sicker the rates were considerably lower
1778.22 -> there was no higher incidence of Adverse
1780.62 -> Events and the results highlight the
1783.559 -> importance to Target congestion early
1786.2 -> and they also further support the use of
1788.659 -> natural releases as an indicator of
1790.52 -> diuretic response and we feel that
1792.98 -> adverse supports utilization of this
1794.899 -> drug as it is a cheap drug it costs 8
1797.84 -> Euros a day eight not eight hundred it's
1800.6 -> of patent it's very easy to use once
1803.6 -> daily safe and it turned out to be very
1806.24 -> effective to improve decongestion if you
1809.36 -> look at our HF or our ESC guidelines
1811.76 -> these are the guidelines with diuretic
1813.559 -> therapy so lupter laser class one tire
1816.86 -> that's a plus two a indication again I
1820.159 -> refer to the class one with Loop the
1821.899 -> analytics although we don't really have
1823.159 -> data for that so it makes us Wonder of
1826.46 -> course how is ESC going to position the
1829.279 -> use of a catholamide this is what we
1832.58 -> think of this is of course not this is
1834.5 -> not a guideline and this is just what I
1836.12 -> made up is that the Solomon on top of
1838.159 -> theoretics might be recommended for
1840.679 -> patients with acute heart failure we're
1842.659 -> admitted to fluid overload who were
1845.12 -> previously treated with oral Loop
1846.799 -> Diuretics to improve the incidence of
1849.02 -> decongestion plus b because we have one
1851.72 -> randomized control trial then it should
1854 -> be one or two a depending on the voting
1857 -> Committee of the calculates
1859.34 -> the data has been published now in the
1861.02 -> New England Journal of Medicine and I
1862.52 -> also would like to emphasize that out of
1864.62 -> the six first orders five of them are
1867.08 -> PhD students so this is really supports
1870.52 -> should support the young people there or
1873.74 -> even younger than I am that even if
1876.5 -> you're young and really motivated that
1878.48 -> you can get to the New England Journal
1879.98 -> of Medicine so this I think was a little
1882.14 -> bit the slogan that we're trying to
1883.82 -> emphasize during the ESC meeting door to
1887.24 -> combo diuretic time and I think we have
1889.88 -> proven now that acetazolamide is the
1891.919 -> only agent which has shown a positive
1894.799 -> endpoint with regards to decongestion
1896.899 -> thank you for your attention and I'm
1898.88 -> open for any questions you might still
1901.1 -> have
1902.72 -> thanks so much Dr Mullins that was great
1905.6 -> um we have a number of people on the
1907.76 -> call today so
1909.32 -> um if you'd like to ask any questions
1910.58 -> please just feel free to unmute yourself
1912.679 -> or you could uh place your question in
1915.799 -> the chat if you'd like and I could read
1917.899 -> it to Dr Mullins or I'll raise your hand
1920.24 -> and I will call on you so I see Jeff is
1923.419 -> ready to go first
1925.64 -> well for fantastic stuff uh really a big
1929.419 -> Advance as you said biggest diuretic
1931.82 -> trial it's really great to see it
1933.559 -> published and uh and embraced by the
1936.26 -> community as it has been so the one
1938.6 -> thing that's been puzzling me is the
1942.86 -> the the trends though obviously not
1946.58 -> powered at all for death and
1947.84 -> re-hospitalization but
1949.52 -> why did they turn in the wrong direction
1950.899 -> and and it would this was really easy
1953.299 -> for me to blow off when I first see it
1954.98 -> but then of course I'm sure you've seen
1956.179 -> the chlorotic results
1957.919 -> where they had you know totally
1959.419 -> different mechanism Etc but they had
1961.039 -> more decongestion there as well and
1963.679 -> again Trend towards more death and
1965.24 -> re-hospitalization and you know I've
1966.679 -> been on the podium for the last 10 years
1968.059 -> saying if you decongest people more
1969.679 -> they're gonna do better
1972.5 -> um and we have two trials the first two
1974.12 -> trials now that actually have caused
1976.22 -> more reduction in fluid during the
1977.779 -> in-hospital setting yet neither trended
1981.2 -> I mean alternated the wrong direction
1983.059 -> not the right direction so so any any
1985.1 -> thoughts on that
1987.88 -> yes I know I I don't think Jeff that the
1991.159 -> short-term acting agent like I said the
1993.559 -> zolomite will translate in longer term
