Thrombolysis Before Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke

Thrombolysis Before Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke

Thrombolysis Before Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke

Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) both improve outcomes for patients with acute ischemic stroke. Jeffrey L. Saver, MD, director of UCLA’s Comprehensive Stroke and Vascular Neurology Program and a JAMA Associate Editor, discusses 2 randomized trials comparing outcomes for stroke patients treated with IVT prior to EVT vs EVT alone.

Read More:
Intravenous Thrombolysis Before Endovascular Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke:

Effect of Mechanical Thrombectomy Without vs With Intravenous Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke:

Effect of Endovascular Treatment With vs Without IV Alteplase on Functional Independence After Acute Ischemic Stroke:


0.373 -> >> Howard Bauchner: Hello, and  welcome to Conversations with JAMA.  
4.56 -> For all of those, for all of you who are listening  or watching today, this is a new experience.  
10.24 -> This is the first of what we're hoping will be a  continuing series of discussions about important  
16.32 -> papers that we're publishing, generally on  Tuesday. I'm delighted that my first guest is Jeff  
22.64 -> Saver. Jeff is a professor neurology, one of the  world's experts in stroke and our associate editor  
30.16 -> in neurology. Welcome, Jeff. >> Jeffrey Saver: Thank you, Howard.  
33.04 -> It's great to be here. Great to be first. >> Howard Bauchner: So, we'll see how it works.  
38.48 -> And I hope all of our listeners can indulge  us. And just before we finish, I want to  
43.92 -> make sure they know that if they have feedback,  they're welcome to provide it to me directly at  
48.32 -> howard dot, howard dot bauchner at jama network  dot org. So, we're going to discuss two papers.  
54.8 -> And Jeff was a handling associate editor for these  two papers. The first is entitled the effect of  
60.64 -> mechanical thrombectomy without versus intravenous  thrombolysis on functional outcome among patients  
67.44 -> with acute ischemic stroke, the skip randomized  clinical trial by Suzuki et al from Japan. And  
75.04 -> the second, effective endovascular treatment alone  versus IV alteplase plus endovascular treatment  
82.72 -> on functional independence in patients with acute  ischemic stroke, the Dev randomized clinical trial  
89.04 -> by Z and colleagues from China. These two papers  are accompanied by an editorial that Jeff has  
94.56 -> written entitled Intravenous Thrombolysis Before  an Endovascular Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic  
101.36 -> Stroke. So, Jeff, I've just introduced the two  studies. Can you tell me what question were they  
107.92 -> trying to answer in these two studies? >> Jeffrey Saver: Both of these trials  
112.88 -> were seeking to determine if skipping  thrombolysis and going straight to thrombectomy  
120.8 -> is as good, non inferior, to using both  thrombolysis followed by a thrombectomy.  
128.56 -> >> Howard Bauchner: So, Jeff, why  is this an important question?  
132.48 -> >> Jeffrey Saver: Well, this is a key question for  the field, because we have been wondering with the  
140.72 -> rise of endovascular thrombectomy if intravenous  thrombolysis before a thrombectomy should still  
148.48 -> be pursued, or as happened with myocardial  infarction 20 years ago, we skipped to go straight  
157.6 -> to the mechanical approach. The two treatments  in the brain have complementary strengths.  
166.72 -> Alteplase, as a clot dissolving medicine,  is very good for small and medium clots.  
175.2 -> Fairly quick, first of all,  had medium clots. Whereas  
180.96 -> it does not work very well for the big proximal  clots that cause the most severe strokes.  
188.32 -> The [inaudible] rate for those was thought  to be 10 to 15% with just alteplase. In  
195.04 -> contrast, in the vascular thrombectomy using  stent retrievers or aspiration devices are very  
201.76 -> good for the big proximal clots that can go up  and mechanically [inaudible] those very quickly,  
207.28 -> but they're not very good for the small distal  arteries that can't navigate there. So, because  
215.84 -> alteplase is not very good for these big proximal  clots, and it has drawbacks of increasing the  
223.68 -> bleeding rate, most likely, and causing sometimes  clots to fragment and go beyond the reach of  
231.44 -> thrombectomy, it might be that it doesn't, it not  only doesn't help, it might make patients worse.  
