An Easier Way to Track Blood Pressure? - Withings BPM Connect Review

An Easier Way to Track Blood Pressure? - Withings BPM Connect Review

An Easier Way to Track Blood Pressure? - Withings BPM Connect Review

If you’re looking to check your blood pressure regularly and need an easy way to track your numbers, this might be the cuff you’re looking for. The Withings BPM Connect Blood Pressure Machine has some features that set it apart from other BP monitors. It also looks amazing! But is it worth it for you? Watch the video to find out!

Let me know what you think in the comments! Thanks for watching!

⚠️ Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for personalized medical advice from a healthcare provider. Please be sure to discuss your individual situation with a healthcare provider.

🙏🏽❤️💪 The cuff in the video - WITHINGS BPM CONNECT on AMAZON (Affiliate Link) :


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🔍 Tamron 35-150 f/2-2.8: [] Zoom lens with a wide aperture range, perfect for portraits and landscapes.
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0:00 Introduction
0:49 The State of Health Wearables Today
01:27 UNBOXING the Withings BPM Connect!
01:36 Is the BPM Connect Accurate?
02:16 Systolic \u0026 Diastolic Meaning Part 1
02:20 The BPM’s Design
02:46 Systolic \u0026 Diastolic Meaning Part 2
03:01 The Battery - It’s Rechargeable!
03:42 “Smart” Features That Make it Unique
05:36 Who’s it For? Who Would Benefit?
06:52 Who’s it NOT For?
07:13 Is the Withings BPM Connect Worth It?
07:54 How Else to Improve Blood Pressure


🍊 Simple Dietary Changes to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally! -    • EAT Your Way to better BLOOD PRESSURE  



✍ From If your blood pressure reading is 180/120 or greater and you are experiencing any other associated symptoms of target organ damage such as chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, numbness/weakness, change in vision, or difficulty speaking then this would be considered a hypertensive emergency. Do not wait to see if your pressure comes down on its own, Call 911.




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⚠️ DISCLAIMER: The videos, photos, and other publications on this channel and affiliated sites and social media pages are provided as an informational resource only. These publications and content should never be used as a substitute for direct or personalized medical advice from your healthcare provider or other qualified clinician. The content featured is not an alternative to medical care. As always, discuss with a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions about health or medical conditions and before starting major lifestyle changes or making changes to medications.


