7 Essential Healthy Habits for Women! life changing*

7 Essential Healthy Habits for Women! life changing*

7 Essential Healthy Habits for Women! life changing*

7 healthy habits that support your mind \u0026 body!

Last healthy habits video:    • 10 Essential Healthy Habits For Women…  

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Instagrams: @jasmynetheodora (personal) \u0026 orthodoxwomanhood

Intro - 0:00-0:27
Morning vs. Night Exercise - 0:28-1:32
Savory breakfast - 1:33-3:15
Balancing glucose levels - 3:16-4:18
Sleep - 4:19-5:48
Seed oils - 5:49-8:49
Nail polish - 8:50-10:08
Perfume - 10:09-13:00
Outro - 13:01-13:11
Bloopers - 13:12-13:54

- https://thewest.com.au/lifestyle/food
- https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/
- https://www.piedmont.org/living-bette
- https://www.zeroacre.com/blog/are-see
-    • The Food That is More DEADLY Than Sugar  
-    • Why Saturated Fats Are Healthy – Real…  
- https://drbeckycampbell.com/why-perfu
- https://www.dermadoctor.com/blog/nail
- https://www.mountsinai.org/health-lib
-    • Why Apple Cider Vinegar Helps You Los…  
- https://www.healthifyme.com/blog/bene
- https://www.sleepfoundation.org/magne

Savory breakfast ideas: https://www.allrecipes.com/gallery/sa
Hello everyone, welcome to my channel! I’m Jasmyne Theodora, I’m an Orthodox Christian and I make content about the art of femininity (from a virtuous, Godly perspective), lost female education, and traditionalism. Please do subscribe if you enjoy my content and thank you so much for watching.

Height - 5’9”
Race - Biracial (black \u0026 white)
Religion - Orthodox Christian
Background - Bachelor’s degree in psychology
Relationship status - Married
Location - Pacific Northwest
Favorite book about femininity - “Eve in Exile”
Some favorite Bible verses - Proverbs 31, 1 Peter 3:3-4, 1 Timothy 3:11

Business inquiries: please email me at [email protected].


