5 Worst Foods that Cause Belly Fat and Block Arteries
5 Worst Foods that Cause Belly Fat and Block Arteries
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0.179 -> if you're carrying extra fat around your
3.3 -> belly you'll risk for a heart attack is
5.88 -> higher however the good news is that by
9.24 -> removing specific foods from your diet
11.46 -> which we'll reveal in this video the
14.519 -> risk reduces quickly and the pounds can
17.52 -> fall off too without having to exercise
19.859 -> or go hungry
21.66 -> fat around the belly region is called
24.06 -> visceral fat it surrounds organs however
27.779 -> unlike regular fat visceral fat is nasty
31.439 -> as it releases inflammatory substances
34.14 -> and hormones that wreak havoc on Our
37.26 -> arteries skyrocketing the risk of heart
40.079 -> disease diabetes cancer liver and kidney
44.34 -> disease in this video you'll learn the
48.059 -> top 5 worst foods two of which are
51.36 -> linked to an increase in cancer we'll
54.42 -> also provide healthy alternatives so
57 -> removing these harmful foods is easier
59.539 -> including some that have been shown to
62.399 -> enhance belly fat loss and get arteries
64.979 -> working optimally
66.54 -> plus stick around until the end as we've
69.72 -> got two free gifts that will help you
71.939 -> fight heart disease naturally and
74.34 -> remember to click the Thumbs Up And
76.439 -> subscribe button to stay up to date with
78.96 -> our latest videos
80.759 -> the first artery damaging food group is
83.96 -> refined carbohydrates and Grains which
87.72 -> are also terrible for belly fat these
90.84 -> include breads pastries pasta and other
94.56 -> similar Foods
96 -> these Foods lack fiber so when we eat
99.119 -> them they're quickly digested and
101.28 -> converted into sugar causing a rapid
103.68 -> spike in blood glucose in fact the
106.92 -> moment a piece of bread hits your tongue
109.02 -> your saliva immediately starts breaking
111.479 -> it down into sugar thanks to a special
114.06 -> enzymes called amylase that breaks down
117.119 -> the amylopectin a carbohydrate found in
120.18 -> grains as cardiologists Dr William Davis
123.42 -> explains here
125.1 -> hello pectinase the carbohydrate unique
127.439 -> to grains that raises blood sugar higher
130.44 -> than table sugar
131.7 -> most people don't realize that a
133.92 -> widespread sandwich has the equivalent
135.9 -> amount of sugar as eight teaspoons the
139.26 -> result your blood sugar levels rise
141.48 -> quickly which is disastrous for weight
144.12 -> gain and blocked arteries this excess
146.94 -> sugar in your system causes high insulin
149.64 -> levels in the blood which transports the
152.16 -> glucose out of the blood where it gets
154.26 -> converted into fat and stored in the
157.02 -> liver and belly the nasty kind of
159.84 -> visceral fat that causes inflammation
162.599 -> but the problem is that a lot of people
164.879 -> eat highly processed carbohydrates all
167.76 -> day such as processed cereals for
170.76 -> breakfast a sandwich for lunch and pasta
173.819 -> for dinner which means their blood sugar
175.92 -> and insulin is high all day these
179.58 -> insulin spikes can lead to insulin
181.44 -> resistance over time increasing the risk
184.08 -> of diabetes which is a major risk factor
187.319 -> for heart disease as high insulin causes
190.2 -> inflammation and makes arteries stiff
192.9 -> and as if that wasn't bad enough high
195.959 -> blood sugar also leads to a harmful
198.06 -> process called glycation where excess
200.76 -> glucose in the blood sticks to proteins
203.34 -> and lipids causing oxidative stress
206.22 -> which can damage and thicken artery
208.5 -> walls a disease known as atherosclerosis
211.86 -> which is the leading cause of heart
214.14 -> disease and stroke and it's not only
217.319 -> bread and pasta white rice is just as
220.5 -> bad just a single cup of cooked white
223.5 -> rice can cause a similar sugar Spike to
226.5 -> that of a can of soda rice and similar
229.86 -> foods should therefore be eaten in
231.9 -> moderation or replaced with healthier
234.18 -> alternatives
