HEALTHY EATING HACKS » + printable guide

HEALTHY EATING HACKS » + printable guide

HEALTHY EATING HACKS » + printable guide

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❤ Sadia


0 -> I always get really excited when I get to share nutrition tips with you guys
3.06 -> and I think you're especially gonna love these ones because they're gonna help
6.18 -> you improve your meal and snack choices and just boost healthy eating and
9.599 -> nutrition all-around.
13.2 -> Now some of these tips you might have heard of before,
15.179 -> some of them though, are going to be completely new. At least I hope so.
18.7 -> So, let's dive in.
23 -> When I was studying nutrition this was one of the most common
25.08 -> tips that we were taught to share with our clients and it's that you eat what you see.
29.2 -> Now this works equally well for people who want to gain weight,
31.7 -> who want to lose weight or for people who are just looking to make more wholesome food choices.
35.219 -> For example, if you want to eat more fruits, keep it on the counter in
39.09 -> clear sight and instead of just throwing an orange into your bag,
42.3 -> which let's be honest, hardly ever finds its way out,
45.5 -> we can instead peel it up or cut it, put it in a container and put it on our desk to
50.25 -> enjoy when hungry. And if we cut them up and put them in front of our partner or kids
54.4 -> it'll also increase the chance that they'll eat it too.
56.7 -> If you usually place a bowl of chips on your desk,
59.789 -> maybe swapping it out for something like nuts might help.
62.3 -> And when you open your pantry and chocolate is the first thing you see,
66 -> chances are that's what you're gonna reach for.
68.2 -> So, maybe try shifting it to the side or behind some of the dried fruit or trail mix.
72.4 -> This isn't to say that that food is forbidden,
74.4 -> it just means we're less likely to impulsively reach for it if it's out of sight.
78.33 -> And the same thing goes for drinking our fluids, whether it's tea or water,
82.8 -> placing it in front of you while you work or study. It's gonna increase the chances
86.729 -> that you'll take periodic sips and stay hydrated throughout the day.
93.5 -> Carrots and celery are awesome carrying devices for our favorite dips and sauces,
98.25 -> but if you've ever tried to cut them up ahead of time to store in the fridge,
100.6 -> you might have noticed that they lose their crunch and sometimes they get this slimy film.
105 -> So, there is a way to avoid that and it's just to store them in a glass container
109.8 -> or jar with some water. It helps the veggies stay crisp and fresh
113.97 -> and they store in the fridge for a longer time.
116.2 -> Just change out the water every couple of days or so,
118.5 -> and keep in mind that the carrots will keep longer than the celery.
121.8 -> Now I know some people might be worried about cutting up their veggies ahead of
124.71 -> time because you feel you might lose some nutrients. Now there are three
127.59 -> factors that can cause nutrient loss and that is heat, oxygen and light.
132.5 -> In this case there's no exposure to heat or light, just oxygen
135.91 -> and the nutrient that's most easily affected by this is vitamin C and
140.2 -> sometimes vitamin E, but what you don't lose are all the other incredible
143.95 -> nutrients like fiber, some of the B vitamins, minerals and many more.
148.1 -> So long story short, the benefit of eating pre-cut veggies, even with a little less vitamin C,
153 -> it far outweighs not eating the veggies at all or reaching for less
156.58 -> wholesome convenient foods instead.
161.92 -> This next one is a tip that my mum actually recently taught me.
164.92 -> I go through a lot of nut butters.
166.88 -> Peanut butter and almond butter especially, and as nutrient-dense as they already are
171.54 -> there's something we can actually do to pump up the nutrition a little bit more.
175.46 -> And how we can do that is with seeds.
177.76 -> Seeds offer a unique combination of phytonutrients and
180.88 -> antioxidants that have a whole bunch of health benefits.
183.66 -> So I take a full jar of peanut butter, I empty out about a third of it.
187.9 -> I store that away to enjoy later.
190.15 -> And to the large jar I add a couple spoonfuls of some seeds.
194.12 -> You can use whatever you have on hand.
195.8 -> I use sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, coarsely ground flax seeds, chia seeds,
200.32 -> lightly toasted sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
203.08 -> I then give it a mix and store it in the fridge.
205.36 -> You can add it to oatmeal or spread it on toast.
208.32 -> It just makes for a colorful and nutrient-packed addition to any meal.
