Wellfest 2022 - Living a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle with Meghan Businaro, DO

Wellfest 2022 - Living a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle with Meghan Businaro, DO

Wellfest 2022 - Living a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle with Meghan Businaro, DO

Meghan Businaro, DO, a cardiologist with Prisma Health Medical Group, will provide an engaging presentation about our heart health and the impact it has on the rest of our body.

#PrismaHealth #PrismaHealthWellfest


0.79 -> [Music]
4.799 -> hi i'm dr megan businero thank you for
6.799 -> joining us today we'll be talking about
8.559 -> heart disease and hope this talk gives
11.519 -> you a lot of information that you could
13.92 -> take back review for yourself and your
16.08 -> family and i'll be happy to take
17.6 -> questions at the end so to get started
19.84 -> we're going to introduce
21.92 -> why we talk about heart disease we talk
24.4 -> about heart disease because it's the
25.84 -> leading cause of death in both men and
27.84 -> women
28.88 -> up to 80 million americans are affected
30.88 -> by heart disease
32.399 -> in heart disease there is a death every
34.719 -> 36 seconds and that leads to
37.399 -> 655 000 deaths per year making that one
40.96 -> in four deaths accountable to
42.48 -> cardiovascular disease
44.719 -> and not only is it affecting millions of
46.64 -> people but it's also costing quite
49.36 -> a large amount of money heart disease
51.92 -> costs the united states approximately
53.719 -> 219 billion dollars each year that is
56.8 -> including the cost of healthcare
58.32 -> services medicines and loss of
60.399 -> productivity
62.64 -> but heart disease encompasses many
64.479 -> diagnoses and those diagnoses that we're
67.28 -> going to speak about today so that you
69.04 -> have more information about are listed
70.799 -> here coronary artery disease congestive
73.52 -> heart failure arrhythmias and valvular
76.32 -> disease
78.72 -> this is a map of the united states and
80.56 -> clearly this shows that there is a
82.159 -> concentrated focus of how many people
85.119 -> are affected by coronary artery disease
87.439 -> and heart disease and as you can see
89.439 -> geographically that is situated
91.6 -> primarily in the southeastern section of
93.92 -> the united states which we are
96.88 -> in south carolina a part of so this
99.36 -> applies not only to the country but very
101.439 -> specifically to our state and we're
103.439 -> going to get to that later in this talk
105.04 -> about how heart disease and the risk
107.2 -> factors affect us here in south carolina
110.72 -> so to start off with we're going to
112.56 -> speak about coronary artery disease it
114.96 -> is the most common type of heart disease
117.2 -> you have probably heard of it the most
119.36 -> it is responsible for killing up to 385
122.56 -> 000 people a year so we really want
125.119 -> patients and people to be aware of what
127.2 -> this is so we can prevent it
129.44 -> the causes of coronary artery disease
131.599 -> are due to an accumulation of plaque in
133.92 -> the walls of the coronary arteries and
136.16 -> as you can see on this description you
138.319 -> can see a healthy artery in the picture
140.319 -> on top which is free of any plaque and
144.16 -> as you see the progression of plaque you
146.48 -> can see that that impairs the lumen
148.8 -> which is the opening of that blood
150.64 -> vessel leading blood to the heart muscle
153.44 -> and as that plaque progresses you can
155.76 -> see that it narrows that opening well
158.239 -> blood carries oxygen and the narrower
160.48 -> that artery becomes there is less blood
163.12 -> flow to the heart muscle
165.44 -> and if there is a blood clot or a
167.84 -> complete blockage of that plaque it can
170.4 -> lead to heart attacks and strokes
174.319 -> so heart attack what is a heart attack
177.28 -> well your heart muscle needs oxygen to
179.519 -> survive and a heart attack occurs when
181.519 -> the blood flow that brings oxygen to
183.68 -> that heart muscle is severely reduced or
186.239 -> cut off completely and as that graphic
188.879 -> shows to the right you can see that as
191.12 -> plaque builds up you can see that the
193.599 -> blood flow has been reduced to the heart
195.76 -> muscle and that bottom slide where you
198.239 -> see that little red dot indicates a
200.879 -> plaque that has ruptured and a clot has
203.36 -> formed limiting any further blood flow
205.68 -> to the heart muscle
207.12 -> and as you can see when that happens due
209.76 -> to a process called atherosclerosis a
212.159 -> heart attack occurs in that bottom slide
214.879 -> where that heart tissue has died and
217.44 -> turned black in that bottom picture