1996.82 -> prognostic effects
1998.899 -> I think we have to look at this as a
2001.24 -> diuretic trial which which we used to in
2004.72 -> a daily life to try to decongest
2006.399 -> patients better patients come in with
2008.559 -> fluid overload they call that's their
2010.299 -> main complaint they don't complain that
2012.7 -> they will die within that five years
2014.5 -> they complain about fluid overload and
2017.44 -> we don't really have a good therapy to
2019.12 -> to treat to to do that and I think this
2023.919 -> this should be seen as diuretic agents
2026.019 -> and I think we should add AC altitude as
2028.179 -> soon as possible because that will
2029.559 -> translate in a better outcome but I
2032.019 -> think we're we're expecting too much
2033.76 -> from acute Hardware trials where we give
2036.34 -> short-term acting agents and to improve
2039.159 -> long-term outcomes and it of course it
2042.34 -> puzzles me and of course we would have
2043.899 -> hoped that it also would have trended
2046.299 -> towards the right direction but for now
2049.179 -> I think it's it's also play of chance I
2052.48 -> know for example I know now which
2055 -> patients were allocated to acetazolamide
2056.98 -> in my Center I didn't know it then and
2059.5 -> when I looked at the ones who died they
2061.96 -> just came in in like a pre-shock
2063.639 -> condition with really gfrs of 22 just
2067.359 -> above the base just above the so if they
2070.359 -> if we wouldn't have included those three
2072.159 -> the trend would would have been the
2074.2 -> other way around
2075.639 -> so it's also a player if you look if you
2077.8 -> only the numbers are really low here
2080.08 -> we're talking about them the second
2082.419 -> thing is and I never tell that but I can
2084.46 -> share it with you if you look at
2086.08 -> in-hospital mortality this was
2088.839 -> statistically significantly better for
2091.419 -> the acetazolamic group so the
2093.639 -> in-hospital mortality was I'm not saying
2095.74 -> reduce because that's wrong but if if
2098.2 -> you ask me it's reduced that's even
2100.66 -> significantly with the set of zolomite
2102.94 -> but I'm not going to say that I'm going
2105.22 -> to say it now but I'm never gonna write
2106.9 -> it somewhere because I don't think
2108.52 -> that's fair but the same comment comes
2110.92 -> from Greg phonora you know it goes in
2112.54 -> the right wrong directions there you
2114.04 -> know it's at 500 trial there are not a
2117.46 -> lot of mortalities here look at what
2120.339 -> you're I mean not you what we all are
2122.56 -> doing acute heart failure we have 50
2124.78 -> mortality or civilization after two
2126.94 -> months we we barely have 28 percent then
2129.94 -> we're doing a great job think with this
2132.339 -> trial so if you look at it from in
2134.5 -> perspective
2136 -> I don't really see a signal of arm
2140.38 -> but I understand the comment then but if
2142.9 -> you type deep dive into the trial you
2145.78 -> see you know there's nothing wrong here
2148 -> yeah I don't I don't think any of us see
2150.88 -> harm it's just like
2152.8 -> you know if you would have asked me
2154.24 -> beforehand if we have a you know this
2157.18 -> big reduction in residual congestion
2159.04 -> we'll kind of at least see a
2160 -> re-hospitalization trend maybe not
2161.74 -> significant but but Jeff these we're
2164.92 -> still we're still analyzing this of
2166.42 -> course that but these patients are 78
2168.28 -> years of age so about 18 is Rios plus
2172.24 -> after three months if you're 78 with a
2175.359 -> GFR of 40 and you have a less than 20
2179.099 -> rehospitalizations after three months I
2181.359 -> mean that's a tremendous good result huh
2183.579 -> yeah I mean there these are not 50 year
2186.82 -> old people these are really elderly
2188.98 -> frail people who just come into the
2191.56 -> hospital for a hardly related event
2193.839 -> that's where that's what we're showing
2195.88 -> we didn't we didn't say that they came
2198.28 -> in with a lot with 10 liters of volume
2200.079 -> again they just came in with a
2201.82 -> heartfully related event which might
2203.68 -> have been atrial fibrillation which
2205.66 -> might have been a non-stemi which may
2207.28 -> have been a pneumonia which caused a
2209.26 -> little bit of pulmonary edema that's
2211.06 -> what we're saying we did we don't so we
2213.579 -> have to delve a little bit more into
2214.9 -> this to solve this problem but it's not
