Healthy People 2030 Launch | August 18, 2020
Healthy People 2030 Launch | August 18, 2020
This decade, Healthy People 2030 continues its focus on health data, social determinants of health, and health equity with a new set of 355 measureable health objectives with 10-year targets.
For more information, visit https://healthypeople.gov.
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0.21 -> [Music]
2.56 -> healthy people 2030 launch
4.72 -> august 18th 2020
8.559 -> carter blakey deputy director office of
11.519 -> disease prevention
12.639 -> and health promotion hhs
16.16 -> thank you for joining us today for the
17.84 -> healthy people 2030 launch
19.76 -> first released in 1980 healthy people is
22.32 -> the longest running disease prevention
24.72 -> and health promotion initiative within
26.64 -> the federal government
28.24 -> as many of you may know healthy people
30.24 -> provides 10-year objectives with targets
32.64 -> that aim to
33.84 -> encourage collaboration across
35.68 -> communities and sectors
37.52 -> empower individuals to make informed
40.239 -> health decisions
41.6 -> and measure the impact of prevention
43.68 -> activities
45.28 -> today we'll provide you with an overview
47.28 -> of the new decade of the healthy people
49.2 -> initiative
50.079 -> healthy people 2030 and its critical
52.719 -> role in shaping our nation's health
54.719 -> we'll discuss how data and monitoring
56.879 -> progress throughout the decade
58.559 -> play a central role in the
60.399 -> implementation of healthy people
62.719 -> and in ensuring that we achieve our
64.799 -> national targets
67.2 -> following today's event we welcome you
69.28 -> to join us in a twitter chat with the
71.2 -> american public
72 -> health association where we will answer
74.479 -> some of your questions
76 -> about healthy people 2030 so our program
79.68 -> today will begin with welcoming remarks
82.08 -> from
82.4 -> alex azar secretary of health and human
85.36 -> services
86.72 -> after remarks from secretary azar you
89.36 -> will hear from the assistant secretary
91.119 -> for health at the u.s department of
92.96 -> health and human services
94.56 -> admiral brett giroua who oversees hhs's
97.84 -> key public health offices and programs
99.92 -> including healthy people
101.759 -> algeria will discuss the importance of
103.92 -> the healthy people initiative
105.759 -> and its use in establishing and aligning
108.159 -> national health priorities
110.72 -> then you'll hear from vice admiral
112.64 -> jerome adams the u.s surgeon general
115.6 -> dr adams will share findings from his
117.84 -> newly released
119.04 -> community health and economic prosperity
121.439 -> report
122.32 -> and their nexus to healthy people 2030
124.799 -> principles
126 -> like addressing social determinants of
128 -> health health disparities
130.16 -> and health equity alex m azar
133.76 -> hhs secretary hello everyone
136.959 -> i'm honored to welcome all of you to the
138.72 -> launch of healthy people
140.48 -> 2030 the latest iteration of this
143.28 -> important
144.239 -> national project healthy people was the
147.04 -> first national effort to lay out a set
148.72 -> of data-driven priorities for health
150.64 -> improvement
151.519 -> and it has contributed to seminal public
153.76 -> health achievements
154.8 -> over the last four decades healthy
157.68 -> people was one of the first
159.04 -> federal initiatives to bring national
161.28 -> prominence
162.16 -> to health equity and health disparities
165.36 -> we've seen the importance of that work
167.2 -> during the covid19 pandemic
170.16 -> many americans are at higher risk for
172.4 -> covet 19
173.84 -> due to underlying health conditions and
176.319 -> the burden of these conditions
178 -> falls most heavily on black americans
181.04 -> hispanic americans and american indians
184 -> and alaska
184.959 -> natives since its inception
188.4 -> healthy people has focused on reducing
190.48 -> morbidity
191.44 -> mortality and infectious diseases
194.64 -> subsequent decades added prevention
197.04 -> chronic diseases
198.319 -> and long-term risk factors such as
200 -> tobacco use obesity
201.92 -> and social determinants of health more
204.56 -> recently the initiative has highlighted
206.48 -> emerging issues
207.84 -> such as health care associated
209.76 -> infections and opioid use
211.68 -> and has recognized the unique health
213.599 -> challenges of
214.879 -> key population groups such as people
217.599 -> with disabilities
218.799 -> and older adults with the 2030 effort
222.64 -> we've recognized that more focused
224.72 -> objectives could help us better manage
226.48 -> this important project
227.84 -> and track progress toward our goals to
230.879 -> that end
231.68 -> we've significantly reduced the number
233.84 -> of objectives in healthy people 2030
236.72 -> prioritizing the most critical issues
238.959 -> and using more rigorous data standards
241.2 -> than previous decades we believe that
244.08 -> this more targeted approach
245.84 -> will help make healthy people even more
248.879 -> successful healthy people matters
251.84 -> because it provides a framework
253.36 -> and catalyst for action across america
256.56 -> our objectives and targets serve as
258.72 -> benchmarks for progress
260 -> on federal grants evaluation measures
262.639 -> for specific health outcomes
264.639 -> and the framework for public health
266.4 -> programs used by states