235.319 -> highly processed grains like wheat pose
238.379 -> other health problems too they can lead
240.78 -> to digestive troubles and a condition
243.299 -> called leaky gut for people who are
246.54 -> intolerant to gluten a protein found in
249.54 -> many grains
251.099 -> however what's even more alarming is
253.68 -> that some experts now believe that
256.079 -> gluten could damage the gut lining of
258.359 -> everyone even for people that don't show
260.94 -> obvious signs of gluten intolerance
263.04 -> listen to Dr O'Brien explain this so
267.36 -> every human every time they eat wheat
270.12 -> now that's what the studies show us they
271.919 -> get this tear on the lining called
273.24 -> intestinal permeability moreover the
276.18 -> phytic acid ingrains can bind to
278.82 -> minerals in the gut and prevents their
281.1 -> absorption potentially leading to
283.259 -> deficiencies
284.58 -> so as you can see refined carbohydrates
288.18 -> and Grains can be a disaster for heart
290.94 -> disease and belly fat so avoid refined
294.54 -> carbohydrates as much as possible or at
297.96 -> least focus on reducing their ratios in
300.6 -> your diet instead eat more Whole Foods
303.84 -> like fruits vegetables and quality
306.72 -> protein these whole foods are rich in
309.419 -> nutrients and fiber which regulate blood
312.24 -> sugar instead of white rice opt for
315.12 -> Alternatives like cauliflower rice
317.88 -> cauliflower rice offers a similar
320.22 -> texture flavor and ability to soak up
323.28 -> sauces but with fewer carbs and more
326.699 -> fiber which will help reduce the belly
329.22 -> fat inflammation blood sugar spikes and
332.699 -> Artery damage caused by high blood
335.1 -> glucose levels that traditional rice can
337.68 -> cause to learn more similar food swaps
340.38 -> like this make sure to watch our other
342.96 -> videos
343.86 -> now let's talk about another nasty food
346.56 -> to avoid trans fats which are
349.68 -> particularly bad for belly fat and
351.9 -> artery health
353.46 -> trans fats are produced by adding
355.74 -> hydrogen to vegetable oil a processed
358.62 -> called hydrogenation which makes the oil
361.8 -> solid at room temperature
364.02 -> margarine a product initially marketed
366.78 -> as a healthier alternative to butter was
369.9 -> one of the early trans fat culprits
372.6 -> since the Advent of margarine in the
375.12 -> early 20th century trans fats found
377.58 -> their way into a multitude of processed
379.86 -> foods including baked goods snacks like
383.34 -> microwave popcorn and fried foods due to
387 -> their low-cost long shelf life and
389.759 -> ability to enhance taste however they
393 -> significantly increase oxidation and
395.819 -> inflammation contributing to the
398.28 -> accumulation of visceral fat and plaque
400.919 -> in arteries
402.539 -> it's important to note that in the U.S
405.24 -> market that FDA still allows levels of
408.24 -> trans fat below 0.5 grams per serving in
411.96 -> foods and manufacturers label this as
415.08 -> zero grams which can be misleading as
418.44 -> even small amounts over time can be
420.72 -> harmful
421.68 -> to make things even more confusing on
424.259 -> food labels trans fats are often listed
427.08 -> as hydrogenated
429.18 -> so if you see anything on a food label
431.699 -> that says hydrogenated or partially
434.34 -> hydrogenated don't buy it as even a
438.6 -> small amount increase the risk of type 2
441 -> diabetes metabolic syndrome and certain
444.479 -> types of cancer there is no safe level
447.36 -> of trans fats for the body underlining
449.94 -> the need to cut them out completely
451.919 -> which Dr Mark Hyman confirms then that
455.34 -> is trans fat or hydrogenated fat that
457.74 -> should never pass your lips that's
459.66 -> highly proven to cause heart attacks
461.9 -> although the food industry has greatly
464.58 -> reduced the use of trans fats they can
467.22 -> still be found in shortenings some
469.62 -> commercially made cakes and pies and
472.02 -> deep fried and battered Foods
474.36 -> some restaurants use trans fats in their
476.639 -> deep fryers as the oil lasts longer and
479.819 -> does not need to be changed as often
