Why Would a Young Person Have a Stroke?
Why Would a Young Person Have a Stroke?
A stroke in younger patient relies on an entirely different set of reasons than that of older patients. In this video Venkat Veerappan, MD from Southern Hills Hospital \u0026 Medical Center shares some reasons young people have strokes.
0.53 -> - Young strokes have a
completely different etiology
4.811 -> compared to the older strokes
6.7 -> where common etiologies
8.01 -> are high blood pressure,
diabetes, cholesterol, age.
12.13 -> Whereas in the younger individuals,
14.254 -> we look for other explanations
such as hole in the heart,
19.05 -> where there is a patent foramen ovale,
22.26 -> that is a hole that a
clog can pass through
25.05 -> from the right side of the
heart to the left side,
27.32 -> and gets sent up to the brain,
30.14 -> and it can result in a stroke.
31.9 -> Vascular abnormality,
33.84 -> such as inflammation of the blood vessels.
37.445 -> In this city we have
issues with drug abuse.
43.43 -> Several of the drugs that are used
46.09 -> including amphetamines, cocaine,
48.96 -> they can cause inflammation
of the blood vessels
51.46 -> and cause them to bleed and have a stroke.
53.69 -> Some people have
hypercoagulable conditions.
56.737 -> That means conditions
that cause their blood
60.78 -> to be thicker than usual,
62.98 -> and they can have a stroke.
65.24 -> So the stroke in the young,
66.64 -> we have to look for a
different set of reasons.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65pfxQQXInU