268.479 -> tribes counties and cities
271.52 -> many of our objectives address public
273.6 -> health issues that are directly related
275.52 -> to combating the covet 19 pandemic such
278.24 -> as underlying conditions like high blood
280 -> pressure
281.44 -> when hhs secretary lou sullivan
284.08 -> announced the second iteration of
285.84 -> healthy people in 1990
288.16 -> he emphasized that this is not a federal
290.08 -> project so much as it is a national
292.56 -> project healthy people engages and
295.6 -> learns from partners across sectors
298 -> including businesses schools public
300.72 -> private and not-for-profit organizations
303.039 -> philanthropy and faith-based
304.88 -> organizations
306.24 -> we cannot succeed without their
309.84 -> i want to conclude by thanking the
311.44 -> people who made this launch possible
313.84 -> we would not be here today without
315.919 -> dedicated public servants from
317.84 -> 20 plus federal agencies who contributed
320.96 -> to this project
321.919 -> coordinated by the office of disease
324.24 -> prevention and health promotion
326.24 -> and led by admiral gerwa we're also
329.68 -> grateful to the secretary's advisory
331.6 -> committee on national health promotion
333.6 -> and disease prevention objectives
335.6 -> for 2030 which is made up of national
338.32 -> experts in public health
340.08 -> health care nursing epidemiology
342.96 -> research
343.84 -> and law they provided recommendations to
347.12 -> me
347.44 -> as secretary for healthy people 2030
350.8 -> which i enthusiastically accepted
353.84 -> finally i'd like to thank the american
355.36 -> public we received and considered
357.919 -> thousands of comments from stakeholders
360.08 -> organizations and individual americans
362.16 -> throughout this process
364.4 -> thank you everyone for the contributions
366.639 -> you've made to this project
368.16 -> and congratulations thanks to your
370.56 -> efforts
371.36 -> we have our work cut out for us in the
373.28 -> coming decade
375.36 -> i look forward to that work in part
378 -> because it will be done in partnership
379.919 -> with all of you
381.52 -> so together let's get to work on our
383.6 -> goals of creating healthier people
385.84 -> by 2030. admiral brett
388.88 -> p gerwa md assistant secretary for
391.919 -> health
392.84 -> hhs hello everyone
395.44 -> and thank you for joining us as we
397.36 -> launch healthy people 2030
400.24 -> for the last four decades healthy people
403.199 -> has provided
404 -> a comprehensive road map on how
406.4 -> americans can live healthier
408 -> lives more fulfilling lives decade by
410.88 -> decade
412.08 -> healthy people is based on the principle
414.56 -> that establishing objectives
416.72 -> and providing benchmarks to track and
418.8 -> monitor progress over time
420.72 -> can motivate guide and focus attention
424.4 -> healthy people 2030 continues this
427.12 -> tradition
428 -> by defining a vision and strategy
431.12 -> for building a healthier nation this
434.08 -> decade
434.88 -> we are launching healthy people 2030 in
437.759 -> the midst of a global pandemic
440.56 -> because covid19 lifted the importance of
443.28 -> public health
444.24 -> to the forefront of our national
445.84 -> dialogue it is clear
448.16 -> now more than ever that we need programs
451.28 -> like
451.599 -> healthy people that set a shared vision
454.72 -> for a healthier nation and a society
457.759 -> in which all people can achieve their
460.72 -> full potential
461.919 -> for health and well-being across the
464.72 -> entire life span
466.479 -> healthy people 2030 is a cornerstone of
469.52 -> hhs work
471.12 -> to serve the people of our great nation
473.759 -> the office of disease prevention and
475.52 -> health promotion
476.56 -> within the office of the assistant
478.319 -> secretary for health
479.68 -> my office developed healthy people 2030
482.879 -> with input from federal agencies
485.12 -> external experts
486.879 -> stakeholders and the public ensuring
489.28 -> that the initiative reflects the
490.8 -> nation's
491.52 -> highest health priorities i would like
494.4 -> to express
495.599 -> my sincerest and most heartfelt thanks
498.72 -> to all who have worked so hard
501.919 -> to make healthy people 2030 a reality
504.8 -> especially the members of the
506.479 -> secretary's advisory committee
508.56 -> on national health promotion and disease
511.199 -> prevention objectives
512.56 -> for 2030 a hallmark of the healthy
515.68 -> people initiative
517.039 -> is its ability to incorporate new
519.68 -> science
520.08 -> and innovation as well as emerging
522 -> health priorities
523.279 -> for example healthy people 2030 includes
526.48 -> science-based objectives
528.08 -> related to opioids hiv and sickle cell
531.36 -> disease
532.32 -> all top priorities for hhs and for the
535.519 -> nation
536.959 -> healthy people 2030 also acknowledges
539.76 -> that health is about
541.2 -> more than absence of disease health is
544.24 -> created through the
545.279 -> conditions of our daily lives not at the
547.839 -> doctor's office
549.2 -> to this end we have added a new focus on
551.76 -> well-being
552.8 -> which we can describe as how people
554.64 -> think feel
555.839 -> and function and how they evaluate their
558.16 -> lives as a whole
560 -> but healthy people 2030's vision cannot
563.12 -> become reality without leadership from
