Study: Certain painkillers may increase heart failure risk for those with type 2 diabetes
Study: Certain painkillers may increase heart failure risk for those with type 2 diabetes
Health expert Dr. Payal Kohli discusses a new study suggesting certain NSAIDs can increase the risk for heart failure in people with diabetes. \r
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0.12 -> well if you heard the names Advil Motrin
2.82 -> both types of our ibuprofen a pain
5.58 -> medication that some people actually
7.08 -> reach for daily Dr Coley joins us this
9.48 -> morning to discuss recent research that
11.34 -> shows they could lead to heart failure
13.38 -> in some people though so Dr Coley thank
15.12 -> you for being with us because you're
16.56 -> right this is used by some people maybe
19.199 -> a little too much can you tell us what
21.779 -> the research now shows yeah so you know
23.82 -> Jordan we know that patients that are
25.439 -> diabetic have twice a higher risk of
27.9 -> heart failure we know that patients that
29.88 -> use non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or
32.34 -> NSAIDs as they're called like ibuprofen
34.26 -> Motrin Advil they can have a high risk
36.66 -> of heart failure so this study looked at
38.399 -> diabetic patients using NSAIDs and the
41.399 -> results were quite shocking in fact just
43.68 -> you know a month of using NSAIDs could
45.899 -> actually land you up in the hospital
47.579 -> with the 43 percent higher risk and why
50.1 -> does this specifically affect diabetics
51.78 -> in a different way so you know diabetics
53.64 -> because of the high sugar that they have
55.14 -> their heart is sort of prone to heart
56.579 -> failure but what we think is that it's
58.32 -> not just diabetics it's actually even
60.539 -> regular people that have a significantly
62.579 -> higher risk of heart failure so if you
64.559 -> think about what non-steroidal
66.02 -> anti-inflammatory drugs do is they shut
68.64 -> off all kinds of inflammation now
70.92 -> usually inflammation is bad but certain
73.32 -> other effects that they have as they may
75 -> make your body hold on to sodium so they
77.22 -> can raise your blood pressure they can
78.96 -> affect the lining of the blood vessels
80.759 -> so they can cause increased risk of
82.439 -> bleeding in the stomach they can raise
84.24 -> you know your your blood pressure they
86.4 -> can increase risk of the work that your
88.14 -> heart is doing and they can change the
89.759 -> electricity in the heart as well and I
91.619 -> want to stay focused on that group of
93.18 -> diabetic patients are there any patients
95.82 -> that are at a higher risk than others in
97.979 -> fact they did find that certain types of
99.78 -> diabetics now these are diabetics that
101.34 -> are older over the age of 80. diabetics
103.86 -> that have more poorly controlled blood
105.78 -> sugar so their hemoglobin A1c or their
108.54 -> blood sugar control is a little bit
110.04 -> worse or diabetics that have actually
112.02 -> never used NSAIDs before so the first
114.78 -> time NSAID users actually had more than
117.36 -> two times higher risk what about people
119.579 -> without diabetes because there is
121.38 -> something to be said there as well
122.399 -> that's right so even for people like you
124.56 -> and me who are healthy non-steroidal
126.96 -> anti-inflammatory drugs are dangerous
129.179 -> they are not a safe medication to use
131.34 -> right just because they're over the
132.84 -> counter right and of course then you
134.22 -> throw in all the people that have
135.18 -> chronic kidney disease that have high
136.92 -> blood pressure or hypertension to have
138.72 -> arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation
140.4 -> they've had bleeding in their stomach
142.379 -> these are all major risks right of
145.2 -> non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and
146.94 -> people think just because they're
147.959 -> available over the counter they can use
149.459 -> them without those risks so I just came
151.5 -> back from surgery and of course that was
153.18 -> one way to cut down on using painkillers
155.64 -> was to rotate between back and forth
157.44 -> between ibuprofen and tylenol what is an
160.56 -> appropriate way to use these medications
162.42 -> because we do know that doctors do
163.98 -> recommend that so we're not saying never
165.48 -> take it let's just make sure you're
167.64 -> doing it in a reasonable amount that's
169.319 -> right just be very mindful so what we
171.36 -> say is the lowest dose for the lowest
174 -> duration necessary so you don't want to
176.04 -> be just taking one every day just
177.239 -> because it makes your back feel better
178.5 -> right because that's not good for your
179.94 -> organs and it's not good for your
181.44 -> long-term cardiovascular risk but if
183.36 -> you've had surgery if you've had
184.62 -> something else that makes you cut down
186.06 -> opioid pain right pain medications that
188.519 -> you would use certainly it's very
189.959 -> reasonable to use try to minimize the
191.76 -> dose that you need so taking 800
193.5 -> milligrams may not be necessary maybe
195.12 -> you take half that or just take 200
196.92 -> milligrams which is a single tablet also
199.379 -> what I recommend is that you talk to
200.819 -> your doctor before you start on any kind
202.86 -> of ibuprofen or non-steroidal pain
205.26 -> regimen because they're not all created
207.06 -> equal okay so certain non-steroidals
209.459 -> increase risk of GI bleeding or
211.68 -> increased risk of cardiovascular
213.06 -> complications compared to others so if
215.159 -> you have had GI bleeding or heart
217.14 -> disease your doctor May recommend
218.879 -> Celebrex rather than Ibuprofen or Advil
221.4 -> or they may recommend Naprosyn rather
223.56 -> than one of those others so the which
225.48 -> one you use also matters along with the
227.519 -> duration and the dose moral of the story
229.2 -> Remains the Same no matter what topic
230.819 -> we're talking about talk to your doctor
232.26 -> before you do anything Dr Coley as
234.659 -> always we appreciate you being with us
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NNcgpS183c