Innovative approach is helping obese heart failure patients
Innovative approach is helping obese heart failure patients
It’s clear that being overweight or obese increases the risk of heart attack and stroke but losing the weight is the tough part for many.
0.08 -> well we all know that being overweight
2 -> does increase your risk of heart attacks
3.84 -> and strokes but so many struggle to shed
6.48 -> those extra pounds in our healthcast
8.48 -> today we're going to look at how
9.44 -> specialists are working together to help
11.599 -> patients with heart disease safely
14.08 -> undergo bariatric surgery
16.96 -> 32 year old joe guzman has been heavy
19.119 -> his whole life eventually hitting 300
21.76 -> pounds a weight that took a toll on his
24.16 -> heart there was a lot of chest pain like
26.4 -> going on
27.519 -> like little hits i would be walking and
29.359 -> then you feel like a little stab or
31.039 -> something like that the damage so bad
33.52 -> joe ultimately went into heart failure
36 -> but because he was morbidly obese he
38.32 -> couldn't be listed for a heart
39.68 -> transplant conversely the condition of
42.32 -> his heart made bariatric surgery
44.719 -> extremely risky at this time it wasn't
47.2 -> something that i could take for granted
48.559 -> it was something a matter of life and
49.84 -> debt like if i didn't lose the amount of
51.76 -> weight i didn't get the transplant to
53.28 -> tell a patient to lose 50 pounds it's
55.039 -> like telling me to grow 5 inches they're
57.12 -> not going to lose the weight they're
58.239 -> never going to get a heart and
59.44 -> unfortunately they will die from heart
61.359 -> failure
63.12 -> dr raul rosenthal a bariatric surgeon
65.68 -> with cleveland clinic western came up
67.76 -> with an innovative approach supporting
70.159 -> joe's heart with an artificial pump
72.64 -> during the procedure and for the first
74.799 -> time
75.759 -> in the history of cardiothoracic and
77.52 -> bariatric surgery
79.04 -> we implemented to combine bariatric
81.6 -> surgery as a step approach
84.159 -> so that the patient could lose the
85.759 -> weight
87.439 -> all the medical problems
89.6 -> diminished or went into remission he
92.079 -> became a good candidate to receive a
94.799 -> donor heart
96.159 -> and a better candidate to undergo a
98.079 -> heart transplant following the cardiac
100.24 -> assisted bariatric surgery joe lost 100
103.439 -> pounds in just one month and qualified
106.159 -> for a heart transplant four months later
109.04 -> he received that life-saving match after
111.84 -> a long and difficult journey i feel like
114.799 -> everything happens you know the way it
116.88 -> came to be
119.36 -> i think everything happens for a reason
120.96 -> [Music]
123.2 -> boy we wish you well a study in canada
125.2 -> found people with cardiovascular disease
127.2 -> and severe obesity who did undergo
129.599 -> bariatric surgery saw a 42 reduction of
133.04 -> risk of having a cardiovascular event
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qLWLiFqNSg