2217.9 -> that they're coming back with 10
2219.16 -> kilograms of volume again
2221.8 -> right but I get the point
2224.2 -> so I think we just need to redo this in
2225.94 -> the U.S where everybody leaves super
2227.44 -> congested and comes back you know half
2229.54 -> the time in six months and yeah I mean
2231.64 -> you also have to look at the reconjust
2233.92 -> you can just discharge I mean people are
2236.2 -> staying in hospital for nine days and
2237.94 -> and I know a lot of people in the US say
2239.859 -> yeah if we would have kept them nine
2241.48 -> days it would also been in drug yeah I
2243.22 -> mean that's our job huh and I know the
2245.079 -> system is against you to keep them
2246.76 -> longer in the hospital those nine days
2249.339 -> on average they were dry after five to
2251.74 -> six days the three additional days is
2254.2 -> also social reasons many of these people
2256.48 -> are elderly you take them to the
2258.04 -> hospital again the confused people the
2259.839 -> family say I cannot take them home and
2261.82 -> then they sell a couple of days more in
2263.44 -> the hospital which is of course not
2264.64 -> correct but that's the way Healthcare
2266.92 -> systems are still set up in in our
2269.56 -> countries
2271.96 -> we have a question in the chat and then
2273.88 -> I I saw Lobby on mute herself as well
2275.92 -> I'll ask the question real quickly here
2277.78 -> then Lobby if you have a question maybe
2279.099 -> you can go after this one
2281.079 -> um uh and the chat says asks if there's
2282.94 -> any differences in electrolyte
2284.56 -> disturbances or a higher need for
2286.9 -> electrolyte correction in the
2288.76 -> acetazolamide group
2291.339 -> um the the second thing I cannot answer
2293.8 -> because we didn't collect it but I know
2295.9 -> there was a little bit more if you
2297.46 -> because we what we collected was the the
2300.099 -> ions so we know there's a little bit
2301.9 -> more hypokalemia in the cetozolamide
2304.06 -> group but I'm not saying that that's a
2306.64 -> bad thing that might just mean that
2308.14 -> they're just being a more because of the
2310.72 -> the combination of the diuretic agents
2312.76 -> that Loop arrays are more effective but
2315.04 -> we don't we we didn't collect the number
2317.26 -> of let's say low right infusions that
2320.38 -> was not captured but we just looked at
2322.54 -> the lab absolute values were a little
2324.88 -> bit lower and institutional micro group
2326.619 -> for a bicarbonate there was
2329.079 -> there was no statically significant
2331.119 -> difference no and well for you guys it's
2334 -> a it's 500 of of Diamox with a grandma
2336.88 -> mag correct yeah so the Magnesium I know
2340.54 -> the question also comes up so we gave
2342.28 -> the Magnesium
2343.599 -> um not because we thought it needed to
2345.82 -> be but that's just common practice in
2348.16 -> Belgium centers most of us have been
2350.38 -> trained in one Center which is living
2352.24 -> and there they used to give it so
2354.04 -> everybody took this for granted so
2356.2 -> initially we asked to the investment do
2358.359 -> you give something and Muslims said yeah
2360.28 -> we give a little bit of glucose and some
2361.9 -> magnesium and that's why we put it in
2363.7 -> the protocol so both groups I'm not even
2366.46 -> saying they received it we told the
2368.26 -> investigators it's okay that you give
2369.82 -> this but don't give them sore
2372.28 -> if you give anything give that as a
2374.38 -> flute 500 cities of glucose with some
2376.72 -> magnesium and for the rest we didn't
2378.64 -> recommend any do you have a subset that
2381.28 -> didn't get mad I'm just curious if you
2383.2 -> know because in the US no one does that
2384.82 -> I'm wondering is there some sort of
2386.56 -> magic Synergy with diamoxin we don't
2389.619 -> even know how many people got it this
2391.42 -> was just a recommendation that that
2393.22 -> another recommendation was just if you
2395.2 -> give something you can do this you don't
2396.82 -> have to tell us but you're not allowed
2398.26 -> to give sodium chloride
2400.18 -> bracelets
2402 -> salavi had to jump off to do some
2404.14 -> clinical care but her question was
2407.68 -> um why do you think the decongestion was
2410.079 -> so good in the placebo group with higher
2412.839 -> risk patients with higher BNP
2415.42 -> and older age
2417.82 -> yeah but I think it's a I understand the
