Stroke Rehabilitation Using Galileo Vibration Therapy
Stroke Rehabilitation Using Galileo Vibration Therapy
One piece of state-of-the-art rehab technology that we use with stroke patients is Galileo Whole Body Vibration. It provides somatosensory stimulation with the goal of “jump starting” muscle contractions. Through the intense high-repetition rate called frequency, the patient’s ability to efficiently recruit the muscle fibers and coordinate movement being performed by the joint and muscle tissue is enhanced, thus improving strength.
16.08 -> Okay so this is the Galileo. We use it a
lot with stroke rehab among other things.
22.199 -> Right now you're sitting on it and
we're gonna work your trunk muscles to
27.789 -> strengthen the trunk muscles, the muscles in your
trunk your abdominals, your back muscles
31.15 -> pelvic muscles things like that okay.
Let's do some shoulder blade exercises.
35.469 -> I'm gonna pinch back good, much better,
and relax.
42.92 -> Good, again pinch back, good and relax.
52.78 -> All right, you ready? This is while
vibrating OK? Ready?
57.7 -> All right so now I'm gonna start it
again, except while you're gonna sit nice
62.63 -> and tall, good. Okay nice
and tall, okay get your bearings, good
73.58 -> now while you're vibrating up and down
good, and controlled on the way down okay,
79.43 -> so come up, and then control it on the
way down. There you go.
85.54 -> Good.
96.17 -> You're doing great and you're making it
look easy. Hold it at your chest. You're
103.83 -> gonna go back a little. Now we're gonna
do this for two or three minutes any
106.92 -> point your comfortable you just say
stop, okay. You ready? All right, okay
117.38 -> You go back there you go and forward nice
120.02 -> Patient: Do I bend over?
121.62 ->
122.32 -> Therapist: That's about good, that's good
that's good, slowly all nice and
127.03 -> controlled.
129.48 -> Make sure feet stay planted on the floor. Five
140.41 -> Good, take a break
This will help just keep your hand on it
145.519 -> a little bit better, okay.
This way you could separate your hand.
152.29 -> Once you flatten it and get it on
there I want you to put the left hand
157.099 -> there. I'm gonna raise it a bit. okay
Better. Go down put a little way through
170.9 -> it, you can bend up the elbows a little bit.
Now when you've been and when you
174.889 -> straighten out your out your elbows
completely where do you feel it more in
177.709 -> the arms or more back here okay
185.51 -> and then slip there's some weight there
you go
191.31 -> like to work the triceps I know the
triceps is one of them
194.15 -> you know that area that's elbow
extension is what we really been trying
199.94 -> to strengthen and that will definitely
work with that what you know those
205.94 -> muscles
215.94 -> you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tmd7Umn1Qg