How to stay healthy: Michael Mosley, All About Women 2016
How to stay healthy: Michael Mosley, All About Women 2016
How the latest research is making us rethink what we need to do to stay healthy.
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6.96 -> good afternoon and it's absolutely
8.48 -> lovely to be here i am going to be
10.96 -> talking about how to stay healthy um and
13.519 -> i've actually been on a bit of a tour
15.92 -> doing i'm talking about the blood sugar
17.52 -> diet which i'll also mention now
19.439 -> curiously i was in brisbane a couple of
21.039 -> days ago and i was flying back
23.519 -> and this is what we're offered for
25.039 -> breakfast
26.96 -> and if you look at that what's really
28.96 -> curious about it is sort of healthy
30.4 -> breakfast allegedly you look at the
32.079 -> yogurt and i had a look at the back that
34.079 -> is low fat it is low gluten and of
36.8 -> course it is high sugar
38.64 -> there is about the equivalent of four
40.48 -> teaspoons of sugar in it cranberries
42.8 -> you're thinking those are healthy
44 -> actually they've covered them with sugar
45.44 -> as well and there's equivalent of six
47.36 -> teaspoons of sugar on there
49.12 -> the granola two teaspoons of sugar and
51.6 -> the orange juice around nine teaspoons
54 -> of sugar that's just normal orange juice
56.16 -> but it's natural sugar but still sugar
57.84 -> so that little box of goodies from
59.6 -> qantas is uh 20 teaspoons of sugar which
62.8 -> is around half a kilo of sugar a week or
65.199 -> 26 kilos of sugar a year should be fancy
68.159 -> traveling on qantas every morning of the
70.84 -> week so i'll come back to that in a
73.52 -> moment but uh let's move on i trained at
76.479 -> royal free hospital in london with
78.64 -> claire and on the first day in fact 100
81.36 -> of us a bit like this and the dean said
83.6 -> that statistically four of us would
85.2 -> marry and claire was in that room that
87.36 -> day
91.6 -> and the other thing the dean said is
93.2 -> over the next five years we would learn
94.799 -> a huge amount and within five years most
97.52 -> of it would be wrong so it'd be good
99.28 -> idea to keep up to date and what i fear
100.88 -> is that a lot of doctors have not get up
102.4 -> to date okay so i joined the bbc and i
105.28 -> was a director for many years behind the
106.799 -> camera and i'd directed a number of
109.119 -> lovely people
110.32 -> john cleese did a series with him called
112.159 -> the human face alice roberts you're
114.159 -> familiar with alice done quite a few
115.92 -> series with her uh david attenborough
118.479 -> did a series of him uh do you know what
120.719 -> one animal david attenborough is
122.32 -> terrified of
123.92 -> rats can't bear them i'm talking of rats
126.399 -> i worked with him as well
129.36 -> uh i have to say jeremy is exactly what
131.039 -> he's like on screen
133.44 -> so i've done a lot of things uh behind
135.599 -> the camera and then more recently in
136.959 -> front of the camera did you ever see
138 -> this lovely one infested
140.08 -> this was um when i agreed to swallow
142.48 -> tapeworm sis
144.4 -> this is me in kenya
146.16 -> uh we have just found a dead cow
148.8 -> as one does which was infected with
150.72 -> tapeworm beef tape worm in its tongue so
153.04 -> chopped off the tongue cut out three sis
156.8 -> and i'm about to swallow them
159.28 -> and uh the agreement with claire but she
162 -> kind of vets these things i do was we
164.48 -> would get rid of it before it hit 10
166.48 -> weeks because after that point it starts
169.36 -> to shed segments
170.879 -> and so you run the risk it crawls out of
173.04 -> your bottom and you might share a bed
174.959 -> with one
176.4 -> so i took three because i had no idea
178 -> whether i would have um triplets twins
180 -> singles and it turned out to be triplet
182.84 -> three that's a pill camera shot uh done
185.92 -> at eight weeks so yes i've done some
188 -> fairly hardcore things my time but the
189.599 -> thing i'm best known for is the fast
191.2 -> diet otherwise known as a five two diet
193.44 -> and if you're wondering if it works that
195.04 -> was me before that's me now
199.36 -> so
200.319 -> clearly
201.76 -> all the proof you need
204 -> around the time that i wrote the five
205.44 -> two diet which was actually in 2012
208.879 -> i came across this paper in the new
210.56 -> england journal of medicine which is
212.48 -> miss presumptions and facts about
214.4 -> obesity and it's written by the us's
217.599 -> former obesity specialist so i thought
220 -> i'd kind of run through a few missed
221.76 -> facts and let's have a bit of a game
224.239 -> okay best to lose weight gradually is
226.799 -> that a myth a fact or a presumption
229.2 -> let's go for myth
231.2 -> let's go for fact
233.84 -> and let's go for presumption
236.08 -> okay that is a myth
238.08 -> uh it's a very well established myth but
240.239 -> it turns out that pretty well every
241.84 -> study they've ever looked at great rapid
244.08 -> and greater initial weight loss is
245.2 -> associated with lower body weight at the
246.879 -> end of long-term follow-up which is
248.319 -> surprising isn't it
249.68 -> big study at the university of melbourne
251.84 -> about 18 months ago where they took 200
254.64 -> overweight women and randomly allocated
256.4 -> them either to rapid weight loss they
259.04 -> had to lose 12 and a half percent of
260.88 -> their total body weight in around 12
263.6 -> weeks
264.479 -> or they had 36 weeks to do it at a rate
266.8 -> of about half a kilo a week
268.8 -> and what they discovered is the dropout
270.8 -> rate in the slow weight loss group was
273.12 -> very high 50 of them dropped out before
275.04 -> they hit their target
276.56 -> whereas 85 of those in the rapid weight
279.28 -> loss and when it came to they followed
281.759 -> them for two years
283.28 -> and when it came to putting on weight it
285.52 -> was actually the slow group who put on
287.52 -> the most weight
288.72 -> which is surprising
290.16 -> but it's also all about what you do when
292.24 -> you shed the weight in a sense it kind
294.16 -> of makes sense because you're thinking
296.639 -> you're much more motivated if you lose
298.32 -> it fast but the critical thing is how do
300.4 -> you lose it and what do you do when
302.16 -> you've lost it and i'll come come back
304.16 -> to that later
305.44 -> so what we think about this one eating
307.12 -> breakfast breakfast is the most
308.4 -> important meal of the day surely true
310.479 -> true false we're going true
312.88 -> false
314.16 -> it is false
316.72 -> american journal of clinical nutrition
319.12 -> 309 participants what they did is they
321.68 -> got skippers and regular breakfast
323.28 -> eaters and they asked him to swap habits
325.36 -> for four months
326.88 -> and lo and behold the people who skipped
328.8 -> it and who began eating they lost 0.75
331.199 -> kilos pretty good except the other way
333.12 -> around was pretty little exactly the
334.479 -> same
335.84 -> it turns out the the eat breakfast and
338.08 -> breakfast the most important meal of the
339.199 -> day is mainly a slogan of these cereal
341.84 -> companies
344.24 -> okay exercise important for weight loss
346.88 -> where we going true
349.44 -> false
350.72 -> well you should be up with me there's
352.08 -> another false one
354.08 -> and the problem is that if you're a 65
356.8 -> kilo woman you're going to have to walk
358.96 -> 40 minutes to burn off a banana
362 -> 60 minutes for fruit juice 80 minutes
364.24 -> glass of wine
365.6 -> two hours of chocolate and a muffin
367.6 -> three hours
368.88 -> so put that muffin down
373.199 -> and if you want to lose half if you want
375.68 -> to burn through you want to lose half a
377.44 -> kilo of fat you're going to have to run
379.6 -> 44 miles
381.759 -> so you can do it or you can just put the
383.44 -> muffin down and that is not actually the
385.36 -> worst of it the problem is as well
387.759 -> because what people do is what's called
389.52 -> compensatory eating yeah okay and
392 -> compensatory relaxing basically you sit
393.759 -> on your ass afterwards
396.479 -> so
397.52 -> we all know that in order to be healthy
399.36 -> you need to eat a healthy diet but what
402.319 -> is a healthy diet
404.4 -> okay so sugar is the obvious villain
406.56 -> this is the uk sugar consumption since
409.039 -> 1700. anyone got any idea what happened
412 -> in 1850
413.84 -> i would be very impressed if you knew
415.84 -> uh this is when gladstone uh removed the
418.639 -> tax on sugar
420.639 -> and it kind of makes the case for a tax
422.08 -> on sugar doesn't it and the other two
423.759 -> dips basically are the first and the
425.36 -> second world war
426.96 -> now this is correlated against diabetes
429.44 -> but it could have been against obesity
431.12 -> you get exactly the same pattern and
432.96 -> what you see there is rates of type 2
434.56 -> diabetes up from about one percent in
437.039 -> the uk when i was born and now running
439.919 -> at eight to nine percent gone up nearly
441.759 -> tenfold same is true in australia worse
444.4 -> in vietnam worse in china worse than
446.639 -> almost any country you can imagine
449.44 -> right
450.479 -> now the average australian kid consumes
452.4 -> their own weight in sugar every year
454.4 -> over 30 kilos
456.479 -> and these are the villains so i should
457.68 -> have gone through that one so fast dwell
459.28 -> on this one this is obviously coca-cola
461.36 -> fizzy drinks and things like that they
462.8 -> are the number one villain and then we
464.96 -> have cornflakes number two villain and
467.12 -> anyone know this guy this dr kellogg
470.479 -> dr kellogg 1900s and dr kellogg
473.759 -> basically invents corn flakes for this
475.599 -> reason there is a disease that is
