What is heart failure?
What is heart failure?
7.42 -> Heart failure, it's a syndrome so it gives you
10.019 -> particular symptoms, you get breathless
12.51 -> you get tired, you get swollen ankles.
15.38 -> And it's due to the fact that the heart just
17.04 -> can't pump enough blood round the body.
20 -> Either at rest or when it's doing things so that,
22.779 -> that's what gives you heart failure.
24.61 -> It's very common over all it depends on
28.99 -> the age of the patients that we're
30.91 -> looking at but overall its prevalence in
34.149 -> the UK is anything anywhere between one
37.63 -> to two percent of the population.
40.08 -> Now at the end of the day all heart failure is
42.43 -> due to the heart failing as a pump but
45.91 -> it can really fail in two ways. One is
48.67 -> where the left ventricle which is the
50.74 -> main pumping chamber of the heart does
53.23 -> not pump properly and it's actual force
57.7 -> of contraction of pumping is reduced and
59.92 -> that's called left ventricular systolic dysfunction.
62.52 -> And that accounts for
63.43 -> about 70% of all heart failure in this
65.68 -> part of the world. The other part, the
68.079 -> other type of heart failure is where the
69.52 -> heart does not relax properly, it's
72.31 -> usually stiff or hypertrophied as a
75.729 -> result of years of high blood pressure
77.049 -> when the heart does not relax properly
79.299 -> it does not fill properly if it does not
81.579 -> fill properly it does not empty properly
83.59 -> and that accounts for about 30% of the
86.17 -> heart failure that we see.
88.18 -> So you have heart failure with a weak heart, that's where you
91.24 -> have a reduced ejection fraction that's
94.179 -> called heart failure with reduced
95.95 -> ejection fraction. So a normal heart pumps
99.67 -> about the 50 or 60 percent of its
102.49 -> blood in one beat. With this condition it
104.92 -> will be pumping out less than 40% of its
107.259 -> blood in one beat so the heart will be
109.029 -> bigger and weaker. And then an equal
111.429 -> number of people have something called
112.749 -> heart failure with preserved ejection
114.429 -> fraction that's where the heart still
117.159 -> can't pump enough blood round but it's
118.959 -> because the heart stiff rather than it's
121.179 -> big and weak so I think that's quite
123.099 -> important because the treatments for
124.569 -> those two conditions are very different actually.
127.06 -> Most of heart failure, most of
129.19 -> the time you're talking about a problem with
130.75 -> the left ventricle. Now sometimes you can
133.06 -> get weakness in the right ventricle, the
135.04 -> right pumping chamber, that pumps the blood
136.54 -> to the lungs and you often see that in
139.75 -> people sometimes where they have bad
141.459 -> lung disease and the pressures in the
144.099 -> artery to the lungs get raised
146.59 -> the right side of the heart then
147.849 -> struggles with that so you can have a
150.22 -> condition where the right side is weak
152.489 -> due to lung problems, clots on the lungs
155.64 -> occasionally again due to inherited heart problems.
164.06 -> And it's very important to understand all
166.1 -> of these different types once you have your
168.18 -> diagnosis because the treatment slightly
169.89 -> different but the symptoms are not but
171.75 -> the important thing is that once that
173.13 -> echo scan tells a doctor what's wrong
175.62 -> with you you can start on a good treatment plan.
178.46 -> The progression of heart
179.34 -> failure is quite unpredictable however
181.86 -> it is usually the case that there will
185.31 -> be a slow but steady progression in the
188.819 -> disease and then as that happens you
191.31 -> might on top of that have episodes where
193.5 -> you have acute heart failure that will
195.36 -> admit you to hospital.
196.88 -> Everyone is very different and no two cases are the same
199.62 -> but we do know that generally over time
202.41 -> the condition does get worse, but that can be
205.12 -> a long long period of time over many years.
207.62 -> Obviously when you first present
209.64 -> with heart failure the quicker you're
211.26 -> diagnosed, the sooner you're put on the
213.36 -> appropriate therapies and see a
215.61 -> specialist usually, then that is going to
218.4 -> impact probably on the trajectory of your condition .
221.52 -> So a lot of patients with
222.75 -> heart failure live for a long long
224.549 -> time their symptoms improve with a
227.19 -> medical therapy we give them and so it's
230.04 -> a very variable disease and it's a very
231.81 -> treatable disease so I think I would say
234.15 -> for a lot of people with heart failure
235.829 -> actually the outlook is good these days.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGQ7Z9xOxMM