237.92 -> On the other hand, it could make patients better  by opening the artery before you get to the  
243.12 -> cath lab and reducing the total brain ischemia  time. Or by making the clot more responsive to  
251.2 -> the device retrieval. So, these were physical,  physiologically plausible reasons on both sides  
258.08 -> of this question, something that could  only be settled by randomized trials.  
261.76 -> >> Howard Bauchner: Now, Jeff, there's  thousands of patients each year with stroke.  
267.44 -> Does this study question, is it apropos  or does it, is it appropriate for the many  
274.4 -> individuals who have stroke? >> Jeffrey Saver: It is. You know, the  
278.8 -> thrombectomy pivotal trials all treated patients  who were alteplase eligible with alteplase. So,  
286.56 -> the current standard of care has been that any  patient who is eligible for alteplase within the  
292.96 -> first 4 1/2 hours of onset should receive that  on the way to the cath lab. And probably about  
301.76 -> a third of all ischemic strokes are these big  ischemic strokes in the internal carotid artery.  
308 -> And then one middle cerebral artery, really  M2, where alteplase doesn't work very well,  
314 -> recanalization rates, 15, 10 to 15%, up to 30%.  So, for that one third of patients, this is a key  
331.52 -> decision that every clinician makes. And these  are the big bad most severe strokes. Whether  
338.56 -> they give alteplase or not, to date, we've been  giving alteplase generally, except for some series  
344.8 -> that reported in open fashion that you seem, you  could skip alteplase and helped to stimulate the  
352.56 -> stored of these randomized trials. >> Howard Bauchner: So, let's start  
355.76 -> with the study from Japan. It involved 204  patients, 23 hospitals, recruited between  
366 -> 2017 and 2019. Follow up through October  2019. This is the SKIP randomized clinical  
374.72 -> trial. What were the findings in this trial? >> Jeffrey Saver: Well, first, let me note,  
380.24 -> a distinct aspect of the SKIP trial design  was the regimen that they used. They used  
387.92 -> .6 milligrams of alteplase per kilogram rather  than what was common dose in the U.S., which is .9  
398 -> milligrams per kilogram. So, they used  two thirds of the standard U.S. dose.  
402.96 -> That's a common dose used in Asia. There is  a grading, a greater leading prone tendency  
411.92 -> among Asian patients. And so there's a tradition  and good data to suggest that the .6 milligram  
422.8 -> dose is about as good as the .9 milligram, and  might reduce bleeding rates. But it's a question  
430.56 -> whether the results that they see might be reduced  to, attributed to this lower dose in part. They  
439.2 -> had half their patients receive the alteplase  on the way to the cath lab, and half went direct  
446.32 -> to the cath lab. The final outcome was functional  independence three months after stroke. The degree  
454.8 -> of recovery after stroke, a Rankin score of 0 to  2. Now, this was a non inferiority trial, because  
464.4 -> if alteplase is not they are than skipping  it, there's no reason to give it. It will just  
471.52 -> increase patient expenses. So, in a non inferior  trial, you have to choose your non inferiority  
478.24 -> margin. They chose a margin of 10%. Sorry, a  margin roughly equivalent to 10% reduction.  
490 -> So, in theory, the treatment could be as much as  10% worse, and still be declared non inferior, 10%  
500.96 -> being 1 in 10 fewer patients having functionally  independent outcome. I think that most clinicians  
509.2 -> would feel that's not the minimally clinically  important difference. I think the study suggesting  
514.32 -> that for a big bad stroke, it's more like 1 or 2  out of 100 patients, not 10 out of 100 patients.  
521.76 -> But for both these studies, when you do a  non inferiority study and the treatments  
528.16 -> are actually equal, the sample sizes to show  indistinguishability are infeasibly large.  
536.08 -> So, it has become common to use non inferiority  margin that shows if the new treatment retains  
546.88 -> substantial proportion of benefit of the old  treatment, and then to look at other things  
553.6 -> to see if you can really suggest equivalence.  They found that the nominal rate of functional  
562.64 -> independence of three months was a little higher  with skipping tPA than with not skipping tPA.  