482.16 -> cooking at home is the best way to avoid
484.68 -> these problems
486 -> this gives you control over ingredients
488.22 -> and you can use healthier oils like
490.62 -> olive oil coconut oil or butter
494.28 -> now let's talk about something even
496.62 -> worse
497.699 -> sugary foods and beverages
501.36 -> sugar is a major contributor to many of
504.72 -> the common diseases people face today
506.879 -> and it's not just the obvious culprits
509.4 -> like soda and candy take for example the
513.18 -> common belief that fruit juices are
515.279 -> healthy in reality a glass of orange
518.7 -> juice can have the same amount of sugar
521.159 -> as a can of soda much like refined
525.24 -> carbohydrates fruit juice lacks fiber
527.82 -> that is naturally present in Fruit fiber
531.06 -> helps slow sugar absorption balancing
533.459 -> blood glucose levels and avoiding spikes
536.339 -> and crashes without the fiber juice
539.339 -> sugar is rapidly absorbed triggering
541.92 -> visceral fat accumulation insulin
544.38 -> resistance and arterial damage instead
547.98 -> of juice eat the whole fruit now a
551.94 -> common question we get is what about
554.64 -> artificial sweeteners like aspartame or
558.12 -> saccharin while these substances may
561 -> seem like a good solution they are
563.16 -> associated with just as many health
565.019 -> problems as sugar
567.12 -> various Studies have shown major
569.04 -> pitfalls of these fake sugars for
572.1 -> example a study published in the journal
574.68 -> Diabetes Care found that people who
577.32 -> drink diet soda on a daily basis had a
580.86 -> whopping 67 increase in type 2 diabetes
584.82 -> and a 36 percent increase of metabolic
588.54 -> syndrome while another study found these
591.42 -> chemicals may change the gut microbiota
594.019 -> negatively impacting glucose tolerance
596.64 -> gut microbiota is particularly important
600.06 -> for determining whether you easily burn
602.1 -> fat or store it as well as influencing
605.16 -> how well we digest food and absorb
607.68 -> nutrients hormone balance and more so
611.58 -> artificial sugar isn't the free pass
614.22 -> many think they are
615.839 -> the truth is your primary drink option
618.959 -> should be water
620.76 -> tea is also an excellent option as it
624.54 -> contains an abundance of polyphenols
626.88 -> natural compounds with potent
629.1 -> antioxidant anti-inflammatory and
631.82 -> cardioprotective properties
633.98 -> polyphenols mitigate the harmful effects
636.54 -> of sugar and fat in the bloodstream they
639.72 -> improve cholesterol function and protect
642.12 -> against oxidative stress thereby
644.88 -> reducing the risk of developing artery
647.459 -> disease they also have beneficial
650.16 -> effects on metabolism helping to
652.92 -> regulate blood glucose and insulin
654.839 -> levels which as we discussed can reduce
657.899 -> the accumulation of belly fat
660.839 -> before we get to number two heart
663 -> disease code would love to give you a
665.04 -> free book
666 -> the surprising truth about fat and
668.579 -> cholesterol plus the first episode of
672.12 -> the untold story of heart disease
674.399 -> documentary series
676.14 -> something that everyone concerned about
678.3 -> heart health should watch click the link
681 -> in the description below to claim these
683.519 -> free gifts
684.959 -> next on our list is alcohol
688.5 -> while some studies tout the benefits of
691.32 -> moderate red wine excessive alcohol can
694.32 -> destroy health
695.76 -> that's especially true for beer alcohol
699.18 -> is dense in calories second to only to
702.42 -> fat in terms of energy content
705.06 -> so naturally consuming it in large
707.82 -> amounts can easily lead to an excessive
709.98 -> caloric intake furthermore alcohol is
713.579 -> metabolized in the liver rather than the
716.22 -> intestine which favors fat accumulation
718.92 -> in the abdominal area leading to the
721.8 -> notorious beer belly excess alcohol
725.16 -> raises blood pressure and can contribute
728.22 -> to conditions such as cardiomyopathy
731.339 -> where the heart muscles becomes enlarged
