How to Reverse Heart Failure with Diet

How to Reverse Heart Failure with Diet

How to Reverse Heart Failure with Diet

Can you reverse heart disease with food? An entire issue of a cardiology journal dedicated to plant-based nutrition explores the role an evidence-based diet can play in the reversal of congestive heart failure.

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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1.11 -> [Music]
7.2 -> [Music]
11.2 -> it is a hopeful sign of the times when
13.36 -> entire issues of cardiology journals are
15.44 -> not just dedicated to nutrition
17.84 -> but to plant-based diets in particular
21.439 -> dr williams past president of the
23.119 -> american college of cardiology starts
24.88 -> out
25.359 -> with a quote attributed to schopenhauer
28 -> all truth
28.8 -> passes through three stages first it is
30.96 -> ridiculed
32.079 -> second it is violently opposed third it
34.559 -> is accepted as like well
36.079 -> duh and the truth for the benefits of
39.6 -> plant-based diets
40.8 -> plant-based nutrition continues to mount
43.68 -> the evidence
44.64 -> we got the problem is the inertia
46.96 -> culture habit and widespread marketing
49.6 -> of unhealthy foods our goal must be to
52.48 -> get the data
53.36 -> out to the medical community and the
55.28 -> public where it can actually change
56.84 -> lives that's like my my personal life's
59.76 -> mission in four words
61.039 -> get the data out right based on what we
64.239 -> already know in the existing medical
65.84 -> literature
66.479 -> plant-based nutrition clearly represents
69.28 -> the single
70.24 -> most important yet underutilized
72.24 -> opportunity to reverse the pending
74.32 -> obesity and diabetes-induced epidemic
77.28 -> of morbidity and mortality meaning
79.2 -> disease and death
81.119 -> the issue included your typical heart
83.759 -> disease reversal cases
85.6 -> 77 year old woman with heart disease so
87.92 -> bad she couldn't walk more than a half
89.84 -> block or go up a single flight of stairs
92.32 -> severe blockages in all three of her
94.479 -> main arteries
95.36 -> and referred to open heart surgery for a
98.24 -> bypass
99.28 -> she chose however instead to adopt a
101.84 -> whole food plant-based diet which
103.28 -> included all
104.32 -> vegetables fruits whole grains potatoes
106.159 -> beans legumes and nuts
108.159 -> even though she said she was trying to
110.479 -> eat pretty healthy before
113.52 -> within a single month of going
115.119 -> plant-based her symptoms had nearly
116.799 -> resolved
117.759 -> and forget about a block she was able to
119.759 -> walk in a treadmill for up to 50 minutes
121.68 -> without just chest discomfort or
123.439 -> becoming out of breath her cholesterol
125.6 -> dropped about 100 points from around
128.319 -> 220 down to 120 with an ldl under 60.
132.48 -> but then a few months later she must
134.879 -> have started missing her you know
136.4 -> chicken fish and low-fat dairy and went
138.16 -> back to her prior eating habits
140 -> and within a few weeks with no change in
141.92 -> her meds or anything her chest pain was
144 -> back
144.4 -> and she went on to have her chest sawed
146.239 -> in half after all
148.72 -> then she continued to eat the same diet
150.319 -> that contributed to the cause of her
151.92 -> disease in the first place and went on
153.12 -> to have further
154.48 -> disease progression all right this one
157.76 -> though
158.239 -> has a happier ending started out the
160.08 -> same 60 year old man severe chest pain
162.48 -> after as little as a half block decided
164.8 -> to take control of his health destiny
166.72 -> and switched
167.44 -> to a whole food plant-based diet from
169.519 -> his quote-unquote healthy diet of
171.04 -> skinless chicken
172.08 -> fish low-fat dairy that had been choking
174.959 -> off his heart
176 -> and within a few weeks the same amazing
178.56 -> transformation from not being able to
180.159 -> exercise
180.879 -> at all to walking a mile to then
184 -> being able to jog more than four miles
186.159 -> completely asymptomatic off all drugs no
188.8 -> surgery
189.68 -> off to live happily ever after
193.44 -> now of course case reports are just
195.599 -> really
196.48 -> glorified anecdote i mean what we need
198.48 -> is a randomized controlled trial to