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0 -> hello everyone today I'm going over
1.979 -> seven more healthy habits for women I
4.56 -> already did a video very similar to this
6.24 -> a few months ago and if you have not
7.919 -> watched that one yet I recommend
9.78 -> watching before watching this one
11.28 -> because I go over a lot of well
13.139 -> relatively unknown information about
15.059 -> female hormones and the menstrual cycle
16.98 -> and that one that women found very
19.08 -> helpful please like And subscribe if you
21.06 -> enjoy this kind of content and I have
22.92 -> all of my citations in the description
25.08 -> Box by the way okay let's get started
27.42 -> number one exercise in the morning for
29.88 -> fat burning and in the evening for
31.859 -> muscle gain I talked about how you
33.96 -> should change your exercise routine to
35.94 -> conform to menstrual cycle in my last
37.98 -> Healthy Habits video but what's also
40.32 -> important is what time of day you
42.6 -> exercise there was a study published
44.7 -> which indicated that women burn more fat
47.04 -> during morning exercise the women who
49.559 -> worked out in the morning also saw a
51.3 -> greater reduction of their blood
52.5 -> pressure however the study showed that
54.42 -> women improve their upper body strength
56.28 -> more when they exercised in the evening
58.44 -> interestingly though for men and both
60.66 -> the morning and evening groups witnessed
62.579 -> fat loss but there were no differences
64.44 -> between the groups so depending on your
66.659 -> unique health goals you may want to make
68.88 -> workout decisions differently depending
70.92 -> on if you have a goal to burn fat or a
74.34 -> goal to gain muscle so remember if you
76.68 -> want to burn fat aim to work out in the
78.6 -> morning and if you want to gain muscle
79.92 -> especially upper body muscle aim to work
82.08 -> out in the evening however try not to
84.06 -> work out within four hours of your
85.619 -> bedtime so that you don't risk sleep
87.299 -> disruption by a rising cortisol which is
89.4 -> a stress hormone and it can reduce Sleep
91.5 -> Quality if it's too high at bedtime
93.42 -> number two eat a Savory breakfast so I
97.02 -> gave birth about four months ago and
98.82 -> when you have a newborn you have so
100.979 -> little in your control and I felt awful
103.5 -> due to the lack of sleep so I was on a
105.6 -> mission to optimize my health in every
107.64 -> way possible and one of the few things
109.799 -> that you have in your control with a new
111.78 -> baby is what you eat and I did a lot of
114.24 -> research on how to optimize your diet
116.399 -> for energy and mood and I found out that
118.86 -> eating a savory breakfast can be
121.02 -> extremely helpful when you eat a sweet
123.06 -> breakfast even if it's full of nutrient
125.1 -> dense things like yogurt oatmeal and
127.439 -> fruit you very well may experience a
129.479 -> spike in your glucose and you'll then
131.459 -> get hungrier faster your energy will
133.56 -> fall faster and you'll crave more sweet
136.26 -> things throughout the day which may curb
138.72 -> your health goals because you may reach
140.819 -> for more junk food more often than not
142.8 -> however if you eat a Savory breakfast
144.66 -> more full of good fats and protein your
147.72 -> blood sugar will remain steady and
149.34 -> therefore you'll maintain better energy
151.14 -> levels you'll be more satiated and
153.12 -> you'll be able to focus on things other
155.22 -> than food and you won't get the same
157.56 -> kind of cravings for sweets which could
159.42 -> throw you off of your health goals
160.8 -> personally for breakfast I like to eat
162.78 -> eggs in basically any form with cheese
165.12 -> alongside with some leafy greens a
167.58 -> tomato and then I'll eat some more fruit
169.26 -> after eat the fats and proteins which
171.42 -> will help to avoid or reduce a blood
173.58 -> glucose or blood sugar Spike but if eggs
175.86 -> are not an option for you I will leave a
177.66 -> link to some eggless Savory breakfast
179.099 -> ideas in the description description box
180.54 -> but yes eating a Savory breakfast in the
182.879 -> morning instead of a sweet breakfast
184.14 -> like so many people eat like donuts
186.48 -> sugary cereal juice smoothies will just
189.54 -> help you feel more balanced throughout
191.34 -> the day and we'll set you up with a
192.959 -> great foundation for steady blood sugar
194.58 -> levels throughout the day so adding on
197.04 -> to the glucose thing balancing your
198.659 -> blood sugar levels can actually do a lot
200.819 -> for your health it can balance your
202.26 -> hormones which we as women could really
204.3 -> benefit from of course because of our
205.92 -> complicated menstrual cycle and our
208.08 -> volatile state of our hormones during
210.3 -> and after pregnancy it can also help you
212.4 -> lose fat more effectively if that's a
214.019 -> goal of yours it can help you sleep
215.879 -> better stabilizes your mood it can help
218.04 -> you have better energy throughout the
219.42 -> day it can help reduce inflammation in
221.28 -> your body so you can really optimize
223.92 -> your health in just a myriad of ways
226.319 -> just by balancing your blood sugar and
228.54 -> it's a pretty straightforward thing to
230.04 -> do once you learn how to do it and I
231.72 -> highly recommend reading the book The
233.34 -> glucose Revolution to learn more about
234.9 -> it a few other easy ways to balance your
237 -> blood sugar levels is to drink a mixture
238.98 -> of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice
241.379 -> in a glass of water 10 to 30 minutes
243.299 -> before meals you can also eat your carbs
245.58 -> last in a meal if that's an option for
247.319 -> you you can eat a good amount of protein
249.299 -> and fat before having something really