477.68 -> sweeping america affecting young boys
480.4 -> and girls it leads to cancer of the womb
483.199 -> urinary disease impotence epilepsy
485.28 -> insanity and death
487.12 -> the victim literally dies by his own
489.199 -> hand do you know what he's talking about
491.68 -> masturbation yeah that was it
493.919 -> the reason dr kellogg invents cornflakes
496.4 -> is because he's worried about
497.599 -> masturbation
499.44 -> and he thinks quite rightly that
501.12 -> cornflakes are going to basically
502.72 -> undermine the health of the youth
505.039 -> and uh yeah and he was um this time when
507.52 -> there's a lot of conversation about you
508.96 -> know child abuse uh dr kellogg was very
511.28 -> very fond of advocating circumcision for
513.839 -> boys and girls to stop them doing it he
516.32 -> actually broke with his brother because
517.68 -> his brother basically said look this
518.959 -> stuff tastes like absolute you know
520.959 -> rubbish it tastes like caught cardboard
522.64 -> it tastes worse than cardboard we got a
524.159 -> pump it full of sugar and dr kellogg
526.32 -> bless him said no so his brother went
528.24 -> off and founded the kellogg's empire and
530.48 -> as you're well aware a lot of cereals
532.399 -> now have 30 40 50 sugar and they have
535.12 -> continued the very fine tradition
537.279 -> of dr kellogg
538.64 -> dr kellogg was also fond of yogurt
540.8 -> now for breakfast now i'm a fan of
542.08 -> yogurt particularly full fat yogurt for
543.519 -> breakfast but not the way dr kellogg
545.36 -> administered it rectally
548.56 -> he believed in um yoga enemas a couple
550.88 -> of pints of yogurt first thing in the
552.16 -> morning get you going
554.959 -> he was kind of ahead of his time uh in
557.12 -> the sense that he recognized the
558.32 -> microbiome gut bacteria was a good thing
560.88 -> but not by that delivery system
564.24 -> uh here's another villain for you if you
566.399 -> like uh dr ansel keys you familiar with
568.48 -> him
569.44 -> dr ansel keys is a physiologist
571.279 -> beginning in 1950s
573.519 -> and culminating really in the 1980s he
575.68 -> convinced the american government and
577.04 -> then the world that basically fat was
579.12 -> the villain
580.08 -> fat is what makes us fat fat is what
582.32 -> clogs up your arteries and gives you
583.76 -> heart disease
584.959 -> unfortunately what then happened
586.16 -> obviously is that people kind of believe
587.76 -> that if you the manufacturers basically
589.839 -> went crazy for low-fat products and they
591.76 -> stuffed them full of sugar instead
593.76 -> so if you took a starbucks muffin
596.24 -> low-fat version it actually has 10 more
599.12 -> calories than the normal version but
601.44 -> because it says low-fat people thought
602.959 -> it wouldn't make him fat
604.64 -> so what happened in 1980 which is when
607.04 -> ian claire went to medical school is the
609.12 -> world was swamped by the low-fat message
611.76 -> and unfortunately it not only kind of
614.8 -> undermined the health if you like of the
616.56 -> us but much of the rest of the world so
619.2 -> coca-cola obviously doing spreading
620.72 -> their message as we go now
622.64 -> they've kind of done the developed world
624.079 -> they're now moving on i think to africa
625.68 -> and things like that the sugar industry
627.36 -> is very much like the tobacco industry
629.279 -> they know they've lost a fight but
630.64 -> they're going to go on fighting it
632.399 -> so what happened is fat fat was bad for
635.04 -> you fat was going to kill you
636.8 -> but was that really true well there's
638.399 -> been a number of really big studies
640.72 -> this one here for example
642.64 -> the women's health initiative dieting
644.32 -> modification trial part of a bigger
646.24 -> trial which cost 600 million dollars
649.04 -> over half a billion u.s dollars one of
651.68 -> the biggest trials ever done and really
654 -> important
655.12 -> and it started in 1992
657.2 -> 49 000 women who are randomly allocated
659.92 -> to low fat or to continue as normal
662.88 -> and they were followed for eight years
665.2 -> so this was a big trial randomized all
667.44 -> gold standard things very good trial
669.6 -> in the group who were going low fat
670.88 -> their fat consumption fell from 39 to 29
673.68 -> went down by quarter this is really big
675.839 -> numbers very very impressive
677.839 -> and at the end of eight years the weight
679.36 -> difference was
681.2 -> point four of a kilo between the two
682.72 -> groups eight years having a low fat diet
684.72 -> that's the result
686.16 -> and the important measures were things
688.16 -> like heart disease stroke breast cancer
690.16 -> colorectal cancer made no difference at
692.32 -> all none and they've done other big
694.56 -> studies no low fat diet i'm aware of
696.8 -> that has been part of a randomized
698.079 -> controlled trial has ever made a
699.839 -> significant difference to any of the
701.279 -> things they promised they would
704 -> let me tell you about this one everyone
705.279 -> heard the pretty med study
707.04 -> this is many ways an even more important
708.959 -> study done in spain
710.959 -> just over 7 000
713.44 -> spaniards randomly allocated to a
715.279 -> low-fat or a mediterranean diet
718.56 -> and both groups were encouraged to eat
720.64 -> more fruit and veg and cut down on
722.079 -> sugary snacks kind of standard advice
725.2 -> and the low-fat group were encouraged to
726.8 -> eat plenty of bread pasta potatoes keep
729.44 -> oil to a minimum eat low-fat dairy and
732.079 -> lean you know the standard that sounds
734 -> pretty standard isn't it
736 -> the mediterranean diet basically uh
738.24 -> encouraged to eat plenty of eggs
740.079 -> nuts oily fish
742.32 -> add lots of olive oil they were not
743.76 -> calorie controlled in anywhere you know
745.44 -> cook with it glug with it stick it on
746.959 -> your salad do whatever you want with it
748.8 -> they're also encouraged to eat dark
750.48 -> chocolate in the evening not huge
752.32 -> amounts but bits of it and have a glass
754 -> of wine with their evening meal so
756 -> that's kind of what the mediterranean
757.6 -> diet looks like
759.12 -> it looks nice doesn't it
761.12 -> thinking i could handle that
763.839 -> and so what were the results of predimed
766.24 -> well what they found is you were 30 less
768.399 -> likely to die from a heart or a stroke
770.24 -> if you were on the low fat if you were
771.839 -> on the mediterranean than on the low-fat
773.76 -> diet okay
775.519 -> so uh your risk of becoming diabetic was
778.32 -> 50 less if you're on the mediterranean
780.399 -> diet
781.92 -> if you're on the wet mediterranean diet
783.76 -> and you are supplementing with extra
785.12 -> virgin oil you're nearly 70 percent less
787.839 -> likely to develop breast cancer biggest
790 -> result i've ever seen ever anywhere
792.56 -> low fat diet zero effect on breast
794.639 -> cancer and what you can see here is that
796.72 -> there's something about the olive oil
798.8 -> and i think it's something called oleic
800.079 -> acid they're not quite sure they're
801.12 -> doing follow-up studies this was a paper
802.88 -> published about two months ago
804.959 -> because what's happening is the trial
806.32 -> which began in 92 is still running
808.72 -> they're just still getting new
809.92 -> information out of it
811.519 -> and they also did lots of brain tests on
813.92 -> the memory test and they found if you
815.92 -> were on the mediterranean diet
817.839 -> you're much less likely to develop
819.6 -> dementia and also you're much less
821.92 -> likely to have memory problems and all
824.88 -> this stuff and also how to meditate your
826.88 -> diet is in my new book
828.399 -> you know i might as well plug it here
831.44 -> which is the blood sugar diet because i
833.2 -> think mediterranean diet is absolutely
834.88 -> the heart of everything i'm talking
836.32 -> about now
837.76 -> everybody agrees dietitians agree pretty
839.76 -> well everyone agrees they may not wholly
841.68 -> agree about what the mediterranean diet
843.76 -> is
844.8 -> and i'll go on to that but um you can
847.279 -> quite simply make your diet far more
849.519 -> mediterranean if you like but go on
852.16 -> google pretty med and what is fantastic
854.72 -> is they they give you exactly what
856.56 -> happened and it has lots of just other
858.32 -> things like they encourage them to uh
860 -> you know every meal should be eaten in a
862.24 -> chair you know behind the table uh that
864.639 -> never eat a meal standing up never real
867.12 -> eat a meal you can hold in one hand you
868.8 -> know there are certain rules
870.48 -> okay so
871.92 -> the nhs gold blossom
874.32 -> they basically have a section you go to
876.56 -> and it says what is a mediterranean diet
878.639 -> and they describe this this apparently
880.56 -> is a mediterranean diet
882.24 -> if you look at it and read it carefully
883.519 -> it is actually indistinguishable from a
885.04 -> low-fat diet in fact it is a low-fat
887.36 -> diet
888.24 -> there is nothing in there about any of
889.839 -> the constituents of the predimed study
892.24 -> they say the pre-med study is brilliant
894.48 -> they say they describe the details in
896.959 -> great detail and then they produce this
899.199 -> thing which is called eat well plate
900.88 -> which
901.68 -> we talk of as the eat very badly plate
904.88 -> and it is there is a sort of dissonance
907.12 -> there is a complete misconnect between
909.6 -> what the evidence shows and what
911.12 -> government bodies show and if you go and
913.12 -> look at the australian version of this
914.639 -> it's exactly the same
916.24 -> nothing has changed it's like 20 years
918.32 -> of research have come and gone the
920.24 -> pretty med study has come and gone the
922.24 -> women's health initiative i could cite