566.24 -> all sectors of society working together
569.519 -> to build coalitions that address the
572.08 -> social determinants of health
573.76 -> for example access to quality education
577.12 -> safe neighborhoods in the built
578.56 -> environment social and community context
581.839 -> healthcare access and quality and
584.16 -> economic stability
586.56 -> with healthy people 2030 we have an
589.279 -> opportunity
590 -> to shape a better future for america
593.44 -> attaining the goals set forth in healthy
595.6 -> people will mean that
597.2 -> by 2030 the nation will have made
600 -> substantial progress
601.68 -> on eliminating health disparities we
604.16 -> will be a nation with a strong
606.16 -> and robust public health system and a
609.04 -> population that is more resilient to
611.12 -> public health threats
612.32 -> like covet 19. i am committed to working
615.92 -> with you
616.959 -> and for all of us to work together as
619.76 -> one nation
621.04 -> and that collectively we will lead
623.6 -> america
624.32 -> to healthier lives
627.6 -> vice admiral jerome m adams md
630.64 -> mph u.s surgeon general hhs
634.64 -> hello everyone thank you for the
636.64 -> opportunity to speak about healthy
638.24 -> people 2030
639.6 -> and my upcoming surgeon general's report
641.839 -> on community health and economic
643.519 -> prosperity
644.48 -> or chep as i like to call it since
647.6 -> surgeon general julius richmond's
649.44 -> landmark report in 1979
652.079 -> healthy people has served as the
653.839 -> foundation for our efforts in health
655.839 -> promotion
656.48 -> and disease prevention and now 40 years
659.6 -> later
660.32 -> as we discuss healthy people 2030
662.88 -> surgeon general richmond's driving
664.72 -> principles of public health
666.32 -> remain setting measurable attainable
669.36 -> and ambitious goals and striving to
671.839 -> achieve them through multi-sector
673.44 -> partnerships and public health
675.44 -> as many of you know my own model as
677.92 -> surgeon general is better health through
679.76 -> better partnerships
681.6 -> across my entire career i've seen the
684.399 -> driving power of partnerships to promote
686.8 -> health
687.519 -> increase prosperity and achieve our
690.399 -> shared goals
692.24 -> so let me take the opportunity today to
694.48 -> offer you a bit of an
695.6 -> early preview of my upcoming chep report
698.48 -> and discuss how it will relate to
700.16 -> several principles
701.2 -> of healthy people twenty thirty this
704.24 -> report
704.8 -> is targeted to the business community
706.88 -> and strives to motivate business leaders
709.2 -> to take action public health and
711.92 -> community leaders will find the report
713.68 -> exciting too
714.959 -> but we are reaching out specifically to
716.8 -> business leaders and demonstrating how
718.959 -> they can improve community health
721.04 -> and increase economic prosperity because
723.519 -> it is in their own best interest
725.44 -> to do so this is in addition to being in
728.32 -> the interest of society
730.8 -> we know businesses can be a force for
733.36 -> good
734.56 -> they produce wealth create value provide
737.68 -> jobs pay
738.48 -> taxes offer goods and services and bring
741.519 -> innovation to the marketplace business
744.32 -> productivity and growth
745.839 -> create economic prosperity in a
748.8 -> capitalist democracy like the united
750.639 -> states
751.519 -> the fact is we depend on our businesses
755.2 -> however businesses also depend on
757.36 -> society
758.8 -> businesses depend on a healthy talented
761.12 -> labor force
762.32 -> they depend on a civic infrastructure
764.959 -> respect for private property
767.04 -> and systems for transportation education
770.16 -> and health care this means business and
773.2 -> society
774.079 -> each have a mutual interest in keeping
776.16 -> the other healthy
777.44 -> and prosperous that said
780.8 -> we know the overall health of americans
782.8 -> is not as good as it could be
784.959 -> our workers are less healthy and have
786.959 -> less access to health care
788.56 -> than workers in other wealthy countries
790.959 -> even as we spend more on health care per
793.12 -> person
793.839 -> than any other country as critical as
796.88 -> health care is
798.24 -> we know health is actually shaped in
800.959 -> communities
802.32 -> that's where the basic needs for health
804 -> and safety are met
805.36 -> or in far too many cases not it's where
808.24 -> we find humane housing
810 -> reliable transportation quality
812.24 -> education
813.36 -> meaningful work a thriving natural world
816.88 -> and a sense of belonging in civic muscle
819.44 -> that democracies depend on
822.079 -> these factors that shape health outside
824.56 -> of health care
825.839 -> are what i like to call the vital
827.839 -> conditions
829.36 -> we use this vital conditions framework
831.519 -> in my upcoming report
833.04 -> to ground our approach to improving
834.88 -> community health and increasing economic
837.199 -> prosperity
838.959 -> these vital conditions are not equitably
841.839 -> distributed across our communities
844.56 -> as we work to recover and rebuild our
846.639 -> thriving economy
848 -> we must ensure all people have access
850.959 -> equitable access
852.32 -> to these vital conditions my report will
855.76 -> highlight the role of business
857.279 -> to engage with and invest in communities
