Blood pressure as we age: What is a healthy target?

Blood pressure as we age: What is a healthy target?

Blood pressure as we age: What is a healthy target?

In this video, Drs. Anthony Levinson and Richard Sztramko will discuss high blood pressure and what healthy blood pressure targets are for older adults. You will meet Russell, who has taken their blood pressure at a local pharmacy and gotten a result of 140/95. Learn what their best next steps would be.

0:00 - Meet Russel
0:10 - What is blood pressure?
0:55 - How do you properly measure blood pressure at home?
2:13 - What time of day should you take your blood pressure?
3:11 - What kind of blood pressure monitor should I choose?
4:13 - Is there an ideal blood pressure target?
6:01 - Why is it important to measure your blood pressure at home?
8:03 - Why is it important to maintain an ideal blood pressure?
10:23 - Which people are at increased risk for developing high blood pressure?
11:07 - What are the main causes of high blood pressure?
13:03 - Back to Russel

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This work is supported through the McMaster Institute for Research on Aging and funds provided by the Dean and Vice-President, Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.

Disclaimer: These videos are provided for informational purposes only. They are not a substitute for advice from your own health care professional. The videos may be used for not-for-profit educational purposes only. Any other uses must be approved by the McMaster Optimal Aging Portal ([email protected]).


0.399 -> russell went to their local pharmacy to
2.8 -> check his blood pressure
4.72 -> the result was 140 over 95.
8.72 -> what does this mean
11.2 -> as blood circulates through your body it
14.24 -> exerts pressure against the walls of
16.4 -> your arteries that pressure is what's
18.88 -> measured with a blood pressure device
21.76 -> blood pressure is measured by two
23.519 -> numbers
24.56 -> systolic or the top number or the first
27.92 -> number and diastolic the bottom or the
30.88 -> second number
32.48 -> systolic measures the pressure in your
34.719 -> arteries when your heart is pumping
37.76 -> diastolic measures the pressure in your
40.16 -> arteries when they're resting and
42.48 -> refilling
44.079 -> high blood pressure is something you
46.16 -> need to avoid in order to keep your
48.239 -> heart and arteries healthy and clear of
51.12 -> any cardiovascular disease
53.76 -> so let's start with the basics how do
56 -> you properly measure blood pressure at
57.92 -> home
58.879 -> great question anthony blood pressure is
61.28 -> always best measured at rest
63.68 -> it's important to take your blood
64.799 -> pressure following these easy
66.32 -> instructions
68.08 -> sit comfortably in a chair that offers
69.76 -> good back support much like the one that
71.84 -> i'm in now and uncross your legs
74.32 -> place the proper size blood pressure
75.84 -> cuff on one of your arms
77.759 -> the cuff should fit snugly around your
79.439 -> arm you should be able to fit two
81.119 -> fingers inside the cuff after it's been
83.119 -> placed on your arm
84.64 -> and the bottom of the cuff should be
86.159 -> three centimeters above your elbow
89.04 -> it's important to note that there are
91.2 -> several sizes of blood pressure cuffs so
93.52 -> if your arm is slightly larger
96.159 -> you can get a bigger cuff and if your
97.84 -> arm is smaller you can get smaller size
100 -> cuffs so if the blood pressure cuff does
102.24 -> not fit properly make sure you go see
104.479 -> your physician or another healthcare
106.399 -> provider to make sure that you're taking
108.479 -> your blood pressure with the right size
110.079 -> cup
111.28 -> put your arm on the armrest so that your
113.68 -> blood pressure cuff is at the same level
115.759 -> as your heart roughly around here
118.719 -> and relax for five minutes and do not
120.799 -> talk
121.759 -> if you have time take your blood
123.28 -> pressure three times over that five
125.28 -> minute period and discard the first
127.36 -> reading and average out the second and
129.2 -> third readings keep a log of your
131.28 -> readings for your doctor are there any
132.959 -> particular times of day or uh eating
