Non-pharmacological treatment of hypertension
Non-pharmacological treatment of hypertension
Sometimes hypertension doesn’t mean that a patient should immediately start to take the drugs. Lifestyle modification may lead to long-term stabilization of the blood pressure. In this video non-pharmacological interventions for the treatment of hypertension according to the current guidelines are described.
Note: there are mistake: According to ESC recommendations, alcohol consumption should be limited up to 14 units a week for men and 8 units a week for women.
Less than 1.5 g of sodium a day is an important goal in normalization of the blood pressure.
0.1 -> Sometimes hypertension doesn’t mean that
a patient should immediately start to take the drugs.
5.16 ->
5.68 -> Lifestyle modification may lead to long-term
stabilization of the blood pressure.
11.68 -> In this video we will speak about non-pharmacological
interventions for the treatment of hypertension
17.94 -> according to the current guidelines.
26.84 -> According to current guidelines, lifestyle
interventions should be used in treatment
31.62 -> of the hypertension or elevated blood pressure
together with drugs or in some cases alone.
38.46 -> Lifestyle interventions can prevent or delay
the onset of hypertension, prevent or delay the
45.039 -> need for the drug therapy, improve efficiency
of the pharmacological therapy and reduce
51.799 -> the cardiovascular risk.
54.299 -> But many patients are poorly adherent to the
lifestyle changes, and they stop it quickly.
62.129 -> Healthy diet shows the most significant effect
on blood pressure lowering.
68.34 -> Diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole
grains, fish, nut and unsaturated fatty acids.
76.64 -> Sugar-sweetened drinks should be restricted
as they are associated with overweight, metabolic
83.03 -> syndrome, diabetes mellitus, and increased
cardiovascular risk.
87.5 -> The views on coffee and tea consumption are
controversial: despite the direct vasopressor
93.979 -> effect, their intake may be associated with
better cardiovascular prognosis.
99.469 -> But tea has some blood pressure-lowering effect.
102.64 -> Products containing large amount of saturated
fat as well as trans-fat should be restricted.
109.36 -> This all are characteristic to the DASH-diet
that is commonly used in USA, and Mediterranean
117.02 -> diet that is widely used in Europe.
119.64 -> Such diet reduces blood pressure, glucose
and lipid levels.
124.26 -> Dietary sodium restriction is also important.
127.6 -> High sodium intake is associated with increased
risk of mortality and cardiovascular events.
135.24 -> Less than 1.5 g of sodium a day is an important
goal in normalization of the blood pressure.
143.38 -> According to ESC recommendations, salt restriction
to less than 5 g per day is recommended.
150.66 -> Enhanced intake of the dietary potassium is
associated with blood pressure reduction and
156.58 -> reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases.
159.2 -> It’s recommended to intake from 3500 to
5500 mg of potassium a day, but it should
167.29 -> be not considered in the patients with an
significantly impaired renal function.
173.3 -> Weight reduction is another important method
of non-pharmacological interventions.
178.31 -> Ideal body weight should be the main target.
181.31 -> This means that body mass index should range
from 20 to 25 kg/m2.
187.34 -> But at least 1 kg reduction in the body weight
is very important for overweight people.
193.58 -> Moderation in the alcohol consumption is recommended
to reduce blood pressure.
198.74 -> In the USA, consumption of alcohol is advised
up to 2 drinks daily for men and up to 1 drink
204.991 -> daily for women.
206.19 -> 1 drink contains 14 grams of pure alcohol.
209.8 -> According to ESC recommendations, alcohol
consumption should be limited up to 14 units
216.89 -> a week for men and 8 units a week for women.
221.11 -> 1 unit equals 10 mL of pure alcohol.
225.64 -> Smoking significantly increases risk of stroke,
angina, myocardial infarction, peripheral
232.75 -> artery disease and cancer.
234.9 -> Also, regular physical activity should be
238.8 -> According to ACC/AHA guideline, aerobic dynamic
exercises (for example, walking, swimming,
246.1 -> cycling) for 90-150 min a week is advised,
for additional benefit in people with elevated
252.94 -> blood pressure gradual increase in duration
of aerobic physical activity up to 300 min
259.32 -> a week is recommended;
for these patients intensive aerobic physical
263.41 -> activity with duration of 150 min a week may
be considered.
268.73 -> According to ESC guideline aerobic exercises
at least 30 min of moderate dynamic exercise
276.16 -> on 5-7 days a week is recommended.
280.24 -> Dynamic resistance training with duration
of 90-150 min a week is recommended.
286.4 -> Role of isometric exercises is less established.
289.48 -> They are performed for 4 exercises per session
with the duration of 2 min of each exercise;
296.24 -> 1 min rest is spent between exercises.
300.19 -> 3 sessions per week are performed.
302.66 -> Regular physical activity is associated with
a reduced mortality.
307.28 -> According to ESC guideline lifestyle advice
is recommended for all patients with the blood
313.64 -> pressure of 130/85 mm Hg or higher.
317.7 -> In a patient with high-normal blood pressure
(130-139/85-89 mm Hg) lifestyle changes are
321.38 -> recommended.
322.44 -> But if a patient has very high cardiovascular
risk due to cardiovascular disease, pharmacological
327.84 -> treatment may be considered.
329.72 -> A patient with grade 1 hypertension (blood
pressure of 140-159/90-99 mm Hg) should be
332.02 -> recommended to do lifestyle interventions.
334.68 -> If a patient has low or moderate cardiovascular
risk without hypertension-mediated organ damage,
341.31 -> only lifestyle interventions should be advised.
344.5 -> But if this patient remains hypertensive after
3-6 months of lifestyle interventions, blood
350.78 -> pressure lowering drugs should be prescribed.
353.98 -> If a patient with grade 1 hypertension has
high or very high cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular
360.33 -> disease, renal disease or hypertension-mediated
organ damage, pharmacological treatment should
366.38 -> be used immediately in combination with lifestyle
371.2 -> Immediate blood pressure-lowering drug treatment
in combination with lifestyle advice is recommended
376.58 -> for patients with grade 2 and grade 3 hypertension.
380.45 -> According to ACC/AHA guidelines, patients
with elevated blood pressure are recommended
386.89 -> to do lifestyle interventions.
389.04 -> In patients with stage 1 hypertension (blood
pressure 130-139/80-89 mm Hg) 10-year cardiovascular
392.49 -> risk should be estimated by ASCVD calculator.
396.46 -> If it’s less than 10% only lifestyle interventions
with following reassessment in 3-6 months
402.889 -> should be recommended.
404.55 -> If it’s 10% and more lifestyle modifications
should be combined with pharmacological treatment.
411.43 -> Combination of lifestyle modifications and
pharmacological treatment is recommended for
416.24 -> patients with stage 2 hypertension.
420.2 -> It’s important that lifestyle interventions
should never delay blood pressure-lowering
424.15 -> therapy, when it’s indicated.
426.56 -> In patients with white coat hypertension,
lifestyle interventions should be recommended.
432.36 -> If masked hypertension is detected, lifestyle
interventions in combination with blood pressure-lowering
437.99 -> treatment is recommended.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YIlCDmgLjE