924.639 -> you another dozen studies and it's like
927.12 -> nothing has changed and i find that
929.12 -> really really odd and if you go to the
932.16 -> diabetes website you get the same sort
934.24 -> of thing low-fat diet
936.24 -> and yet when you talk to them everybody
938.24 -> goes mediterranean diet yeah it's the
939.6 -> way to go we all recognize that blah
940.88 -> blah blah blah blah but that's not what
942.88 -> they say and i found that odd anyway
946.639 -> um i got interested in diabetes and type
949.12 -> 2 diabetes because in 2012 i discovered
951.839 -> i was a type 2 diabetic and
954.959 -> i'd been on low fat diets all sorts of
956.8 -> things none of them ever worked my dad
958.8 -> died of type 2 diabetes related
960.88 -> illnesses so i went to see my gp she
963.759 -> said going low fat diet you know i said
965.92 -> and start on medication i said no thank
967.6 -> you
968.399 -> and i got hold of a whole bunch of our
970.24 -> researchers and they went off and they
971.92 -> found out about intermittent fasting
973.36 -> anyone see this one eat fast live longer
976.16 -> so this was kind of inspired as well
978.399 -> that's my guts well that's a scan that
981.279 -> white stuff is fat because i was what's
983.44 -> called a toffee thin on the outside fat
985.199 -> inside and it's really the fat that's
987.12 -> kind of lining my liver and my pancreas
989.12 -> it's causing the problems
990.8 -> and here's dr chris varidy who's one of
993.12 -> my experts at wency she does um research
995.92 -> into what's called alternate day fasting
998.16 -> where basically you cut your calories
1000 -> every other day by about a quarter so
1002.56 -> that's around five or six hundred
1004 -> calories every other day uh i tried it
1006.8 -> and i found it quite tricky so i went
1009.04 -> for two days a week mondays and
1010.639 -> thursdays and this is my thing a five
1012.639 -> too fast diet 600 calories twice a week
1015.04 -> mondays and thursdays at least in part
1017.44 -> because the prophet muhammed recommended
1019.199 -> mondays and thursdays and i thought i'll
1020.48 -> get muslims to buy my book if nothing
1022 -> else
1024.559 -> i have to say all the great religions
1025.839 -> have advocated fasting um
1028 -> so that was me beforehand
1030 -> i was 85 kilos not hugely of weight body
1032.559 -> fat 28
1033.679 -> and my blood glucose 7.3 which puts me
1036.72 -> in the diabetic range and igf-1 is a
1039.839 -> measure of cancer risk right at the top
1042.559 -> and that's me after about eight to ten
1044.24 -> weeks i've lost nine kilos body fat down
1046.72 -> 21 waist down 32 inches and best of all
1049.44 -> fasting glucose down to 5.4 which is
1051.6 -> normal which is where i've stayed and my
1053.6 -> cancer risk has approximately halved
1056.24 -> so that was four years ago i'm still the
1058 -> same way and my blood glucose same so
1060.96 -> there we go grateful patient grateful
1063.12 -> patient sorry a lady who sent me um
1065.919 -> photos i have a website
1068 -> which is called blood sugar diet.com and
1070.559 -> it's a great sort of community people
1071.84 -> send me stuff i send them stuff recipes
1073.76 -> lots of australians on it do do come and
1075.679 -> join in
1077.12 -> right this was another study
1079.039 -> 115 women
1080.48 -> randomly allocated to either in this
1082.88 -> case a 1500 calorie mediterranean diet
1085.679 -> or the 5 2 method so in a way this is
1088.559 -> mediterranean against mediterranean
1090.96 -> and what they found after four months
1092.799 -> you were twice as likely to be on the
1094.64 -> 5-2 twice as much fat loss
1097.28 -> insulin resistance significantly better
1099.919 -> and inflammatory fat factors also better
1102.559 -> and this is important the last two are
1103.919 -> important because the woman running the
1105.76 -> study dr michelle harvey her interest is
1108.16 -> breast cancer risk and insulin and
1110.48 -> inflammation are both significant
1112.16 -> drivers of breast cancer risk
1115.039 -> so
1116.4 -> try to create some water
1118.24 -> so this is a guy called roy taylor
1120.559 -> and he's kind of if you like hero my
1122.559 -> current book
1125.44 -> because one i'm kind of a bit obsessed
1127.28 -> about at the moment as i said is type 2
1129.039 -> diabetes and also
1131.36 -> insulin resistance
1133.039 -> and
1134 -> high blood sugar levels because around
1137.28 -> depending on what statistics you use but
1139.2 -> around a third to half of the adult
1141.2 -> australian population have uh elevated
1143.919 -> blood sugar levels in either the
1145.44 -> pre-diabetic or the diabetic phase and
1147.76 -> the older you get the more likely you
1149.52 -> are to develop it so a round of 20
1151.919 -> of
1152.799 -> australians over the age of 60 are
1154.32 -> currently diabetic and the figures are
1155.76 -> probably actually bigger than that
1158.16 -> but the official figures underestimate
1161.12 -> okay
1162.4 -> and what he recognized is the problems
1164.96 -> the fat infiltrating the liver and the
1166.48 -> pancreas
1167.679 -> and uh he created this diet 800 calories
1171.039 -> a day for eight to 12 weeks told it will
1172.88 -> never work
1174.16 -> but actually what he's found eight weeks
1176.32 -> average weight loss 15 kilos and if you
1179.28 -> are have been diabetic for less than
1180.64 -> four years you get 87 reversal longer
1183.52 -> than it's 50 but still pretty good
1185.679 -> and uh big changes are in liver fat
1188.32 -> and here's elizabeth before and after
1190.4 -> she was uh type 2 diabetic has gone down
1193.919 -> from size 22 to size 12.
1196.72 -> and this is cassie who's a 26 year old
1199.36 -> she developed diabetes during her first
1201.44 -> pregnancy and she developed polycystic
1204.32 -> ovary syndrome which is very common
1206 -> obviously
1207.36 -> she
1208.16 -> went on 800 calorie diet reversed it and
1210.48 -> i'm glad to say she's now pregnant with
1212.08 -> twins
1213.919 -> and so that's kind of the book and other
1216.32 -> important ingredients which i could talk
1218.24 -> about but i'm kind of running out of
1219.2 -> time i suspect
1220.48 -> exercise which is really about aerobic
1223.039 -> fitness and strength because
1225.039 -> the way i see kind of diet and that sort
1227.28 -> of thing is it's all about the
1228.4 -> combinations and getting combinations
1229.919 -> right and the other is stress reduction
1232.32 -> and there i'm big fan of mindfulness so
1234.64 -> i kind of write about these things but
1235.84 -> also i said um important things to stand
1238.96 -> up about every 20 minutes so i think you
1240.32 -> should all stand up so i've been talking
1242 -> about
1245.28 -> and you can sit down again
1250.32 -> marvelous
1252.159 -> does that feel better does that feel
1253.52 -> better does that feel worse
1257.52 -> because uh
1259.6 -> the chair really is kind of a killer uh
1262.159 -> because we talk about excise but the
1264 -> bare minimum we should do i mean how
1265.6 -> many of you can spend sedentary jobs
1267.679 -> well things where you spend a lot of
1269.12 -> time sitting
1270.48 -> an awful lot of time sitting there's
1272.48 -> been some brilliant studies out of
1273.919 -> australia where they do things like they
1276 -> make people sit down for nine ten hours
1278.4 -> at a time and feed them regular meals
1280.799 -> and then they measure their blood
1281.84 -> glucose levels their fat levels and
1283.44 -> things like that and what happens is
1285.36 -> basically it's you know it's like you
1287.12 -> put stuff in the pipes and it just hangs
1288.799 -> around it sort of sludges everything up
1290.88 -> uh it takes much longer for your body to
1293.12 -> clear
1294.48 -> food uh if you're sitting down but if
1296.799 -> you're kind of standing up and walking
1301.919 -> enzymes called lipoprotein lipase and
1303.919 -> what they do is they kind of just suck
1305.76 -> the fat and sugar out of your blood and
1309.12 -> that's why i'm a big fan of water
1311.52 -> because if nothing else you're going to
1313.2 -> go to lou a lot more
1315.679 -> actually i think water is brilliant
1316.88 -> particularly if you're doing something
1318 -> like any form of um calorie restriction
1320.64 -> diet then it's important to drink lots
1322.559 -> of water because you're going to be
1323.44 -> losing a lot of fluid i mean that's why
1325.44 -> all those sort of
1326.799 -> slightly crazy diets the juicing diets
1329.12 -> basically which claim you can lose you
1330.64 -> know however many pounds it is in seven
1332.08 -> days a lot of it is water and indeed if
1334.32 -> you're doing the sort of you know 800
1336.159 -> calorie diet you're going to see very
1337.6 -> impressive weight loss at the beginning
1338.799 -> but much of it is going to be water so
1340.559 -> you just need to kind of glug it plug a
1342.64 -> lot otherwise you get constipated you
1344.159 -> get headaches you get things like that
1346.159 -> so i'm big fan of water as i said i'm a
1348.08 -> big fan of standing and you don't even
1350.24 -> have to stand for that long in this
1351.6 -> particular study they did in australia
1353.6 -> they only stood for about a minute or so
1355.84 -> there's also standing desks which are
1357.6 -> becoming more fashionable you burn three
1359.52 -> times more calories standing if you
1361.2 -> stand for about three hours a day five
1363.039 -> days a week that's equivalent of about
1364.64 -> 14 marathons a year
1366.4 -> in terms of the amount of stuff you burn
1368.88 -> and then there's kind of walking walking
1370.64 -> jolly good for you
1372.559 -> but ideally you want to kind of put in a
1374.159 -> burst you know if you're going to walk
1375.36 -> it's not just you know like that it's
1376.88 -> basically going to you know
1379.52 -> going backwards it's just kind of being
