How blood pressure works - Wilfred Manzano
How blood pressure works - Wilfred Manzano
ชมบทเรียนแบบเต็มได้ที่: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-blood-p…
ถ้าคุณเอาเส้นเลือดทั้งหมดในตัวคุณมาเรียงต่อกัน มันจะยาว 60,000 ไมล์ และทุกๆ วันมันจะนำเอาเลือดประมาณสองหมื่นแกลลอนไปยังเนื้อเยื่อของร่างกาย แรงดันนี้มีผลอย่างไรต่อผนังของเส้นเลือด วิลเฟรด แมนซาโน เล่าถึงข้อเท็จจริงเกี่ยวกับความดันเลือด
บทเรียนโดย วิลเฟรด แมนซาโน แอนิเมชั่นโดย Fox Animation Domination High-def
6.828 -> If you lined up all
the blood vessels in your body,
11.388 -> they'd be 95,000 kilometers long
15.429 -> and everyday, they carry the equivalent
of over 7,500 liters of blood,
21.984 -> though that's actually the same four
or five liters recycled over and over,
27.508 -> delivering oxygen, and precious nutrients
30.041 -> like glucose and amino acids
to the body's tissues.
34.96 -> All that blood exerts a force on
the muscular walls of the blood vessels.
40.24 -> That force is called blood pressure,
43.066 -> and it rises and falls
with the phases of the heartbeat.
46.999 -> It's highest during systole,
48.995 -> when the heart contracts to force
blood through the arteries.
52.854 -> This is your systolic blood pressure.
55.196 -> When the heart is at rest between beats,
57.694 -> blood pressure falls to its lowest value,
the diastolic pressure.
62.436 -> A typical healthy individual produces
a systolic pressure
65.862 -> between 90 and 120 millimeters of mercury,
70.348 -> and diastolic pressure between 60 and 80.
74.11 -> Taken together, a normal reading is a bit
less than 120 over 80.
79.572 -> The blood traverses
the landscape of the body
81.891 -> through the pipes
of the circulatory system.
84.977 -> In any plumbing system,
86.477 -> several things can increase the force
on the walls of the pipes:
89.945 -> the properties of the fluid,
91.556 -> extra fluid,
92.708 -> or narrower pipes.
94.76 -> So if the blood thickens,
96.19 -> a higher pressure is needed to push it,
so the heart will pump harder.
101.437 -> A high-salt diet will lead
to a similar result.
104.782 -> The salt promotes water retention,
106.933 -> and the extra fluid increases the blood
volume and blood pressure,
111.397 -> and stress,
like the fight or flight response,
114.456 -> releases hormones, like epinephrine
and norepinephrine
118.365 -> that constrict key vessels,
120.55 -> increasing the resistance to flow
and raising the pressure upstream.
125.211 -> Blood vessels can usually handle
these fluctuations easily.
128.772 -> Elastic fibers embedded in their walls
make them resilient,
133.521 -> but if your blood pressure
regularly rises above about 140 over 90,
138.606 -> what we call hypertension,
and stays there,
141.846 -> it can cause serious problems.
143.97 -> That's because the extra strain
on the arterial wall
146.694 -> can produce small tears.
148.456 -> When the injured tissue swells up,
150.619 -> substances that respond
to the inflammation,
153.214 -> like white blood cells,
collect around the tears.
156.583 -> Fat and cholesterol floating
in the blood latch on, too,
161.014 -> eventually building up to form a plaque
163.586 -> that stiffens and thickens
the inner arterial wall.
167.694 -> This condition is called
170.498 -> and it can have dangerous consequences.
172.646 -> If the plaque ruptures, a blood clot
forms on top of the tear,
176.692 -> clogging the already narrowed pipe.
179.605 -> If the clot is big enough,
180.922 -> it can completely block the flow of
oxygen and nutrients to cells downstream.
186.745 -> In vessels that feed the heart,
188.374 -> that will cause a heart attack,
190.401 -> when oxygen-deprived cardiac
muscle cells start to die.
194.892 -> If the clot cuts off
blood flow to the brain,
197.576 -> it causes a stroke.
200.266 -> Dangerously clogged blood vessels
can be widened
202.991 -> by a procedure called
an angioplasty.
205.797 -> There, doctors thread a wire
through the vessel
208.87 -> to the obstructed site,
210.829 -> and then place a deflated
balloon catheter over the wire.
214.903 -> When the balloon is inflated,
it forces the passageway open again.
218.894 -> Sometimes a rigid tube
called a stent
221.833 -> is placed in a vessel
to held hold it open,
225.118 -> letting the blood flow freely
226.747 -> to replenish the oxygen-starved
cells downstream.
230.28 -> Staying flexible under pressure
is a tough job for arteries.
233.911 -> The fluid they pump
is composed of substances
236.673 -> that can get sticky and clog them,
239.278 -> and your typical healthy heart
beats about 70 times a minute,
242.93 -> and at least 2.5 billion times
during an average lifetime.
247.723 -> That may sound like an insurmountable
amount of pressure,
250.899 -> but don't worry, your arteries
are well suited for the challenge.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab9OZsDECZw