212.54 -> And if you can't tolerate nut butters you can still make the seed
215.41 -> mix alone and use it in the same way, like add it to smoothies or parfaits.
219.94 -> I feel like it also makes the foods just look so much more vibrant and wholesome.
227.88 -> You might have heard of this little hack to fill a few Tupperware containers
231.04 -> with the ingredients you need for a smoothie.
233.08 -> That way when you're looking for a morning or afternoon pick-me-up
235.9 -> you just pop it into a blender, no chopping required,
238.62 -> add a splash of plant milk or maybe some greens or nut butter to accompany it.
243.1 -> It's also an awesome way to use up leftover fruits that are at their peak ripeness.
247.84 -> But if you already make smoothies you might find that you've
249.95 -> kind of gotten into this routine of making the same thing over and over again.
253.64 -> At least I know that that happens to me.
255.08 -> So I have two ingredients that I want to recommend.
257.04 -> These are nutrient-dense additions to your frosty drink
260.6 -> and trust me, you can't even taste them in there.
263 -> First up is frozen zucchini.
265.02 -> And this is especially great for people who can't tolerate bananas
268.18 -> or just don't like the taste of it.
270.18 -> Because it gives it a similar creaminess but without that banana flavor.
273.34 -> And the second one is white beans.
275.1 -> These are packed in protein, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants
278.92 -> and again trust me, you won't even know that they're in there!
281.62 -> So if you're looking for a new twist to your smoothies give these two a try.
289 -> You know how they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away?
291.52 -> It's more like something that berries are capable of doing.
294.65 -> An apple, for example, has 60 units of antioxidants,
298.64 -> whereas a cup of berries offers 650 units.
301.42 -> And that's why Robin and I try to have at least a handful of berries each day.
305.2 -> Either on our oatmeal, on a parfait and smoothies or just as a snack.
309.7 -> So this little tip is just a reminder to up that berry intake if you can.
313.56 -> And I know that berries can be expensive when they're not in season
316.58 -> so in the colder months we opt for frozen berries.
319 -> And did you know that frozen berries in many cases are more nutrient-dense than fresh berries?
324.5 -> If you didn't know why I'll let you know why in the comments below.
326.98 -> So feel free to go check that out.
328.6 -> But another side kind of tip is:
330.68 -> if you are lucky enough to have access to berry picking
333.48 -> in the summer months wherever you live,
335.72 -> load up on that stuff, cut it up
337.3 -> and put it in the freezer to enjoy in the fall and winter months.
343.74 -> Second to berries, herbs and spices are the foods highest in antioxidants and
348.06 -> that's something I only recently learned in a new book that I was listening to.
351.6 -> I'm totally a bookworm. I love and need to learn new things.
355.94 -> Especially in the realm of nutrition.
357.74 -> But when it comes to books I don't always make the time to sit and read.
361.24 -> Which is why I've been using audible for years.
363.57 -> It just makes it so easy because you can listen to a book no matter where you are, no matter what
367.44 -> you're doing. So this book I recently listened to is called How not to die by
371.97 -> dr. Greger. It's one of the most comprehensive books on health and
375.569 -> nutrition that I've ever listened to.
377.78 -> In one section dr. Greger, who's a physician,
379.77 -> he talks about how we can make healthy foods even more wholesome by just spicing it up.
384.92 -> He shares how a bowl of whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce and
388.5 -> broccoli, for example, has a 150 units of antioxidants
391.8 -> but if we had just one teaspoon of dried oregano
394.86 -> that number doubles up to 300.
397.7 -> That goes to show how powerful spices can be.
400.9 -> Now I want to thank the amazing folks over at audible for partnering with us on this video.
405.14 -> And if you're interested in unlocking some other nutrition gems by giving this book a listen,
410.28 -> you can get it or any other book of your choosing, for free.
413.28 -> Plus a 30-day free membership if you visit
414.9 -> or visit the link in the description box below.
423 -> Now we've talked about the nutrient density of spices.
425.26 -> And many spices come from fresh herbs.
427.26 -> You've likely noticed we use a lot of fresh herbs in our recipes.
