What is High Blood Pressure? | New Hypertension Guidelines! | Doctor Mike

What is High Blood Pressure? | New Hypertension Guidelines! | Doctor Mike

What is High Blood Pressure? | New Hypertension Guidelines! | Doctor Mike

Hey, guys! I’m switching things up this week and giving you a simple breakdown of what hypertension or high blood pressure is all about. A very common question I get from my patients is, what is high blood pressure or what is hypertension and they are the same question! Doctors refer to hypertension as the silent killer and for a good reason! High blood pressure increases risks of many diseases and shortens your life significantly. I also discuss the new hypertension guidelines and how they impact your high blood pressure treatment. Many hypertension treatments are available and need to be discussed with your family medicine doctor. I also touch upon high blood pressure causes as there are natural ways to treat hypertension. High blood pressure is a complex topic with almost no symptoms and if there’s anything I missed in the video, hit me in the comments section. Please share this video with your friends and family and give it a like! Stay healthy and happy!

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0 -> hey guys what's going on I want to take
1.979 -> the time out and talk about a specific
3.899 -> medical topic that's been making
5.549 -> headlines all across and use this week
7.5 -> who should be diagnosed with high blood
9.36 -> pressure blood pressure half of all
11.19 -> adults redefining the danger zone plus
13.41 -> it's a medical issue that affects one in
15.089 -> three individuals at least here in the
17.039 -> States that topic is hypertension before
20.4 -> we start talking about what hypertension
22.38 -> is let's talk a little basic anatomy the
25.109 -> human body has a human heart the human
27.75 -> heart has two ventricles the left
30.179 -> ventricle is a strongest ventricle and
32.25 -> that part of the heart squeezes and
34.17 -> pumps blood to the rest of the body it
36.21 -> does so through blood vessels called
38.46 -> arteries arteries take blood and allow
41.16 -> it to travel away from the heart the way
43.469 -> we memorize that in medical school is a
45.51 -> away from the heart a four artery when
48.39 -> you measure blood pressure all you're
50.28 -> doing is you're measuring the pressure
51.69 -> that's on the arterial walls and there
54.66 -> are really three major factors that play
56.67 -> a role in this pressure number one is
58.68 -> cardiac output which is how much blood
61.02 -> your heart pumps out with each beat
63 -> number two is blood volume and number
65.7 -> three is that resistance your heart has
67.56 -> to pump against normally when you visit
69.42 -> a doctor's office or a hospital and you
71.25 -> have a health professional measure your
72.689 -> blood pressure you see them use a cuff
74.64 -> that cuff has a name it's called a
76.35 -> sphygmomanometer as a mouthful I
78.54 -> understand so we tend to use the term
80.34 -> blood pressure cuff the way that the
82.2 -> blood pressure cuff works is by
83.909 -> constricting the arteries within your
85.89 -> arm and while the doctor or other health
88.17 -> professionals listening at the brachial
89.67 -> artery you hear that first sound of
92.22 -> blood rushing through the artery that's
93.93 -> known as the systolic blood pressure
95.729 -> which is measured in millimeters of
97.65 -> mercury and then when that sound
100.02 -> disappears that's known as a diastolic
101.88 -> pressure sometimes you see the numbers
103.86 -> written as a fraction the top number is
106.229 -> the systolic number and the bottom
107.88 -> number is the diastolic number the top
109.68 -> number also known as the systolic blood
111.689 -> pressure is the pressure during maximal
114.329 -> contraction of your heart and a
116.1 -> diastolic or bottom number is when your
118.079 -> heart is completely relaxed well it
119.7 -> sounds like taking a blood pressure is a
121.89 -> fairly simple process there's a lot that
124.619 -> can go wrong and there's a lot of room
126.54 -> for error the blood pressure cuff is too
128.16 -> small if the blood pressure cuff is used
130.349 -> over clothing if the patient has a
132.14 -> rested for at least five minutes if the
134.15 -> arms back her feet are unsupported if
136.459 -> the patients in an emotional state if
138.38 -> the patient is talking if the patient
140.15 -> just had a cigarette if the patient just
141.86 -> drank a cup of coffee or had some