1381.52 -> a bit active and that again is good it's
1383.76 -> the intermittent nature of the thing and
1386 -> if you're a bit more hardcore anyone see
1388 -> a film i did call the truth about
1389.28 -> exercise
1390.64 -> so this is actually about hit which is
1392.48 -> high intensity training
1394.559 -> and
1395.52 -> this very very short burst but quite
1397.52 -> intense and here's me on an exercise
1399.679 -> bike
1401.12 -> uh this is the inspiration uh behind it
1403.6 -> professor jamie timmons
1405.84 -> and this is my three-minute exercise
1407.76 -> regime it's actually to be honest it's
1409.44 -> five minutes but hey
1411.12 -> uh so i get on next high bike i warm up
1413.6 -> for about a minute maybe less
1415.679 -> then i go like crazy against resistance
1417.84 -> for 20 seconds and it needs to be kind
1420.159 -> of enough so that at the end of 20
1422.48 -> seconds you really don't feel like
1423.76 -> you're going to be able to go much
1424.72 -> further then your heart rate is probably
1427.52 -> up to 160 170 by this point
1430.4 -> you let it drop until it's about 120
1432.88 -> that's normally about a minute
1434.88 -> and then you do it again
1437.679 -> breather
1439.2 -> then you do it again
1441.52 -> then you collapse this is
1443.44 -> it's quite knackering but if i was if
1445.76 -> you're not used to exercise uh then i
1447.919 -> would just do the first one 10 seconds
1450.72 -> but um because it is quite hardcore
1453.12 -> again i can write about it and all the
1454.799 -> kind of science about it and again
1456.159 -> website if you want to find out more but
1458.24 -> this is amazingly effective in a short
1460.32 -> period of time
1461.52 -> i do this about three times a week
1463.919 -> and it increases what's called your
1465.44 -> aerobic fitness your heart and lungs by
1467.2 -> around 10
1468.799 -> which is not what you're going to get
1470.159 -> from jogging i see a lot of people
1471.52 -> jogging and i want to say to them sprint
1473.52 -> because actually jogging is fine jogging
1476.08 -> is not terribly good for actually doing
1478 -> the things you wanted to do and things
1479.679 -> you really want out of exercise there
1481.12 -> are lots of things you get out of
1482.08 -> exercise you know being out in fresh air
1483.6 -> the things you really want to do is you
1484.799 -> want to increase your aerobic fitness
1486.159 -> your heart and lungs and the other thing
1487.52 -> you want to improve is your insulin
1488.88 -> sensitivity
1490.159 -> and neither of these things do you get
1492 -> from low intensity exercise it has to be
1494.159 -> intense
1495.36 -> so
1496.88 -> as i said uh ten
1499.279 -> six weeks of doing it
1501.679 -> uh initially one and then building up
1503.679 -> three times a week and those are the
1505.279 -> sort of um figures you get and also the
1507.6 -> good thing about it is it suppresses
1509.279 -> appetite so again as far as i know it's
1511.36 -> the only form of exercise that has
1512.559 -> actually been shown to be associated in
1514.48 -> the long term with weight loss
1516.72 -> a big study again out of
1518.64 -> melbourne which demonstrated this a
1520.4 -> couple of years ago
1521.919 -> so
1522.64 -> lots of other reasons for doing exercise
1524.32 -> whatever form of exercise you want to do
1526.559 -> but these are if you want health then
1529.039 -> these are kind of the tube drivers
1531.2 -> and then the jolly old strength exercise
1533.36 -> are you familiar with all of these
1535.36 -> you know there are the classic ones
1536.64 -> aren't they so i'm clear do them first
1538.64 -> thing in the morning we roll out bed you
1540 -> have to find the time when you're
1541.52 -> actually going to do them because that's
1543.36 -> the
1544.08 -> any habit you've just got to do it so
1545.76 -> our rule is we you know you know whoa
1547.44 -> that sort of stuff it's actually
1549.279 -> and you do about 30 seconds of them the
1551.84 -> plank you can probably recognize
1554.32 -> their standard exercises just doing them
1557.2 -> but the strength you're using your own
1558.88 -> weight to build up muscle and it is you
1562.08 -> know it is absolutely essential
1563.84 -> particularly as you get older that you
1565.44 -> do this form of exercise and you can do
1567.6 -> it in less than three or four minutes
1569.279 -> honestly a lot of research in this area
1571.36 -> but that's what i would absolutely
1572.48 -> advocate
1574 -> so
1574.72 -> uh and the final thing is mindfulness
1576.4 -> anyone here practice mindfulness
1579.52 -> so
1580.24 -> i had a again a horizon i think which
1581.919 -> went out about a week ago on the abc in
1584.159 -> which starts with me um doing karaoke
1586.24 -> singing very badly i want to see that
1587.6 -> one
1589.2 -> and uh that was really about the kind of
1591.679 -> if you like the pursuit i'm actually
1592.96 -> very high stress individual
1595.679 -> so
1597.12 -> i wanted to find something that would
1598.96 -> help me sleep better and would actually
1600.32 -> kind of calm things down
1602.64 -> and one of the things i discovered there
1604.159 -> was mindfulness and this is kind of an
1606.24 -> ancient uh tibetan and buddhist idea
1609.679 -> and but it's obviously been refined into
1612.64 -> something you can do in 10 minutes
1614.4 -> rather than going off to some you know
1616.24 -> monastery and hanging around for six
1618.08 -> years uh because nobody's going to do
1620.159 -> that
1620.96 -> um so there's kind of apps you can get
1622.64 -> for it but essentially it's just taking
1624.24 -> time out of your day and it is literally
1626.559 -> 10 minutes
1627.76 -> in which you kind of sit
1629.52 -> and you try not to think about all the
1631.039 -> things you normally think about and dash
1632.559 -> around and all that sort of stuff
1634.72 -> there is a
1635.679 -> mindfulness exercise they do with a bit
1637.279 -> of chocolate you put a bit of chocolate
1638.48 -> on your tongue and you try and keep it
1640.08 -> there for 10 minutes
1641.6 -> you just kind of savor it
1643.76 -> and mindfulness is all about trying to
1646 -> get reconnected to your body so there
1648.72 -> are also moments in the day for example
1651.12 -> you know you sit and you look at the
1653.2 -> the sunset the gorgeous sunset over
1655.36 -> sydney harbour and instead of you know
1657.039 -> glugging your
1658.24 -> cappuccino and things like that you just
1659.84 -> sit and you just look at it and you just
1662.64 -> feel the sun on your face you're
1664 -> conscious of the sensations and that's
1666.08 -> kind of what mindfulness is about it's
1668 -> about
1668.88 -> small moments
1670.4 -> i write about it in the book but as i
1671.84 -> said there are some fantastic
1674.24 -> apps out there um and i know one called
1677.2 -> headspace
1678.48 -> the initial app is free the 10 minutes
1680.72 -> and then they obviously sell you
1681.6 -> something else but frankly the ten
1683.2 -> minute one is absolutely fine or you go
1685.6 -> and join a group because i think all
1687.679 -> these things are generally better in
1689.2 -> groups i think you know if you want to
1690.96 -> lose weight join a group if you wanna uh
1693.2 -> that's why i've created online community
1695.76 -> and they are just wonderful but they're
1697.2 -> full of incredible supportive people
1699.52 -> who've kind of been there and they're
1700.88 -> non-judgmental and uh i just find that
1704.399 -> utterly wonderful i must admit the sort
1706 -> of stuff that comes back
1708 -> and that is i guess the joy of writing a
1709.679 -> book but also having a website is the
1711.6 -> two kind of talk to each other and uh
1714.399 -> when you do a book it kind of goes out
1715.919 -> there into the ether and otherwise you
1717.76 -> never really hear very much about how
1719.84 -> people get on but if you have a website
1721.76 -> you know endless information coming back
1723.76 -> and
1724.72 -> hugely conversations anyway so uh that's
1728.399 -> mindfulness
1729.679 -> and oh whoa
1731.039 -> is there anything else maybe that's the
1732.08 -> last one no i'm pressing all button and
1733.679 -> occasionally of course you have to give
1734.799 -> into temptation don't you you have to uh
1737.2 -> i can kind of talk a bit more about it
1738.559 -> but um i'm a chocoholic claire isn't sir
1741.12 -> claire hides all the chocolate in the
1742.96 -> house and my uh daughter has never
1745.279 -> forgiven me for eating her chocolate
1746.559 -> easter egg
1748.24 -> it was that bad so that's kind of um
1750.72 -> that's kind of it for now thank you
1752.9 -> [Applause]
1759.44 -> hey lou thank you hello hello dr bailey
1763.36 -> thank you michael that was really
1764.64 -> interesting so i was going to ask
1765.84 -> michael just a few questions and then
1768.88 -> hand over to you the audience be really
1770.559 -> interested to hear what you'd like to
1772.48 -> ask as well
1773.76 -> um
1774.72 -> so that's
1775.919 -> you know game changing
1778 -> interesting stuff why hasn't it happened
1780.48 -> yet because the evidence has been out
1781.76 -> there for some time i don't know i'm
1783.6 -> genuinely puzzled i mean i don't
1785.279 -> understand why
1787.2 -> i think it will change i think stuff is
1789.039 -> happening under the surface i think
1790.799 -> everybody recognizes things like
1792.799 -> mediterranean diet or an effective way
1794.64 -> to go i mean i'm sort of passionate
1796.72 -> about the studies the science and things
1798.32 -> like that so i'm sort of optimistic that
1801.039 -> slowly things move i mean most of you
1802.399 -> know about mediterranean diet don't you
1804 -> yeah
1804.96 -> do you think you honestly know what is
1806.64 -> in a mediterranean diet though because
1808.559 -> the trouble is most people think pizza
1809.919 -> and pesto and i'm very new
1812.32 -> it's not it's not what it may be what