222.48 -> so there are two different types of
224.239 -> terms that you might hear when it comes
225.84 -> to coronary artery disease one is
228.239 -> ischemia ischemia is a lack of blood
230.56 -> flow to that heart muscle as the
232.239 -> progression of that plaque increases
234.4 -> patients can experience chest pain and
236.64 -> angina due to the fact that oxygenated
239.12 -> blood is not getting to the artery
240.879 -> through the artery into the muscle
243.599 -> completely that impairs the relaxation
246.08 -> and contraction of the heart muscle and
248.48 -> damage can be reversed if it's
250.48 -> identified early enough however if we
253.28 -> get to a point where there is no further
255.599 -> blood flow to the heart muscle that
257.359 -> tissue can suffer damage and can
259.68 -> ultimately result in irreversible death
261.759 -> of that heart tissue as this as depicted
264.639 -> in the in the picture to the right
267.04 -> in the united states heart attack can
269.36 -> affect a person every 40 seconds and
271.84 -> this is significant because up to 805
275.6 -> 000 americans can have a heart attack
277.44 -> per year
278.56 -> and one in five heart attacks are silent
280.639 -> which is important because as you know
283.12 -> most patients can remember seeing that
285.28 -> hollywood heart attack where you have
286.96 -> patients that describe chest pain
289.12 -> shortness of breath sweating but in fact
291.759 -> not everybody experiences those symptoms
294 -> so it's very important to understand
295.759 -> that a heart attack can happen and be
298.08 -> silent where there is damage done and
300.56 -> the effects of that damage long-lasting
303.12 -> the process of atherosclerosis has no
305.199 -> symptoms and that process which we just
307.6 -> showed going from a healthy artery to
310.08 -> progression of plaque buildup that does
312.88 -> not
314.24 -> typically have symptoms and the reason
316.479 -> we think that that may be is because
318.88 -> other arteries located in different
320.88 -> sections of the heart come along and
323.039 -> help the artery that has limited blood
326 -> flow to the heart tissue by forming
328.479 -> collaterals or like little bridges
330.72 -> bringing extra blood flow to that heart
332.639 -> muscle
333.759 -> but as the plaque continues to progress
337.12 -> and less and less blood flow gets to the
339.199 -> heart muscle
340.56 -> that muscle can ultimately result in
342.72 -> damage which we just talked about with
344.72 -> the ischemia and ultimately with cell
347.28 -> injury and death which is infarction
349.44 -> leading to the severe chest pain that
352.08 -> most people have come to know as a heart
353.84 -> attack
354.8 -> but it's really important to know
356.96 -> those warning signs ahead of time to
358.88 -> prevent infarction or death of those
361.84 -> cells because that leads to scar of the
364.24 -> heart and when scar tissue forms in the
366.72 -> area of damage it can cause problems
369.12 -> with the heart's ability to contract and
371.44 -> pump appropriately
373.28 -> extent of the damage is of course
375.039 -> related to how big the artery is that
377.199 -> supplies that particular section of the
379.44 -> heart and how long or how
382.4 -> time-wise the heart has gone without
384.72 -> blood flow
387.28 -> so we're going to focus on the signs and
389.28 -> symptoms of a heart attack because there
391.12 -> are subtle signs to suggest that there
393.199 -> may be something that should be explored
395.84 -> further by your by your health care
397.52 -> provider and that is listed in this
399.6 -> slide signs and symptoms of a heart
401.68 -> attack are very important for you to
403.84 -> know
404.639 -> as we just spoke it is subtle symptoms
407.039 -> that sometimes should be explored
408.96 -> earlier before damage is done now this
411.68 -> slide is broken up into men and women as
414.479 -> we know women present differently than
417.28 -> men traditionally when it comes to
418.96 -> symptoms related to heart disease so
421.28 -> though they're listed as men and women
423.599 -> both men and women can experience these
426.16 -> symptoms so the classic symptoms that
428.88 -> are usually associated with heart pain
431.919 -> chest pain
433.199 -> shortness of breath sometimes dizziness
436.319 -> for women this is a little bit different
438.479 -> we've documented more
440.479 -> excess fatigue unusual feelings of
443.52 -> tiredness not related to any particular
445.919 -> exertion nausea vomiting heartburn type
449.44 -> symptoms and dizziness so if these
451.759 -> symptoms are things that you or somebody
454.479 -> that you know have been experiencing it
456.4 -> is something we would recommend further
458.319 -> evaluation
461.44 -> we'll take a moment to talk about