860.16 -> emphasizing that businesses
862 -> do not need to do this alone we're
864.72 -> talking about
865.44 -> big issues that business government
868.72 -> and people simply can't solve on their
871.76 -> own
872.48 -> but require all of us working together
876.16 -> my report calls out several partners
878.399 -> businesses can work with
880.16 -> partners that they may not be used to
882.32 -> working with
883.199 -> but are critical to improving community
885.199 -> health and economic prosperity
888.16 -> community development corporations and
890.16 -> community development financial
891.6 -> institutions
892.88 -> social enterprises and philanthropic
894.8 -> foundations
896.399 -> public health departments and anchor
898.16 -> institutions are just a few of the
900.48 -> examples
901.12 -> of these partners the report offers
903.92 -> several recommendations for business
905.76 -> action
907.04 -> first businesses must learn more about
909.68 -> their stakeholders
911.199 -> stakeholders are those who the business
913.279 -> depends on to be successful
915.279 -> such as customers employees suppliers
918.639 -> investors and communities the report
921.68 -> recommends
922.24 -> actions to help businesses understand
924.399 -> and meet the needs of their stakeholders
926.639 -> so they can all thrive together
929.92 -> second businesses can foster a culture
932.8 -> of stewardship
934.399 -> businesses can become better stewards
937.12 -> through their policies
938.48 -> investments advocacy hiring and
941.12 -> procurement
942.24 -> all the ways businesses do business
945.92 -> third businesses can develop
948 -> cross-sector partnerships
950.32 -> collaboration is key to improving
952.16 -> community health and to increasing
954.079 -> economic prosperity
956.32 -> finally data and measuring progress are
959.199 -> critical
960.48 -> the report offers a simple road map of
962.56 -> sorts to help businesses get started
964.639 -> identifying what matters most in the
966.56 -> community health space
968.16 -> and creating their interventions
969.92 -> together with others
971.279 -> to achieve success in these ways
974.88 -> businesses can more meaningfully embrace
976.72 -> their roles as stewards and stakeholders
979.36 -> in a society that helps foster a more
982 -> equitable
982.88 -> and just future in the economic
985.199 -> prosperity on which we all depend
987.839 -> the themes of the chep report
989.68 -> particularly the importance of vital
991.519 -> conditions and addressing health
992.959 -> disparities
994 -> reflect central principles of healthy
996.079 -> people 2030.
998.16 -> core to healthy people 2030 is the idea
1000.88 -> that health and well-being
1002.399 -> are essential for a thriving and
1004.639 -> equitable society
1006.639 -> more than ever strengthening health and
1008.639 -> prosperity
1009.68 -> is a shared responsibility it happens at
1012.56 -> the local
1013.36 -> state tribal and national levels and
1016.32 -> involves public
1017.36 -> private and non-profit sectors with the
1020.48 -> plan of action described in healthy
1022.24 -> people 2030
1023.6 -> we can continue developing meaningful
1025.839 -> and sustainable partnerships
1027.679 -> that will help us integrate diverse
1029.36 -> perspectives into policy formation
1031.76 -> public health decision making and
1033.839 -> community development
1035.6 -> as we finish i can't leave you without
1038.16 -> talking about
1039.12 -> the pandemic that is the backdrop for
1041.6 -> all that we're discussing
1043.6 -> i want to emphasize to you that our best
1046 -> immediate defense
1047.28 -> against covet 19 or those tried and true
1050.08 -> public health practices
1051.6 -> those things that your mother and now
1053.44 -> the nation's doctor
1054.88 -> told you first of all wash your hands
1058.08 -> frequently and thoroughly second stay
1061.2 -> away from strangers
1062.72 -> maintain a safe distance from others and
1064.88 -> when that's not possible
1066.559 -> i encourage you to wear a face mask to
1069.039 -> protect others
1071.12 -> the high degree of asymptomatic spread
1073.039 -> of covet 19
1074.32 -> makes wearing a face covering and
1075.84 -> physical distancing an imperative
1078.24 -> a critical individual behavior that will
1080.559 -> make all the difference in our ability
1082.4 -> to recover from this pandemic finally
1086.08 -> please stay at home when sick
1089.36 -> i want to close with a heartfelt thank
1091.12 -> you to everyone here for your incredible
1093.28 -> contributions
1094.24 -> to healthy people 2030 and for your
1096.559 -> resilience
1097.44 -> during the covet 19 pandemic we are
1100.48 -> truly in unprecedented times
1102.4 -> and your abiding commitment to our
1104.24 -> shared public health mission
1105.84 -> is inspiring with the launch of healthy
1108.64 -> people 2030
1110 -> and the coming release of my surgeon
1111.52 -> general's report on community health and
1113.44 -> economic prosperity
1115.2 -> we are taking important steps towards
1117.12 -> improving the health
1118.4 -> wealth and well-being of the american
1120.4 -> people and of helping everyone recover
1123.2 -> from this pandemic thank you be well
1126.559 -> and be safe thank you secretary azar
1130.96 -> admiral giroua and dr adams and now for
1133.919 -> the part of the program many of you have
1135.52 -> been waiting
1136.16 -> for we're happy to share more specific
1138.72 -> details
