The Scientific Consensus on a Healthy Diet

The Scientific Consensus on a Healthy Diet

The Scientific Consensus on a Healthy Diet

The leading risk factor for death in the United States is the American diet. The importance of a healthy diet in preventive healthcare.

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For more on the American Heart Association targets, see How Many Meet the Simple Seven? (

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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4.54 -> [Music]
10.32 -> about a decade ago
11.759 -> the american heart association expressed
13.759 -> concern that their 2020
15.36 -> target of improving cardiovascular
17.52 -> health by 20
18.96 -> by 2020 would not be reached if current
22.16 -> trends continued by 2006 most people
25.76 -> were
26.16 -> already not smoking and had nearly
28.8 -> achieved their goal for exercise
30.8 -> but when it came to healthy diet score
33.52 -> only about
34.079 -> one percent got a four or five out of
36.96 -> their zero to five diet quality score
39.04 -> and that's with so-called ideal criteria
41.68 -> being like
42.239 -> drinking less than four and a half cups
43.92 -> of soda a week in the last decade they
46.079 -> saw a bump
46.879 -> up to like one percent of americans even
49.44 -> reaching this kind of
50.719 -> basic criteria but given their
53.12 -> aggressive goal
54.32 -> of improving that by 20 by 2020 they
57.28 -> hope to turn that one percent into like
59.6 -> 1.2 percent okay so how'd we do
63.52 -> let's look at the 2019 update and it
66 -> looks like we've slipped down to as low
68.24 -> as
68.72 -> one in a thousand you can't even see the
71.36 -> green anymore
72.479 -> and american teens got a big fat zero
76.56 -> no wonder perhaps that for all
79.159 -> mortality-based metrics
81.2 -> the u.s rank declined like 27th or 28th
84.799 -> among 34 industrialized countries
87.439 -> citizens living in countries with a
89.2 -> substantially lower gdp and health
91.119 -> expenditures per capita have
92.799 -> lower mortality rates than those in the
94.799 -> united states
95.88 -> slovenia beat us by three countries
98.479 -> coming in at 24th and life expectancy to
100.799 -> our 27th
102.159 -> and more recently we seem to have
103.52 -> slipped to 43rd
105.36 -> even though we spent trillions on
107.2 -> healthcare more
108.64 -> than anyone else what's the leading risk
111.759 -> factor for death in the united states
114.32 -> what we eat the standard american diet
118.799 -> is just to die for literally
122.479 -> those trillions in health care spending
124.399 -> aren't addressing the root cause
127.28 -> look at some of these beautiful lung
128.959 -> cancer death curves it took
131.039 -> decades to finally turn the corner but
133.599 -> it's so nice to finally see those drops
136.56 -> when are we going to see the same with
138.72 -> diet
140.319 -> approximately eighty percent of chronic
142.239 -> disease and premature death could be
143.92 -> prevented
144.959 -> by not smoking being physically active
147.84 -> and adhering to a healthful dietary
149.92 -> pattern
151.04 -> but what exactly is meant by a healthy
153.599 -> diet
154.8 -> unfortunately what we hear about
156.239 -> nutrition in the media is often
158.08 -> inconsistent and confusing
159.84 -> there's a pressure within today's
161.36 -> competitive journalism market for
163.239 -> sensationalism there may even be a
166.08 -> disincentive to prevent the facts in
168.239 -> context
169.04 -> to sell more magazines and this paper
171.519 -> was written back in 1997 before the lure
174.48 -> of click bait headlines
175.84 -> in fact about three quarters of a
177.36 -> century ago it was noted that
179.12 -> unfortunately the subject of nutrition
181.2 -> seems to have a special appeal to the
183.2 -> credulous
184.239 -> the social zealot and in the commercial
186.56 -> field
187.28 -> the unscrupulous a combination
189.44 -> calculated to strike despair in the
191.76 -> hearts
192.48 -> of the sober objective scientist
195.92 -> the most important healthcare problem we
197.92 -> face may be our poor lifestyle choices
200.56 -> based
201.2 -> on misinformation it's like the climate
203.92 -> change deniers
204.879 -> healthy dietary advice is overshadowed
207.28 -> by critics
208.48 -> diet books industry interests and
210.72 -> misguided
211.68 -> information in the media maybe what we
214.4 -> need is like an
215.28 -> ipcc of nutrition these days
218.799 -> no single expert regardless of academic
221.519 -> stature or reputation
222.799 -> has the prominence to overcome the
225.2 -> obstacles
226 -> created by confusing media messages and
228.64 -> effectively deliver the fundamental
230.72 -> principles of healthy living to the
232.48 -> public
233.599 -> however what if there was a global
236.879 -> coalition consisting of a variety of
239.92 -> nutrition experts who
241.2 -> collectively represent the views held by
243.12 -> the majority of scientists physicians
245.12 -> and health practitioners
246.64 -> it could serve as a guiding resource of
248.799 -> sound nutrition information for improved
250.799 -> health and prevention of disease
253.04 -> boom the true health initiative was
255.92 -> conceived for that
257.6 -> very purpose a non-profit coalition of
260.4 -> hundreds of experts from dozens of
262.56 -> countries agreed to a consensus
264.479 -> statement
265.12 -> on the fundamentals of healthy living
268.4 -> check out
272.72 -> spoiler alert the healthiest diet is one
275.12 -> generally comprised mostly
277.04 -> of minimally processed plants
305.36 -> you