462.96 -> congestive heart failure
464.96 -> heart failure is a chronic progressive
466.96 -> condition in which the heart muscle is
468.96 -> unable to pump enough blood to meet the
472 -> body's needs for blood and oxygen
474.879 -> as you see in this picture on the left
477.199 -> listed as a normal heart you see both
479.599 -> chambers the right and the left of
481.759 -> normal size or equal to each other
484.24 -> and the picture on the right listed
486.319 -> under heart failure you can see that the
488.08 -> left side of the heart is more dilated
490.56 -> indicating that that particular side of
492.319 -> the heart is weaker
495.039 -> so when the heart becomes weak it starts
497.759 -> to compensate for its inability to pump
500.24 -> effectively and as we just showed in
502.72 -> that last picture it starts to get
504.4 -> bigger by enlarging this stretches the
507.52 -> heart tissue to contract more strongly
510 -> to help keep up with the demands that
511.84 -> the body needs
513.36 -> over time this causes the heart to get
515.36 -> larger and larger and larger
517.839 -> and that causes more muscle mass to
519.68 -> build up and by getting a larger muscle
523.039 -> mass the heart can have some increased
526.16 -> chance of pumping stronger but the heart
529.12 -> also pumps faster so patients will
531.44 -> develop increased heart rates which
533.2 -> helps increase the heart's output
535.92 -> and blood vessels narrow to keep up the
537.76 -> blood pressure because if the heart
539.2 -> can't pump the pressure
540.88 -> the blood pressure can fall
543.36 -> and the body diverts blood away from
545.279 -> other areas of the organs that aren't
547.12 -> needed to try to help preserve those
548.88 -> like the brain and the heart from
550.32 -> getting adequate blood flow so temporary
552.88 -> measures can continue for a certain time
555.279 -> frame until the heart can no longer keep
557.36 -> up and then symptoms start to develop
559.92 -> patients can experience increasing
561.839 -> shortness of breath fluid buildup both
564.16 -> in their lungs and in their legs and
566.56 -> excess fatigue
568.959 -> so what are some of the symptoms like we
570.8 -> just spoke about well again swelling in
573.44 -> the legs shortens the breath and fatigue
576.08 -> it is also important to make sure that
577.76 -> you're monitoring weight if signs and
579.92 -> symptoms of weight gain have happened
581.6 -> due to fluid it is important to follow
584.48 -> your weights as well as looking to see
586.56 -> if there are other systemic symptoms
588.959 -> like a cough and congestion in the lungs
593.6 -> this will only be briefly spoken about
595.68 -> but we have to also know that not only
597.68 -> does heart disease affect the actual
599.6 -> pump of the heart and the blood flow to
601.519 -> the heart but also the electrical system
603.6 -> of the heart and that's something called
605.36 -> arrhythmias now arrhythmias are abnormal
608.399 -> heart rhythms and that can cause the
610.399 -> heart to beat too fast it can cause the
612.8 -> heart to beat too slow or it can cause
615.2 -> the heart to beat irregularly
617.36 -> that affects how well the heart is able
619.04 -> to do its job to pump the heart's
621.36 -> ability to pump enough blood to the body
623.44 -> demands that the heart is regularly
625.279 -> receiving appropriate electricity and
627.68 -> the signs or excuse me the ekgs that are
629.839 -> listed to the right shows that as you
632.24 -> can see those irregular heart rhythms
634.64 -> can actually affect how well the heart
636.48 -> fills with blood and how well the heart
638.32 -> pumps blood
640.24 -> lastly we'll speak about valvular heart
642.079 -> disease
643.12 -> the heart valves act as doors in the
645.68 -> heart separating the chambers of the
647.519 -> heart and over time and due to several
649.68 -> conditions those heart valves can either
652.16 -> become too leaky causing those heart
654.64 -> valves to regurgitate blood or become
657.519 -> too tight or what we call stenotic
660.32 -> and sometimes when the heart valves do
662.399 -> not open and close effectively that
664.64 -> blood that leaks backwards can cause the
667.2 -> heart to enlarge and cause the heart not
669.279 -> to squeeze and pump effectively as well
671.839 -> as if the heart
673.279 -> doors if you will or valves become too
675.68 -> tight or more difficult to open that's
678.56 -> called stenosis it puts extra exertion
681.12 -> on the heart again affecting the ability
683.2 -> of the heart to adequately pump
686.839 -> correctly so what do we want to focus on
690 -> our main goal here is to educate that 80
692.48 -> percent of heart disease is preventable
694.8 -> and if we can focus on education and
698.16 -> understanding what leads to heart
