What Causes a Heart Attack?

What Causes a Heart Attack?

What Causes a Heart Attack?

What is the leading cause of heart attacks worldwide?
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That’s athero, which talks about the vessels in our heart, plus sclerosis, which means fibrosis of those vessels.

Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of heart attacks worldwide. Understanding how this disease can lead to an attack starts with how your immune system works both for you and against you.

The good news is that thanks to medical advancements, people are living longer and surviving in the face of this disease.

So what are the symptoms of a heart attack? Symptoms of a heart attack include pain down the left side of your arm, shortness of breath, nausea and these are all associated with that cutoff of blood flow to the heart.

Risk factors for atherosclerosis and heart attacks include things that you can control like smoking, obesity, and diet—especially cholesterol. And some you can’t control, like age.

Cholesterol is a type of fat that’s made by our liver, and also absorbed from animal-derived foods. And there are two main types—HDL and LDL, commonly referred to as “good” and “bad” cholesterol. The bad cholesterol builds up on the walls of your arteries, increasing your risk of a heart attack, while HDL or good cholesterol works to clear bad cholesterol out.

On this episode of SICK, we sat down with DeLisa Fairweather, a PhD researchers in Jacksonville, Florida working at the Mayo Clinic, to learn more about the most common cause of heart attacks worldwide. Watch to learn more.

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Read more:

One avocado a day helps lower ‘bad’ cholesterol for heart healthy benefits
New research suggests that eating one avocado a day may help keep ‘bad cholesterol’ at bay. According to the researchers, bad cholesterol can refer to both oxidized low-densitiy lipoprotein (LDL) and small, dense LDL particles.

Identity-shifting cells protect against rupture in atherosclerosis

Evidence Of Heart Disease Found In Mummies
Atherosclerosis, or a disease of the arteries characterised by the deposition of plaques of fatty material on their inner walls, has largely been thought of as unique to modern Homo sapiens as a result of our modern high fat, high carb diet, higher stress lifestyle, and ever industrialising environment. However, the HORUS Study Group found back in 2013 that atherosclerosis existed at least as far back as 4000 bce. Furthermore, out of 137 mummified remains from 16th century Greenlandic Inuit communities from 3 continents across wide variations in lifestyle and heritage, 34 were found to have arterial calcification proving that heart disease has been an undeniable issue amongst our species far longer than anticipated and its factors may be more complicated than originally assumed.

New imaging modality targets cholesterol in arterial plaque
Cholesterol in plaque, along with fat, calcium, and other blood-transported substances, can lead to atherosclerosis, a disease which can cause heart attacks or strokes. Early detection of cholesterol can lead to earlier treatments and improved health outcomes. Toronto-based researchers have demonstrated a unique detection technique that combines laser photoacoustics, a hybrid optical-acoustic imaging technology, with low-power continuous wave lasers and frequency-domain signal processing, in an approach known as photoacoustic radar. This advanced technology can accurately evaluate plaque-based cholesterol, and allow for more timely treatment of atherosclerosis.

