Left Hemisphere Stroke vs. Right Hemisphere Stroke | Vibra Rehabilitation Hospital of Amarillo

Left Hemisphere Stroke vs. Right Hemisphere Stroke | Vibra Rehabilitation Hospital of Amarillo

Left Hemisphere Stroke vs. Right Hemisphere Stroke | Vibra Rehabilitation Hospital of Amarillo

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At Vibra Rehabilitation Hospital of Amarillo, we are dedicated to helping people overcome limitations caused by injury or illness. The aftermath of a stroke, spinal injury, or other debilitating condition is often the most stressful. One thing to keep in mind during this time is, it gets better from here. We have a team of knowledgeable physical, occupational, and speech therapists who work together to coordinate patient care and determine exactly what can be accomplished through treatment. Our team is ambitious, and we are often able to help patients achieve a level of recovery beyond what they believed possible.

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1.269 -> (energetic whooshing)
6.77 -> - Hello, I'm Valerie Parker
8.31 -> and I'm the inpatient speech language pathologist
10.97 -> here at Vibra Rehab Hospital in Amarillo, Texas.
14.87 -> I'm here today to talk to you a little bit
17.06 -> about brain injury and, in particular, strokes.
20.27 -> Strokes are also known as
21.76 -> cerebrovascular accidents or CVAs.
24.75 -> And these terms are used fairly interchangeably.
28.83 -> There are four main areas of the brain
31.3 -> that can be affected from a stroke.
33.67 -> These include the left hemisphere,
35.54 -> right hemisphere, Cerebellum, and Brainstem.
39.3 -> So the effects of a stroke depend on the size
42.76 -> and location of the stroke
45.94 -> and kind of the amount of brain tissue
48.96 -> that was affected as a result of the stroke.
52.06 -> So I'm gonna talk about, a little bit
54.04 -> about the difference between left hemisphere CVAs
57.2 -> and right hemisphere CVAs,
59.03 -> as there's some common characteristics
61.01 -> that are affected as a result of the stroke.
64.92 -> So in general, a left hemisphere
67.19 -> controls the right side of our body.
69.83 -> So following a left hemisphere CVA,
72.84 -> patients will often have paralysis
75.05 -> or weakness on the right side of their body.
78.21 -> The speech and language centers are housed
80.36 -> in the left hemisphere of our brain,
82.36 -> so patients with a left CVA
84.74 -> often have difficulty with producing speech
88.49 -> or understanding language,
90.47 -> known as aphasia.
92.13 -> They can have difficulty with reading and writing,
95.71 -> difficulty with math and problem solving,
99.31 -> time management, money management,
101.78 -> kind of the logical parts of our thinking
105.02 -> and reasoning processes.
107.55 -> They can often have difficulty with swallowing
110.87 -> and can have some right sided facial weakness,
114.14 -> which can result also in difficulty
116.21 -> chewing and swallowing their food.
118.33 -> So these are all kind of common characteristics
120.98 -> of a left hemisphere stroke.
123.8 -> So conversely, a right hemisphere CVA
127.86 -> affects the left side of our body.
130.07 -> So, again, patients can have a paralysis
132.99 -> or weakness on the left side of their body.
137.01 -> Patients with right hemisphere strokes
140.26 -> tend to have difficulty with left visual fields.
145.12 -> So it can affect the left visual field of each eye,
149.98 -> which can lead to what's called left neglect,
152.83 -> meaning they just don't tend to see
155.09 -> or pay attention to the left side of their body.
158.45 -> So these patients might run into things
161.35 -> in the left side of their room
163.07 -> or forget to put even makeup
166.21 -> on the left side of their face,
167.75 -> things like that.
169.39 -> Their left arm might be hanging
171.28 -> over the side of the wheelchair.
172.7 -> And they're kind of unaware
174.34 -> that it's not being intended to.
177.46 -> So that left neglect or left inattention
180.39 -> is a fairly common occurrence
182.06 -> with a right hemisphere stroke.
184.75 -> Another area that's often affected
187.81 -> in this area is what's called the Affect.
191.28 -> So patients can often appear,
195.07 -> kind of what we call flat affect,
196.81 -> meaning they don't show a lot of humor.
199.83 -> They don't often get jokes
201.61 -> or kind of some of those abstract language ideas.
205.82 -> Conversely, they can have what's called
208.54 -> emotional lability, meaning they might
211.5 -> laugh inappropriately or cry inappropriately
215.39 -> or cry quite a bit,
218.34 -> as a result of their stroke.
221 -> It's very common for patients
222.6 -> to have a left sided facial weakness,
225.35 -> which can lead to swallowing.
226.9 -> So swallowing deficits following
228.58 -> a right hemisphere stroke are very common.
232 -> Memory is often affected
234.5 -> by a right hemisphere stroke.
237.46 -> So these are some common characteristics
240.76 -> of a right hemisphere dysfunction
242.49 -> or a right hemisphere stroke.
245.13 -> So the brain has an amazing ability
248.1 -> to rewire itself
251.46 -> and relearn new areas.
255.32 -> So it's integral for a rehab team
258.46 -> to be involved following a stroke,
261.4 -> to begin that rehab process
263.39 -> and retraining the brain
266.764 -> to learn new techniques on how to function
270.31 -> for that part of the brain that was affected
272.27 -> as a result of a stroke.
274.56 -> I hope this has explained a little bit better,
277.07 -> the differences in common characteristics
279.62 -> between a right hemisphere
281.05 -> versus a left hemisphere stroke.
284.448 -> (energetic whooshing)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5G0EyK86Ow