700.399 -> disease and the many different things
702.24 -> that incorporate heart disease
704.32 -> then we can hopefully see improvement in
706.399 -> outcomes and all of those statistics
708.32 -> that i just listed can be improved with
710.8 -> less people being affected by heart
712.399 -> disease so we'll spend some time talking
714.88 -> a little bit about risk factors that's
717.279 -> important because risk factor
718.959 -> modification and we'll look at the ones
720.72 -> that are listed here
722.399 -> modified risk factors reduce risk and to
725.68 -> understand what risk factors are
728.24 -> identified as patients that should be
730.639 -> considered monitored or evaluation by
733.6 -> their primary to see whether heart
735.36 -> disease either has affected them or if
737.519 -> they're at risk for heart disease so
739.68 -> we'll spend a moment to talk about
741.2 -> modifiable risk factors this means these
743.76 -> are things that you can do actively
746 -> medicines to take dietary changes
748.48 -> exercise patterns that you can try to
750.399 -> help improve
751.76 -> number one hypertension
754.079 -> number two smoking number three your
757.04 -> cholesterol four diabetes
760 -> five obesity and six how physically
762.88 -> active you are now you also have
765.079 -> non-modifiable risk factors and that has
767.279 -> to do with your gender male versus
769.519 -> female and the time frame for which we
771.44 -> know you're more susceptible to heart
773.76 -> disease and of course how old you are in
776.639 -> your family history
779.2 -> so the first risk factor we'll speak
781.12 -> about is hypertension well what is blood
783.68 -> pressure
785.2 -> systolic blood pressure which is the top
787.839 -> number of your blood pressure reading
789.6 -> has to do with the amount of force used
791.68 -> when the heart squeezes and pumps
794.88 -> the bottom number is called the
796.56 -> diastolic blood pressure the diastolic
799.2 -> blood pressure is the pressure that
801.04 -> exists in the artery when the heart is
802.88 -> in the relaxed phase
804.88 -> both numbers are very important but why
807.839 -> do we worry about high blood pressure
810.16 -> untreated hypertension causes several
812.56 -> things number one it causes the
814.48 -> vasculature or the blood vessels to
816.48 -> weaken
817.44 -> and it can cause scarring with really
819.36 -> high blood pressure we can see that
820.959 -> there can actually be damage done inside
822.959 -> of the heart arteries
825.12 -> also through your body which can lead to
827.6 -> the progression of plaque being
829.519 -> deposited where those scars were made by
831.76 -> high blood pressure
833.68 -> also because of the increased plaque
835.68 -> that develops due to those scars you can
838.079 -> see the process of atherosclerosis start
840.56 -> earlier which we just spent some time
842.399 -> speaking about
843.839 -> and then it also increases the workload
846.16 -> on the circulatory system the heart has
848.399 -> to pump against that pressure so the
850.16 -> higher levels of blood pressure that you
852.16 -> have the more and more pressure you put
854.48 -> on the heart
857.12 -> these statistics are alarming united
859.199 -> states in 2018 the most recent the most
862.16 -> recent based on census data 47
865.44 -> of american adults have high blood
867.12 -> pressure
868.079 -> and 30 percent of adults have elevated
870.8 -> or stage one hypertension so that tells
873.76 -> us that we're even way up and above
876.56 -> hypertension levels that are being
878.16 -> monitored so we really want to be aware
880.88 -> of what those numbers should be and this
882.8 -> chart is a demonstration of what your
884.959 -> blood pressure should be so based on
887.279 -> this chart normal blood pressure that
889.279 -> top number called the systolic blood
891.36 -> pressure should be less than 120 and the
894 -> bottom number the diastolic blood
895.839 -> pressure less than 80. listed there as
898.399 -> you can see as it progressively goes
900.16 -> from yellow like a stoplight to orange
902.48 -> to red you can see what level is being
905.12 -> monitored and what level hypertension
906.88 -> that is it is listed under so elevated
909.44 -> between 120 to 130 stage 1 130 to 149 or
914.48 -> 140
915.839 -> stage 2 140 or higher and then a crisis
919.04 -> level where we feel like you need to
920.639 -> have immediate evaluation anything above
922.959 -> 180
924.16 -> and then to speak about the diastolic
926.32 -> readings
927.36 -> elevated greater than 80
931.12 -> type stage 1 80-89
934 -> stage 2 anything higher than 90 and of
936.32 -> course crisis or crisis level to be
938.399 -> assessed by a primary provider
940.639 -> anything greater than 120.