136.56 -> drinking activities that you should
138.72 -> avoid before taking your blood pressure
141.44 -> it's good to take your blood pressure
142.959 -> actually at various times throughout the
145.28 -> day and the more readings you can take
148.319 -> and average the amount the more accurate
150.879 -> your blood pressure
152.319 -> readings will be overall
155.36 -> generally it's good to take your blood
156.72 -> pressure before meals
159.28 -> avoiding significant amounts of caffeine
163.04 -> or alcohol intake are also good as both
166 -> of those substances can increase your
167.92 -> blood pressure
169.2 -> avoiding vigorous activity or exercise
171.84 -> before taking your blood pressure is
173.36 -> also
174.56 -> advised it's good to have you in a low
176.8 -> stress environment as well so if you're
178.72 -> very
179.599 -> stressed
180.64 -> or anxious about something that can
182.72 -> artificially increase your blood
184.48 -> pressure
185.519 -> and so um taking it when you're more
187.84 -> relaxed is advised where would i
190.239 -> actually get a a machine or device to
193.28 -> measure my blood pressure the most
195.599 -> common place
196.8 -> that people get them would be a pharmacy
199.599 -> there's usual usually multiple brands
202.239 -> that are available and obviously
204.799 -> picking up a blood pressure cuff that is
207.599 -> health canada approved or fda approved
210.72 -> is important there are automated cuffs
213.36 -> now that can cycle on a regular basis um
216.879 -> and uh
218.239 -> help you average out your blood pressure
220.319 -> um in an easier fashion and then there
222.56 -> are more complex
224.64 -> apps now where
226.48 -> you can actually follow your blood
228 -> pressure on your smartphone or on
230 -> various other devices and log into a
231.92 -> portal so there's lots of different
234.319 -> options for people depending on how
236.64 -> high-tech or low-tech even writing your
239.68 -> blood pressure
241.28 -> readings down in a journal so that you
243.68 -> can take those to your doctor
245.76 -> is helpful as well so as long as you
248.08 -> have the right size cuff and you've got
250.239 -> a device there are many options for you
252.959 -> so is there an ideal blood pressure
255.519 -> there are ideal numbers to target for
257.84 -> blood pressure there are many different
260.479 -> organizations that publish cut offs on
263.199 -> what the numbers should be
264.88 -> but i find the simplest follower the
267.04 -> american college of cardiology and the
269.28 -> american heart association's
271.84 -> joint guidelines a normal blood pressure
274.56 -> is below
275.6 -> 120 systolic and 80 diastolic you're
279.12 -> classified as having elevated blood
281.04 -> pressure if your systolic is between 120
284.24 -> and 129 and your diastolic blood
286.8 -> pressure is less than 80.
289.199 -> high blood pressure or hypertension is
291.6 -> classified as stage 1 if your systolic
294.639 -> is 130 to 139
297.12 -> and your diastolic is 80 to 89 and stage
300.8 -> 2
301.919 -> if your systolic is greater than 140 and
304.16 -> your diastolic is greater than 90.
307.039 -> it's important to note that the reason
309.68 -> there are these different stages is that
312.24 -> as your blood pressure increases both
314.32 -> your systolic and diastolic your risk
317.12 -> for having adverse events such as a
319.28 -> stroke or heart attack increases so the
322.24 -> lower the stage or even normalizing your
325.199 -> blood pressure will provide benefit in
327.6 -> decreasing your risk for these poor
329.6 -> health outcomes you should note that if
332.08 -> there's a disparity in the category
333.919 -> between the systolic and diastolic
336.24 -> pressures the higher value determines
338.8 -> the stage
340 -> and other things to consider are that
342.56 -> if your
343.6 -> systolic blood pressure is classified as
345.84 -> being hypertensive
347.44 -> and your diastolic blood pressure is
349.84 -> within normal limits you can have
352 -> isolated systolic hypertension and the
355.759 -> reverse is true also you can have
357.52 -> isolated diastolic hypotension
360.56 -> so why is it important to measure the
362.88 -> blood pressure at home