143.48 -> alcohol if the patient is cold if the
145.7 -> patient has a full bladder and really
147.319 -> needs to use the bathroom all those
148.94 -> things can throw off the blood pressure
150.59 -> and make it look like your patient has
152.69 -> high blood pressure when they really
154.07 -> don't because there are so many external
155.84 -> factors that influence a person's blood
158 -> pressure we don't give the diagnosis of
160.64 -> hypertension until we have to elevated
163.52 -> readings from two separate visits let's
166.22 -> do a little hypothetical here you or
168.44 -> even your family member is diagnosed
170.93 -> with hypertension what does that mean
173.15 -> what are you at risk for doctors make a
175.61 -> really big deal about hypertension so
177.739 -> let's talk about it hypertension damages
179.81 -> the blood vessels throughout your entire
181.31 -> body starting from your brain to your
184.31 -> eyes to your lungs to your heart
186.98 -> it's your kidneys and even to your penis
189.5 -> if you have a penis that is normally I
191.959 -> don't like to be the doctor that's all
193.519 -> doom and gloom but it's really important
196.19 -> to say that having hypertension
198.67 -> significantly raises your risk of having
201.11 -> a heart attack stroke heart disease and
204.17 -> kidney disease this is precisely why
206.6 -> hypertension is known as the silent
209.36 -> killer because you don't have symptoms
211.67 -> until you already have some serious
213.65 -> complications having your blood pressure
215.72 -> well controlled decreases the risk of
218.54 -> dying by 25% and it lowers your risk of
223.07 -> having a heart attack and stroke by 30%
225.049 -> now you want to treat your hypertension
227.42 -> and you're not necessarily keen on going
230.18 -> the pharmacologic approach right away
232.13 -> there are lifestyle changes you can make
234.53 -> in order to lower your blood pressure
236.39 -> naturally in fact 90% of hypertension is
240.44 -> caused by poor diet lack of exercise and
243.35 -> other bad habits so if you're not
245.48 -> exercising you should be doing moderate
247.579 -> intensity exercise for 30 minutes on
250.25 -> most days of the week
251.78 -> next comes diet probably the most
254.63 -> important thing that you can do to alter
256.789 -> your blood pressure
258.44 -> the DASH diet which is a specific diet
260.959 -> which I'll link down below is one that's
263.12 -> been proven to lower your blood pressure
264.89 -> by 11 points one of the highest
268.07 -> successes we've seen for a diet the two
269.96 -> bad habits that have been proven to
271.61 -> elevate your blood pressure is heavy
273.92 -> alcohol consumption and smoking when we
276.59 -> say heavy alcohol consumption what we
278.3 -> mean is more than two drinks per day per
281.27 -> week for a man and more than one drink
283.94 -> per day per week for a woman when we
286.1 -> speak about smoking we're actually
287.84 -> talking about smoking in any amount so
290.51 -> do not be a smoker and do not be a heavy
292.58 -> drinker if you don't want your blood
294.11 -> pressure elevated now these lifestyle
295.79 -> modifications to lower your blood
297.47 -> pressure work exceptionally well to
300.17 -> prevent you from getting hypertension in
302.36 -> the first place so I always like to
304.46 -> think in terms of prevention rather than
306.05 -> cures so follow these habits live a
308.75 -> healthy lifestyle and don't develop high
310.7 -> blood pressure now let's get into the
312.17 -> numbers of the matter and talk about
313.67 -> some of these new guidelines that are
315.26 -> making a splash in the headlines across
316.76 -> the news before we had these cut-offs
320.54 -> where we diagnose people with either
323.42 -> having normal blood pressure pre
325.31 -> hypertension or what we called stage 1
327.65 -> hypertension or stage 2 and now those
330.5 -> cut-offs have completely changed now a
332.87 -> normal blood pressure is less than 120
335.81 -> over 80 and an elevated blood pressure
338.84 -> is 120 to 129 over 80 and at that point
344.3 -> we should recommend healthy lifestyle
345.86 -> changes and check it every three to six
347.66 -> months Stage one high blood pressure is
350.33 -> now 130 to 139 over 80 to 89 which used
356.66 -> to fall into the pre hypertension range
358.79 -> that's the major change within these new
360.71 -> guidelines basically what we do is we
362.66 -> plug in some of your statistics into a
364.55 -> calculator and what it does is it spits
366.98 -> out a risk or percentage of you having a