251.28 -> carb heavy like ice cream and going for
254.099 -> a short walk after you eat a meal can
255.72 -> also really help to bring down any
258.479 -> glucose spikes number four did you know
260.76 -> that women need more sleep than men this
262.56 -> is a little bit ironic because after you
264.419 -> have children the mother is going to be
266.82 -> most likely a lot more chronically sleep
268.979 -> deprived than the father partly because
271.08 -> you have the milkers but yeah women need
274.5 -> more sleep than men because evidently we
276.9 -> may use more of our actual brain than
279.36 -> men because we are multi multitasking
281.46 -> oriented and tend to focus on many
283.44 -> things at once which is what especially
285.72 -> you must do after you have a child and
288.479 -> we also go through more hormonal changes
290.699 -> this means that optimizing your sleep is
292.979 -> especially important a few ways I have
295.139 -> optimized my sleep which I've absolutely
297.06 -> had to do since having a baby is I take
298.86 -> about 500 ml grams of magnesium
300.9 -> glycinate a day I also drink a cup of
303 -> lemon balm tea a day which really
304.32 -> decreases stress levels I'll take
305.759 -> ashwagandha if I really feel especially
307.919 -> stressed one day and I also take a warm
310.08 -> shower at night because that actually
311.639 -> helps your body to cool down so you can
314.46 -> fall asleep because your body actually
316.02 -> needs to cool down a few degrees in
317.88 -> order for you to fall asleep I also
319.44 -> drink a cup of kefir before bed which
321.36 -> contains tryptophan which is a very
323.22 -> helpful ingredient in calming your mind
325.5 -> and nerves and this Kefir is actually
327.36 -> the best it is from Maple Hill organic
329.699 -> and it is plain kefir with probiotics
333.6 -> it's unsweetened it kind of tastes like
335.82 -> yogurt
338.479 -> it tastes like plain yogurt it's
340.56 -> actually also very good for your gut and
344.34 -> this really helped me to stay calm at
346.919 -> night so that my mind is not racing
348.479 -> before I go to bed number five stop
350.52 -> eating seed oils if you cut seed oils or
353.46 -> vegetable oils which is another word for
355.139 -> seed oils out of your diet you'll have a
356.82 -> better diet than around 90 of Americans
359.4 -> these seed oils are in basically
361.62 -> everything and are touted by dietitians
364.8 -> and the government as heart healthy and
366.84 -> if you go to a grocery store and look at
368.52 -> the oils found in processed foods most
370.979 -> likely it won't be olive oil or coconut
374.16 -> oil or avocado oil it'll be vegetable
376.5 -> oil grapeseed oil palm oil rapeseed oil
380.22 -> which is basically another word for
381.72 -> canola oil which is basically canola oil
383.88 -> trying to be rebranded sunflower oil
386.9 -> safflower oil corn oil soybean oil
390 -> cottonseed oil and rice bran and these
393.419 -> oils were literally created originally
395.58 -> as machine lubricants and I am not
398.52 -> kidding look it up 30 percent of the U.S
401.039 -> population consumes fast food on a daily
402.96 -> basis and you know they are using seed
405.66 -> oils to cook fast food because they're
407.46 -> cheap so the thing about seed oils is
409.38 -> that they're very unstable and when
411.18 -> they're processed and exposed to high
413.88 -> heat they oxidize and turn into fatty
417.3 -> fatty acids free radicals inside of your
419.88 -> body so when oxidation occurs when
421.68 -> oxygen molecules are split into single
424.02 -> atoms that have unpaired electrons they
426.12 -> become unstable free radicals that seek
428.52 -> other atoms or molecules to bond to and
430.86 -> if this happens it begins a process
432.419 -> called oxidative stress oxidative stress
435.12 -> can damage cells proteins and DNA which
438.419 -> can contribute to not only aging but
440.699 -> also plays a role in the in the
442.56 -> development of a myriad of health issues
444.419 -> like diabetes cancer and
447.02 -> neurodegenerative diseases like
448.86 -> Alzheimer's the reason why antioxidants
451.139 -> are healthy for you is because they
452.759 -> scavenge free radicals from the body
454.74 -> cells and prevent or reduce the damage
457.02 -> caused by oxidation inversely saturated
459.66 -> fats unlike unsaturated fats like seed
462.419 -> oils such as butter beef Tallow and ghee
466.259 -> are much more stable when processed or
468.78 -> exposed to high temperatures but even
470.759 -> unsaturated fats are labeled as
472.8 -> unhealthy if you search up saturated
474.599 -> fats on Google right now the first thing
476.819 -> you'll most likely see is that it's
478.199 -> unhealthy but I'll link a video down
480.18 -> below by Dr Brig about why saturated
482.28 -> fats are actually healthy for you so
484.38 -> when you're grocery shopping I highly
486.36 -> highly recommend to turn
489.78 -> turn and learn about the ingredients no
494.759 -> about the ingredients and what you're
496.919 -> eating so that you know that there are
498.84 -> no
499.979 -> Mal bad ingredients in what you're
502.74 -> eating again canola rapeseed which
505.979 -> sounds as bad as it is cotton seed
508.8 -> soybean rice bran vegetable grape seeds
512.459 -> sunflower Sesame safflower corn none of
515.82 -> those in what you're buying knowledge is
517.56 -> power knowledge is power seed oils are
520.08 -> not good also be on the lookout for
521.94 -> Unnecessary added sugar and what you're
523.68 -> buying it can be in so many unnecessary
525.72 -> foods like dried fruit yogurt pasta
528.779 -> sauces bread and soup number six instead
531.72 -> of nail polish use a nail buffer I think
534.3 -> we don't generally think about the
535.74 -> ingredient the nail polish because the
537.24 -> nails that you can see are dead and have
538.86 -> no feelings so that so you think that