1814.799 -> the people of the mediterranean eat now
1816.64 -> and that may explain why they've got
1818.48 -> also soaring rates of diabetes but it's
1820.48 -> not what they used to eat and that's i
1823.039 -> guess what's great about studies about
1824.799 -> the predimed study is they really sit
1827.279 -> down in detail and write exactly what
1829.279 -> was in it and what was not in it
1831.6 -> and the other thing was that people were
1834.08 -> twice as likely to stick to the
1835.679 -> mediterranean diet as they were to
1837.52 -> low-fat diet because it's just a lot
1839.279 -> nicer
1840.799 -> another important component is the
1842.64 -> protein because uh i was talking to uh
1845.76 -> prof um yesterday we were sailing in
1848 -> sydney harbour which was absolutely
1849.2 -> lovely and he was saying that one of the
1851.039 -> problems is that the amount of good
1853.6 -> quality protein in the diet is going
1855.52 -> down
1856.48 -> and actually protein is one of the
1857.919 -> signals that keeps you full i'm not a
1859.919 -> fan of paleo but there is something in
1862.48 -> that you know so when you're talking
1863.679 -> about protein you're talking about good
1866.08 -> quality protein which is sort of fish
1868 -> oily fish you can also get very good
1869.84 -> protein in the form obviously of nuts
1871.52 -> vegetarian options and things like that
1873.6 -> but it's about the protein it's about
1875.12 -> vegetables it's about retraining your
1877.36 -> taste and as i said olive oil turns out
1879.679 -> to be the wonder substance and i'm not
1881.76 -> you know i haven't got shares in olive
1882.88 -> oil companies or anything
1884.64 -> but
1885.52 -> i think the science is there it's just
1887.6 -> going to take quite a long time to kind
1889.44 -> of translate
1891.279 -> my chance to ask you about chocolate
1893.6 -> yeah
1894.64 -> yeah i've watched any chocoholics
1897.12 -> yeah yeah
1898.399 -> so you've been good
1899.679 -> good company i've watched michael eating
1901.84 -> chocolate where he kind of looks the
1903.279 -> other direction sort of slips the
1904.799 -> chocolates inside my chocolate eating
1906.24 -> technique i'm not eating no it's not me
1908.32 -> i can't see myself eating it therefore
1909.76 -> it's not happening
1910.96 -> so how do you what is it about chocolate
1913.36 -> it's the combination of the fat and
1914.88 -> sugar that's the thing is it's not just
1916.159 -> sugar is it it's the combination uh
1918.559 -> there was a horizon i don't know if you
1919.84 -> saw it the ventilation brothers fat
1921.279 -> versus sugar and in the end it's coming
1923.12 -> i'm not gonna go and eat a bowl full of
1925.519 -> sugar you know i'm not gonna start
1927.039 -> dipping into that well not unless i'm
1929.519 -> really desperate uh i'm not gonna drink
1931.36 -> a pint of cream but you kind of mix them
1932.88 -> together you whip them up you stick in
1934 -> the freezer and then you can really
1935.2 -> spoon the stuff in can't you it's ice
1936.72 -> cream
1937.519 -> and the same is true of chocolate there
1939.44 -> is something about that wonderful
1941.6 -> manufactured combination and you know
1943.279 -> it's manufactured you know all these
1944.88 -> foods have been carefully created so
1948 -> that you will endlessly eat more and
1949.919 -> more and more of them that's kind of you
1951.44 -> know even the crisp they've worked out
1953.279 -> how the crunch is going to make you eat
1955.919 -> more
1956.72 -> they have really manufactured these
1958.08 -> things to the nth degree so you will not
1960 -> stop
1960.88 -> so the only way i can deal with
1963.2 -> chocolate is by giving it to claire and
1964.96 -> she and she doesn't she really doesn't
1966.799 -> care she can put in the cabin forget
1968.08 -> about it i put in the cabin i just think
1969.76 -> about it
1971.279 -> and so the only way it works in our
1973.12 -> household is we just clear it out the
1975.12 -> breakfast cereals go the chocolate goes
1977.039 -> the sugary sweets go the ice cream goes
1979.6 -> the kids complain like crazy
1981.76 -> but they kind of come to terms with it
1983.84 -> i'm sure they go out and my daughter
1985.6 -> who's 16 kind of loves to taunt us by
1987.76 -> bringing up mars bars and things and
1989.279 -> going you know
1990.64 -> in the way that 60 year olds do but she
1992.399 -> could kind of she can live with it she's
1994.24 -> you know got the metabolism for it but
1996 -> uh i think the willpower is grossly
1997.919 -> overrated i think it's about creating
1999.84 -> the physical environment uh in which you
2002.08 -> are not going to be tempted
2003.76 -> there was that interesting research
2004.96 -> about cereal packets that yeah they did
2007.2 -> something in cornell university where
2008.96 -> they went around and they photographed
2010.799 -> uh you know several hundred households
2013.039 -> and they found that if there was cereal
2014.48 -> on the surface as opposed to fruit then
2016.399 -> on average people were four kilos
2017.84 -> heavier
2019.279 -> it's all about the stuff you see and if
2020.88 -> you think the cereal is good for you
2022 -> then you also believe in santa claus
2025.2 -> except i guess some cereals bet another
2026.72 -> porridge is good for you but mostly
2027.84 -> others frankly you know you look at the
2029.519 -> sugar you know what's in them
2031.44 -> what about a few more myths
2033.679 -> things like um dietitians have spoken to
2036.32 -> me and said oh what about starvation
2038.159 -> mode
2039.12 -> if you're doing fasting
2040.88 -> i i must me i i do sometimes find myself
2043.44 -> throwing things at on the radio because
2045.36 -> the great thing about dietitians like
2046.799 -> doctors is that many of them are well
2049.2 -> out of date uh with what the actual
2051.919 -> science says so they're quite happy to
2053.839 -> condemn all sorts of things without
2055.359 -> actually knowing anything about it
2057.04 -> so for a long time obviously eggs were
2058.8 -> demonized saturated fats demonized you
2061.2 -> know not all saturated fat is lightly
2063.119 -> good dairy i think broadly is in the
2064.72 -> okay category clearly meat pies are not
2067.119 -> you know i'm not advocating you go and
2069.2 -> stuff yourself full of saturated fat
2070.639 -> after this but dairy products on the
2072.079 -> whole are quite healthy
2073.52 -> but one of the other great myths is the
2075.28 -> idea of starvation mode you familiar
2077.359 -> starvation mode basically when you stop
2079.44 -> eating your body your metabolism slows
2081.28 -> down so people come and talk about that
2083.359 -> whenever i talk about 5 2 dieting they
2085.52 -> go you know starvation mode actually uh
2088.159 -> the studies have shown they got 20
2090.079 -> volunteers stuck them in the metabolic
2091.52 -> chamber so they could measure their
2092.96 -> metabolism uh put them on a low carb a
2095.839 -> low calorie diet for seven days and
2098.4 -> their metabolic rate went up
2100.32 -> because what happens uh you know for an
2102.24 -> evolutionary perspective is if you're in
2104.32 -> a cave there's no food around then
2106.32 -> you've got to get up you've got to be
2107.359 -> active you've got to go out there you've
2108.72 -> got to be clever you've got to seek food
2110.56 -> and it's only when you have been without
2112.32 -> food for months on end when your body
2115.2 -> fat sinks to about eight to ten percent
2117.2 -> then your body basically goes there's
2118.8 -> obviously no food around we are in a
2120.32 -> starvation situation i will go into
2122.4 -> starvation mode
2123.76 -> it happens uh after substantial
2126.32 -> substantial uh fat loss uh obviously
2129.92 -> also when you lose weight your your
2131.359 -> metabolic rate will slow down simply
2133.359 -> because you are no longer carrying the
2134.96 -> equivalent of say a heavy you know heavy
2136.8 -> suitcase around with you all the time
2138.8 -> but starvation mode isn't utter myth
2142.64 -> i understand countdown to life went out
2145.599 -> recently is that right and once it come
2147.359 -> down to life abc it was basically a
2149.599 -> series about
2151.52 -> it was about um
2153.76 -> uh basically life in the womb and what
2155.76 -> happens after nine months and one of the
2158 -> things that was really striking to me
2160.96 -> was we went out to the gambia
2164 -> and looked a really interesting study
2166.24 -> there
2167.28 -> which was the impact of nutrition in the
2170.4 -> first few days of conception
2172.72 -> and they had two groups because in the
2174.64 -> gambia there's a wet season and a dry
2176.32 -> season and during the wet season there's
2178.72 -> lots of leafy green veg around and
2181.04 -> during the dry season there's actually
2182.64 -> more calories mainly starchy
2185.599 -> yams and kind of grains and things like
2188 -> that and they've been running a study
2189.92 -> there for 70 years now looking at what
2192.32 -> is the difference if you are conceived
2194.24 -> in the wet season or conceived during
2196.16 -> the drying season it's a fascinating
2198 -> study and what they found is that if you
2200.96 -> are conceived in the wet season when
2202.56 -> your mother has access to plenty of
2204 -> green leafy vegetables you live on
2205.92 -> average 10 years longer than if you are
2207.92 -> conceived in the dry season
2209.839 -> it makes that much difference and they
2211.2 -> manage to detect the change
2213.119 -> what happens is certain genes that are
2214.8 -> associated with your ability to deal
2216.64 -> with cancer and also your ability to
2218.72 -> fight infection are either switched on
2221.119 -> or off in the first hours of conception
2224.079 -> egg meat sperm all of this stuff starts
2226 -> to happen and it plays out over the next
2228.16 -> 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years