369.95 -> heart attack or stroke within the next
371.51 -> ten years if you have less than 10% risk
374.09 -> we have to stress the lifestyle changes
376.34 -> and again reassess in three to six
377.78 -> months now if your blood pressure is
379.58 -> over a hundred forty over 90 that's
382.58 -> considered stage 2 high blood pressure
384.8 -> at this point we can start to consider a
386.84 -> pharmacologic approach in addition to
389.27 -> lifestyle changes in or
390.75 -> to get your blood pressure to the normal
392.37 -> values now under these new guidelines
395.12 -> approximately 30 million more people in
398.01 -> the United States will be defined as
399.81 -> having hypertension and while that
402.54 -> sounds like a dream for pharmaceutical
404.58 -> companies it's not a party for them just
407.46 -> yet
408.15 -> the reason being is that these 30
410.28 -> million people will be defined as having
412.74 -> hypertension but only about 4 million
415.11 -> out of those 30 million people will
417.48 -> actually need pharmaceuticals to keep
419.52 -> their blood pressure in check there are
421.05 -> a few things these guidelines do really
422.91 -> well the best research done in the last
425.07 -> two decades proves that controlling
427.14 -> blood pressure to a tighter limit of 120
429.66 -> over 80 actually yields better results
432 -> and allows people to live longer and
433.89 -> avoid heart attacks and strokes number
436.05 -> two there's a strong emphasis place on
438.51 -> measuring blood pressure in the correct
441.09 -> manner and number three they put a great
443.76 -> deal of focus on lifestyle changes this
447.9 -> is something I preach everywhere I go
450 -> and with every patient I meet it's much
452.85 -> better to prevent this problem than to
455.04 -> take a pill once it's already there in
456.84 -> the medical community we know we don't
458.91 -> treat hypertension well there's a couple
461.37 -> of reasons for that
462.21 -> number one patients don't often come in
464.31 -> for screenings unless there's already a
465.87 -> problem and we don't catch hypertension
468.45 -> when we should and number two is when we
470.94 -> actually do catch hypertension and we've
473.07 -> tried lifestyle factors and they haven't
474.75 -> worked we prescribe a medicine and
477.03 -> oftentimes patients are reluctant to
479.34 -> take their medicines here's the thing if
481.56 -> a doctor recommends a medication I'm not
484.5 -> saying you have to take it what I'm
486.419 -> saying is if you tell your doctor you're
488.04 -> gonna take it take it because if you
491.1 -> don't you're ultimately putting yourself
492.87 -> at risk some people decide to not take a
495.12 -> medicine because of its side effects
496.74 -> there are alternatives you're not stuck
499.2 -> to taking one medication or these two
501.18 -> medications there are definitely options
503.64 -> and you should always talk about your
506.22 -> worries with your doctor because the
507.75 -> last thing that we want as doctors is
509.79 -> for you to have a problem and not have
512.19 -> it treated simply because of a
513.96 -> miscommunication high blood pressure is
515.909 -> a complex topic and it has major
518.07 -> implications for your health I hope this
520.41 -> video was able to demystify a little bit
522.66 -> of what
523.07 -> illnesses and steps that you can do to
525.41 -> not only prevent it but to treat it in
527.15 -> case you already have it I know I didn't
528.89 -> cover everything there is to know about
530.66 -> hypertension within this video so if you
532.76 -> have some remaining unanswered questions
534.83 -> leave them down below in the comments so
536.75 -> I can respond also if you enjoy this
539.33 -> format please let me know because I want
542.3 -> to continue making content that you guys
543.92 -> enjoy as always stay healthy and happy
546.47 -> see you next Sunday why can't I say it
548.6 -> blood pressure blood pressure a little
550.37 -> blood pressure it's called a
551.81 -> sphygmomanometer a sphygmomanometer
556.96 -> that's the right word see can these
560.21 -> sirens stop today like I just don't
561.89 -> understand is there an emergency
562.79 -> everywhere on 42nd Street just leave
569.12 -> guys come on
570.08 -> high blood pressure but only about 4
572.78 -> million out of those 30 million will
575.24 -> actually need pharmaceuticals to keep
577.07 -> their blood pressure under check under
584.81 -> check let's do it again
593.04 -> [Music]

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JDuBDIy4C4