Flax Seeds for Hypertension

Flax Seeds for Hypertension

Flax Seeds for Hypertension

Extraordinary results reported in a rare example of a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of a dietary intervention (flaxseeds) to combat one of our leading killers, high blood pressure.

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And that’s not all flax can do. Check out:
Can Flax Seeds Help Prevent Breast Cancer? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Can-F…)
Flaxseeds \u0026 Breast Cancer Survival: Epidemiological Evidence (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxs…)
Flaxseeds \u0026 Breast Cancer Survival: Clinical Evidence (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxs…)
Flaxseeds vs. Diabetes (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxs…)
Flax Seeds for Sensitive Skin (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxs…)
Flax Seeds for Breast Pain (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flax-…)

Hibuscus tea may help with high blood pressure as well: Hibiscus Tea vs. Plant-Based Diets for Hypertension (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/hibis

Diet can also play an important role in preventing heart disease (One in a Thousand: Ending the Heart Disease Epidemic http://nutritionfacts.org/video/one-i…) and diabetes (Plant-Based Diets and Diabetes http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Plant… In some cases diet can even reverse some of the worst ravages of high blood pressure: Kempner Rice Diet: Whipping Us Into Shape (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Kempn

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flax-… and he’ll try to answer it!

Image Credit: John and Anni Winings via Flickr.

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#bloodpressure #hownottodie #drgreger


7.919 -> a recent article in the journal meets
9.679 -> science acknowledged the sector of the
11.519 -> population perceives meat as a food that
13.519 -> is detrimental to their health because
15.599 -> of studies associating meat consumption
17.359 -> with heart disease and cancer for these
19.439 -> reasons these meat consumers look for
20.96 -> healthier food alternatives as a means
22.8 -> to maintain good health so
25.439 -> this represents a good opportunity for
27.199 -> the industry to develop some new
28.72 -> products natural foods could be added to
31.279 -> meat to reach those health oriented
33.2 -> consumers by boosting antioxidant levels
35.28 -> for example foods like flax seeds and
38 -> tomatoes are healthy associated with
40.079 -> reduced risk of cancer and
41.68 -> cardiovascular disease
43.6 -> so by making flaxseed tomato burgers
45.76 -> they figure they can reduce saturated
47.28 -> fat intake and less sugar somehow
50.64 -> it's like their flaxseed fed pork idea
54.239 -> to produce an enriched lard
57.44 -> wouldn't it be easier just to cut out
59.199 -> the middle pig and eat flaxseeds
60.879 -> ourselves
62.16 -> flaxseeds have been described as a
64.159 -> miraculous defense against some critical
66.159 -> maladies
67.6 -> now i'm a fan of flax but this title
70.4 -> seemed a bit over exuberant i figured
72.88 -> something just got lost in a translation
75.119 -> but then i saw this study and realized
77.759 -> maybe that title is not too far off
81.28 -> rarely
82.479 -> do we see a dietary study of this
83.92 -> caliber perspective double-blind
85.52 -> placebo-controlled randomized trial you
87.28 -> know how hard that is in a nutrition
89.28 -> study i mean
90.32 -> for drugs it's easy you take two
92.079 -> identical looking pills one's active
93.68 -> one's placebo until the end of the study
96.079 -> neither the researcher nor the patient
97.759 -> has any idea which is which hence double
99.84 -> blind but people tend to notice what
102.32 -> they're eating so how do you sneak a
104.24 -> quarter cup of ground flaxseeds into
106.399 -> half of people's diets without them
107.68 -> knowing it
108.96 -> they created these various flax or
111.24 -> placebo-containing foods and even added
113.36 -> like bran and molasses to match the
114.96 -> color and texture so it's all big secret
117.28 -> until six months later when they broke
118.88 -> the code to see who ate which
122.079 -> why test it on hypertension
124.56 -> because having a systolic blood pressure
126.56 -> over 115 that's the top number may be
129.2 -> the single most important determinant
131.52 -> for death in the world today
135.68 -> if you take a bunch of older folks most
137.28 -> of them on an array of blood pressure
138.959 -> pills and don't improve their diet at
140.64 -> all
141.44 -> despite the drugs they may start out
143.44 -> with that on average hypertensive and
146.239 -> stay hypertensive six months later
149.12 -> but those who are unknowingly eating
151.68 -> ground flax seeds every day
153.92 -> drop their systolic blood pressure about
155.599 -> 10 points and their diastolic the lower
157.68 -> number by about 7 points
160 -> that might not sound like a lot but a
162.319 -> drop like that could cut stroke risk 46
165.76 -> heart disease 29
167.519 -> and that 10 point drop in the top number
169.36 -> could have a similar effect on strokes
170.8 -> and heart attacks
172.08 -> and for those that started out over 140
175.12 -> they got a 15 point draw
177.44 -> in summary
178.879 -> flax seed induced one of the most potent
182.04 -> antihypertensive effects ever achieved
184.72 -> by dietary intervention in other words
186.72 -> the magnitude of this decrease in blood
188.64 -> pressure demonstrated by dietary
190 -> flaxseed is as good or better than any
192.159 -> other nutritional interventions and
194.4 -> comparable to many drugs which can have
197.2 -> serious side effects
199.12 -> and they're not exaggerating about the
201.519 -> comparable to drugs bit the flax dropped
204.879 -> systolic and diastolic up to 15 and
207.04 -> seven
208.319 -> compare that to powerful ace inhibitors
210.64 -> like vasotec which may only drop
212.48 -> pressures five and two calcium channel
214.72 -> blockers like norvasc and cartism eight
217.04 -> and three
218.48 -> half of what the flax could do right and
221.44 -> side effects include
225.76 -> compare this list to that
228.72 -> of the side effect of flax seeds
231.44 -> it's pleasant nutty flavor
235.28 -> during the six-month trial there were
237.12 -> strokes and heart attacks in both groups
239.76 -> even if the flax seeds can cut risk in
241.76 -> half though any avoidable risk is
244.159 -> unacceptable
245.519 -> right well isn't high blood pressure
247.76 -> just inevitable as we get older
250.239 -> no the the prevalence of hypertension
252.4 -> does increase dramatically with age but
254.239 -> not for everyone people who eat more
257.359 -> plant-based diets or keep their salt
259.68 -> intake low enough tend not to exhibit
262.16 -> any change in blood pressure with
263.36 -> advancing age so you know flax is great
266.08 -> but always better to prevent the disease
269.84 -> in the first place
293.12 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaMAQ5CIuIs