201.04 -> prove heart disease can be reversed with
202.8 -> lifestyle changes alone and
204.959 -> guess what there was one published
208.08 -> literally 30 years ago proving
211.36 -> angiographic reversal of heart disease
213.519 -> and 82 of the patients opening up
215.28 -> artists without drugs without surgery so
217.599 -> these case reports are just to remind us
220.319 -> that
220.64 -> hundreds of thousands of americans
222.319 -> continue to needlessly
224.319 -> die every year from what was proven to
226.64 -> be a reversible condition
228.319 -> decades ago the conventional use of case
231.28 -> reports though is to present some you
232.879 -> know
233.2 -> novel results in hopes of inspiring
235.599 -> trials to
236.72 -> put it to the test for example a case
239.36 -> report on a plant-based diet for
240.799 -> congestive
241.68 -> heart failure so not just coronary
244.159 -> artery disease but the heart muscle
245.68 -> itself was so
246.879 -> weakened it couldn't efficiently pump
249.04 -> blood only able to eject about 35
251.68 -> of the blood in the main heart chamber
253.36 -> with every beat whereas
255.04 -> normally the heart can you know pump out
256.959 -> at least half
258.56 -> which is exactly what his heart was able
260.72 -> to do just
261.759 -> six weeks after switching to a whole
264.4 -> food plant-based diet instead of
266.88 -> choosing to get his chest cracked open
269.919 -> the first report of an improvement in
271.759 -> heart failure
273.28 -> following adoption of a plant-based diet
275.28 -> but not the last
276.96 -> 54 year old woman obese type 2 diabetic
279.6 -> presenting
280.24 -> with swelling ankles due to her heart
282.32 -> failure she switched from her chicken
284.479 -> and fish to whole plant foods
286.24 -> she started out eating healthier and
288.56 -> lost 50 pounds
289.6 -> reversed her diabetes meaning normal
292.08 -> blood sugars
292.88 -> on a normal diet without the use of
294.96 -> diabetes medications and
296.72 -> her heart function normalized from an
299.36 -> abysmal ejection fraction of just 25
302.16 -> up to normal now since it's not a
305.36 -> randomized controlled trial all we can
307.12 -> say is that her improvements coincided
309.52 -> with her adoption of the whole food
310.96 -> plant-based diet
311.919 -> but given the burden of heart failure as
314 -> a leading cause of death
315.759 -> how it just usually gets progressively
318.4 -> worse and the overall evidence to date
320.8 -> a plant-based diet should be considered
323.039 -> as part of
324.16 -> heart failure care and look we already
326.639 -> know it can reverse
327.759 -> her coronary artery disease and so any
330.4 -> heart failure benefits would
332.24 -> just be a bonus now we just need good
335.84 -> strategies for healthcare practitioners
337.6 -> to support patients
339.36 -> in plant-based eating here are some
341.199 -> excellent suggestions to pause and
343.039 -> reflect on
343.919 -> for example doctors can use the
346.16 -> plantrician project's prescription pads
348.24 -> and
348.56 -> prescribe a good website or two
352.16 -> while it is certainly true that many
354.32 -> people would be
355.28 -> resistant to fundamental dietary changes
357.759 -> look it's equally true that look
359.919 -> millions of intelligent people motivated
361.919 -> to preserve their health are now taking
363.919 -> halfway measures that may provide only
366.24 -> modest benefit right
367.36 -> choosing leaner cuts of meat using you
369.52 -> know reduced fat dairy products
371.36 -> most of these people have neither the
372.88 -> time nor the training to actually see
374.479 -> what the science shows themselves right
376.639 -> don't they deserve honest forthright
380 -> advice when their lives are at stake i
382.8 -> mean those
383.52 -> who wish to ignore that advice or
385.759 -> implement it only partially
387.199 -> certainly at liberty to do so right i
389.12 -> mean you want to go
390.24 -> smoke cigarettes go bungee jumping right
392.319 -> it's your body your choice right
394.24 -> it's up to each of us to make our own
396.479 -> decisions
397.36 -> as to you know what to eat and how to
399.52 -> live but we should make these choices
400.96 -> consciously right educating ourselves
403.199 -> about the predictable consequences
405.36 -> of our actions
410.05 -> [Music]
432.479 -> you