570.96 -> The difference was not statistically significant  to prove non inferiority. So, they failed to prove  
577.6 -> non inferiority in this individual trial. But, of  course, they didn't exclude non inferiority with  
583.36 -> the outcome rate actually being nominally  higher for the SKIP procedure. So,  
591.2 -> they provided convergent evidence with the dev  trial, which we'll be speaking about in a moment,  
598.32 -> and with the one prior trial in this area, the  DIRECT MT trial, which was published a few months  
605.84 -> ago, and had demonstrated non inferiority. >> Howard Bauchner: So, now let's go to the other  
610.08 -> trial, which is from China by Z. Now, in this, in  this trial, there were 234 patients, interestingly  
617.76 -> enough, a very similar number. Also randomized,  primary endpoint proportion of patients achieving  
623.92 -> functional independence at 90 days. Patients  randomized to endovascular thrombectomy alone,  
631.2 -> or to combined IV thrombolysis and  endovascular thrombectomy. What were  
636 -> the findings in this study? >> Jeffrey Saver:  
639.2 -> This was a study that used the U.S. standard dose  of alteplase .9 milligrams per kilogram. And,  
647.76 -> again, the final outcome, primary endpoint was  degree of disability on the modified Rankin scale.  
654.96 -> And, again, the pure direct thrombectomy group  nominally had more good outcomes than the combined  
665.76 -> thrombolysis and thrombectomy group. And  this time, the difference was enough to reach  
670.4 -> statistical significance for non inferiority.  So, this was a positive non inferiority  
675.52 -> trial. Now, there are two interesting aspects  of the implementation of these trials that  
684.88 -> allow us to think that they pro slightly different  questions. The dev trial used a higher dose of  
692.4 -> alteplase. And it also had a longer time period  between the start of the alteplase and the  
700.56 -> arterial puncture to start the thrombectomy. About  40 minutes. Sometime before that higher dose to  
708.08 -> work. But they only saw 7 1/2 or so percent  of patients who reopened before they got to  
717.2 -> the cath lab. The SKIP tPA trials used the lower  dose of alteplase. And a very short time period,  
725.68 -> only about 8 minutes on average, [inaudible]  was started before the procedure started. So,  
733.92 -> the dev trial tested the idea more fully that  if you give substantial dose of alteplase  
742.72 -> well ahead of time, it will reopen enough arteries  to make a big difference. And they did not find  
749.12 -> that. And the SKIP trial tested the idea that  if you give a safer, lower dose of alteplase,  
759.12 -> it not so much before you get to the cath lab, but  afterwards to clean up small distal fragments that  
767.52 -> the retrievers often leave behind, having  the alteplase on board could help with that,  
771.68 -> would that improve outcome. And  with both of those implementations,  
778.32 -> the direct thrombectomy group did better. >> Howard Bauchner: Jeff, you're, you're one of  
784.08 -> the world's experts on stroke. You've, you've  done clinical trials, published in all of the  
789.68 -> major journals. You've written extensively about  it. You really champion these two papers. You  
797.44 -> thought these two research studies, along with  the one that had previously been published,  
803.44 -> really could begin to impact the field. How do  you think about what these two studies mean,  
813.28 -> first for the general physician, and then we'll  move onto the specialist like you. What do you  
818.56 -> think they mean for the general physician? >> Jeffrey Saver: Well, these studies  
825.2 -> create a real challenge for clinicians, both  the generalists and the specialist physician.  
834.96 -> For the generalist physician, I think the message  is, as always, make sure patients with stroke  
842.56 -> warning signs get to the hospital as quickly as  possible. Getting the artery open effectively and  
849.2 -> really is the best guarantee of a good outcome for  the patient. And whether we take a two treatment  
856.16 -> route, thrombolysis plus thrombectomy, or a single  treatment route, thrombectomy allowing, that  
862.96 -> doesn't affect the need to get to the hospital  right away. For the specialist physician, this is  
869.28 -> a really challenging study that put into practice,  a set of trials to put into practice, because  
878.24 -> you have to be aware that there are some  patients who you should still give alteplase to,  
885.04 -> even with these results. And those are patients  who present to an outside hospital that only does  
891.28 -> thrombolysis first and is going to get a drip and  ship approach. And any time you get thrombectomy,  
900 -> it's going to be very prolonged. So, they  should get alteplase at that first hospital.  
