How does coronary heart disease affect your body?

How does coronary heart disease affect your body?

How does coronary heart disease affect your body?

Dr Yassir Javaid, Cardiology Clinical Adviser talks about how coronary heart disease affects your body.


0 -> Coronary heart disease, which is a
12.63 -> narrowing of one or more of the
14.009 -> coronary arteries in its very early stages
16.049 -> will have little if any effect on the
20.13 -> body and most patients would be
21.779 -> blissfully unaware of any symptoms. As it
25.17 -> progresses coronary heart disease can
27.96 -> compromise the blood supply to the heart
30.539 -> during exertion so most patients would
34.35 -> experience some chest discomfort during
38.37 -> physical activity which would go away at
41.16 -> rest. This is known as angina. In its
44.52 -> most severe form coronary heart disease
47.489 -> can result in a sudden blockage of a
51.539 -> coronary artery and that's what leads to a
53.52 -> heart attack.