429.21 -> And as much as I've gotten better at keeping my potted
432.99 -> herbs alive, sometimes they just die for certain dried out ones like rosemary and
437.819 -> thyme you can just pick off the branches and use as a spice but you can also
441.509 -> salvage some of the living leaves by picking them off the plant chopping them
445.409 -> up and then placing them in an ice cube tray with some water alternatively you
449.31 -> can also add them to a food processor with equal parts oil and water blend it
453.75 -> and then add that to the ice cube tray once it's frozen I then transfer the
457.5 -> cubes into a Tupperware container now the herbs they're not going to freeze in
461.699 -> a way that's going to retain its former glories but it's going to retain its
465.539 -> flavor and nutrient profile if you enjoy it with
467.62 -> a 1 to 2 month period you can then add these cubes to soups or stews or pasta
472.51 -> sauces it's a great way to reduce food waste and add some flavor to dishes plus
477.43 -> some extra vitamins minerals and antioxidants something I've noticed I've
483.97 -> been doing lately which I never used to do before is adding spinach to my cooked
488.05 -> meals and I do it in super huge quantities because within just a few
492.88 -> minutes the big pile of greens cooks down to a super small amount and it
497.08 -> hides perfectly well in dishes like curries stir fries its soups and more as
501.639 -> with other veggies there are pros and cons to both the raw and cooked form
505.33 -> with spinach for example the raw form offers higher amounts of certain
509.169 -> nutrients whereas the cooked form offers higher amounts of other nutrients so
513.4 -> longer the short enjoy both the cooked and raw versions but don't shy away from
517.9 -> cooked it's just such an easy way to get a whole bunch of greens onto your plate
522.339 -> and into your body with loads of nutrients to accompany it we've all been
529.87 -> there feeling like you're hungry for no reason but you just want something to
532.87 -> snack on or maybe you're legitimately hungry but you don't have the energy or
535.69 -> patience to figure out what you want to make so if there's one tip I can give it
539.589 -> is to have 3 snack ideas in your arsenal that take 2 minutes or less to put
544.48 -> together that way they serve as alternatives to something that might
547.48 -> have been a little less wholesome so for example my three quick and dirty snacks
551.98 -> or medjool dates filled with nut butter an apple that i dip into plant yogurt
556.66 -> and sometimes I put into the cinnamon or maple syrup and some hummus on crackers
560.65 -> or rice cakes topped with cucumbers tomatoes and arugula having an arsenal
565.42 -> of crazy easy wholesome snacks it's not only going to limit decision
569.17 -> fatigue around snack choices it's also going to give you a nutrient-dense
572.94 -> energy boost
577.03 -> there is no doubt about it planning our meals helps us make more wholesome food
581.44 -> choices and it helps to decrease the food waste and it's 100% natural to not
585.79 -> be able to stick to it 100% of the time but if we plan our meals like a week in
590.08 -> advance chances are more often than not that we
592.69 -> do stick to its some of the time so if you're interested we created a new PDF
596.98 -> for you where you can record the meals you would like to enjoy in a week and if
601.21 -> you couple this with our free grocery shopping list you can make sure you have
604.75 -> all the necessary ingredients on hand to stick to the meal plan post it on the
609.19 -> fridge and invite your partner our family members to contribute to it as
612.16 -> well I'll leave those links for you in the description box below and I hope
615.55 -> that you find them helpful we're approaching the holidays a time when we
622.18 -> all indulge a little bit more often than we usually do and I think that's
625.66 -> absolutely wonderful but if you're feeling like you've just
628.36 -> had enough of the treat foods one event after the next
631.69 -> I recommend whipping together your own wholesome contribution that others can
636.01 -> also enjoy whether it's a huge batch of filling and comforting soup or a platter
641.11 -> with dips crackers fruits or veggies or hummus pinwheels it's one of my
645.94 -> favorites to take which is just loaded with fresh and roasted veggies and it's
650.35 -> always a crowd-pleaser everyone always appreciates
653.05 -> contributions and I think you might appreciate having something that you can
656.38 -> fill up on that helps you feel a bit more balanced I can already tell this
660.22 -> video is longer than usual I get super excited when I can share nutrition tips
664.12 -> and information with you guys so I hope that you learned something new today I
667.54 -> hope you enjoyed it if you did I welcome you to give the video a thumbs up and I
671.68 -> think that's it sending you guys a lot of cozy holiday vibes and feelings hope
676.06 -> you have an amazing time with friends and family in the coming weeks thanks a
679.84 -> lot for watching pickuplines signing off we'll see you in the next video
693.41 -> you
