Pulmonary hypertension: more common than ever?
Pulmonary hypertension: more common than ever?
0 -> covid can mimic a lot of different
1.92 -> things and pulmonary hypertension might
4.16 -> easily be one of them
5.52 -> the symptoms of this disease during the
7.04 -> initial stages such as difficulty
9.36 -> breathing and feeling fatigued
11.04 -> are common to the novel coronavirus
13.84 -> ursula perry shows us pulmonary
15.36 -> hypertension can make life miserable
17.44 -> especially if you don't get a diagnosis
21.199 -> like the rise in covid cases of
23.199 -> pulmonary hypertension are rising too
25.68 -> but unlike covid a lack of education on
28.48 -> the disease is causing some serious
30.24 -> concern among medical experts
32.16 -> people often don't get discovered until
33.92 -> very late when their hearts are already
35.84 -> starting to fail
36.719 -> young women in their child bearing age
38.559 -> or people who have scleroderma
40.239 -> lupus rheumatoid arthritis or hiv
43.28 -> have a higher risk of developing the
45.2 -> disease
48.16 -> and when found in men it's even more
50 -> deadly if you have
51.76 -> asthma copd or emphysema or you
54.8 -> experience
55.6 -> shortness of breath dizziness chest pain
58.48 -> swelling in your ankles
60.079 -> legs and abdomen and a racing pulse you
63.199 -> may want to get screened for pulmonary
65.119 -> hypertension right away
66.799 -> 20 years ago there was no treatment and
69.119 -> people died from this disease
70.799 -> now we have over 20 drugs to treat this
74.08 -> disease
74.72 -> spotting this disease early on is
77.36 -> crucial to getting the help you need
79.439 -> and better diagnostic techniques are
81.36 -> helping to do that
82.72 -> also because doctors are getting better
84.64 -> at diagnosing and treating
86.64 -> the numbers of those who are getting
88.64 -> better are rising
90.24 -> ursula perry ksat 12 news
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UppQy8QgrY