Congestive Heart Failure Tampa VA Patient Education
Congestive Heart Failure Tampa VA Patient Education
8-minute discussion on how to manage CHF by Cardiology CHF specialist.
0 -> ♪Music playing♪
3.74 -> Hi welcome
5.6 -> I'm here to talk to you about Congestive
heart failure.
8.73 -> I know it sounds like a terminal illness
11.24 -> It sounds like you’re dying but I'm here
to tell you today
14.58 -> we have patients who live a long time with
a quality of life.
20.65 -> so what is congestive heart failure some
people describe it as
25.27 -> if you think of your body as the car and
your heart is the engine well its the
30.65 -> engine is weak
32.64 -> and as a result of that fluid backs into
lungs and you feel like you're drowning
37.789 -> or suffocating.
39.579 -> it's our job to determine what caused the
engine to fail we get asked a lot is
45.399 -> how to deal with the craving to want to
eat more salt because we limit your salt intake
53.539 -> to
2,000 mil a day again
56.319 -> that's barely a teaspoon well we ask you
to use as a substitute or actually use
63.469 -> herbs and spices if not just use the garlic
or time red pepper and black pepper any one
68.09 -> of these herbs or spices
69.101 -> if not just use garlic or tymeor red pepper
or black pepper anyone of these herbs or
73.46 -> spices will take the place of your craving
for salt.
77.799 -> I promise you if you give it 4 weeks you
will not miss the salt at all, in fact, the
83.28 -> next
time you go out to someone's house or a
86.2 -> restaurant
87.509 -> you almost went to split the food out because
then you will notice and taste every morsel
92.049 -> of that sodium.
93.479 -> Lastly how to deal with your craving to
want to drink.
98.549 -> we asked you to limit it to 64 ounces a
day we recommend that you chew gum
105.759 -> or candy, sugarless if your diabetic.
109.4 -> Unless you chit's really going to get that
saliva going help you deal with that
113.229 -> craving some of our patients recommend
to freeze grapes.
119.479 -> if you ever tried it it's pretty good but
it really
122.069 -> helped deal with your Cravings to want to
125.579 -> so freeze whatever fruit you like grapes were
really well or freeze that water bottle that
132.34 -> you drinking.
133.34 -> That 16 ounces or 20 oz bottle instead of
just drinking it straight freeze it and then
138.78 -> you, you can step on it for several hours.
141.19 -> so those are just some of the tricks we
want you to do to deal with those craving.
147.9 -> In addition to those Lifestyle Changes in
151.5 -> is our job to determine what caused the
engine to fail or to weekend and they can
158.47 -> be a number thing some of the most common
thing is bad plumbing.
163.26 -> Are the arteries clogged up, how we fix that,
we do a procedure called heart catheterization.
170.65 -> Where we looking and see if you have blockages.
174.7 -> we can remedy that by sometimes surgery
bypass surgery that's when the surgeons
180.37 -> I have to do a bypass or we can
184.65 -> open up the artery with a balloon
and leave a device still call a stent
188.59 -> will keep that artery popped open it acts
as scaffold.
193.55 -> In addition to the bad Plumbing it can be
196.79 -> leaky valve or tight valve with the opening
is very small
202.21 -> so not enough blood to go through that
opening and so it's very easy for fluid to
208.01 -> back up in the lungs and make you feel
like you're drowning.
212.48 -> Uncontrolled blood pressure alcohol sleep
apnea we're finding more and more people
218.26 -> actually, have sleep apnea including
221.09 -> Okay, so what is sleep apnea.
224.3 -> well that
for example if you have obstructive sleep
227.18 -> apnea and you have a big tongue for
230.07 -> when you lay down that tongue blocks your
breathing tube and when it blocks your
235.9 -> breathing tube
237.04 -> not enough of the normal oxygen that enters
actually goes down the lungs and your lungs
242.62 -> collapse and you stop breathing.