2421.06 -> question so it was almost double of
2422.8 -> those it's those I think first of all we
2425.2 -> looked at other signs of congestion than
2427.06 -> those we looked at volume overloads yeah
2429.52 -> well those results in jvp which is very
2432.94 -> difficult clinically to be very honest
2434.859 -> so we were looking at volume overload
2437.32 -> second answer to that is I I don't think
2440.44 -> patients come in as volume overloaded
2443.079 -> anymore as they used to be doing 10
2444.94 -> years ago especially out in Europe
2446.8 -> because access to care is pretty easy
2449.2 -> especially in Belgium so most patients
2451.599 -> come in in Belgium with five six
2453.52 -> kilograms of excess volume but not more
2455.92 -> than that so I think they have high
2458.56 -> anti-propine piece yes but there are
2461.32 -> less volume overloaded than 10 years ago
2463.2 -> and the assessment of congestion in our
2466.24 -> trial is different than it was in those
2468.64 -> foreign
2471.119 -> with the uh the bio samples
2475.18 -> uh you
2476.32 -> you submit a proposal we can look at it
2478.66 -> Jeff
2480.4 -> we don't have a plan yet no we don't
2482.98 -> have a plan but the the sub analysis
2484.96 -> with them with bicarbonate is extremely
2487.839 -> intriguing
2489.28 -> and the higher the bicarbonate you have
2491.26 -> when you when you admit it it's it's a
2493.24 -> basically an indication of neuromonal
2495.339 -> stimulation because especially those
2497.44 -> patients that react really well to
2498.88 -> accept this overnight because now you
2501.4 -> can absorb more sodium in a proximal
2503.14 -> price I mean it's it's really intriguing
2505.06 -> yeah
2506.22 -> I missed I missed the slide how many
2508.54 -> patients did you say ended up in the in
2510.4 -> the Bible Repository
2511.78 -> exchange how many how many patients were
2513.94 -> in the Bible Repository
2516.16 -> in in the trial uh no in the uh it was
2519.4 -> only a subset that got the power
2520.599 -> repository right the biomarkers about
2522.4 -> 130 yeah that's a nice nice end but in
2527.079 -> those we have urines we have blood three
2529.359 -> of everything in those yeah
2531.22 -> great another question in the chat
2533.98 -> um in the in the event that a patient
2536.38 -> would not respond to IV Loop diuretic
2538.599 -> plus IV acetazolamide and you needed to
2541.66 -> move to a third agent to try to uh block
2545.32 -> the nephron what would be your choice of
2547.42 -> agent sglt2 inhibitor or thiazide or you
2550.119 -> know something I think sclt2 is clear I
2552.579 -> would give it to everybody so I don't
2554.5 -> see it that as a diuretic although it
2556.54 -> also will help to decongest of course by
2558.94 -> a neuromonal inhibition and so I would
2561.7 -> give that to everybody so that's not for
2563.38 -> me diuretic agent anymore but if you
2565.72 -> don't get there with titrated Loop
2568.18 -> Terminix based on the algorithm that we
2570.46 -> have to increase the dosages three times
2572.26 -> a day with the setos alarm at one time I
2575.14 -> probably will also advertise that I'm
2576.94 -> not again tire size huh I'm just in
2579.819 -> favor of a drug which is now shown
2582.22 -> unique privately that it helps and with
2584.44 -> Dietz we just have the observation that
2586.54 -> we think it helps
2588.22 -> we know there is harm if you give it too
2590.319 -> long and this is not the case for
2591.88 -> certain someone right
2593.38 -> but I get why a lot of people give
2595.3 -> thyroids but I think you should change
2597.579 -> your practice based on the evidence now
2599.319 -> or at least try with with the drug which
2601.839 -> is showing to be more effective
2604.359 -> for what it's worth anecdotally I've
2606.16 -> made use of of acetazolamide much more
2608.98 -> frequently since your paper came out and
2610.48 -> I've had great success with my patients
2613.66 -> um
2614.68 -> any other uh questions or comments out
2617.319 -> there from the group
2623.98 -> okay well uh Dr Mullins again thank you
2626.92 -> so much for taking the time I know we
2628.599 -> know it's approaching 10 o'clock P.M
2630.16 -> there in Belgium and uh uh happy that
2633.099 -> you made the time to share this with us
2635.02 -> and um we wish you all the best and I
2637.24 -> hope that we get to meet in person
2638.38 -> sometime down the road it's a pleasure
2641.7 -> yeah bye-bye
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRXdqKFCY5w