942.8 -> next risk factor to talk about is
944.48 -> cholesterol
945.92 -> what is cholesterol it's a waxy fat like
949.199 -> substance that travels through your
950.72 -> bloodstream
952.079 -> actually it's used to build cells and
954 -> make vitamins and hormones within your
955.68 -> body but too much cholesterol can lead
957.6 -> to serious problems
959.44 -> cholesterol comes from two sources one
962 -> source is your liver
963.759 -> the liver makes all the cholesterol that
965.6 -> your body would need but the remainder
967.839 -> of cholesterol mainly comes from the
969.519 -> foods that you eat and typically from
971.759 -> animal products
973.36 -> cholesterol in high quantities can build
975.759 -> up in your blood vessels and narrow your
977.519 -> arteries and that's depicted in the
979.519 -> bottom picture where you can see that
981.44 -> waxy yellow type substance continually
984 -> building and narrowing the opening of
986.32 -> that blood vessel
988.88 -> but cholesterol comes in different types
990.959 -> and a lot of people get confused when
992.48 -> they go to their doctor to know my ldl
994.8 -> is that the good one is the hdl the bad
996.72 -> one and the confusion becomes difficult
999.36 -> when you throw in triglycerides so this
1001.6 -> slide helps clarify a little bit about
1003.519 -> what these cholesterol
1005.279 -> molecules represent
1007.04 -> so i have a funny slide there depicting
1009.12 -> the ldl being the bad and the hdl being
1011.519 -> the good
1012.56 -> but if you think of also the depiction
1014.56 -> above that slide where you have garbage
1017.36 -> considered cholesterol and you have the
1019.519 -> garbage men right
1021.12 -> so ldl is your bad cholesterol it's the
1023.839 -> garbage it's what gets deposited within
1026.079 -> your arteries and builds up over time
1028.48 -> and can potentially block that artery
1030.559 -> off
1031.439 -> it is produced naturally by our body but
1033.36 -> as we know very little of it is required
1035.76 -> for the maintenance of our cells and
1037.919 -> most of this is inherited from our
1039.52 -> family and eating too much of this in
1041.36 -> our daily diets
1043.039 -> and hdl if you can see the one trying to
1045.6 -> get all the garbage out of the blood
1047.199 -> vessel is the good cholesterol
1049.44 -> it is in high levels removes excess
1051.52 -> plaque from your arteries so too much
1053.28 -> cholesterol can actually be removed from
1055.919 -> the arteries by increasing levels of hdl
1060.4 -> we know that not having enough garbage
1062.64 -> men and too much garbage you're going to
1064.799 -> build up too much cholesterol within
1067.12 -> your arteries and that leads to a higher
1069.6 -> levels or increased risk for blockages
1073.36 -> and so what we know is that patients
1075.28 -> that don't have enough or high enough
1077.6 -> levels of hdl can be adversely affected
1080.96 -> so it's very important to understand too
1084.08 -> too much ldl is bad and too little hgl
1087.919 -> could be just as bad so it's very
1090.48 -> important to know your levels
1092.48 -> and then as a final type of cholesterol
1094.72 -> to discuss is triglycerides
1096.84 -> triglycerides role is to store excess
1099.919 -> fat in your body and as you know if we
1102.4 -> do not burn our triglycerides and our
1105.039 -> fat it continues to get stored within
1107.12 -> the bloodstream and can lead to
1108.48 -> worsening of plaque in atherosclerosis
1112.08 -> obesity
1113.76 -> obesity is defined as body mass index or
1116.96 -> bmi 30 or greater and this is an this is
1120.16 -> a calculation based on body mass which
1123.44 -> is your weight
1124.64 -> and your body height
1126.64 -> in the united states the prevalence of
1128.48 -> obesity amongst adults in 2018 was
1131.6 -> approximately 42 percent and again a
1134.24 -> depiction of the united states where we
1136.24 -> see our obesity rates a lot higher and
1139.36 -> in a deep dark maroon affected mostly
1141.84 -> primarily in the southeastern states
1144 -> again affected also by a significant
1147.039 -> prevalence of heart disease
1149.039 -> so why does obesity cause heart disease
1151.6 -> well we used to think that fat was inert
1154.08 -> meaning that that didn't have an impact
1156.08 -> on our cardiovascular health but
1158.16 -> scientists understand that fat
1159.6 -> especially the intra-abdominal fat has a