733.8 -> or weak this can lead to heart failure
736.62 -> if left unchecked
738.3 -> finally because the liver treats alcohol
740.76 -> as a toxin it can also interfere with
744 -> the liver's ability to metabolize and
746.279 -> remove fats from the bloodstream this in
749.7 -> turn contributes to fatty liver disease
752.519 -> aside from the liver and heart other
755.16 -> organs such as the pancreas and brain
758.1 -> can also be adversely affected by
761.16 -> excessive alcohol consumption so as you
764.7 -> can see alcohol harms the body through
767.22 -> multiple mechanisms if you want to live
769.92 -> a long and healthy life moderation or
773.339 -> elimination really is key if you do
776.82 -> drink try taking a month off alcohol and
779.7 -> see how your belly responds you'll
781.92 -> likely also discover a new level of
784.019 -> mental Clarity and energy too
787.2 -> now for number one processed foods
791.339 -> processed foods bring together the worst
793.62 -> of everything we've discussed so far
796.32 -> consider common items like commercial
798.48 -> baked goods frozen pizzas and ready to
801.839 -> eat meals they are typically loaded with
804.6 -> refined grains added sugars trans fats
808.019 -> and high amounts of sodium additionally
811.26 -> they're often preserved with chemicals
813.66 -> like sodium benzoate and potassium
816.3 -> sorbate which have been linked to
818.519 -> increased inflammation and potential
820.76 -> carcinogenic effects
822.779 -> flavor enhancers like monosodium
825.3 -> glutamate are associated with increased
828.06 -> headaches and more serious neurological
830.399 -> effects this all leads to a vicious
833.04 -> cycle of inflammation increased belly
835.92 -> fat and arterial damage boosting the
838.98 -> risks of heart disease diabetes and
842.22 -> other chronic conditions
844.079 -> now a special category of processed
846.66 -> foods merits further discussion
849.42 -> processed Meats
851.88 -> these include items like sausages hot
854.88 -> dogs salami and processed lunch meats in
859.079 -> addition to being high in unhealthy fats
861.36 -> and sodium they often contain
863.579 -> preservatives that can convert into
865.92 -> cancer-causing compounds in the body
868.56 -> a 2015 report by the international
871.56 -> Agency for research on cancer published
874.8 -> by a working group of 22 scientists
877.38 -> found an 18 increased risk of colorectal
881.76 -> cancer for every 50 grams of processed
884.22 -> meat per day
885.6 -> similarly research from the University
887.82 -> of Oxford found significantly increased
891.12 -> risk in coronary heart disease
893.16 -> associated with processed Meats if you
896.459 -> really must eat cold meats opting for
898.86 -> unprocessed cold cuts is generally
901.38 -> considered a better option than
903.12 -> processed Meats like salami unprocessed
906.6 -> cold cuts such as fresh roasted turkey
909.24 -> or chicken breast are typically
911.399 -> minimally treated and contain fewer
913.86 -> additives compared to processed meat but
916.98 -> even better is to eat organic grass-fed
919.98 -> Meats
921.06 -> but as we've stressed preparing meals
923.82 -> from Whole unprocessed ingredients is
926.519 -> always best this gives you control over
929.339 -> what goes into your food helping you to
932.519 -> avoid these Health pitfalls of course we
935.94 -> recommend minimizing or even eliminating
938.639 -> foods like cookies or bread but if
941.459 -> you're going to consume them consider
943.38 -> making your own for instance if you
946.44 -> can't live without bread consider making
948.42 -> it at home using healthier ingredients
951.24 -> flour Alternatives like coconut flour or
954.72 -> ground flaxseed can replace refined
957.24 -> wheat flour
958.5 -> these provide beneficial nutrients and
961.38 -> fiber without the huge spikes in blood
963.959 -> glucose
965.339 -> baking your own cookies lets you control
967.8 -> the sugar content and allows for
970.26 -> wholesome additions like nuts and seeds
972.779 -> while also avoiding toxic oils that come
975.66 -> in commercial cookies
977.279 -> remember every food choice either feeds