1139.36 -> about healthy people 2030 next
1142.4 -> captain paul reed deputy assistant
1144.4 -> secretary for health
1145.84 -> and the acting director of the office of
1147.919 -> disease prevention and health promotion
1150.08 -> we'll walk you through some of the new
1151.52 -> elements of the initiative including the
1153.28 -> new healthy people 2030 website
1156 -> he'll be followed by brian moyer
1158.559 -> director of the national center for
1160.08 -> health statistics
1161.28 -> in the centers for disease control and
1163.12 -> prevention who will discuss the role of
1165.36 -> data
1165.84 -> in the healthy people initiative
1169.36 -> captain paul reed md deputy assistant
1172.559 -> secretary for health
1173.76 -> acting director office of disease
1175.76 -> prevention and health promotion
1177.6 -> hhs good afternoon we at odphp are
1181.6 -> excited to share healthy people 2030
1183.44 -> with you today
1185.44 -> i will be discussing the development of
1186.88 -> the initiative its main components
1189.28 -> and some of the resources that are
1190.48 -> available to you
1192.32 -> healthy people 2030 is the product of a
1194.32 -> multi-year development process
1196 -> that reflects deliberative input from
1197.84 -> individual members of the public
1199.679 -> public and private organizations the
1201.84 -> secretary's advisory committee on
1203.36 -> national health promotion and disease
1204.96 -> prevention objectives for 2030
1207.28 -> and the healthy people federal
1208.559 -> interagency work group made up of
1210.559 -> federal
1211.039 -> subject matter experts from hhs and
1213.12 -> other federal agencies
1215.039 -> i'd like to start by recognizing the
1216.64 -> many people who made healthy people 2030
1218.72 -> possible
1219.84 -> first i'd like to acknowledge the
1221.28 -> members of the secretary's advisory
1222.799 -> committee
1223.44 -> on national health promotion and disease
1225.12 -> prevention objectives for 2030.
1227.36 -> this group of nationally and
1228.799 -> internationally recognized non-federal
1230.72 -> subject matter experts
1232.08 -> provided recommendations on the
1233.44 -> framework for healthy people 2030
1235.52 -> which includes the vision mission
1238.4 -> overarching goals
1239.919 -> plan of action as well as criteria for
1242.159 -> selection of objectives and data
1244.159 -> and more i'd also like to recognize the
1246.559 -> members of the federal interagency
1248 -> work group and the topic area work
1249.76 -> groups which consist of federal experts
1251.84 -> representing more than 20 federal
1253.28 -> agencies
1254.4 -> these individuals develop the healthy
1256 -> people 2030 objectives
1257.6 -> and help to review data and resources
1259.52 -> associated with the objectives
1260.96 -> throughout the decade we began
1262.799 -> developing healthy people 2030 back in
1264.799 -> 2016
1266 -> and held our first advisory committee
1267.52 -> meeting in december of that year
1269.44 -> over the next two years the advisory
1271.039 -> committee met regularly to develop the
1272.559 -> healthy people 2030 framework
1274.4 -> which was submitted to and accepted by
1276.08 -> secretary azar in 2018
1279.36 -> using the advisory committee selection
1280.88 -> criteria the federal interagency work
1282.72 -> group then engaged
1283.919 -> with work groups across 42 topic areas
1286.24 -> to develop proposed objectives
1287.84 -> that were released for public comment in
1289.36 -> november 2018.
1291.76 -> stakeholder input and participation were
1293.679 -> key to the successful development of
1295.28 -> healthy people 2030.
1297.28 -> hhs considered guidance and
1298.72 -> recommendations from the advisory
1300.08 -> committee
1300.88 -> and the federal interagency work group
1302.88 -> as well as public comments received
1304.4 -> throughout the development process
1306 -> as we finalized healthy people 2030 for
1308 -> release this year
1310.08 -> there are three critical components of
1311.52 -> healthy people 2030
1313.28 -> the framework the objectives and data
1316.08 -> and the tools for action which
1317.44 -> demonstrate how to achieve the
1318.559 -> objectives
1319.919 -> i will provide a quick overview of these
1321.679 -> components describe our new website and
1323.6 -> resources
1324.48 -> discuss next steps and then hand things
1326.64 -> over to dr moyer who will provide an
1328.559 -> overview of data
1329.52 -> integral to healthy people 2030. the
1332.08 -> healthy people 2030 framework outlines
1334 -> the vision and mission for the
1335.2 -> initiative
1336.159 -> as well as overarching goals for the
1337.6 -> next decade our vision explains where we
1340.08 -> want to be as a nation in the year 2030.
1342.559 -> the mission of healthy people describes
1344.24 -> what we as hhs need to do to support the
1346.559 -> nation
1347.679 -> the overarching goals describe what we
1349.36 -> as a society need to do
1350.799 -> to strive to attain this vision this
1353.28 -> includes addressing health disparities
1354.799 -> to achieve health equity
1356.4 -> being ever mindful of the role of social
1358.08 -> determinants of health and encouraging
1360.159 -> cross-sector collaboration
1362.32 -> in response to stakeholder feedback and
1364 -> user surveys we reduce the number of
1366 -> measurable objectives from over a
1367.44 -> thousand in healthy people 2020
1369.679 -> to 355 for healthy people 2030.
