Stroke prevention: Knowing the risk factors

Stroke prevention: Knowing the risk factors

Stroke prevention: Knowing the risk factors

Every year, more than 795,000 people in the U.S. experience a stroke. It’s important to know the risk factors and steps you can take to prevent a stroke.

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0.299 -> well welcome back everyone listen to
2.22 -> this number it it is just unbelievable
4.98 -> every year more than 795
8.58 -> 000 people in our country experience a
11.46 -> stroke it's the leading cause of serious
13.74 -> long-term disability and the top five
16.02 -> cause of death but Strokes can be
18.42 -> prevented it's stroke awareness month
20.16 -> and this morning we've brought in Dr
21.96 -> Teddy Wu The Coast stroke medical
24.119 -> director for Memorial Hermann to discuss
26.939 -> good morning and thank you for joining
28.68 -> us oh good morning thanks for having me
30.119 -> explain to our viewers what exactly is a
34.02 -> stroke yeah it's a great question
36.059 -> sometimes it does get confused a lot
37.86 -> with people a stroke simply put is
41.28 -> dysfunction of the brain due to
43.26 -> disruption of blood flow and that
45.239 -> two-way that occurs is when a blood
47.04 -> vessel actually gets blocked by a blood
48.66 -> clot so the blood can't get to the brain
50.64 -> cells and another type of stroke which
52.8 -> is called hemorrhagic Strokes is when
54.48 -> the blood vessel actually ruptures and
56.46 -> with those when that occurs the brain
58.26 -> cells does not get the blood flow the
59.82 -> oxygen is that they need and then it
62.1 -> causes damage to the brain cell itself
63.84 -> when we hear that amount of people who
66.72 -> are who are suffering from a stroke you
68.58 -> just can't help but wonder what are
69.78 -> those risk factors what are what are
72.119 -> some things that could lead to this yeah
74.22 -> so the common risk factors for ischemic
76.92 -> stroke with that blockage type of stroke
78.299 -> which occurs about 85 percent of the
80.28 -> time is very similar to other
82.799 -> cardiovascular disease so high blood
84.479 -> pressure which is totally treatable
86.659 -> diabetes high cholesterol and lifestyle
90.24 -> modification things that you know when
92.28 -> people either smoke those things are
95.82 -> also risk factors as well
98.159 -> the be fast method of recognizing this
101.579 -> is not just for someone who is having
103.38 -> one but for someone who is around
105.06 -> noticing someone having a stroke explain
107.64 -> that well absolutely I think it's very
109.259 -> very important to recognize signs and
110.88 -> symptoms of Strokes because oftentimes
112.799 -> the person that's having this stroke
114.18 -> aren't going to be aware that they're
115.619 -> actually having one so the be fast
117.24 -> acronym actually stands for B for
119.28 -> balance so sudden onset of balance issue
121.92 -> difficulty walking e is for eyes or
125.1 -> Vision so all of a sudden have
127.2 -> difficulty seeing or double vision F is
130.259 -> for face so when they have asymmetrical
132.48 -> smile A is for arms when the arm drifts
135.599 -> on one side or the other and S is for
138.66 -> speech difficulty either talking
140.34 -> slurring understanding and T is also
143.34 -> important which is for time anytime
145.14 -> somebody recognizes those symptoms
146.819 -> either than themselves or somebody else
148.2 -> it's really important to call 911
149.94 -> immediately so they can see medical
151.14 -> attention get them help ways the faster
153.599 -> you get there the faster your chances
155.099 -> are to recover absolutely right let's
156.959 -> talk about a lot of myths involved with
159.12 -> Strokes as well including that they
160.56 -> can't be prevented but sometimes they
162.54 -> can over 80 percent of The Strokes are
164.64 -> actually very very preventable if we
166.2 -> attack all the risk factors that we
167.819 -> mentioned before specifically high blood
169.68 -> pressure it's very easily treatable
172.62 -> there's a lot of medicines and a health
174.9 -> lifestyle modifications that can help to
176.94 -> reduce high blood pressure and the other
179.16 -> risk factors that we've gone over high
180.48 -> cholesterol diabetes and lifestyle
182.519 -> modification changes including a healthy
184.2 -> diet now Memorial Hermann has sort of a
186.66 -> quiz so to speak that someone can take
189.36 -> to find out about the risks as well as
192.54 -> the symptoms yeah the the quiz is
194.94 -> available online I'm sure we're going to
197.159 -> be able to give that information out and
198.78 -> they would be able to take that quiz to
200.04 -> see how much they know and fill in the
201.78 -> knowledge gaps for those for those
204.3 -> viewers out there to get them more
205.68 -> educated about that subject and I think
207.78 -> it's so important for people to realize
209.4 -> that this is not something that happens
210.84 -> to elderly people it can happen at
213 -> almost any age right right so strict
215.58 -> stroke risks do increase with age like
217.86 -> most diseases however about 25 percent
219.959 -> of The Strokes actually occur in
221.84 -> patients that are under the age of 65.
224.519 -> so we often do see young patients that
227.519 -> come into the hospital with stroke so
229.14 -> it's it's it can affect all ages it's an
232.08 -> amazing yeah amazing situation Dr Teddy
234.84 -> Wu thank you so very much for joining
236.28 -> thank you for having me life potentially
238.379 -> life-saving information coming here
240.62 -> well thank you so much for your time all
243.12 -> right
