Clinical Presentation of Congenital Heart Disease by Nancy Braudis, RN for OPENPediatrics
Clinical Presentation of Congenital Heart Disease by Nancy Braudis, RN for OPENPediatrics
Learn about the three different pathophysiological states that infants with congenital heart disease may display. Direct links to chapters: 1:09 Chapter 2: Cardiac Assessment 2:12 Chapter 3: Low Cardiac Output 3:28 Chapter 4: Congestive Heart Failure 5:21 Chapter 5: Cyanosis
Initial publication: June 02, 2015. Last reviewed: April 3, 2019.
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13.99 -> Clinical Presentation of Congenital Heart
Disease by Nancy Braudis.
19.95 -> My name is Nancy Braudis, and I am a clinical
nurse specialist in the cardiac ICU at Children's
26.29 -> Hospital Boston.
29.759 -> Introduction.
32.89 -> Children with congenital heart disease often
present in one of three pathophysiological
37.89 -> states.
39.39 -> Low cardiac output.
41.39 -> This occurs when there's a heart defect that
obstructs the flow of blood from the heart,
46.81 -> or when the heart muscle is unable to pump
51.66 -> Congestive heart failure.
52.8 -> This often occurs when there is a heart defect
that causes an increase in blood flow to the
58.71 -> lungs.
60.489 -> Cyanosis.
62.269 -> This occurs when there is a heart defect that
causes a decrease in blood flow to the lungs.
69.55 -> Cardiac Assessment.
73.119 -> On admission, a full cardiac assessment should
be completed.
77.46 -> This includes a comprehensive history that
should identify if there was a prenatal diagnosis
83.67 -> or any significant birth and genetic history.
87.84 -> A complete set of vital signs should be done
as a baseline, and a set of blood pressures
93.21 -> in all four extremities should be done to
evaluate for any gradient within the aorta.
99.6 -> The physical exam includes evaluation of general
color, body temperature, evaluation of heart
107.009 -> sounds, and the presence of any murmurs, assessment
of the liver will indicate if there is an
112.819 -> overload of fluid on the right side of the
heart, and the quality and strength of pulses.
120.249 -> Diagnostic tests should include a chest radiograph,
an electrocardiogram.
124.729 -> Other tests may include an echocardiogram
or a cardiac catheterization.
132.69 -> Low Cardiac Output.
136.959 -> Signs of low cardiac output in infants and
children include pale or mottled skin color,
142.26 -> irritability, cool and clammy skin, or decreased
level of consciousness, decreased urine output,
150.43 -> capillary refill greater than three seconds,
metabolic acidosis, hypoglycemia, and increased
159.16 -> serum lactate.
161.69 -> Other signs include weak pulses, temperature
instability, or apnea.
169.51 -> There may also be evidence of organ dysfunction
such as kidney or liver failure.
175.89 -> Late signs include hypotension, cyanosis,
anuria, and altered mental status.
185.04 -> Interventions to improve low cardiac output
include correcting the heart rate and restoring
190.3 -> normal conduction within the heart, administration
of fluids, correcting acid-base imbalance
197.6 -> and electrolyte abnormalities, and using medications
to improve the function of the heart and to
204.1 -> reduce the stress on the body.
209.23 -> Congestive Heart Failure.
213.33 -> Congestive heart failure occurs when the heart
cannot deliver enough blood to meet the demands
217.72 -> of the body.
219.34 -> The heart attempts to compensate by increasing
the heart rate, thickening the walls of the
224.78 -> heart to contract more effectively, or dilating
the heart to increase the volume of blood
230.19 -> within the heart to improve cardiac output.
234.48 -> Congestive heart failure occurs in 30% of
infants and children with congenital heart
239.5 -> disease and occurs in over 75% of children
with complex heart disease.
248.22 -> The causes of congestive heart failure include
volume overload of the heart, pressure overload
254.22 -> of the heart, and a heart muscle dysfunction.
258.91 -> Some of the clinical signs of congestive heart
failure include tachypnea, retractions, nasal