540.6 -> it's not that important but what you put
542.459 -> on your nail bed actually gets absorbed
544.56 -> into the body everything that you put on
546.6 -> your body including your nail bed gets
549.06 -> absorbed into the body and there are
551.399 -> chemicals in nail polish that are really
554.1 -> not great for you like there's an
555.48 -> ingredient called tolene which is a
557.88 -> solvent that keeps the paint from
559.38 -> separating and if you breathe it in it
561.54 -> can create central nervous systems to
563.82 -> toxicity and it can have bad effects on
566.04 -> your reproductive organs and it's in
568.68 -> gasoline there's also the butyl
570.3 -> phthalate which adds flexibility to the
572.16 -> pain and prevents it from turning
573.3 -> brittle but that's considered an
574.86 -> endocrine disruptor and they also put
576.98 -> formaldehyde in nail polish people also
579.42 -> commonly use acetone for removing nail
581.58 -> polish which is on the hazardous
583.68 -> substance list it's a solvent for oils
586.5 -> Plastics resins and it can cause
589.2 -> headaches faintings dizziness nausea and
592.019 -> it can have a bad effect on the kidneys
594.3 -> and liver it's also a fire hazard and
596.64 -> anything that's a fire hazard really
598.26 -> should not be put on the body so instead
600.36 -> you should use non-toxic nail polishes
602.88 -> and nail polish removers or just use a
605.459 -> buffer to buff your nails so that they
607.32 -> shine lastly stop wearing conventional
609.839 -> perfume this is a sad one because I
613.019 -> really like the glossier perfume but as
615.779 -> soon as I got pregnant I did research on
617.88 -> common items that can harm your baby in
619.86 -> utero and found out that perfume can
622.2 -> actually be a lot worse for you than you
624.12 -> think the last thing I want to do is
625.8 -> fear Monger because being hyper aware of
627.899 -> absolutely everything that can cause
629.459 -> health issues can cause hysteria
631.2 -> paranoria and orthorexia because at the
634.019 -> end of the day it really seems like the
635.519 -> entire world is on a mission to kill us
638.64 -> but that being said I still think we
640.5 -> should be aware of unnecessary products
643.38 -> that can cause harm so that we can at
645.779 -> least limit the amount of toxins and
648.54 -> hormone disruptors that are around us
651.06 -> and on us and one of those things
652.86 -> unfortunately is perfume and perfume is
655.32 -> a luxury although so many women use it
657.54 -> on a daily basis because who doesn't
659.04 -> want to smell enchanting and Captivate
661.32 -> attention just by walking by but believe
663.3 -> it or not the conventional perfumes that
665.64 -> are used daily most likely contain a
667.86 -> number of chemicals and I put chemicals
670.26 -> in air quotes because technically
671.82 -> everything's a chemical but in common
673.14 -> parliament's chemical means bad so we'll
675.12 -> use the common parlance uh you know
677.519 -> understanding of it so there's a lot of
679.8 -> chemicals in perfumes that are not even
683.04 -> listed on the label in fact the average
685.019 -> conventional fragrance product contains
687.3 -> 14 hidden chemicals that are not even
689.82 -> listed on the label because while the
691.86 -> federal fair packaging and labeling Act
693.66 -> of 1973 did Force cosmetic companies to
696.779 -> list out the ingredients on their
698.279 -> products fragrance was not included on
700.92 -> that list which means that consumers are
702.779 -> using products that without even knowing
705.839 -> what's in them and some of these
707.339 -> ingredients have not even been tested
709.079 -> for safety and what's worse is that many
711 -> of the ingredients found in these
712.56 -> products have been linked to hormone
714 -> disruption and can even pose the risk of
716.16 -> being able to build up in human tissue
718.14 -> and you don't want to be spraying that
719.76 -> every day on your body and you also may
722.579 -> want to start to avoid conventional
724.62 -> products with fragrance in them
726.06 -> especially products that you put on your
727.92 -> skin because again our skin is our
730.079 -> largest organ and is very porous and
732.779 -> absorptive perfumes also contain alcohol
734.88 -> and spraying that directly on your neck
737.04 -> and chest can really dry your skin out
738.72 -> and lead to premature aging so instead
741.18 -> I'd recommend opting for fragrance free
743.16 -> skincare products fragrance free
744.959 -> deodorant my favorite is Lumi and making
747.779 -> your own non-toxic fragrance if you
750.54 -> really want to put on perfume and I'll
752.88 -> leave a few links for a safe DIY
754.86 -> fragrances down below but you also can
757.5 -> just
758.48 -> embrace your natural scent because we
761.1 -> all have a natural scent we all have a
762.959 -> natural kind of
764.779 -> pheromonic
766.38 -> that's a word
768.24 -> Essence and it'd be nice to embrace that
771.18 -> every every once in a while you also may
772.92 -> want to stop using scented candles
774.36 -> because those also can contain hormone
776.339 -> disrupting chemicals that of course get
779.16 -> released into the air in your home well
781.38 -> that is it for this video hope that you
782.94 -> enjoyed it again I will leave my
784.56 -> citations in the description box along
786.54 -> with other valuable resources please
788.579 -> like And subscribe for more content like
790.5 -> this and hopefully I will see you next
792.06 -> time bye
795.39 -> [Music]
805.279 -> thank you
806.56 -> [Music]
812.18 -> if you search up saturated fats on
814.62 -> Google Google
820.459 -> so yeah so in fact so so in fact
824.959 -> you also may want to stop using scented
827.639 -> candles because those the
830.94 -> why
834.48 -> [Music]

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Lq_nlTSz1I