1161.76 -> significant impact on our metabolism
1164.4 -> it increases our blood pressure and it
1166.4 -> decreases the effectiveness of insulin
1169.039 -> which ultimately leads to diabetes so as
1171.76 -> our weight goes up our increases are
1173.6 -> risks of hypertension diabetes and
1175.84 -> leading higher to our risk of coronary
1178.24 -> artery disease or heart disease
1182.16 -> so let's talk a little bit about
1183.84 -> diabetes
1185.2 -> what is diabetes well we know that the
1187.76 -> body needs glucose for energy
1190.32 -> and when your digestive systems break
1192.32 -> down your food your blood sugar rises in
1195.36 -> the depiction to the right it will show
1197.2 -> you how a body cell indicated in that
1199.44 -> yellow type color
1201.2 -> has
1202 -> receptors and receptors are present for
1205.12 -> insulin our body takes up the sugar we
1208.08 -> eat in our diet and uses it for energy
1211.039 -> by utilizing insulin that is a hormone
1213.679 -> produced from our pancreas
1216 -> so when our body doesn't produce enough
1218.08 -> insulin or it doesn't effectively
1220.4 -> respond to the insulin your cells of
1223.2 -> your body cannot take up the sugar as it
1226 -> needs so what happens is that that blood
1228.72 -> sugar excuse me that sugar stays in your
1230.88 -> bloodstream leading to higher and higher
1233.2 -> levels of sugar circulating in your
1235.36 -> bloodstream
1237.84 -> so there are two different types of
1239.28 -> diabetes which you probably have heard
1240.88 -> of there is type 1 diabetes which we
1243.28 -> consider to be insulin dependent and
1245.84 -> type 2 diabetes type 1 diabetes this is
1249.12 -> when patients own immune system attacks
1252.08 -> beta cells that are located in the
1253.6 -> pancreas that's responsible for making
1255.76 -> insulin
1257.039 -> by destroying them the pancreas produces
1258.96 -> little to no insulin and that causes the
1261.36 -> glucose to stay primarily only in the
1263.44 -> bloodstream and too much glucose in the
1265.76 -> bloodstream for prolonged periods of
1267.36 -> time leads to long-term damage and so
1270.4 -> these patients diagnosed with type 1
1272.24 -> diabetes are reliant on insulin
1275.52 -> and the difference to that or the
1277.679 -> type 2 diabetes is the most common type
1280.08 -> of diabetes in the united states and
1282.559 -> what the difference between the two is
1284.32 -> is that the body over time becomes
1286.64 -> resistant to insulin so the pancreas is
1289.28 -> able to produce insulin it's just that
1291.28 -> the cells of the body become resistant
1293.44 -> to using the insulin and taking up the
1295.6 -> sugar like we just showed in the
1297.039 -> previous slide ultimate leading to the
1299.36 -> same increased blood sugar in the
1302.84 -> bloodstream sixty-five percent of
1305.28 -> diabetic patients will die of
1306.88 -> cardiovascular disease and what we know
1309.2 -> is uncontrolled diabetes has significant
1311.44 -> damage on multiple organs in the body it
1314.08 -> can cause damage to your blood vessels
1316.08 -> it can cause to the atherosclerosis we
1318.32 -> have continued to talk throughout this
1320.08 -> lecture to speed up at a higher rate and
1322.88 -> occur in an earlier age and it can lead
1325.2 -> to worsening of blood pressure
1327.44 -> diabetic women are especially at high
1329.28 -> risk for dying of heart disease with the
1331.52 -> two to four times increased risk of
1333.44 -> death
1335.52 -> they have worse outcomes also after
1337.28 -> heart attacks which spoken about earlier
1339.039 -> in this slide
1340.24 -> diabetics develop atherosclerosis at a
1342.159 -> younger age and more severely with
1344.159 -> patients and without diabetes
1347.44 -> smoking the leading cause of preventable
1350.32 -> disease disability and death 40 million
1353.6 -> americans smoke cigarettes smoking
1356.24 -> damages blood vessels makes them thicker
1358.88 -> they grow narrower
1360.559 -> that causes the heartbeat to go up
1362.08 -> faster
1363.12 -> blood pressure goes up and clots can
1365.28 -> form as a result of tobacco use
1367.679 -> blockages caused by smoking can also
1369.6 -> reduce blood flow in your legs and in
1371.6 -> your skin
1373.28 -> there are four thousand chemical
1375.039 -> components in cigarettes 250 of them are
1378.48 -> harmful to human health
1380.4 -> chemicals used to manufacture rubber