2230.56 -> decade and the other thing we know which
2232.72 -> is i have to say truly terrifying and
2234.64 -> again why bang on about blood sugars is
2237.2 -> that the blood sugar levels of a mother
2239.92 -> will predict the weight of the child
2242.88 -> at birth at three years six years nine
2245.68 -> years 21 years
2247.599 -> the high blood sugar levels in pregnancy
2250.8 -> are very negatively correlated with the
2252.56 -> health of the child later in life so
2254.24 -> what we have done and by we i mean the
2255.76 -> americans is that we have transformed
2259.119 -> we have transformed the health of the
2260.48 -> world in a very very bad way so that in
2262.96 -> countries like uh vietnam now uh
2266.88 -> rates um amputation i was told by a
2268.88 -> vietnamese doctor they're now cutting
2270.56 -> off more legs uh than during the height
2272.72 -> of the vietnam war because of type 2
2274.56 -> diabetes it's gone up from one percent
2276.56 -> to 10 percent and in places in the
2278.32 -> pacific islands is much much worse and
2281.2 -> the trouble is what we've done is we've
2282.64 -> introduced them to this dreadful
2283.92 -> dreadful diet
2285.599 -> around they're glugging back coca-cola
2287.359 -> they're glugging back you know they're
2289.04 -> eating all the sugary carbi rubbish
2290.48 -> they're eating sort of tinned spam uh
2292.72 -> they're eating all the things that they
2294.56 -> think is healthy or at least they like
2296.48 -> it's kind of tasty it's an introduction
2298.48 -> and the problem is it's not only sort of
2300.16 -> messy up this generation it's messing up
2302 -> the next generation as well
2303.76 -> we're laying a you know it's a
2305.2 -> catastrophe uh the problems of obesity
2307.2 -> are now bigger than those of uh
2309.44 -> uh than those of undernourishment
2311.119 -> worldwide uh china china an absolute
2314.24 -> disaster unless of course you're a drug
2315.599 -> company in which case hey it's fantastic
2317.599 -> we've got 100 million diabetics whoa
2319.92 -> you know we're going to be selling lots
2321.04 -> and lots and lots of drugs
2323.04 -> so i guess why i bang on about it
2324.88 -> because i think it's hugely important
2326.16 -> and i think there is still an
2327.52 -> opportunity to change i think it's a
2329.68 -> diminishing opportunity but i do think
2332 -> as i said the people who have been
2333.839 -> flogging us this rubbish for a long time
2336.32 -> are kind of beginning to recognize
2337.52 -> rather like the tobacco companies
2339.2 -> they're in denial they're going to fund
2340.88 -> a lot of research which will tell you
2342.16 -> that sugary crap is actually quite good
2343.52 -> for you um but at some point and the
2346.16 -> message will get through and at some
2347.44 -> point governments will actually spring
2349.2 -> into action and then they'll just move
2350.88 -> on to asia africa and places like that
2353.599 -> and that i wish i could be more
2354.96 -> optimistic this doesn't sound very happy
2356.16 -> does it but uh that's kind of why i bang
2358.4 -> on about it anyway
2360.32 -> being more optimistic cassie's story is
2363.28 -> a really lovely story because it does
2365.28 -> illustrate the fact that she managed to
2367.04 -> come off her medication within a couple
2368.72 -> of weeks
2369.839 -> including the insulin having had
2371.839 -> gestational diabetes
2374.16 -> and
2375.04 -> the dropping her sugar levels and
2376.72 -> improving her diet seemed to reverse her
2378.96 -> pcos
2380.24 -> and she has since remained
2383.119 -> uh with her current pregnancy with twins
2385.44 -> as uh hasn't had gestational diabetes
2387.599 -> which claire's kind of been looking
2388.72 -> after her but she contacted us
2390.4 -> extraordinary and i said look honestly
2392.64 -> you're better off claire is a better
2394.72 -> doctor than i am and she kind of deals
2396.8 -> with patients more of the time whereas
2398.24 -> i'm kind of more hey telly
2402.48 -> so claire has really been dealing with
2404.079 -> cassie and
2405.119 -> cassie's responded fantastically well
2406.72 -> but she wasn't insulin dependent
2408.079 -> diabetic
2409.119 -> and fortunately she had a very
2410.48 -> understanding endocrinologist so that
2412.64 -> yeah that's the good news the good news
2413.92 -> is that it is possible to reverse it
2416.079 -> that if you have pcos if you have type 2
2419.28 -> diabetes if you simply have elevated
2421.359 -> blood sugar levels then you can reverse
2423.44 -> it you can as long as you lose the
2425.28 -> abdominal fat now you can lose the
2427.28 -> abdominal the good news is the abdominal
2429.2 -> fat is the first fat to go if you kind
2431.68 -> of go on a low calorie diet or you
2434.4 -> combine it with exercise and i guess
2435.92 -> that's what the book is about so as i
2437.52 -> said 800 calories for eight weeks now
2439.52 -> some people cannot will find that tough
2441.359 -> though oddly enough a lot of people find
2443.52 -> within about a week or so it gets better
2445.119 -> this is based on not something i wrote
2447.04 -> on the back of the conflict packet but
2448.88 -> it's based on the studies of professor
2450.56 -> roy taylor who is one of the uk's and
2453.04 -> europe's most eminent diabetes
2455.359 -> specialist and another good thing is
2457.04 -> that
2457.839 -> when patients come and wave the book at
2460 -> their endocrinologist they go most of
2461.92 -> them know roy taylor so instead of going
2463.92 -> what is this garbage who is this looney
2465.839 -> michael mosley they do at least go i
2467.52 -> don't care he's reputable um so i guess
2470.48 -> that's the good news now i'm another
2472.16 -> reason i'm banging about it and the
2473.599 -> thing is if you are pre-diabetic which
2475.52 -> basically means your blood glucose
2476.72 -> levels are raised but you're not yet
2479.119 -> diabetic uh if you can lose 10 percent
2482 -> of your body weight
2483.28 -> then you cut the risk of developing type
2485.2 -> 2 diabetes by 90
2487.359 -> that means
2488.24 -> and the problem at the moment certainly
2489.599 -> in the uk is it once you go over the
2491.44 -> threshold you become a type 2 diabetic
2493.68 -> in theory you are offered advice dietary
2496.319 -> advice and exercise which broadly
2498.16 -> consists of eat less
2500.64 -> run more
2502.079 -> next please and then you put on
2503.839 -> medication and in claire's practice for
2506 -> example
2507.28 -> that particular area you are as a gp you
2510.24 -> are paid to put people on medication you
2512 -> are not paid to help them lose weight
2514.319 -> so uh
2515.76 -> as i said doctors get no training
2517.44 -> nutrition uh when i was in medical
2519.2 -> school we learned nothing
2520.88 -> learned anything no our son is medical
2523.04 -> school he's learning nothing i was
2524.72 -> talking to a australian doctor the other
2526.48 -> day and he said he had to look up the
2528.079 -> word carbohydrate when he read my books
2529.52 -> he realized he didn't even know what
2530.48 -> carbohydrate was
2532.48 -> um so
2533.68 -> and yet it does not stop you know
2535.28 -> doctors administering advice
2537.76 -> despite the fact they've had no training
2539.2 -> in it they almost certainly haven't read
2541.2 -> any of the latest literature
2542.88 -> and i think that should change as well
2544.88 -> who here thinks that doctors really want
2546.4 -> to have some training in nutrition
2549.68 -> i don't find that astonishing
2551.52 -> basically you learn about exotica so you
2553.599 -> learn about kwashiorkor you learn about
2555.28 -> some new male nutrition diseases but you
2557.839 -> don't learn anything about what happens
2559.52 -> if you've got a patient in front of you
2560.56 -> who's overweight and wants your advice
2562.56 -> it's probably just well because they did
2563.839 -> a survey recently of american
2565.04 -> cardiologists and they offered three
2567.28 -> minutes of advice and in that three
2568.48 -> minutes they got five facts wrong
2570.8 -> so maybe it's just as well you don't get
2572.24 -> the advice
2574.48 -> we'd like to have some questions from
2576.24 -> the audience and just wonder if
2578.72 -> if
2579.52 -> you could come down there's going to be
2580.8 -> two micros and one down on the right
2582.96 -> side and one on the other side and just
2585.44 -> while you're coming down i'm just going
2586.72 -> to ask my one more question
2588.96 -> about artificial sweeteners artificial
2591.119 -> sweeteners yeah sugars i've tried every
2594.079 -> artificial sweetener there is i must
2595.76 -> admit uh anyone got anyone tried stevia
2598.56 -> i'm sort of me
2600.079 -> uh anything else you know spartamate all
2602.079 -> those
2603.92 -> uh i've never quite i've tried them all
2606.24 -> and uh stevie is sort of okay in fruit
2610.24 -> things the only thing slight problem is
2612.88 -> there was a study recently
2614.56 -> which they fed uh artificial sweeteners
2617.28 -> to people uh
2618.839 -> who uh
2619.839 -> don't normally eat them and in about
2621.68 -> half the case what happens with an
2623.359 -> artificial sweetener it kind of
2624.56 -> obviously goes you know down there isn't
2626.48 -> absorbed but it is absorbed and attacked
2629.92 -> by the gut bacteria and unfortunately
2632 -> it's the gut bacteria that are not
2633.52 -> terribly good for you that really enjoy
2635.44 -> artificial sweeteners so what they found
2638.24 -> is that around half the people they fed
2640.48 -> artificial sweeteners to it induced a
2642.56 -> generalized inflammation in the gut
2645.359 -> and a change in the microbiome and
2647.44 -> nobody kind of knows what that means but
2649.44 -> i'm guessing it doesn't mean anything
2650.8 -> good
2652.48 -> so i think broadly if you can kind of
2654.079 -> reduce your reliance on sweet things