364.8 -> and is it relatively accurate if i do
367.84 -> measure it at home
369.68 -> absolutely it's the most accurate when
371.919 -> you measure your blood pressure at home
374.16 -> the reason being when you go into a
376.16 -> doctor's office
378.479 -> you can have feelings of anxiety and
381.919 -> stress and so that can increase your
383.759 -> blood pressure so there's something
385.52 -> called white coat hypertension where
387.199 -> people will go into a doctor's office
389.36 -> and measure measure their blood pressure
391.44 -> and it's elevated but if you were to
393.28 -> measure it at home then it's actually
395.919 -> normal because their stress levels
398.24 -> that their body sees on a day-to-day
400.16 -> basis are lower so you wouldn't want to
402.639 -> go into your doctor's office get
404.24 -> diagnosed with high blood pressure you
406.4 -> started on medications that you don't
408.08 -> need and then when you go home your
409.52 -> blood pressure is actually low
411.599 -> and the reverse can be true also so when
414.56 -> people go into their doctor's office
416.72 -> their blood pressure may be normal
419.039 -> and when they go home their blood
420.8 -> pressure is elevated and that's called
423.039 -> masked hypertension
424.8 -> so for both of those reasons and for
427.039 -> having your stress levels be reflective
429.36 -> of what they are on a day-to-day basis
432.24 -> it's more accurate to measure your blood
434.479 -> pressure at home
436.4 -> the most accurate way to measure
438.72 -> someone's blood pressure is by using
441.12 -> ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
443.36 -> where people will wear a blood pressure
445.28 -> cuff over a 24 hour period or 48 hour
448.56 -> period and that blood pressure cuff will
450.72 -> cycle on a regular basis
452.72 -> and then you can be provided with
455.36 -> daytime average blood pressure readings
457.919 -> nighttime average blood pressure
459.36 -> readings and so there are slightly
461.039 -> different cutoffs that your physician
462.72 -> would interpret to diagnose hypertension
465.599 -> in that case so it's great to have these
468.72 -> different
469.759 -> non-office based blood pressure
471.36 -> management
473.12 -> blood pressure measuring solutions to
475.039 -> make sure that you're getting the most
476.56 -> accurate blood pressure
478.639 -> reading you possibly can so
480.96 -> why is it so important to maintain an
483.44 -> ideal blood pressure
485.919 -> well if you think about your heart as a
488.319 -> muscle
489.84 -> then you can see that your heart would
491.44 -> be working out against or pushing hard
494.72 -> against this higher pressure over
497.039 -> periods of time
498.479 -> and as that muscle
500.8 -> is getting worked out the size of it
502.96 -> increases and can actually impair
505.84 -> filling and the walls become stiff in
507.84 -> that muscle
509.039 -> the other thing is that the muscle can
511.68 -> become weak over time and so that can
513.519 -> result in heart failure
515.36 -> the other thing that the high blood
517.12 -> pressure
518.24 -> impacts is the blood vessels in your
520.64 -> body so when there's high pressure um
524.159 -> beating against your arteries on a
525.839 -> regular basis it causes atherosclerosis
528.88 -> which is the collection of cholesterol
531.68 -> and other kind of inflammatory
534.72 -> cells
535.68 -> and thickening of your arteries and when
537.839 -> that happens
539.68 -> strokes can happen
541.519 -> heart attacks can happen if those
543.519 -> plaques rupture and clots form
545.839 -> damage to your kidneys as they're trying
547.68 -> to filter your blood can happen and
550.32 -> people can have chronic kidney disease
553.04 -> and peripheral vascular disease as well
555.2 -> as eye problems so there's a whole host
558.64 -> of bad outcomes with respect to
562.16 -> high blood pressure if it's not managed
564.24 -> at a lower level
566.32 -> over time i guess this is
568.56 -> often why people talk about hypertension
571.519 -> being kind of a silent disease because
574.48 -> when you just have elevated blood
576.08 -> pressure you may not notice any signs or
578.8 -> symptoms unless it's extreme
581.36 -> but even if it's elevated and you're not