1382.4 -> preserve wood make batteries and even
1384.799 -> pave roads
1386.159 -> smoking seems to be more detrimental to
1388.24 -> women female smokers are two to six
1390.64 -> times more likely to suffer a heart
1392.24 -> attack and they die 14.5 years earlier
1395.52 -> than non-smokers
1397.6 -> and smoking cessation can reduce risk so
1400.72 -> it's important to understand risk of
1402.799 -> death in a former smoker decreases to
1405.28 -> almost as that of a non-smoker
1407.039 -> approximately 10 to 14 years after
1409.28 -> they've stopped
1411.039 -> stop smoking and the risk of heart
1412.559 -> disease and stroke will be cut in half
1414.32 -> in one year's time
1416.559 -> twenty percent of all deaths related to
1418.48 -> heart disease are directly related to
1420.4 -> smoking
1421.84 -> smoking one pack a day almost doubles
1424.64 -> your risk for having a heart attack
1426.159 -> rather than a non-smoker
1429.44 -> in family history
1431.039 -> it's very important to know your family
1433.279 -> history in regards to heart disease
1436 -> if you have had a family member as a
1438.72 -> first degree relative which is
1440.24 -> considered a parent or a sibling have
1442.96 -> heart disease in the capacities that we
1445.039 -> spoke about increases your risk
1447.44 -> so if a woman before the age of 65 and a
1450.72 -> man before the age of 55 in your family
1453.279 -> has been
1454.32 -> treated and diagnosed with heart disease
1456.559 -> it is important that you know that
1458.24 -> information the accf and the american
1461.12 -> heart association guidelines are now
1463.2 -> recommending assessment of cardiac risk
1466.159 -> in asymptomatic adults and recommends
1468.48 -> the family history of cardiovascular
1470.4 -> disease be obtained for the evaluation
1472.559 -> of cardiovascular risk so to know that
1475.12 -> if family history of heart disease is
1477.039 -> present in your family it's an even more
1479.6 -> important risk to speak about with your
1481.36 -> provider
1483.679 -> and what about physical activity 31
1486.24 -> million americans age 50 or older are
1489.12 -> inactive
1490.48 -> the physical activity guidelines for
1492.24 -> americans recommend 150 minutes per week
1495.6 -> of moderate intense aerobic activity so
1497.919 -> what does that incorporate walking and
1500.48 -> 75 minutes of week of vigorous activity
1503.76 -> such as jogging only 17 of women and 25
1507.279 -> percent of men met that guideline
1510 -> three and four adults do not get enough
1511.679 -> of this physical activity and it
1513.36 -> contributes to heart disease diabetes
1515.279 -> obesity and ultimately heart disease
1517.919 -> low levels of physical activity are
1519.6 -> associated with 117 billion dollars
1522.72 -> annually in health care needs
1525.919 -> so we're going to spend some time to
1527.52 -> talk about your numbers we've had an
1529.6 -> opportunity to learn about heart disease
1532 -> learn about risk factors and now we need
1534.159 -> to know what are our numbers to see if
1536.159 -> we're affected by those risk factors
1538.96 -> well we spend time talking about blood
1540.559 -> pressure learning what blood pressure
1542.4 -> was and understanding what damage it can
1544.72 -> do if it is uncontrolled so your numbers
1547.679 -> like we spoke about earlier and the top
1550.24 -> number
1551.2 -> systalic should be less than 120 and
1553.84 -> your diastolic bottom number should be
1556.24 -> less than 80.
1557.919 -> and the cholesterol the total
1560 -> cholesterol less than 200 and your ldl
1563.36 -> remember that's your bad cholesterol
1565.919 -> that should be less than a hundred
1568.559 -> hdl that's your good cholesterol for a
1570.799 -> woman we want that higher than 50 and
1572.88 -> for a man higher than 40. and
1575.36 -> triglycerides remember that's the fat
1577.44 -> content in your blood that should be
1579.36 -> less than 150.
1584.32 -> diabetes and we look at that by checking
1586.799 -> fasting glucose that should be less than
1589.279 -> 100
1590.64 -> obesity we measure that again with body
1592.96 -> mass index remember that's our ratio
1595.12 -> between how much we weigh and how tall
1597.2 -> we are that would give us a number to
1599.52 -> determine if we are considered criteria
1601.84 -> for obese greater than 30
1604.799 -> overweight greater than 25 and morbidly
1607.76 -> obese greater than 40.