2656.319 -> that's got to be a kind of good thing
2657.839 -> and personally i kind of go for fizzy
2659.76 -> drinks with a bit of you know i quite
2661.119 -> like fizziness if nothing else with a
2662.96 -> bit of lemon or lime whatever and also
2665.119 -> it's all about retraining the taste buds
2666.72 -> i have to find i have to say in
2668.16 -> australia
2669.2 -> i had a croissant i confess i had a
2670.64 -> question this morning it was
2671.839 -> unbelievably sweet i don't if you have
2673.359 -> higher sugar levels than we do but it
2675.28 -> was nauseatingly sweet
2677.68 -> bang on about that sorry but the rest of
2679.119 -> the food we've had in australia has been
2680.48 -> absolutely yes it really has
2683.68 -> a diplomatic
2687.119 -> should we shall we move on to the
2688.64 -> questions ladies if you could if you
2690.72 -> could keep questions fairly brief
2692.88 -> because there's quite a few people like
2694.319 -> that's the lady down here um i had a
2696.4 -> cancer diagnosis last year
2698.88 -> and
2699.76 -> i asked my doctors what i should be
2701.44 -> eating and they say eat lots of fruit
2703.92 -> eat lots of veg and adequate protein as
2706.72 -> soon as you go anywhere near the net
2708 -> there's lots of talk about alkaline
2709.92 -> diets let's talk about reducing your
2712.16 -> sugar as much as you can cutting dairy
2714.72 -> and cutting mate often as well i'm
2716.88 -> interested in your point of view on all
2718.56 -> this um i think that um
2721.44 -> can i ask you what sort of cancer was it
2722.8 -> apparently too much masturbation it was
2724.88 -> um
2725.12 -> [Laughter]
2727.839 -> no
2728.48 -> not not not not breast cancer it was
2730.16 -> uterine cancer okay that's bad luck yeah
2732.72 -> um so
2734.16 -> it's really really complicated uh is the
2736.16 -> honest answer to it that um
2738.64 -> the link between diet and
2741.359 -> cancer is very hard to grasp and as i
2744.48 -> said there is a strong evidence that
2746.8 -> insulin is a driver yeah uh there is you
2749.839 -> know clearly uh cutting sugar would
2752.16 -> probably be a good idea dairy i don't
2754.88 -> know the data on uh
2757.44 -> i think that
2758.8 -> um there is some evidence
2760.96 -> but this is more uh if you are going
2763.2 -> through chemotherapy or radiotherapy
2765.2 -> that if you fast the day of the day
2767.599 -> before and the day after because what
2769.04 -> happens is that when you go into the
2770.8 -> fasted state
2772.48 -> your your cancer cells continue to you
2775.44 -> know multiply very rapidly but the rest
2777.359 -> of your cells multiply less and so if
2779.52 -> you're taking chemotherapy which
2781.68 -> destroys rapidly dividing cells then
2784.319 -> there are some big studies around which
2786.16 -> appear to demonstrate at least you know
2787.76 -> in the short term that people tolerate
2789.839 -> chemo better uh if they have fasted
2792.88 -> before after enduring uh do you know
2795.28 -> anything about
2796.56 -> i i mean i think it's early days in that
2798.96 -> but it it seems that people then do
2801.28 -> tolerate higher doses which is but
2803.2 -> general advice
2804.8 -> about cancer yeah i mean
2806.88 -> alkaline diets um is a relatively
2810.72 -> new area and i'm not sure how much
2812.64 -> research there would be in that but i
2814.24 -> wouldn't discount it but i think
2816.16 -> generally to eat as healthier diet as
2818.079 -> possible is wise
2820.16 -> onion style diet you know i don't think
2821.68 -> so
2822.319 -> and mediterranean style again there's
2824.72 -> some good evidence certainly in animals
2826.72 -> uh that it's a healthy way um again a
2829.68 -> good way again in animals in animals and
2831.68 -> animals and animals but in animals they
2833.28 -> showed that intermittent fasting and
2835.119 -> fasting in particular
2836.56 -> was a powerful way of destroying cancer
2838.88 -> cells but i wouldn't promise you that
2841.04 -> because the human studies have not
2842.48 -> really been done
2843.68 -> but very best of luck thank you thank
2845.28 -> you very much thank you thank you should
2847.359 -> we go to the site
2849.119 -> i just want to say that you are one of
2850.8 -> one of my absolute heroes yourself and
2852.72 -> dr ramjan chatterjee oh yesterday
2856.16 -> i actually studied nutrition i'm
2857.359 -> studying nutritional medicine at the
2858.48 -> moment as well
2859.76 -> just because i am completely
2861.44 -> disillusioned with mainstream nutrition
2863.76 -> and what you showed up there you know
2865.52 -> with the australian food plate and the
2868 -> emphasis on low fat and high sugar
2870.88 -> is completely something that i believe
2872.72 -> in
2873.359 -> i
2874.319 -> um intimately fast on your advice
2877.76 -> my question is i have a father who has
2879.92 -> been diabetic since he was in his 30s
2882.88 -> and i have a mother who's a nurse who
2884.48 -> feeds him cars
2886.319 -> she cooks though so he doesn't have rent
2888.319 -> and be healthy but he still eats rice
2890.16 -> and he loves bread yeah so here i am
2893.52 -> obviously trying to reduce the amount of
2896.319 -> carbs refined carbs that he eats and
2898.24 -> really focus on the other side i have a
2900.48 -> sister who's a doctor who's in my ear
2902.8 -> basically saying mom has looked after
2904.559 -> our dad for this many years i should
2906.72 -> butt out
2907.839 -> i've bought your book i think
2910.079 -> you writing that book is going to be a
2911.68 -> game changer but my question is for
2914.48 -> someone who is in his eighties who's
2916.079 -> been diabetic since he was in his
2917.44 -> thirties is it really possible to
2919.76 -> reverse that i think it's unlikely frank
2922.319 -> at this point i think he could get other
2924.16 -> benefits i don't know if he's got a pool
2925.839 -> does have the time
2927.359 -> so i think um you know if he's probably
2929.44 -> on uh blood pressure pills he's probably
2931.52 -> on cholesterol
2932.64 -> he's on insulin he's probably on
2933.92 -> everything uh that it will help reduce i
2936.8 -> mean he's 80 you don't want to push him
2938.64 -> frankly if he doesn't want to do it
2940.48 -> you know he's done well yeah but if he
2942.559 -> does want to do it and he wants to give
2943.92 -> it a bit of a go
2945.839 -> he may well find that he gets
2947.119 -> improvement from it and that's all i
2948.96 -> would do i'd go gently with him i
2950.4 -> wouldn't kind of put him on an 800
2952.319 -> calorie diet i would kind of no i would
2954.88 -> go
2958.559 -> there's a gp
2960 -> in the north of england i've been
2961.2 -> talking toward david amwin and he's just
2963.44 -> been introducing this to his patients
2965.2 -> and he's already saved 50 000 on his
2967.76 -> drug budget on his diabetes drug budget
2969.839 -> just by doing a few very gentle things
2971.76 -> as a doctor thank god for you because
2974 -> it's because of you that other doctors
2975.599 -> doctors are actually taking notes so
2977.28 -> thank you thank you the other thing he
2978.88 -> could do is do some carb swaps so
2980.88 -> instead of potatoes have cauliflower
2983.68 -> cauliflower
2984.96 -> yes spiralizing with paralyzes yeah yes
2988.72 -> a bread is a hard one
2990.559 -> rye bread is probably his best bet
2992.72 -> really dense unfortunately most brown
2994.24 -> bread is just white bread dyed and then
2996.079 -> they add extra sugar to it i mean really
2999.04 -> they are so naughty those manufacturers
3001.68 -> they're naughty lady over here uh thank
3004.24 -> you um we've got a an argument in our
3007.52 -> house at the moment um
3009.52 -> between olive oil and coconut oil
3012.64 -> a lot of
3013.68 -> young people if you go into any health
3015.68 -> food place it's just all about coconut
3018.559 -> oil and i've been lectured by several of
3021.2 -> my daughters about i shouldn't be eating
3023.839 -> olive oil i should be having everything
3026 -> as coconut oil and i was just wondering
3028.079 -> of yours i'll just show you the studies
3030.079 -> say to them where are the studies that
3031.68 -> have there's a lot of it on the internet
3033.28 -> actually okay no i mean proper
3035.119 -> randomized
3037.52 -> i don't mean bollock studies you know
3039.359 -> the thought things you read on the
3040.4 -> internet get them to show them all well
3042 -> if you want if they find them do send
3043.599 -> them to me because i've been having a
3044.8 -> look and haven't found them it may be
3046.48 -> that coconut oil will turn out to be
3047.839 -> marvelous but if you look at the
3049.359 -> populations like sri lanka where they
3051.04 -> consume a lot of coconut oil they have
3053.68 -> high rates of obesity and very high
3055.2 -> rates of diabetes they also consume a
3056.96 -> lot of rice they also consume more oils
3058.48 -> that's confounding but no uh get them to
3061.599 -> you know if nothing else would
3063.04 -> incentivize them to do a bit of science
3065.68 -> a randomized controlled trial that's
3067.359 -> what i want to see
3071.28 -> and not one that is funded by the
3073.2 -> coconut oil manufacturer
3076.88 -> thank you ladies um you talked about
3079.52 -> today having good protein in the diet
3082.72 -> i've often thought about going on a
3084.16 -> vegetarian diet but not being convinced
3086.319 -> that it's as healthy as having meat or
3088.079 -> fish in the diet i was wondering what
3090.4 -> the current research was in terms of
3092.48 -> that if a
3093.92 -> vegetarian diet can be as healthy as
3095.76 -> having fish and meat in the diet
3097.92 -> i think so depending obviously what you
3099.599 -> have for the vegetarian diet because
3101.04 -> again i think the rice cakes of the
3103.119 -> devil they're kind of thrown out there
3104.72 -> is something that's terribly healthy but
3105.839 -> actually they're just sugary sort of
