British Heart Foundation - One step at a time, Edith's heart failure story
British Heart Foundation - One step at a time, Edith's heart failure story
Edith’s heart attack left her with severe heart failure.
She talks about the small changes she made to enable her to do the things she loves, cope with her heart failure and debilitating rheumatoid arthritis.
3.259 -> it is difficult to accepting it in the
6.15 -> first place
7.01 -> but once you do accept it and look for
10.139 -> solutions there is still alive to go you
13.71 -> don't have to sit in the house and do
15.509 -> nothing the worst time for me was when
18.57 -> the consultant cardiologist at hospital
23.9 -> said to me that there was nothing they
27.57 -> could do for me I said to him and so
31.56 -> will I be getting the pacemaker now no
35.67 -> that wouldn't be suitable for your
37.71 -> condition
38.73 -> I felt really distraught that there were
41.34 -> all these things available that had
43.26 -> heard about but none of them were
45.51 -> applicable to my heart condition
47.719 -> because I could have broken heart when I
54.989 -> went see Martin the first time I was
57.989 -> told there was a heart failure nurse and
60.27 -> he said we think of every day as he
63.87 -> comes and we always have something to
65.939 -> look forward to so I told him about my
68.729 -> grandson getting married this year so it
71.79 -> was well we look forward to the wedding
74.25 -> and all sorts of exciting things are
77.04 -> going to happen I was thinking about
78.93 -> I've got to get better because I need to
81.509 -> get some new clothes and I've got to
83.85 -> make the journey to York and find
85.83 -> somewhere to stay and it was an
88.32 -> incentive every day to try and get a
90.99 -> little bit better but if I want to do
93.39 -> something and I think I can't possibly
95.369 -> do it
96.5 -> Martin has always come up with a
99 -> solution for me one of the things she
101.52 -> wants to do is swim that's quite an
104.369 -> undertaking for someone with heart
105.57 -> failure so we had lots of intermediate
107.79 -> goals to help her achieve that including
110.04 -> for the first time just getting in the
112.14 -> water than walking about with water at
114.24 -> no more than waist height and we
116.28 -> progress that from there
117.53 -> and it's only just recently after quite
120.229 -> a few months that we've actually got her
121.58 -> swimming properly
125.909 -> because I need to stop up right in the
128.13 -> water because we ran long to heart full
130.41 -> of fluid
131.72 -> suggested that I had a flower
135.11 -> which would keep me upright and I would
137.93 -> swim like a seahorse
141.56 -> I'm trying to swim like see I got
146.09 -> rheumatoid arthritis in my feet my legs
149.09 -> were getting so stiff because I can't
151.55 -> walk and now I felt that I was going to
155.48 -> be house bound if I didn't get back to
158.39 -> swimming pool just going to relax and
165.53 -> this is the time when I feel as if I can
167.39 -> go to sleep
169.34 -> because it's sounding like
175.79 -> it's wonderful and when I come out I
178.31 -> feel that I walk a lot better
185.14 -> I messed Herrick when we were 17 years
187.63 -> old
188.32 -> so we'd been married 57 years there he
192.01 -> keeps me going you know it if I'm down
194.8 -> it's like oh you can do it you always do
197.5 -> it you know I'm sure you can do it sort
199.3 -> of thing and I think you know it I don't
204.58 -> know what to do without him really and I
207.46 -> think when you've been married as long
208.63 -> as we have you just put yourself out to
211.959 -> mate life as comfortable and as happy as
215.77 -> possible we which I and keep on the
219.31 -> movie for Canton but overall we tend to
224.89 -> go out or we have some activity every
227.62 -> day even if it's only go into the soup
233.84 -> it's always great when a patient feels
236.27 -> satisfied in themselves and of course it
238.31 -> motivates me in the way that I want to
240.44 -> help patients to get them to understand
242.72 -> that sometimes looking at small goals or
245.48 -> even modifying what we want to do
247.67 -> actually means we can achieve meaningful
249.62 -> things in daily life rather than
251.89 -> wondering what's happened to our life
254.11 -> you see where I grow sweet piece of
256.579 -> poetry now I don't have to bend down and
259.76 -> we lead if she liked to work in the
261.29 -> kitchen doing baking but she found she
263.45 -> got dizzy after quite a time and this
266.18 -> would she was giving up cooking and so
268.61 -> we arranged her to have a perching store
270.229 -> so that she could stand for some of the
272.9 -> time and then sit but continue for some
275.419 -> of the time and that's allowed her to
276.44 -> carry on and enjoy her baking I have
278.81 -> hypertension and Martin has altered my
283.1 -> medication he's found different
285.669 -> medication to try and some and it has
290.57 -> come the my blood pressure has come down
292.6 -> the pharmaceutical business is moving at
296.09 -> such a rate the new drugs coming in and
298.46 -> so on Martin he keeps us up to date
301.37 -> probably keeps the GPS up-to-date as
303.74 -> well with the modern medicines
309.12 -> it's been quite exciting to go back and
311.82 -> do things that I thought I would never
313.41 -> do again well you're never going to get
315.96 -> any better sitting at home thinking
317.55 -> about it you need to get out and join
321.45 -> groups and do some activities as much as
324.75 -> you can enjoy life well it's here
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bei7T3fMb20