245.03 -> Okay, so, fortunately, God made it so for
the brain that wakes us up when it's been
251.04 -> since we're not breathing and so you
wake up almost like in the panic
255.37 -> and as a result of that, you don't get your
good deep REM sleep because you don't
261.28 -> sleep well at night
262.75 -> when you don't get your REM sleep you're
extremely fatigued for the rest of the
268.07 -> day and you may still have problems with
271.23 -> memory you may wake up with a headache.
274.51 -> You may notice uncontrolled blood pressure
you may notice the rapid heartbeat.
280.5 -> Those are some of the signs
and symptoms related to untreated
283.82 -> sleep apnea and eventually congestive
heart failure.
288.43 -> We try to treat that a lot of patients
wear a mask called the CPAP device
295.98 -> and what it does is it allows the normal
oxygen that enters and it creates and
300.46 -> vacuum around
302.57 -> your mouth and nose that will force
literally the oxygen down the lungs
307.79 -> under pressure keeps those lungs open
311.1 -> so you don't stop breathing you don't
wake up in the middle of the night you
315 -> get a good deep sleep.
318.87 -> And in and we can prevent those
unfortunate side effect for complications
323.76 -> that we spoke of and more specifically
congestive heart failure.
328.7 -> If you getting short of breath especially
when you lay down and you have to sit up
332.48 -> to breath, that's most likely congestive
heart failure.
336.41 -> or you get on that scale in the morning
and you gained 3 lb of unexplained weight
343.11 -> gain.
344.11 -> generally, that means the fluid is back and
you had to much salt or water.
349.32 -> So what we expect you to do is go ahead
and double up on those water pills,
353.81 -> instead of taking one in the morning or
one in the evening we don't mean that
358.9 -> you double up by taking two at the same time
and if that doesn't work then that's when
364.751 -> we want you to call us.
366.25 -> Obviously, if you're very short of breath
even sitting up we want you to call 911.
373.78 -> So when you double up we want you to go
ahead and do that for two to three days
377.08 -> until you lose those 3 pounds of extra
382.78 -> and again if it doesn't work please give us
a call because we may instruct you to
388.58 -> triple up or quadruple up
390.06 -> and then we'll have to see you in the
office because you can lose too much
394.45 -> electrolytes.
396.46 -> For example potassium.
397.59 -> Then you start
getting that cramping and that a painful
401.43 -> feeling.
402.54 -> So we also don't want you to wait till
you gain 5 to 10 lb because again these
407.77 -> water pills may not work when you double up
410.66 -> and again we may have to triple up or
quadruple up.
414.57 -> Okay so now that's how you recognize when
you have too much fluid we also want you
420.52 -> to recognize when maybe you taking too
much water pills.
425.21 -> So most people if you drink 2 liters or
64 oz is a day and you're taking your
431.92 -> water pill that kind of keeps your fluids
status even.
436.8 -> You don't have too much and you don't have
too little but you can have too little if
441.88 -> you doing what we ask but in addition to that
you have diarrhea.
447.07 -> For some reason or you working out in
that sun in your sweater does that means
452.34 -> you may be putting out more than you're
taking in
455.36 -> and you will experience lightheadedness or
460.13 -> Okay, Feeling like you want to pass out.
463.389 -> okay or you may start to see that your
urine instead of being clear yellow urine
468.93 -> looks pretty dark.
470.09 -> If that's the case that may be a sign that
you're not drinking enough water.
476.92 -> We asked you to go ahead to drink an
additional 8 ounces of water that day
481.41 -> Or maybe you decide to hold off on your
fluid pill that day or the following day
486.85 -> okay
487.96 -> so but if you have any questions about
whether or not if you have too much fluid
492.479 -> or perhaps dehydrated
494.49 -> just give us a call.
495.68 -> We'll help too, help
you figure that out as well.
500.41 -> Otherwise, thank you for your attention please
don't hesitate to call us if you have any
505.54 -> questions about anything we talked about today.
507.81 -> Thank you.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmhLGDFpbD0