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29.599 -> Acute Rheumatic Fever, by Dr. Emmanuel Rusingiza.
36.73 -> My name is Emmanuel Rusingiza. I am a Pediatric
Cardiologist at Kigali University Teaching
42.14 -> Hospital. This morning I'm going to talk about
the diagnosis and management or acute rheumatic
49.039 -> fever. As outlined, we will go through the
definition and overview of acute rheumatic
54.299 -> fever, the epidemiology, pathophysiology,
diagnosis, investigations, differential diagnosis,
63.739 -> and management.
66.21 -> Overview.
68.5 -> Acute rheumatic fever is defined as a delayed
autoimmune response to an untreated Group
75.47 -> A streptococcal infection, mainly affecting
the throat. Acute rheumatic fever may involve
83.85 -> the heart, the joints, the central nervous
system, and/or the skin. The signs and symptoms
93.35 -> may include any or all of the following: arthritis,
fever, carditis, rash, Sydenham's chorea,
104.439 -> and subcutaneous nodules.
107.6 -> Group A streptococcal throat infections occur
in children throughout the world, with peak
114.07 -> ages between 5 and 15 years. The number of
children affected in each region varies depending
124.079 -> on environmental conditions, level of poverty,
quality and availability of health care. Over
133.87 -> the past century, acute rheumatic fever and
rheumatic heart disease have become rare in
141.45 -> developed countries as living conditions have
become more hygienic and less crowded with
149.65 -> improved nutrition and access to appropriate
medical care.
155.51 -> Repeated Group A streptococcal infections
and recurrent acute rheumatic fever can lead
162.419 -> to chronic heart valve damage that is called
rheumatic heart disease. Rheumatic heart disease
168.919 -> requires expensive heart valve surgery. If
damaged heart valves are not repaired or replaced
177.25 -> by major open heart surgery, the condition
is often fatal.
184.32 -> Epidemiology. It is estimated that about 15.6
million people are affected world-wide, and
196.449 -> among them, 2.4 million are children between
5 and 14 years old in developing countries.
206.62 -> Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart
disease are the disease of poverty but they
212.9 -> are indicated in industrialized countries
since 20th century, as thought previously.
219.56 -> The following factors increase the risk of
developing acute rheumatic fever: overcrowding
228.16 -> and poor standards of housing, reduced access
to health care, and living in tropical climates.
238.28 -> Acute rheumatic fever is most common in children
between the ages of 5 and 15 years. It is
246.88 -> less common after the age of 35 years and
is rare under 4 years and over 40 years of
257.52 -> age.
260 -> Pathophysiology. As pathophysiology, not everyone
is susceptible to acute rheumatic fever, and
268.949 -> not all Group A streptococcus strains are
capable of causing acute rheumatic fever in
276.3 -> a susceptible host. It is likely that 3-5%
of people in any population have an inherent
286.29 -> susceptibility to acute rheumatic fever, although
the basis of susceptibility is unknown. Some
294.66 -> strains of Group A streptococcus are called
rheumatogenic, particularly streptococcal
302.02 -> M-protein, although the basis of rheumatogenicity
is also unknown.
308.74 -> This is a picture of a patient who presents
tonsillopharynx infection by Group A streptococcus.
317.32 -> It shows severely inflamed tonsils with presence
of pus. And the culture has revealed Group
327.37 -> A streptococcus. So acute rheumatic fever
is sequela of untreated or inadequately treated
337.5 -> Group A streptococcus infection of the tonsillopharynx.
342.49 -> Studies have concluded that there is a molecular
mimicry between Group A streptococcus antigens
350.96 -> and human host tissue that is believed to
be the basis of pathogen host cross-reactivity,
361.4 -> best documented with cardiac proteins such
as myosin, laminin, and vimentin.
370.8 -> Point of clarification. In acute rheumatic
fever, the patient's immune system produces
376.77 -> antibodies against the M-protein of the Group
A streptococcus bacterium. These antibodies
384.26 -> appropriately bind to the antigen on the surface
of the bacteria to eradicate the primary infection.
391.23 -> But occasionally, these same antibodies cross-react
with the patient's own cardiac proteins, given
398.56 -> the structural similarities between those
proteins and the end protein of Group A strep.
406.139 -> This molecular mimicry is believed to be the
basis for cardiac pathology related to acute
412.32 -> rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease.
415.78 -> The patient's immune response is initiated
after initial exposure to the bacteria. However,
422.31 -> there is a latency period of about three weeks
before the patient develops symptoms of acute
428.22 -> rheumatic fever. This is due to the lag between
initial antibody production and the cross-reactivity
435.84 -> of these antibodies with the patient's own
tissue proteins. At the time of development
441.48 -> of acute rheumatic fever symptoms, the host
immune system has eradicated the initial Group
447.81 -> A strep infection.
450 -> The progression of the disease is done as
following. It starts initially by a Group
456.93 -> A streptococcus throat infection which, due
to a certain number or factors, leads to acute
464.82 -> rheumatic fever. And during repetitive episodes
of Group A streptococcus infection in the
472.25 -> future, it causes recurrent acute rheumatic
fever. That leads to rheumatic heart disease
479.26 -> with all its complications.
483.3 -> Diagnosis. The diagnosis of acute rheumatic
fever remains a clinical decision. It's the
492.63 -> original specific laboratory test. It is known
that overdiagnosis of acute rheumatic fever
500.229 -> will lead to unnecessary treatment over a
long time, while underdiagnosis leads to further
508.669 -> attacks of acute rheumatic fever, cardiac
damage, and premature death.
514.149 -> The diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever is
usually guided by Jones criteria developed
520.769 -> in 1944 and adopted most recently by the World
Health Organization. The Jones criteria include
532.3 -> major criteria and minor manifestations, plus
evidence of preceding group A streptococcus
541 -> infection.
542.22 -> This table summarizes the Jones criteria.
And the first column shows the major manifestations
551.67 -> that include, arthritis, carditis, subcutaneous
nodules, erythema marginatum, and Sydenham's
562.509 -> chorea. The column in the middle shows minor
manifestations, which are fever, arthralgia,
573.91 -> prolonged PR interval on ECG, and raised ECR
or CRP.
582.779 -> The evidence of recent group A streptococcus
infection include the positive culture of
589.43 -> the throat swab, the raised anti-streptolysin
O titer, and the raised anti-DNase B. Arthritis
601.149 -> is the common symptom, and it is characterized
by pain, redness, and swelling in the joints.
612.86 -> And it affects commonly the big joints, like
the ankles, the knees, the wrists, the elbow,
621.49 -> and less commonly the small joints. It is
often the first complaint, and arthritis is
628.91 -> usually migratory, disappearing in one joint
as it begins in another.
636.379 -> The carditis, which is defined as an inflammation
of the heart, is commonly present as a heart
645.769 -> murmur. Chest pain and/or difficulty breathing
may be present in severe cases. Less commonly,
656.649 -> people with acute rheumatic fever present
with subcutaneous nodules and erythema marginatum
666.94 -> with specific characteristics.
671.7 -> Subcutaneous nodules are painless lumps seen
on the outside surfaces of major joints. They
678.009 -> are often present for about one to two weeks
duration, and are more commonly present when
683.959 -> the patient also has evidence of carditits.
Erythema marginatum starts out as painless,
691.009 -> flat, pink patches on the skin that spread
outward in a circular pattern. This is often
698.269 -> an early symptom of acute rheumatic fever
and often spares the face. This rash may be
705.279 -> present for months after the onset of acute
rheumatic fever.
709.869 -> Sydenham's chorea is a twitching, jerking
movements and muscle weakness most obvious
719.529 -> in the face, hands, and feet. It is more common
in teenagers and females. It may begin up
728.069 -> to three to four months after the streptococcal
infection. It may appear on both sides or
735.689 -> only one side of the body, and often appears
without other symptoms.
743.749 -> Point of clarification. The mean duration
of chorea is documented in the literature
750.149 -> as 12-15 weeks, but please note that some
episodes may persist for as long as 6-12 months.
759.899 -> The fever is defined as a core temperature
greater than 38 degrees, and it can go up
768.749 -> to high values. The evidence of group A streptococcus
infection is required to confirm a case of
777.22 -> acute rheumatic fever with the above signs
and symptoms. Group A streptococcus may not
786.259 -> be found on a throat swab, since the infection
may be resolved at the time of onset of acute
793.759 -> rheumatic fever symptoms.
796.619 -> Serum anti-streptolysin O titer reaches the
peak level around three to six weeks after
805.79 -> infection and starts to fall at six to eight
weeks. Serum anti-DNase B reaches a peak level
816.079 -> up to six to eight weeks after infection,
and starts to fall at around three months
823.309 -> after the infection.