3107.359 -> ricey things yeah
3108.72 -> anyway so yeah i mean unfortunately i
3110.88 -> don't know enough about you know
3113.2 -> vegetarian things
3115.2 -> but without a doubt you can get tofu is
3117.76 -> good stuff curd is good uh the
3121.92 -> you know to be honest
3123.599 -> if you could be a pescetarian is that
3125.52 -> the right word anyway fish is obviously
3128 -> easier and way of getting good proteins
3130.16 -> it could be a shift the alternative is
3131.76 -> you could do a sort of five to
3132.96 -> vegetarian thing where you basically eat
3135.28 -> meat five days and two days a week
3137.119 -> you're a vegetarian because there are
3139.04 -> lots of kind of moral and ethical
3140.8 -> reasons for being a vegetarian uh i'm at
3143.68 -> the moment unconvinced by the data which
3145.52 -> says being vegetarian is heavier
3147.04 -> healthier than meat eater unless you
3148.559 -> live in america because in america the
3151.119 -> way the cattle is reared is full of
3152.72 -> growth hormone is pumped full of the
3154.88 -> most amazing rubbish
3156.88 -> and a lot of the studies which suggest
3158.88 -> that red meat eating is bad for you are
3160.64 -> based on american studies whereas the
3162.4 -> european studies have broadly suggested
3164.72 -> meeting at least in moderate quantities
3166.8 -> is fine and by moderate i mean a piece
3168.96 -> of meat which is like the size of your
3170.48 -> palm not like the size of two of my
3172.24 -> hands you know
3173.44 -> you're talking
3174.72 -> four ounces and i can't even translate
3176.48 -> that but yeah i mean
3179.599 -> i wish i knew more about it and i vowed
3181.839 -> to go away and learn more about it you
3184 -> no i think it's a reasonable answer but
3185.68 -> i think it's an interesting approach try
3186.88 -> a couple of days a week and kind of
3188.4 -> shift yourself gradually thank you and
3190.48 -> there is quite a lot of evidence again
3192 -> that vegetarian type proteins can be
3194.079 -> healthier for you there's a guy called
3195.04 -> volt longo who bangs on about this in my
3196.8 -> ear every so often uh yeah thank you
3199.44 -> thank you we go with the ladies hello i
3201.839 -> wonder if you'd mind updating us on what
3204.4 -> the latest science tells us about the
3206.8 -> link between
3208.64 -> diabetes ovarian and breast cancer and
3210.96 -> the length of lactation okay
3213.44 -> so i'm not very familiar with lactation
3215.76 -> i must admit i'm afraid uh do you know
3217.359 -> anything
3218.319 -> i know essentially the links are broadly
3221.44 -> uh that central obesity tends to drive
3224.4 -> increased insulin levels
3226.24 -> so what happens is the the fat kind of
3228.72 -> permeates your muscles and then if you
3230.72 -> particularly if you have a kind of
3232.4 -> unhealthy carbohydrate diet which means
3234.16 -> lots of physi you know sort of stuff
3235.92 -> then elevated insulin is a driver for
3238.319 -> breast cancer it is also a driver for
3240.48 -> obesity and for diabetes so in the sense
3243.359 -> insulin is the kind of central mechanism
3245.68 -> for all of this uh
3248.24 -> can you lactation
3250.4 -> do do you have some
3253.04 -> information about the link with the like
3254.16 -> lactate the only thing
3255.92 -> there's fairly evidence of strong
3258 -> evidence that the more women breastfeed
3260.72 -> in the length of time the less they're
3263.68 -> they're likely to get insulin
3265.68 -> independent diabetes
3267.44 -> protective effect of breastfeeding yes
3270.079 -> for the child or the mother yes
3272.4 -> uh the mother okay okay
3274.88 -> there is some very interesting research
3276.48 -> on the gut biome
3278.48 -> and that one certainly suggests that uh
3280.96 -> breastfeeding is it produces a much
3283.52 -> healthier mix of bacteria in the gut yes
3286.4 -> yes that's
3287.599 -> to lead to
3288.8 -> less problems with weight gain and
3290.319 -> diabetes later in life but i'll have a
3293.28 -> look at it
3295.68 -> against breast cancer yeah there's
3297.359 -> certainly evidence there and i was just
3298.96 -> wondering
3300 -> how current it was
3302 -> because it is supposed to be strong
3303.44 -> evidence but whether it's still
3306 -> you know breastfeeding is a bloody
3307.2 -> wonderful thing so yeah
3309.839 -> thank you
3311.44 -> thank you
3312.4 -> hi there in terms of the five to a
3314.079 -> mediterranean diet um what's your
3315.76 -> thoughts on natural sugars such as
3317.52 -> fructose and also salt okay so um table
3321.04 -> sugar consists of 50 fructose uh 50
3325.119 -> glucose
3326.24 -> so um if you have something like agave
3329.44 -> syrup it is 65 fructose 35
3333.2 -> glucose if you actually look at its
3335.04 -> breakdown in the body agave sleep is
3337.2 -> arguably worse for you than table sugar
3339.359 -> because it actually has the problem with
3341.04 -> fructose
3342.16 -> is that most other forms of sugar that
3344.8 -> you absorb the sugar you get for example
3347.52 -> galactose and things you get in dairy
3350.319 -> can be broken down by other parts of the
3351.92 -> body uh only your liver can break down
3355.04 -> fructose so what happens is you have
3357.28 -> your fructose in the form of your agave
3359.52 -> or table sugar or whatever it might be
3362.16 -> and it goes to the liver
3363.839 -> now if you have only a small amount your
3366.559 -> liver is fine it processes it if it is
3369.359 -> swamped
3370.48 -> because it's just had a massive great
3372.4 -> knocking back of fizzy drink then what
3374.88 -> happens is it lays it down as fat and so
3377.359 -> your liver becomes fatter and fatter and
3379.359 -> fatter so sugar is converted to fat in
3382.24 -> your liver and this will happen for
3384.24 -> sucrose for glucose for whatever you
3386.96 -> call it but it seems to be particularly
3389.04 -> bad for fructose and fructose seems to
3391.359 -> produce more inflammation in the process
3393.04 -> and unfortunately you also get fructose
3394.559 -> in fruit juice so the orange juice you
3396.64 -> have has plenty of fructose in it uh an
3398.96 -> orange has it but you're not going to
3400.96 -> eat that many oranges because to get
3402.559 -> that glass of orange juice you'd have to
3403.92 -> very it would be good exercise if
3405.44 -> nothing else no one is going to eat
3406.799 -> eight oranges they're just not going to
3408.24 -> do it plus you get fiber and the result
3410.64 -> is the reason for eating fruit whole is
3413.28 -> the fiber slows down the absorption of
3416 -> glucose the absorption of fructose so
3418.24 -> your body just doesn't have the same job
3420.72 -> to deal with and that's why i really
3422.96 -> don't like juicing you know i just think
3425.839 -> it's much better to eat the whole thing
3428.559 -> and that's also why we kind of banned
3430.88 -> our kids i mean they ignore us obviously
3432.48 -> these days but we banned our kids from
3434.319 -> fruit juice from fizzy drinks and all
3435.839 -> those sort of things
3437.76 -> thank you i'm just aware we're running
3439.04 -> out of time a couple of minutes left one
3440.799 -> more question and just before that is to
3442.88 -> say that mike will be doing a book
3445.04 -> signing in the foyer if anyone's
3447.04 -> interested
3448.16 -> um and thank you for the fascinating
3450 -> questions so far i'll just
3451.92 -> finish it later i'll be really quick so
3453.839 -> i've got four daughters uh 6 10
3456.559 -> 13 and
3457.92 -> 15 and i'm
3459.44 -> wondering is there a strategy for
3461.2 -> introducing the 5-2 diet and what what
3464.16 -> age do you suggest okay
3467.44 -> in terms of 5-2 diet certainly not while
3469.839 -> they're growing and
3471.76 -> because partly because we have no
3473.2 -> evidence for use there was that people
3475.76 -> have said oh will it make them more
3477.28 -> likely to have develop anorexia or
3479.28 -> eating disorders and there was never
3481.599 -> we've never seen any evidence of that
3483.76 -> but we're very sort of cautious
3486.559 -> about
3487.599 -> going there
3488.64 -> um
3489.52 -> the mediterranean if they're not
3490.88 -> overweight
3492.079 -> i wouldn't necessarily recommend it the
3493.44 -> 5-2 diet is best for people who kind of
3494.88 -> want to lose a bit of weight it's also
3496.4 -> quite good as a maintenance thing 6-1
3498.24 -> but broadly i would go for a more
3500.079 -> mediterranean style yeah but i worry
3502.24 -> about what you said before that you were
3503.44 -> skinny on the outside but not healthy on
3505.119 -> the inside the waist measurement is
3506.559 -> probably the most critical thing
3509.119 -> unless you're going to stick them
3510 -> through a dexa scan which again you know
3511.839 -> unless there's reason to do so i
3513.119 -> wouldn't um
3518.72 -> something that's worth exploring because
3520.48 -> clearly there is a huge problem with
3522.72 -> childhood obesity at the moment and
3524.799 -> there's some there's an excellent guy
3526.16 -> called ludwig who writes about this he's
3527.839 -> a boston and he basically has been
3530.079 -> banging on about fructose and all those
3532.64 -> things and he he's i can't even remember
3534.72 -> his name brought but ludwig and lustig
3537.599 -> is also another great one on sugar
3539.76 -> but broadly you know i'm very cautious
3541.92 -> about dealing with one thing you can do
3544.16 -> those is is by that age you can you can
3546.799 -> encourage them not to snack
3549.2 -> because and if they do snack really on
3551.359 -> only healthy stuff because snacking was
3553.2 -> kind of invented by the snacking
3555.04 -> industry
3556.16 -> and you know people just don't need to i
3559.04 -> mean unless they're doing massive amount
3560.319 -> of exercise okay thank you thank you
3568.06 -> [Music]
3575.2 -> you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d-LMzIlr5I