St. Louis Mock Stroke Drill

St. Louis Mock Stroke Drill

St. Louis Mock Stroke Drill

The American Heart/American Stroke Association conducted a mock stroke drill designed to test and improve the public’s knowledge for responding to the nation’s No. 5 cause of death. The drill demonstrated that time is critical when someone is having a stroke and that activating the emergency medical system immediately results in quicker, better care. When it comes to stroke, the speed of the response may make the difference between full recovery and permanent disability or death. The system hinges on the public knowing the acronym F.A.S.T. for stroke. If you see sudden Face drooping, Arm weakness, or Speech difficulty, it’s time to call 911. Time is everything during stroke and calling 911 gives you or your loved on the best chance at recovery.

The stroke simulation was organized by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association with participation from local businesses, Northeast Ambulance \u0026 Fire Protection District and Barnes-Jewish Hospital.


0 -> (upbeat music)
21.1 -> - Hi, Welcome to Walgreens.
21.933 -> May I help you?
22.766 -> - Mr. Johnson, please.
24.361 -> - Okay. I have one ready for you.
29.275 -> - Hey sir, are you okay?
31.642 -> (man breathing)
34.106 -> - I'm a, I'm a--
36.396 -> - Can somebody call 911?
37.675 -> I think he's having a stroke.
38.883 -> - Yes, Ma'am.
39.716 -> (sirens wail)
44.186 -> - He would like for you to call his wife.
46.328 -> If you could call his wife, he's asking.
48.011 -> - Sir, this is an emergency.
48.844 -> We'll need an ambulance here.
50.354 -> (somber music)
56.787 -> - [EMT] Johnson, hold your arms up for me.
59.507 -> Alright.
61.095 -> - Yes, ma'am I understand he normally goes to that hospital
63.088 -> because his doctor is at that hospital but we need
65.672 -> to take him to what we call a comprehensive stroke center.
68.068 -> So we're going to take him down to Bollings Hospital.
70.116 -> Yes, ma'am, On King's Highway.
71.401 -> Okay, alright, thank you.
72.984 -> (somber music)
78.049 -> (sirens wail)
80.987 -> (phone rings)
82.59 -> - Barns Jewish Emergency Department.
83.548 -> This is Keely, how can I help you?
85.314 -> - This is NorthEast 47 17 en route to your facility
88.293 -> with a 77 year old male coming in quick onset of
93.098 -> left sided weakness with slurred speech.
95.072 -> - Okay, we'll see you in the CAT scanner when you get here.
96.727 -> - Take him to CT, thank you.
99.428 -> All right, everything's okay Mr. Johnson.
101.63 -> We've already called the hospital, giving them a heads up.
103.492 -> (phones buzz)
109.517 -> (sirens wail)
110.96 -> All right.
113.668 -> Like, I said, a lot of things gonna happen.
115.342 -> Doctors, nurses, gonna talk with you
117.242 -> when we get you to the CT scanner.
118.737 -> Just be truthful and answer their questions.
121.214 -> - [Doctor] Hey, what happened here?
122.437 -> - All right doc, we got a 77 year old male who was at
124.304 -> the pharmacy this morning getting his medication.
126.382 -> Witness states-- - In one, two, three.
128.216 -> - About 7:35 she noticed him having
131.103 -> left sided weakness and facial droop and slurred speech.
135.069 -> Blood glucose was 94. - Mr. Johnson I'm Doctor Reed.
137.377 -> - [Paramedic] And onset was 7:35.
138.296 -> - I'm going to be taking care of you, okay?
139.18 -> - Thank you. - Thanks for the call ahead.
140.108 -> - We appreciate it.
140.941 -> - I'm gonna have you do a couple things for me.
141.854 -> How many fingers do you see? - One.
143.194 -> - Good, how many?
144.277 -> - Two. - Good.
145.369 -> How about this arm?
146.608 -> I'm gonna hold it up there.
147.502 -> Okay, ready?
148.335 -> One, okay good.
150.114 -> - Ready to scan? - Yup.
150.985 -> (piano music)
154.015 -> - We're going to do another picture of your brain sir, okay?
155.919 -> - One occlusion. - Right and one, okay.
157.127 -> Why don't we call upstairs?
158.497 -> I'll tell the endovascular suite that we have a go.
161.051 -> - We're getting ready to do a procedure to
162.595 -> actually remove the blood clot from the brain
164.836 -> that's causing your symptoms, okay?
166.58 -> (piano music)
168.577 -> - Okay, I'm in the artery.
171.71 -> - All right, set up to da a run there.
175.666 -> Do some angiography.
176.97 -> (suspenseful music)
181.16 -> Okay, there is a right MCA occlusion,
184.787 -> just as we saw on the CTA
186.342 -> so we're gonna proceed with pulling that clot out.
189.606 -> (suspenseful music)
192.938 -> Okay, let's do a run there.
194.61 -> Another angiograph for that.
200.168 -> Excellent.
202.31 -> It looks like we've opened up
203.193 -> the right middle cerebral artery.
205.457 -> Let's look at the pre-images.
207.21 -> So there's the occlusion.
209.812 -> Looks like everything is open again, great.
213.563 -> All right sir, I'm just gonna unstrap you here for a second.
215.49 -> I just wanna see.
218.16 -> Can you raise your right arm off the table?
220.819 -> Excellent, how about your left one?
223.655 -> Hey, that's great.
226.109 -> Can you smile really big for me?
232.808 -> Excellent, that looks better than it did
234.178 -> when you came in okay.
236.129 -> We were able to get the blood clot out
237.289 -> and already showing some signs of improvement
239.983 -> so I'm hopeful this means you'll have a good recovery.
242.34 -> (optimistic music)