SICK is a new series that looks at how diseases actually work inside our body. We’ll be visiting medical centers and talking to top researchers and doctors to uncover the mysteries of viruses, bacteria, fungi and our own immune system. Come back every Tuesday for a new episode and let us know in the comments which diseases you think we should cover next.
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0.16 -> Atherosclerosis is not only a tongue twister;
2.72 -> it’s the leading cause of heart attacks worldwide.
7 -> Understanding how this disease can lead to an attack starts with knowing how your immune
10.61 -> system works for and against you.
12.57 -> The good news is that thanks to medical advancements, people are living longer and surviving in
16.52 -> the face of this disease.
19.7 -> - So there's really good news on the horizon for atherosclerosis.
23.51 -> We are increasingly understanding the disease.
27.009 -> My name is DeLisa Fairweather.
28.009 -> I'm a PhD researcher in Jacksonville, Florida, working at Mayo Clinic.
33.05 -> I've been studying heart disease for around 25 years.
35.84 -> Atherosclerosis is a very long name that's difficult to pronounce.
40.13 -> So it really refers to “athero-,” which talks about the vessels in our heart, and
45.48 -> “sclerosis,” which means fibrosis of those vessels.
49.76 -> And it is one of the most common heart diseases around the world.
54.039 -> And what happens is inflammation goes into the vessel wall and accumulates there, and
59.199 -> we call that a plaque.
60.5 -> Plaque and atherosclerosis is caused by inflammation, and the inflammation is really trying to regulate
67.76 -> a problem.
68.87 -> And the problem is that we have too much cholesterol.
73.78 -> Cholesterol is a type of fat made by our liver, and that we get in part from our food.
77.42 -> There are two main types of cholesterol: “good cholesterol,” HDL,
80.62 -> and “bad cholesterol,” LDL.
82.9 -> The good cholesterol helps keep the bad cholesterol in check, but, if there’s an imbalance,
86.8 -> the bad cholesterol can build up on the walls of your arteries, increasing your risk of
90.41 -> a heart attack.
91.41 -> One way to think of the arteries around your heart is like pipes.
94.7 -> And when those pipes get filled with bad cholesterol, it can create a kind of clog.
98.6 -> The body’s immune cells then come along and try to clear up the fat, absorbing it
102.32 -> into themselves.
103.32 -> - The immune system is really important in this process because it is going in and is
108.25 -> trying to repair the damage.
109.83 -> On the one hand, it's trying to repair the damage; on the other hand it contributes to
114.9 -> the damage.
115.9 -> And you can kind of think of it as if you had a bomb, and you wanted to try to protect
120.29 -> it, but you couldn't remove the bomb, what would you do?
122.47 -> Well, you would want to try to create a protective covering so that it could not cause damage.
127.66 -> And that's what the immune cell, the macrophage, tries to do and it takes the fat inside its
132.9 -> body.
133.9 -> It accumulates all of that fat.
135.3 -> So it ends up looking like what we call a “foam cell,” all full of the fat molecules.
141.32 -> This foaming process creates a backlog of these fatty immune cells which clog the vessel
145.85 -> wall, with more and more cells clogging that pipe and creating a problem with blood flow.
150.57 -> This often presents as high blood pressure, which means the blood is trying to get through
153.94 -> this small area of the vessel.
156.06 -> This can lead to a rupture.
157.45 -> - And when the rupture happens, then everything is released.
160.75 -> It ends up in a clot, and you can have a heart attack, or that clot can break free and become
167.56 -> loose and travel through your vessels, and cause a stroke if it goes to your brain.
173.1 -> All of this so far is “atherosclerosis,” but this form of heart disease is most commonly
177.23 -> linked to heart attacks.
179.24 -> So what is a heart attack exactly?
181.709 -> - So what is happening when you have a heart attack is that the conditions have all come
186.4 -> to this perfect storm
189.02 -> and what happens with a heart attack is the vessel wall has inflammation that ends up
193.92 -> in what we call a plaque.
196.88 -> And that plaque buildup then can burst open and clog the artery and
202.54 -> that then causes a heart attack.
204.53 -> It completely stops up the vessel.
207.09 -> And when that happens, the blood flow's cut off to that area of your heart and when the blood
212.44 -> flow's cut off, then the cells in that area will start to die.
216.54 -> So the technical term is a myocardial infarct.
219.1 -> We most commonly call it a heart attack.
221.44 -> Symptoms of a heart attack include pain down the left side of your arm, shortness of breath,
225.38 -> and nausea - and these are all associated with that cutoff of blood flow to the heart.
229.34 -> Then what's happening inside the heart is that when that blood flow's cut off, it is
234.09 -> needed to provide energy and life to those cells in your heart and those cells start
239.44 -> to die very rapidly and cause heart damage.
244.74 -> Risk factors for atherosclerosis and heart attacks include things that you can control
248.64 -> like smoking, diet, and high cholesterol - and some you can’t control, like age.
252.66 -> - An important risk factor is if you're male, especially younger, middle-aged male, you
260.07 -> have a higher risk factor; as you age, for women, the risk factor of having atherosclerosis
265.82 -> comes after menopause and actually when you're much older, maybe around age 70, and that's
271.9 -> because estrogen really protects you from having a heart attack when you're younger.
276.55 -> Fortunately, there have been exciting new developments in the area of understanding
279.93 -> this disease and preventing it.
281.66 -> - Really the statistics are wonderful that we are preventing people from dying.
286.52 -> So even though you might have the clot, we're able to go in and remove the clot very rapidly
293.08 -> when someone has a heart attack and put in what's called a stent.
297.38 -> And this just holds this area open.
299.79 -> And that technology is improving every year, so that people can live after having these
305.64 -> heart attacks, a really great life and a full life.
311.59 -> And we're making great inroads, so that this disease is not killing nearly as many people
316.81 -> as it used to.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aTAayuR-s8