1610.32 -> and waist size waist size makes a
1612.48 -> difference when it comes to risk
1614.88 -> a waist size for a female
1617.52 -> should be 35 inches or less and then 40
1620.64 -> inches or less
1624 -> so we're circling back around to the
1625.52 -> beginning we've shown two slides that
1627.6 -> have indicated that heart disease is
1629.6 -> very prevalent in the southeast and in
1632.08 -> south carolina
1633.52 -> and also obesity so what are south
1636.72 -> carolina's risk factors and how do they
1638.64 -> compare well our cholesterol numbers 42
1642.64 -> of south carolinian adults with high
1644.64 -> cholesterol
1646.399 -> are not meeting goal
1648.159 -> and we have one in four south carolina
1650.48 -> adults smoking
1652.48 -> cigarette smokers again a 70 percent
1654.799 -> greater risk of dying from heart disease
1656.64 -> than non-smokers
1658.24 -> and physical activity 50 of south
1660.72 -> carolinians do not get the recommended
1662.96 -> activity as we had recommended by
1664.799 -> guidelines just
1666.84 -> previous one out of every seven south
1669.52 -> carolinians are diabetic
1671.52 -> 68 of diabetics age 65 or older will die
1675.12 -> of heart disease and we have the 10th
1677.12 -> highest rate of diabetes in the country
1679.919 -> one in three have hypertension and
1682.399 -> remember this is the silent killer
1684.399 -> because we do not feel when our
1685.84 -> pressures are elevated
1688.08 -> sixty-eight percent of south carolinians
1690.08 -> are overweight or obese contributing to
1692.88 -> thirty percent of heart disease deaths
1694.559 -> per year
1696.96 -> so what can we do remember eighty
1699.2 -> percent of heart disease is preventable
1702.24 -> prevention is key so what are things
1704.799 -> that we can do to help our heart health
1707.919 -> listed here and what we'll go through is
1709.52 -> eight things that you can do to prevent
1711.2 -> your heart disease
1712.64 -> the first is know your risk we've spent
1715.039 -> time together talking about what risk
1717.12 -> factors that we identify as the
1719.279 -> contributors to heart disease
1721.36 -> but if you are the age 40 to 75 and
1724.08 -> you've never had a heart attack or
1725.52 -> stroke you can use the american heart
1727.52 -> association's check change control
1730 -> calculator to estimate your risk of
1732.08 -> having a cardiovascular event in the
1734.399 -> next 10 years as you can see listed to
1736.88 -> the right
1738.64 -> eat a healthy diet
1740.72 -> center eating plan around fruits
1742.96 -> vegetables whole grains legumes nuts
1745.6 -> plant-based proteins and lean animal
1747.44 -> products limit your refined
1749.36 -> carbohydrates your processed meats and
1751.919 -> your sweetened drinks
1753.76 -> and use food labels to help cut back on
1755.919 -> salt sugar and saturated fats and always
1759.36 -> try to avoid trans fat
1761.44 -> be physically active
1763.36 -> remember those numbers 150 minutes per
1766.32 -> week of walking or 75 minutes per week
1769.44 -> of a moderate intense aerobic activity
1772.08 -> such as jogging
1773.919 -> number four watch your weight
1776.559 -> lose weight if you are considered
1778.32 -> overweight or obese by using the
1780.159 -> criteria that we just spoke about using
1782.24 -> your weight and your height to calculate
1784.24 -> your bmi
1785.44 -> eat fewer calories and move more
1788.399 -> live tobacco-free there is no such thing
1791.44 -> as a safe tobacco product
1794.08 -> six manage your conditions if you have
1796.799 -> high blood pressure high cholesterol
1798.72 -> high blood sugar or any of the other
1800.799 -> conditions that we have identified
1802.24 -> putting you at risk work with your
1804.32 -> health care provider to help get control
1808.72 -> take your medicines
1810.64 -> take all medications as directed by your
1812.72 -> primary provider or your specialist so
1815.36 -> that you can manage your health
1816.559 -> conditions be a team player your
1818.799 -> healthcare team can help you reduce your
1820.48 -> risk of heart disease and live a longer
1822.96 -> and healthier life
1824.64 -> be open about challenges stress sleep
1827.6 -> mental health family situations food
1830.24 -> access and social support these are
1832.399 -> affecting you be sure to talk to your
1834.08 -> provider about this
1836.64 -> so we've come to the end of our talk i'd
1838.64 -> like to leave you with some conclusions
1841.12 -> remember eighty percent of heart disease
1843.2 -> is preventable know your risk factors
1846.08 -> hypertension smoking high cholesterol
1849.12 -> diabetes and obesity know your family
1851.6 -> history
1852.64 -> know your numbers and discuss with your
1854.72 -> health care professional strategies if
1856.96 -> you are considered at risk

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KZBTsoOUtc