Prostacyclin Analog Pharmacology | Everything You Need to Know

Prostacyclin Analog Pharmacology | Everything You Need to Know

Prostacyclin Analog Pharmacology | Everything You Need to Know

This video is perfect for nurses who want to learn everything you need to know about Prostacyclin Analogs.

In this video, I will teach you about Prostacyclin Analog pharmacology, including their mechanism of action, types, indications, adverse effects, contraindications, and special considerations.

Prostacyclin analogs mimic endogenous prostacyclin binding to the same receptors in blood vessels, causing vasodilation. They can be given as a continuous intravenous or subcutaneous infusion at home or in the hospital, orally or by inhalation. The three types are epoprostenol, iloprost and treprostinil. They are used to treat pulmonary hypertension and improve oxygenation in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Adverse effects include headaches, hypotension, nausea, diarrhea, and muscle pain. Inhaled can cause bronchospasms, throat irritation and cough. Subcutaneously can cause skin irritation. Prostacyclin analogs should be avoided with severe hypotension and pulmonary edema. Central lines are preferred for intravenous administration. Due to the short half-life of intravenous epoprostenol, an interruption in the infusion can be life-threatening.

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00:00 Mechanism of Action
00:34 Types
01:07 Indications
01:28 Adverse Effects
02:01 Contraindications
02:20 Special Considerations
03:20 Thank you!!!

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DISCLAIMER: Please note that my videos are solely for educational purposes and should not be considered as medical advice. While I aim to provide accurate information, errors may occur due to human error.


0.439 -> prostacyclin analogues also referred to
3.06 -> as prostaglandin i2s or pgi-2s are a
6.6 -> medication that mimic the effects of
8.28 -> endogenous prostacyclin a prostacyclin
11.219 -> that occurs naturally in the body
13.04 -> endogenous prostacycline is synthesized
15.66 -> from endothelial cells or the cells that
18.3 -> line the inner surface of blood vessels
20.039 -> it then binds to receptors in this area
22.56 -> causing vascular smooth muscle
24.42 -> relaxation which promotes vasodilation
26.88 -> and decreases platelet aggregation
28.76 -> similarly prostacyclin analogues bind to
31.619 -> the same receptors having the same
33.48 -> effects
35.1 -> there are three different types of
36.78 -> prostacyclin analogues available
39.02 -> epiprostenol which can be given through
40.98 -> a continuous intravenous infusion or
43.2 -> inhalation Iola Prost which can be given
46.02 -> as an inhalation and to prostanil which
48.84 -> can be administered through continuous
50.399 -> intravenous or subcutaneous infusion
52.68 -> inhalation or orally to memorize
55.5 -> prostacyclin analogues search for the
57.84 -> presence of Prost on their name however
59.82 -> please note that prostaglandin type
61.98 -> medications also include Prost in their
63.96 -> name it's important not to mistake the
65.76 -> two as the same
67.58 -> prostacyclin analogs are primarily
69.9 -> utilized for their vasodilatory
71.88 -> properties to treat pulmonary
73.5 -> hypertension to learn more about
75.479 -> pulmonary hypertension click the link on
78 -> screen or in the description below
79.759 -> prostacyclin analogs are also helpful in
82.2 -> improving oxygenation in patients
84.119 -> suffering from acute respiratory
85.74 -> distress syndrome also known as Arts
89.1 -> the adverse effects of prostacyclin
91.439 -> analogues are generally dose-dependent
93.36 -> and include dizziness headaches
96.079 -> hypotension syncope nausea diarrhea
100.14 -> flushing myalgia or muscle pain and jaw
103.68 -> pain
104.52 -> inhaled prostocycline analogues can also
107.1 -> cause bronchospasms throat irritation
109.74 -> and coughing
111.42 -> lastly when administered subcutaneously
113.939 -> these analogs can cause skin irritation
116.46 -> resulting in erythema or redness in
119.399 -> induration or swelling
122 -> prostacyclin analog should not be used
124.2 -> in severe hypotension as this medication
126.6 -> can further decrease blood pressure it's
129.06 -> also important to avoid using
130.5 -> prostocyclin analogues in patients with
132.599 -> pulmonary edema as they can worsen the
134.76 -> condition this is because vasodilation
137.16 -> can increase the permeability of blood
139.02 -> vessels
140.76 -> and finally some special considerations
142.879 -> it's crucial to note that some
145.2 -> individuals require lifelong intravenous
147.84 -> or subcutaneous infusions of
149.64 -> prostocycline analogues at home to
151.68 -> manage their disease these individuals
154.26 -> are trained to manage a portable pump on
156.36 -> their own this therapy is also ideally
158.52 -> administered through a central line but
160.86 -> peripheral lines can't be used
162.12 -> temporarily additionally this therapy
164.879 -> unfortunately does pose a risk of
166.8 -> central line related infections and
168.54 -> sepsis furthermore it's important to
171.12 -> note that intravenous epiprostenal has a
173.64 -> half-life of about three to six minutes
175.8 -> this is significant because if the
178.14 -> infusion is interrupted for any reason
180 -> such as the pump failing the infusion
182.4 -> running dry or the intravenous line
184.5 -> becoming dislodged it can be
186.239 -> life-threatening intravenous
188.16 -> troprostanyl on the other hand has a
190.379 -> half-life of about four hours so the
192.659 -> risk is not as great
194.22 -> and finally caution should be taken when
196.56 -> using prostacyclin analogues with
198.42 -> antihypertensives
200.34 -> I hope you found this video useful and
202.68 -> if you did please let me know by giving
204.659 -> this video a thumbs up subscribing and
207.239 -> leaving a comment below thank you and
209.519 -> bye
212.22 -> [Music]