827.38 -> The first episode of acute rheumatic fever
can be confirmed if there are two major criteria,
836.85 -> or one major criteria and two minor manifestations
plus an evidence of preceding group A streptococcus
847.339 -> infection. Recurrent acute rheumatic fever
without rheumatic heart disease can be confirmed
856.699 -> as the previous first episode. The recurrent
acute rheumatic fever with existing rheumatic
866.149 -> heart disease can be confirmed if there are
two minor manifestations, plus evidence of
874.61 -> preceding group A streptococcus infection.
878.549 -> However, different regions have slightly modified
guidelines to assist clinicians with local
886.47 -> variations in acute rheumatic fever presentation.
In this regard, the involvement of only one
894.249 -> joint, also called monoarthritis, polyarthralgia
in children who are at high risk of acute
903.249 -> rheumatic fever, and subclinical carditis
proved by echocardiogram have been proposed
912.079 -> to be among the major criteria.
916.35 -> The differential diagnosis is made with septic
arthritis, connective tissue, valvular arthropathy,
926.339 -> sickle cell anemia, mitral valve prolapse,
infective endocarditis, and many other diseases
935.139 -> which present the similar clinical manifestations
like acute rheumatic fever.
944.799 -> Investigations. The investigations should
be FBC, ESR, CRP, blood cultures if febrile--
957.089 -> especially for the differential diagnosis
with infective endocarditis-- the immunologic
962.129 -> markers of group A streptococcus infection,
which are ASO and anti-DNase B, throat swab,
970.679 -> EKG, chest x-ray-- if there is an evidence
of colitis-- and echocardiogram.
978.569 -> This echocardiography image shows a severely
damaged mitral valve which is thickened. Look
989.069 -> at the posterior leaflet which is also retracted.
And during systole, there is a very bad coaptation
998.439 -> of the mitral leaflets that results in massive
mitral regurgitaiton and dilation of the left
1008.109 -> atrium. This patient was admitted for severe
heart failure due to rheumatic heart disease.
1016.16 -> Management. The treatment of the acute illness
includes benzathine penicillin G, single injection,
1028.98 -> or oral penicillin for 10 days. And in case
of allergy, erythromycin is indicated. Relief
1039.22 -> of symptoms and signs with non-steroid anti-inflammatory
drugs, especially aspirin or corticosteroids.
1050.67 -> Carbamazepine and valproic acid can be given
for severe cases of Sydenham's chorea.
1059.139 -> The management of acute rheumatic fever should
be based on the following principles: admission
1067.57 -> for acute diagnosis, receive clinical care,
and education about preventing further episodes
1075.22 -> of acute rheumatic fever. Initial echocardiogram
is very important to identify and measure
1084.37 -> the heart valve damage. Long-term preventive
management should be organized before this
1092.419 -> discharge.
1093.12 -> The long term management includes regular
secondary prophylaxis, regular medical review,
1103.039 -> regular dental review, echocardiogram following
each episode of acute rheumatic fever, and
1109.97 -> routine echocardiogram. Secondary prophylaxis
should be done by benzathine penicillin G
1121 -> IM every three to four weeks. And the standard
dose is 1.2 million units for patients who
1132.51 -> weigh 30 kgs or greater. And the half dose
of 600,000 units for patients who are under
1144.889 -> 30 kgs.
1147.94 -> Penicillin V can be used if benzathine penicillin injections
are not tolerated or injections are contraindicated.
1159.779 -> The standard dose is one tab of 250 milligrams
oral, twice daily. Here, I would like to insist
1176.389 -> on the necessity to give the injectable form
of penicillin because it has shown better
1184.59 -> results compared to the oral form of penicillin.
Erythromycin is given if there is proven allergy
1195.19 -> to penicillin. The standard dose is 250 milligrams
oral twice daily. The duration of secondary
1203.679 -> prophylaxis should be done as following.
1206.62 -> When acute rheumatic fever is identified without
proven carditis, the minimum duration should
1217.059 -> be five years after the last episode of acute
rheumatic fever, or until 18 years. For the
1226.58 -> mild to moderate forms of rheumatic heart
disease, the minimum duration should be 10
1235.63 -> years after the last acute rheumatic fever
or until the age of 25 years. For severe rheumatic
1244.13 -> heart disease and following cardiac surgery
for rheumatic heart disease, patients should
1250.61 -> continue medication for life.
1254.789 -> Thank you for watching.
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