904.8 -> The second are patients in whom you don't think,  you're not sure you're going to be able to reach  
910.24 -> the artery in the cath lab. They might have a  carotid occlusion in the neck on the way up,  
915.44 -> or excessively torturous arterial anatomy in  the chest. And if you skip thrombolysis and go  
924.88 -> to the cath lab and don't get there, the time  window for giving thrombolysis might elapse,  
930 -> and they might not get any therapy. So, you  have to be confident that you are going to be  
935.52 -> able to get to that clot very quickly. In those  patients in whom you can get to the clot quickly,  
944.16 -> these trials suggest that it is reasonable to  skip thrombolytic therapy. And since all of those  
952.48 -> trials have nominally better outcomes for patients  in the SKIP arm, it's a little bit of suggestion  
961.44 -> that it might be a superiority strategy. There  are three more trials in the wild about to come in  
968.96 -> testing this same question. And there's already a  plan for a pooled individual patient data analysis  
976.32 -> of the six trials. And they might have enough  power to tell us if it is a superior strategy  
982.88 -> for those patients in whom you're sure you  can treat. But it's going to be a headache  
986.88 -> for me and for every clinician having to make  this decision very quickly when patients arrive.  
994.88 -> Do I give thrombolysis or do I skip? Am I  sure this is a treatable patient or not?  
1001.84 -> It's a good thing for the field,  but a challenge for clinicians.  
1005.04 -> >> Howard Bauchner: Now, you deal with  these types of patients all the time.  
1009.2 -> You are at UCLA. Does giving thrombolysis often  slow down the movement of the patient to the cath  
1015.68 -> lab for the potential thrombectomy? Is there a way  in which it may delay getting the person to the  
1022.96 -> individual who can do the thrombectomy? >> Jeffrey Saver: It probably slows it down  
1026.56 -> a little bit. You have to consent the  patient for the thrombolysis, get the  
1034.64 -> drug infusion started. We do parallel processing  in stroke codes in the Emergency Department.  
1043.04 -> And several things are happening simultaneously.  So, it probably doesn't slow it down very much.  
1048.24 -> But it probably slows it down by a few  minutes, which could make a difference.  
1052 -> I will mention that in mobile stroke units,  in which there's a CAT scan in the ambulance  
1060.08 -> and you're able to give tPA, often in the  first 60 minutes of onset, right at the scene,  
1066.64 -> that's another setting in which we probably don't  want to skip thrombolysis when you can get the  
1072.16 -> drug started so early. And there's going to be a  long time between the drug and the cath lab.  
1078.4 -> >> Howard Bauchner: I was going to ask you about  mobile stroke units. We had published a paper,  
1084.32 -> again, that you championed from Germany a  few years ago. I think that was the first  
1089.52 -> major report about putting CAT scans in  ambulances. You and I know that our friends  
1096.08 -> to the north in Calgary have an enormously well  organized mobile stroke unit that covers many,  
1103.68 -> many square miles in different areas of Canada. We  transform people's care if they are appropriately  
1113.36 -> treated. It's extraordinary. I've had friends and  colleagues who years ago would have walked out of  
1119.68 -> a hospital, may not have walked out of a hospital.  Now people do walk out of the hospital. What's the  
1125.2 -> next great leap that we have to take both in rural  and urban America to make sure that excellent  
1132.96 -> appropriate stroke care is available? >> Jeffrey Saver: Sure.  
1137.12 -> Well, first, let me say, we still would  benefit from advances in thrombolysis.  
