Wear The Gown: Preventing coronary artery disease
Wear The Gown: Preventing coronary artery disease
There is a new test called a “Cardiac CT” which detects amounts of plaque in the arteries before it becomes a major problem.
0.96 -> foreign
3.6 -> coronary artery disease is the most
6.12 -> common type of heart disease in the U.S
8.58 -> and tonight's where the Gown Jeremy
10.5 -> Baker explains how to reduce your risk
14.219 -> for some people a heart attack is the
16.44 -> first sign of coronary artery disease
18.66 -> plaque buildup in the arteries is how
20.88 -> the disease progresses preventing blood
23.1 -> flow to the heart plaque is cholesterol
25.859 -> buildup in the arteries of your heart
28.34 -> and that cholesterol buildup can lead to
31.32 -> narrowings that cause chest pain heart
33.6 -> failure or even heart attacks Dr Marlene
36.78 -> Garcia is an Interventional cardiologist
39 -> with university health and UT Health San
41.7 -> Antonio she says prevention is key we
44.82 -> would also recommend things like
46.379 -> becoming more physically active so
48.3 -> basically things that will help minimize
49.92 -> from that plaque becoming a heart attack
52.32 -> or getting worse over time that includes
54.78 -> controlling high blood pressure avoiding
56.94 -> or controlling diabetes avoiding high
59.28 -> cholesterol and recognizing a family
61.559 -> history for the disease there's also a
64.44 -> brand new test where you can see how
66.119 -> much plaque you may have in your
67.5 -> arteries it's called a cardiac CT you're
70.56 -> able to see even small amounts of plaque
73.26 -> in your artery fifteen twenty percent
75.42 -> amount of plaque that then you can then
77.1 -> come up with a plan with your doctor to
79.38 -> try to prevent that from getting worse
81.36 -> or to try to stabilize that so it
82.979 -> doesn't lead to a heart attack the
84.659 -> plaque is bright spots and these are
86.46 -> just multiple uh images so they rotate
89.939 -> the image 180 360 Degrees to get
92.64 -> different angles of the plaque Dr Garcia
95.159 -> says based on what the scan shows it is
97.439 -> possible to stop the plaque buildup or
99.78 -> even reduce it with medication avoiding
102.18 -> surgery but make sure to check with your
103.92 -> insurance company to see if they covered
105.659 -> the test Jeremy Baker Kens 5. and for
109.439 -> more Health stories go to
110.7 -> wherethegown.com
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRZwrEa5Xy0