Is Viagra / Cialis harmful to your heart? | UroChannel

Is Viagra / Cialis harmful to your heart? | UroChannel

Is Viagra / Cialis harmful to your heart? | UroChannel

Many men are afraid that Viagra / Cialis might be harmful to their heart. Dr. med. dr. phil. Stefan Buntrock, urologist from Göttingen, explains in this video on UroChannel, that PDE-5 inhibitors are not dangerous to the heart. As a matter of fact, this class of drug was developed for cardiovascular indications. Because of unexpected side effects in terms of increased erectile functionality, Sildenafil was shifted away from cardiology to urology. But research has shown, that these drugs have a lot of benefits for heart patients. So within 10 to 15 years, Viagra will probably become one of the standard treatments for heart patients. For the time being, it is licensed for pulmonary hypertension. Contradindications concern mainly a simultaneous use together with nitrates. This must not be done since it may cause a fatal drop in blood pressure. Likewise, unselective alpha blockers should not combined with these drugs and a certain class of antiarrhythmic drugs. This means that Viagra / Cialis / Levitra / Stendra is safe for most men when it comes to the heart.



   / @golfmd1199  

#viagra #cialis #heart


0.359 -> I don't know why but this is one of the
2.639 -> Die Hard Urban myths Viagra Cialis is
6.299 -> bad for the heart that's simply not true
9.24 -> and in this video I am going to tell you
11.639 -> why my name is Stefan Buntrock I'm a
13.98 -> board certified urologist and sexologist
16.039 -> I prescribe these drugs on a daily basis
19.02 -> and I get this all the time but doctor
22.02 -> isn't Viagra harmful to my heart let's
25.32 -> take a look at the history of Viagra or
27.66 -> sildenafil where does it come from well
30.84 -> this group of drugs is called
32.54 -> phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors or pda5
35.7 -> Inhibitors the pde story starts with
39 -> British physician Henry Hyde Salter in
41.76 -> the year 1886 himself being an asthmatic
45.36 -> he noted that whenever he drank a strong
48.18 -> cup of coffee on an empty stomach his
50.82 -> breathing eased a little by that time
53.6 -> nobody knew that caffeine acts as a weak
57.059 -> and non-selective pde inhibitor that
60.239 -> knowledge came much later
62.42 -> phosphodiesterase was discovered in 1963
65.58 -> and soon thereafter several isoforms
69.06 -> were identified today the pde family has
72.42 -> 11 members although pde can be found in
76.26 -> every cell of the Body Research
78.54 -> concentrated on the heart and lungs at
81.479 -> first and led to the development of pde3
84.9 -> inhibitors for congestive heart failure
87.659 -> and pde4 inhibitors for the treatment of
91.439 -> inflammatory Airways disease in 1989
95.299 -> Pfizer came up with a pde5 inhibitor for
99.24 -> the treatment of coronary artery disease
101.7 -> because of its ability to widen arteries
104.82 -> and counteract angina this drug
108.14 -> sildenafil became world famous nine
111.42 -> years later by its brand name Viagra
114.06 -> anyway for coronary artery disease the
117.899 -> effects were marginal and quite
120.06 -> disappointing
121.32 -> but the drug had an interesting side
123.78 -> effect on the male study subjects it
126.479 -> enhanced their erectile capacity
129 -> so Pfizer took the decision to pursue
132.3 -> this pathway and shift it away
134.28 -> sodenophil from cardiovascular
136.68 -> applications to Urology
139.02 -> the rest is history other pda5
142.08 -> Inhibitors were to follow Cialis
144.42 -> tedellophil Levitra vardenafil standra
148.02 -> avenophil for nearly 10 years Urology
151.8 -> owned these drugs and during these years
155.06 -> patients had learned that pde5
157.68 -> Inhibitors were fun but dangerous to the
160.739 -> heart because in the starting years
162.78 -> there were deaths among patients treated
165.42 -> with Viagra these deaths mainly occurred
168.84 -> because of a simultaneous use of
171.66 -> nitrates you know that explosive stuff
174.3 -> from Dynamite nitroglycerin it's used
177.599 -> therapeutically for Angina because it
180.3 -> widens arteries if you add a pd5
183.239 -> inhibitor to this drug boom your blood
186.66 -> pressure might drop down to the floor
188.34 -> and you too by the way so never combine
192 -> pde5 Inhibitors with nitrates but
195.36 -> gradually pda5 Inhibitors slowly began
198.3 -> to be real located to the treatment of
200.76 -> cardiovascular disorders in 2005 the FDA
205.2 -> approved this class of drugs for the
207.659 -> treatment of pulmonary hypertension
210.239 -> since then very promising research
212.94 -> emerged in the field of Cardiology so
216 -> that I am convinced that within 10 to 15
218.4 -> years from now we will see pde5
221.22 -> Inhibitors as a standard medication in
224.58 -> certain forms of heart disease I am
227.459 -> talking about its remodeling properties
229.62 -> after myocardial infarction now for the
233.58 -> time being it is not licensed for that
235.739 -> and if you read the leaflet of the
237.54 -> medication you will find that pde5
240.36 -> Inhibitors should be used with caution
243.239 -> under these circumstances however a
246.48 -> nationwide study from Sweden that
248.28 -> included all hospitalized men with the
250.739 -> first time myocardial infarction during
253.379 -> a seven year period came to astonishing
255.84 -> results 43 154 patients were included in
260.28 -> this study during the average follow-up
262.5 -> period of 3.3 years those who were
265.44 -> treated for erectile dysfunction with
267.24 -> pdf5 Inhibitors had a reduced risk of
270.18 -> mortality of 33 percent and a 40 reduced
274.56 -> risk of hospitalization for heart
276.12 -> failure animal studies and first studies
279.06 -> in humans very strongly suggest that
281.88 -> pde5 Inhibitors are enormously effective
285.36 -> in patients with heart failure due to
288.18 -> cardiac hypertrophy so all of that is in
291.3 -> the pipeline for the future the key
293.58 -> message is don't combine pde5 Inhibitors
296.94 -> with nitroglycerin and you are safe for
300 -> dental is problematic in a small subset
302.1 -> of patients on antiarrhythmics type 1A
304.56 -> and three non-selective alpha blockers
307.08 -> are not a good combination and one
309.419 -> should be cautious in some of the severe
312 -> and life-threatening stuff in cardiology
313.82 -> but overall most men will not have any
317.699 -> problems and won't have to worry about
320.04 -> the heart anyway this is just a video
322.8 -> not a medical consultation so talk to
325.919 -> your doctor concerning your personal
327.6 -> health issues and whether they might
329.88 -> pose a a problem hope the information
332.039 -> helps thanks for watching bye bye