1143.52 -> >> Howard Bauchner: Okay. >> Jeffrey Saver: If,  
1144.48 -> instead of a 30% reperfusion rate, we had a  60, 70% reperfusion rate and less bleeding,  
1150.96 -> then it would make sense to give thrombolysis  first. And this work being done with newer  
1155.76 -> generation thrombolytics connect to plays, or with  adding G2P3 agents, or DTIs to thrombolysis, to  
1165.84 -> plasminogen activators. That has some promise  for improving lytic strategy. That's one way  
1171.76 -> to go for it. We also still are working on the  tantalizing idea of neural protection, giving  
1178.48 -> drugs or treatments that allow the brain to  tolerate low blood flow for longer so that  
1184.48 -> there's still more salvage of brain when patients  arrive at the hospital, treatments that could be,  
1189.84 -> come in the ambulance, that would be safe,  and hemorrhage and ischemic stroke patients,  
1194.48 -> so you wouldn't need imaging beforehand. We  already have built out, in terms of care delivery,  
1202.72 -> a very good system for reaching rural hospitals  with telestroke telemedicine, so that almost every  
1213.84 -> hospital in the country can have a neurologist  available at least by telemedicine within 15  
1219.44 -> minutes of patient arrival and get the lytic  started. But we are still working on optimizing  
1227.68 -> the patient flow from hospitals where they  only offer lytic therapy to the thrombectomy  
1237.04 -> stroke centers that can offer catheter  thrombectomy. And pre hospital systems are  
1245.04 -> moving toward two tier routing, where if you  have a very severe stroke, likely proximal clot,  
1255.36 -> and the comprehensive stroke center, the  thrombectomy stroke center is only a few minutes  
1259.2 -> further away than the primary stroke center, then  it's worth skipping the primary stroke center and  
1265.04 -> going there. And this study, these two studies  provide even more fuel to support that idea. But  
1272.8 -> getting patients from rural areas by helicopter,  by [inaudible] aircraft, requires a lot more  
1282.4 -> mobility and organizational arrangements.  And those are still getting built out.  
1287.44 -> >> Howard Bauchner: Last question, Jeff. What's  the magic time? It seems to get a little longer.  
1294.72 -> But what's the magic time if a clinician is  thinking about a patient? How quickly do they want  
1300.48 -> that patient seen? What's the outside limits? >> Jeffrey Saver: The magic time is one minute.  
1308.4 -> Every patient, every minute that goes  by, more brain will likely be lost.  
1313.2 -> >> Howard Bauchner: Okay. >> Jeffrey Saver: So, you never want to wait.  
1316.16 -> For what's the current time for which there's  some evidence of benefit, it's 24 hours for  
1323.04 -> endovascular thrombectomy. For the third to a half  of patients who are slow progressors, and we can  
1330.72 -> tell that with advanced CT and MR imaging who's a  slow progressor, and still has salvageable tissue  
1337.92 -> up to 24 hours, and who's a fast progressor  and already completed their stroke, the slow  
1343.76 -> progressors that can be benefit up to 24 hours  from onset probably for some even beyond 24 hours.  
1350.96 -> But you can't tell who's a slow progressor or a  fast progressor just by looking at them. So, time,  
1357.6 -> time is [inaudible]. And patients should be moved  through the system as quickly as possible.  
1362.4 -> >> Howard Bauchner: This is Howard Bauchner,  editor in chief of JAMA. This has been  
1367.12 -> Conversations with JAMA. And I've been talking  with Jeff Saver. Jeff's a professor in neurology,  
1372.72 -> University of California, Los Angeles, a  senior associate vice chair of neurology,  
1377.36 -> and director of the Clinical Neurotherapeutics  Research Center in the Department of Neurology.  
1383.36 -> We've been discussing two research papers,  the effect of mechanical thrombectomy  
1387.44 -> without versus with IV thrombolysis on functional  outcome among patients with acute ischemic stroke,  
1393.36 -> the SKIP trial, from Japan. And the second  paper, the effect of endovascular treatment alone  
1399.6 -> versus IV alteplase plus endovascular treatment  on functional independence in patients with acute  
1405.84 -> ischemic stroke, the dev randomized clinical trial  from China. These two papers are accompanied by an  
1412.32 -> editorial by Jeff and his colleague entitled IV  thrombolysis before endovascular thrombectomy for  
1419.12 -> acute ischemic stroke. Thanks so much, Jeff. >> Jeffrey Saver: Thank you, Howard.