583.519 -> experiencing anything it may be causing
586.48 -> some of damage to your blood vessels and
589.36 -> to some of those other organs that
591.44 -> eventually do result in serious health
594.08 -> conditions
595.6 -> absolutely and the problems are manifest
598.72 -> usually over longer periods of time so
602 -> um it's really challenging to motivate
604.399 -> some people as well because they don't
606.079 -> feel like something's wrong and unless
607.92 -> they understand the risks to you know
610 -> their heart or let's say their brain and
612.32 -> the risk of developing dementia
614.959 -> it's hard for them to alter their
616.399 -> lifestyle because there doesn't seem to
618.56 -> be any immediate threat to them so are
621.44 -> there any people who might be at
623.6 -> increased risk for developing high blood
625.76 -> pressure
627.12 -> absolutely so the risk of blood pressure
629.6 -> increases
631.12 -> as you age so if you're older than age
634 -> 65 about 50 of people have high blood
636.72 -> pressure
637.6 -> if you have relatives that have high
639.6 -> blood pressure because it's thought to
641.68 -> have a significant genetic component
644.56 -> that if you are uh black or of african
647.36 -> descent of south asian descent or first
649.92 -> nations heritage um where high blood
652.399 -> pressure is more common and if you are a
654.88 -> male or female past menopause's men are
657.68 -> more likely to develop high blood
659.519 -> pressure in women but the risk for women
662.72 -> increases after menopause
665.6 -> what are some of the main causes of high
667.92 -> blood pressure
669.2 -> there are two main causes or types of
671.68 -> high blood pressure so there's primary
674.079 -> which is also known as essential it is
676.64 -> usually the common age-related one that
678.88 -> we see
680.079 -> in this case there's no easily
682.079 -> identifiable
683.44 -> cause for the high blood pressure and we
685.519 -> don't understand
687.12 -> the pathophysiology in general so
689.44 -> there's some genetic or environmental
691.519 -> exposures which over the course of
693.44 -> someone's life result in them having
695.279 -> high blood pressure
696.8 -> there are a number of lifestyle factors
698.56 -> that can increase the risk of having
700.32 -> having essential hypertension
702.48 -> including having too much salt in your
704.48 -> diet drinking alcohol excessively
707.68 -> being overweight
709.519 -> getting insufficient exercise or being
712.48 -> sedentary and experiencing unmanageable
715.6 -> stress those are the primary causes
719.04 -> or primary cause or essential
720.959 -> hypertension
722.399 -> what are some of the other potential
724 -> causes so the other causes are known as
727.04 -> secondary when there is an identifiable
730.16 -> cause
732 -> for
732.72 -> high blood pressure
734.24 -> some of these include
735.92 -> chronic kidney disease so you're not
738 -> able to get rid of
740.48 -> some of the sodium that's circulating in
742 -> your blood
743.279 -> hormone disorders such as thyroid
745.279 -> problems or adrenal gland
747.76 -> problems
749.12 -> some drugs such as the oral
750.8 -> contraceptive pill or non-steroidal
753.8 -> anti-inflammatory drugs these include
756.16 -> things like advil and sleep out you know
759.6 -> there's a really exhaustive list of
762.079 -> these secondary problems um and there
765.36 -> are
766.079 -> reasons why your
767.44 -> doctor might suspect you have a
768.959 -> secondary cause and if that's the case
772.079 -> uh generally you'll you'll have to
774.399 -> undergo
775.519 -> different sets of tests
777.279 -> to come up with a firm diagnosis
780.32 -> russell went to the local pharmacy and
782.8 -> used the machine to check their blood
784.88 -> pressure the result was 140 over 95
789.68 -> after two weeks of taking their blood
791.6 -> pressure at home with similar readings
794.079 -> they decided to make an appointment with
795.92 -> their family physician to discuss the
798 -> next steps
799.6 -> their doctor diagnosed them with
801.519 -> hypertension and suggested that they
803.839 -> first attempt to make some lifestyle
806 -> changes before they consider the need
808.399 -> for medications
818.8 -> you
