Young Heart Attack Survivor: ‘Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs’
Young Heart Attack Survivor: ‘Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs’
When Brad Lauer started experiencing shortness of breath and tightness in his chest, he and his wife Kate had a hard time believing he was having a heart attack - after all, he’s only 36 years old. Fortunately, Brad didn’t ignore his symptoms and the teams at UConn Health’s Canton office and main campus in Farmington worked together to make sure Brad had the best possible outcome.
0.179 -> Brad Lauer:I really started with a little
2.46 -> shortness breath, a little tightness
3.51 -> in my chest. I called my wife
5.73 -> and she came and got me and took me
7.589 -> immediately to the UConn
9.75 -> Urgent Care clinic in Canton.
12.57 -> Kate Lauer: I just was in disbelief—he's 36—
15.63 -> I didn't think he would be having a heart attack.
17.13 -> They got an ambulance there in no Time.
20.13 -> Brad: The doctors from the cath lab met
23.22 -> my ambulance outside, wheeled me right in,
26.22 -> and got started.
29.58 -> Dr. Jason Ryan: What happened to Brad was he had a
32.16 -> blood clot form in one of the arteries
33.899 -> in his heart and that artery was 100% blocked.
36.78 -> Brad: They inserted two stents, at which point
39.87 -> I immediately began to feel much better.
43.44 -> Kate:It was amazing—the turnaround, how quick it was.
45 -> Because of how quickly they acted he's
47.55 -> got 100% function, there's no lasting
50.55 -> heart damage at all.
52.62 -> Dr. Ryan: Interestingly, it turns out Brad probably had
54.84 -> diabetes and didn't know it, and diabetes is one of
57.059 -> the silent killers, like high blood pressure.
58.59 -> Brad: Heart disease and diabetes both
61.739 -> run in my family and being relatively
64.559 -> young, being 36, you're not looking out
67.619 -> for the symptoms. Dr. Ryan: the best advice I have
70.2 -> for young people like Brad is to get
71.7 -> symptoms checked out. If you're short of
73.68 -> breath, if you have chest pain—even though
75.03 -> you're young and it's less likely than
77.22 -> someone older than you for it to be a
78.96 -> heart condition just go get checked.
81.24 -> Kate: I'm so happy he was brought here. This place
83.61 -> has been great. Brad: I have an amazing family—
85.86 -> wife and three kids—all of which
89.04 -> need me to be around for a very long time.
90.57 -> I'm very thankful that I get to do
93.09 -> that, as a quick intervention by the
95.43 -> doctors here have made that possible.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahknZzoje0I