1373.28 -> in addition to the core or measurable
1375.12 -> objectives there are 114 developmental
1377.84 -> objectives and 40 research objectives
1380.4 -> core objectives were chosen using
1381.76 -> rigorous selection criteria
1383.44 -> as a result these objectives focus on
1385.36 -> the country's highest priority public
1386.72 -> health issues
1387.76 -> avoid overlap and use higher data
1389.84 -> standards than in previous decades
1391.84 -> these objectives will also have at least
1393.44 -> two data points measured throughout the
1394.96 -> decade
1395.679 -> in addition to the baseline assessment
1398.159 -> the developmental objectives do not yet
1400 -> have reliable baseline data associated
1401.919 -> with them
1402.559 -> and research objectives require a
1404.24 -> stronger evidence base
1406.159 -> both however reflect high priority new
1408.72 -> or emerging public health issues where
1410.4 -> we want to encourage additional
1411.679 -> exploration
1413.36 -> the last critical component of healthy
1415.039 -> people 2030 is our tools for action
1417.52 -> we want all sectors of society not just
1419.6 -> traditional health systems to use
1421.039 -> healthy people 2030 to address the
1422.799 -> nation's health priorities
1424.32 -> here's how you can do that first
1426.72 -> identify your needs and priority
1428.159 -> populations
1429.2 -> and browse our objectives to find out
1430.799 -> how your needs align with national
1432.559 -> health priorities
1434 -> second set your own targets our core
1436.72 -> objectives have targets for the nation
1438.32 -> and these can help inform your own goals
1441.039 -> third
1442 -> find inspiration and practical tools the
1444.08 -> healthy people 2030 website includes a
1446.08 -> database of evidence-based resources
1448.24 -> with interventions and strategies
1450.08 -> aligned to our topics and objectives
1452.48 -> and finally monitor our progress and use
1455.44 -> us
1455.679 -> as your benchmark as i mentioned we will
1457.76 -> be updating the data for the objectives
1459.36 -> throughout the decade
1460.72 -> as you implement your programs and track
1462.64 -> your own progress
1463.919 -> you can use our data to help inform
1465.6 -> decision making and see how you compare
1467.52 -> to the rest of the nation
1469.279 -> we've launched a new website for healthy
1470.72 -> people 2030 that is more intuitive and
1472.799 -> based on best practices in web design
1474.72 -> and extensive audience research and
1476.24 -> testing
1477.2 -> visit us at healthypeople.gov to stay up
1479.52 -> to date on everything we are working on
1480.96 -> throughout the decade
1482.559 -> using the website you will find there
1484.24 -> are three ways to identify objectives
1486 -> on the new site the browse objectives
1488.159 -> and topics page
1489.12 -> organizes objectives into more intuitive
1491.039 -> topics
1492.4 -> we have also developed a crosswalk to
1494.08 -> search healthy people 2020 objectives to
1496.159 -> find their healthy people 2030
1497.679 -> equivalents
1499.039 -> the website search tool makes it easy to
1500.72 -> find information that is relevant to
1502.159 -> your work
1503.36 -> you can filter information based on your
1505.039 -> interest to find topics
1506.559 -> objectives with baseline data and
1508 -> targets and evidence-based resources
1510.24 -> that you can start using right away to
1511.919 -> tackle key public health issues in your
1513.52 -> community
1514.96 -> the new healthypeople.gov website also
1517.12 -> features a resource for building
1518.48 -> customizable lists of objectives
1520.4 -> that can be used to curate objectives
1522 -> that are relevant to specific goals
1524.24 -> we've used this tool to develop a list
1525.919 -> of all objectives directly related to
1527.52 -> the covid19 pandemic
1529.12 -> to demonstrate how healthy people 2030
1531.2 -> is adaptable to emerging health
1532.72 -> priorities
1534.32 -> we will be adding many more tools and
1535.76 -> resources throughout the decade
1537.84 -> sign up for email updates at our website
1539.76 -> and follow us on twitter for the latest
1541.36 -> information
1543.2 -> although we've achieved a significant
1544.48 -> milestone in launching healthy people
1545.84 -> 2030 today
1546.96 -> our work is not done odphp will continue
1549.84 -> to work throughout the decade to support
1551.279 -> healthy people 2030.
1552.799 -> later this year we plan to release
1554.24 -> additional components of healthy people
1555.679 -> to address the nation's highest
1557.279 -> health priorities we will also start to
1559.36 -> wrap up our work on healthy people 2020.
1562.08 -> throughout the decade we will add
1563.52 -> disparities data state level data
1565.919 -> and demographic data for core objectives
1568.24 -> and we will release more resources to
1569.919 -> support implementation
1571.76 -> we will conduct ongoing assessments of
1573.36 -> our progress towards achieving
1574.799 -> our national objectives as well as a
1576.48 -> mid-course report around the middle of
1578.08 -> the decade
1579.36 -> toward the end of the decade we will
1580.64 -> start working on healthy people 2040
1582.72 -> as we wrap up healthy people 2030.
1585.919 -> thank you for joining us today as we
1587.279 -> launch this incredibly important
1588.559 -> initiative
1589.36 -> we hope that you will use healthy people
1591.12 -> in your own work and remain engaged with
1592.96 -> us throughout the decade
1594.88 -> now i'm pleased to invite dr brian moyer
1597.36 -> to discuss the data that supports
1598.799 -> healthy people 2030
1601.76 -> brian c moyer ph.d director
1605.039 -> national center for health statistics
1607.279 -> cdc
1609.039 -> this afternoon i'll share a bit about
1611.36 -> nchs
1612.4 -> and our role in the healthy people 2030
1615.039 -> initiative
1616.159 -> i'll also touch on some of the data and
1618.159 -> platform improvements
1619.44 -> that will make healthy people 2030 an
1621.84 -> extremely valuable tool
1623.279 -> for guiding public policy over the
1625.279 -> coming decade
1626.88 -> first a bit about nchs we are one of 13
1630.799 -> primary statistical agencies within the
1632.96 -> federal government
1634.08 -> and the only statistical agency within
1636.32 -> hhs
1637.76 -> we compile analyze and disseminate
1640.64 -> information for statistical purposes
1642.88 -> such as describing population
1644.399 -> characteristics and trends
1646.159 -> planning and monitoring programs and
1648.24 -> conducting research
1649.6 -> and evaluation we use information from
1652.559 -> surveys
1653.52 -> censuses government administrative
1655.679 -> records and private sector data sets
1658.32 -> including a growing number of big data
1660.48 -> sources things like
1661.84 -> electronic health records in our role
1664.72 -> working on healthy people
1666.399 -> we provide statistical guidance about
1668.72 -> how to best use data for policy purposes
1671.84 -> drawing on our experience developing
1673.84 -> health related indicators
1675.2 -> and monitoring them over time nchs
1678.399 -> has been an integral part of the healthy
1680.32 -> people initiative
1681.44 -> since its inception over the decades
1684.08 -> we've provided statistical advice to hhs
1686.96 -> and to the topic area work groups on a
1689.36 -> wide range of issues
1690.88 -> including measuring fundamental concepts
1693.2 -> like overall health
1694.96 -> health disparities target setting and
1697.44 -> disabilities
1699.039 -> nchs compiles all of the data for the
1702.08 -> healthy people initiative
1703.76 -> we draw data from our own data systems
1706.24 -> as well as some other sources
1708.08 -> both within and outside of hhs
1711.279 -> we're housing all of these data in a
1712.96 -> database we're calling
1714.32 -> data 2030. we use this information
1717.679 -> along with extensive data analysis to
1719.919 -> develop reports and data visualizations
1722.48 -> on how well we're progressing toward the
1724.64 -> various targets
1726.559 -> finally we provide statistical expertise
1729.44 -> and technical assistance to stakeholders
1731.919 -> from federal and state and local users
1734.24 -> all the way down to families
1735.919 -> and individuals now i'd like to turn to
1738.64 -> what's new
1739.36 -> for healthy people 2030. as part of the
1742.159 -> healthy people 2030 development process
1744.72 -> there was an extensive three-year review
1747.44 -> of healthy people 2020.
1749.919 -> one of the goals of this review was to
1752 -> provide a greater focus and balance
1754.08 -> on the slate of core objectives for the
1756.559 -> new decade
1757.84 -> criteria were established to evaluate
1760 -> proposed objectives for inclusion into
1762.08 -> the core
1763.039 -> which are objectives with high national
1765.36 -> importance
1766.559 -> the criteria are shown here on this
1768.559 -> slide
1769.6 -> first the core objectives should address
1772.08 -> concerns
1772.799 -> around health equity or health
1774.88 -> disparities
1776.24 -> second baseline data should be no older
1779.2 -> than the year
1780 -> 2015. third there should be assurance of
1784.08 -> at least two additional data points
1785.6 -> becoming available
1786.799 -> throughout the decade and fourth data
1790 -> should be
1790.48 -> from an approved data source generally a
1793.2 -> federal source
1794.159 -> that's publicly available and nationally
1796.24 -> representative
1797.84 -> working with the topic area work groups
1799.84 -> nchs
1800.88 -> operationalized these criteria and
1803.279 -> developed
1803.919 -> a preliminary list of approved data
1806.84 -> sources
1808.24 -> the outcome of this review is a more
1810.08 -> rigorous set of core measures for
1812 -> healthy people
1812.96 -> 2030. nationally representative
1816.08 -> publicly available data with known
1818.159 -> population coverage
1819.36 -> response rates and complete
1820.84 -> documentation ensures transparency and
1823.679 -> allows for replication of findings
1826.08 -> i'd like to add one final word about
1828 -> timeliness
1829.2 -> as i noted on the previous slide the
1831.36 -> frequency of the data
1832.799 -> is critically important but beyond this
1835.84 -> nchs has made numerous improvements
1838.24 -> to our it systems that allow for more
1840.72 -> frequent updates
1841.76 -> to the healthy people website for
1844.159 -> healthy people 2020
1846 -> data were typically updated two or three
1848.08 -> times per year
1849.44 -> for healthy people 20 30 data updates
1852.799 -> can be made
1853.52 -> on an as needed basis data for healthy
1856.64 -> people 2030 come from about 81 different
1859.36 -> data systems
1860.64 -> most are federal including 49 from
1862.88 -> across hhs
1864.64 -> almost half of the data for healthy
1866.48 -> people 2030
1867.76 -> come from across the executive branch we
1870.32 -> couldn't do this
1871.2 -> without the help of our subject matter
1873.12 -> experts from across the government
1875.12 -> we are very grateful for all of our data
1877.2 -> partners and for all of their
1878.88 -> contributions
1880.32 -> healthy people is unique among federal
1882.48 -> initiatives in that it sets targets
1884.48 -> against
1884.96 -> which progress can be assessed target
1887.519 -> setting itself
1888.48 -> is done by subject matter experts based
1890.72 -> on evidence
1891.6 -> as well as policy and political
1893.36 -> considerations
1894.88 -> because they're not strictly statistical
1896.88 -> constructs and because nchs as a
1899.679 -> statistical agency informs
1901.679 -> but does not set policy we don't set
1904.24 -> targets for specific
1905.6 -> objectives we do however provide
1908.159 -> technical assistance on target setting
1910.559 -> as another innovative step healthy
1912.64 -> people 2030 aims for greater
1914.64 -> transparency
1915.679 -> and for a more systematic approach to
1917.84 -> target setting than in past decades
1920.159 -> the six target setting methods used in
1922.399 -> healthy people 2030
1924.08 -> are maintain consistency with national
1927.12 -> programs
1927.919 -> policies or laws maintain baseline
1932.08 -> percent improvement percentage point
1934.799 -> improvement
1936 -> and trend projections nchs has also
1939.519 -> developed new tools to help work groups
1941.679 -> and other users
1942.72 -> select from among candidate targets
1945.919 -> turning back to the healthy people
1947.279 -> objectives themselves i want to give you
1949.6 -> an example
1950.48 -> of what you'll actually see on the
1952.24 -> website for each of the core objectives
1955.12 -> first you'll see the baseline data and
1958 -> targets
1959.039 -> the status line is where you'll see
1960.88 -> progress over the course of the decade
1963.44 -> also you'll see links to more
1965.2 -> information on how the objective is
1966.96 -> measured
1967.6 -> and technical information about the data
1969.76 -> sources themselves
1971.44 -> and finally you'll see the target
1973.279 -> setting method one of the six
1975.039 -> i mentioned just a moment ago in the
1977.84 -> coming months
1978.64 -> we'll be launching data 2030 our
1981.2 -> database for healthy people 2030.
1983.84 -> upcoming features include new data for
1986.88 -> subpopulations
1988.24 -> new trend data state level data and maps
1991.6 -> disparities analysis and visualizations
1994.48 -> and charting features
1996 -> we'll also be publishing nchs
1998.559 -> statistical and analytical reports over
2000.88 -> the decade
2002 -> starting with a statistical note on
2003.84 -> target setting methods
2005.12 -> for healthy people 2030. in conclusion
2008.96 -> i'd like to encourage everyone to visit
2011.12 -> the healthy people website
2013.039 -> all of us at nchs are very excited about
2016.08 -> healthy people
2017.12 -> 2030. and we're looking forward to
2019.519 -> working with our partners
2021.279 -> on the initiative over the coming decade
2023.84 -> thank you very much for your time
2025.679 -> and attention thank you doctors reed and
2029.12 -> moyer
2030 -> our team is very proud of the work that
2031.76 -> went into developing healthy people 2030
2034.48 -> and it's supporting materials and we
2036.799 -> believe that we have curated a suite of
2038.799 -> resources that will vastly improve your
2040.799 -> ability to use the objectives and
2042.559 -> targets
2043.36 -> and monitor your progress over the
2045.2 -> course of the decade
2046.96 -> as we conclude our program i want to
2048.96 -> thank you all for your interest in
2050.48 -> healthy people 2030
2052.399 -> and i invite you to join my colleagues
2054.639 -> and me in using the initiative
2056.72 -> and our common cause for action to build
2059.44 -> a healthier nation
2061.04 -> healthy people 2030's vision could not
2063.2 -> become a reality
2064.56 -> without the active and deep engagement
2066.96 -> of many sectors of our society
2069.2 -> we hope that you will use healthy people
2071.28 -> as a tool to convene partners from
2073.2 -> across sectors
2074.48 -> including housing urban planning
2077.04 -> education
2078.079 -> transportation and the environment and
2080.399 -> invite them to join
2081.599 -> our efforts to implement evidence-based
2085.2 -> interventions and strategies to improve
2087.52 -> the health and well-being of our nation
2090.079 -> to learn more about healthy people 2030
2092.24 -> please visit our website
2094 -> at healthypeople.gov and join us for a
2096.8 -> twitter chat with the american public
2098.8 -> health association
2100.32 -> using the information found on your
2102.079 -> screen so again thank you for joining us
2104.56 -> today
2105.119 -> and please be well
2110 -> produced by the u.s department of health
2111.76 -> and human services at taxpayer expense
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atDcD86ChC8