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0.08 -> in the era of electric cars and
1.839 -> cryptocurrency where are we with blood
3.6 -> pressure machines
6.09 -> [Music]
21.22 -> [Music]
26.56 -> home blood pressure monitoring is vital
29.599 -> to staying healthy and knowing your
31.84 -> blood pressure and preventing it from
33.12 -> getting too high can mean the difference
35.2 -> between for example being active and
37.28 -> healthy in your 80s or being plagued by
39.68 -> chronic disease in your 60s taking a
41.52 -> handful of pills every day and if you're
43.2 -> like me you appreciate how technology
45.12 -> can make our lives easier especially
46.879 -> when it comes to staying healthy and
48.32 -> preventing chronic disease wearable
50.079 -> technology has advanced significantly in
52.079 -> the past few years the apple watch for
53.84 -> example can not only track your sleep
55.84 -> and your heart rate but it can do things
57.36 -> like ekgs and check your blood oxygen
59.84 -> saturation but these consumer grade
61.84 -> wearables can't check your blood
63.28 -> pressure so a lot of people are left
64.799 -> manually keeping track of their blood
66.32 -> pressure readings which makes tracking
68 -> that data that much more difficult so to
70 -> try and address this issue why things
71.92 -> and a few other companies have started
73.28 -> making smart blood pressure machines and
75.759 -> today i've got the y things bpm connect
78.32 -> that has some smart features that
80.159 -> depending on who you are might help you
82.32 -> more effectively prevent and treat high
84.24 -> blood pressure especially when compared
86.159 -> to one of those old school machines
90.99 -> [Music]
98.02 -> [Music]
100.079 -> this blood pressure machine is unlike a
101.68 -> lot of other ones you might be used to
103.439 -> but before we talk about anything else
105.28 -> i'm sure you're wondering is it accurate
109.92 -> over 3 000 blood pressure machines are
112.079 -> out there and less than 15 of them have
114.079 -> been validated to be accurate the site
116.079 -> validate has a list of validated
119.28 -> machines and this one's on there but you
121.84 -> know i have to check the accuracy for
123.28 -> myself each individual unit may vary but
126 -> the one that i tested was within three
128.08 -> millimeters of mercury of a medical
130 -> grade blood pressure machine so it's
131.68 -> pretty accurate and this is in line with
133.52 -> the widened report and this goes for
135.28 -> both the top number or the systolic
137.44 -> pressure and the bottom number or the
139.28 -> diastolic pressure
143.28 -> so why things says that this thing was
145.44 -> designed in paris but it looks like the
147.2 -> type of health device that tim cook
148.959 -> would use in his own home it's made of
150.8 -> only one piece and it's more compact
152.72 -> than a lot of other blood pressure
153.84 -> machines so it's a lot easier to travel
155.84 -> with part of this means you trade having
157.599 -> the larger displays of other machines
159.599 -> for this led matrix display that doesn't
162.08 -> have a ton of contrast but looks pretty
163.92 -> cool it shows your heart rate along with
165.68 -> your systolic and diastolic pressures
167.92 -> side note systolic pressure is the
170.56 -> pressure in your blood vessels when your
172.319 -> heart beats and diasolic pressure is the
175.04 -> pressure when your heart's relaxed the
176.8 -> display also shows error messages but
178.8 -> it's basically impossible to know what
180.319 -> they mean without looking them up but
181.84 -> what about the battery unlike a lot of
183.44 -> other blood pressure machines it comes
184.72 -> with a rechargeable battery that whiting
186.879 -> says lasts up to six months on a single
188.72 -> charge but whether this reflects using
190.64 -> it every day or something different they
192.159 -> don't really say real world battery life
194.159 -> could vary a lot based on how often you
196 -> check it the app does show you the
197.28 -> battery level and after checking my
199.04 -> blood pressure about 10 times there's
201.04 -> about 70 charge remaining so based on
203.36 -> that estimate you would have to use it
204.799 -> about once or twice a week for the
206.48 -> battery to last six months when it does
208.4 -> need to be charged though it uses a
210 -> standard micro usb cable which although
212.56 -> is outdated in the era of usbc it's
215.519 -> still relatively easy to find and
217.04 -> replace the battery and size make it
219.04 -> easier to travel with but its main
220.64 -> selling point is that it has these smart
222.48 -> features that can theoretically help you
224.159 -> stay healthier than a regular old blood
225.68 -> pressure cuff it tries to do this in a
227.68 -> few different ways first having built-in
229.68 -> wi-fi in addition to bluetooth means
231.599 -> that you're less likely to be missing
233.2 -> readings from your log how so wi-fi
235.2 -> connects to your router more reliably
236.64 -> than bluetooth connects to your phone so
238.319 -> it allows the machine to sync
239.68 -> automatically to the cloud even when
241.599 -> your phone's not around it can also
243.2 -> automatically check three readings in a
244.72 -> row to account for variations in blood
246.4 -> pressure then those readings are
247.519 -> displayed on your iphone or android in
249.439 -> wything's own healthmate app where it
251.28 -> summarizes and interprets your blood
253.28 -> pressure readings telling you if your
255.2 -> blood pressure is elevated or at what
257.12 -> stage of hypertension you're at you can
258.56 -> then integrate the whythings app
259.919 -> directly with apple health which allows
261.759 -> you to combine the data from other
263.199 -> devices like smart scales and this
265.04 -> allows you to view all of your metrics
266.8 -> in one place in the whitings app you'll
268.88 -> also see similar data if you open the
270.56 -> apple health app too depending on your
272.16 -> doctor's electronic medical record
273.68 -> system or emr you may be able to
276 -> directly share the data automatically
278.08 -> with them but it can be hit or miss and
280.56 -> it depends on your doctor's particular
282.24 -> emr system that they use if emr
284.24 -> integration isn't possible the withings
286.24 -> app can take a summary of your data and
288 -> produce a pdf report that you can then
289.919 -> share with your doctor or even with a
291.759 -> family member at the very least simply
293.68 -> having your phone handy during your
295.04 -> doctor visit means that you'll have your
296.56 -> entire blood pressure log with you
298.08 -> whether in person or in a telemedicine
299.84 -> visit so this machine has one more trick
302.479 -> up its sleeve
305.199 -> it gives you feedback telling you if
307.039 -> you're wearing your cuff incorrectly or
309.039 -> if you're moving too much or talking
311.039 -> during the blood pressure reading which
312.479 -> could then affect its accuracy sometimes
314.639 -> this requires you to look up the error
316 -> code and sometimes the app tells you so
318.4 -> this feature is promising but could use
320.8 -> a little bit more work so tracking your
322.24 -> blood pressure on the widthing's bpm
324 -> connect is not as seamless as tracking
325.919 -> your heart rate on an apple watch and
327.44 -> hopefully we'll have some devices in the
328.88 -> future that can make tracking blood
330.479 -> pressure that easy but for now this
332.4 -> machine incrementally bridges that gap
334.56 -> with some useful smart features
340.56 -> well this thing almost looks like it was
342.16 -> designed by apple itself so it's clearly
344.24 -> targeted for smartphone users especially
346.56 -> people who have an iphone and probably
348.8 -> already have an apple watch but it can
351.12 -> benefit non-tech savvy friends and
352.96 -> family as well generally i see the bpm
355.039 -> connect and helping two groups of people
357.199 -> both of whom would benefit from easy and
359.44 -> frictionless blood pressure monitoring
361.199 -> first this machine might help people who
363.12 -> struggle with any part of the process of
365.039 -> obtaining logging or sharing their blood
367.84 -> pressure readings with healthcare
369.12 -> providers this includes people with
370.479 -> hypertension or those at risk of
372.08 -> developing it the feedback on proper
373.84 -> technique if it can be developed further
376.16 -> the automatic logging of blood pressure
377.68 -> values and the ability to share the
379.84 -> blood pressure readings may help people
381.68 -> get accurate blood pressure readings
383.199 -> into the hands of their doctors more
384.56 -> easily the other group of people this
386.08 -> machine might benefit are those who want
388 -> to make it easy to track short and
389.84 -> long-term impacts of different factors
391.44 -> such as medications exercise and diet
394.319 -> over time including athletes and those
396.319 -> trying to incorporate healthy lifestyle
397.759 -> changes the compact design and smart
399.84 -> features especially the automatic
401.44 -> logging makes it easier to incorporate
403.919 -> regular blood pressure tracking into
405.28 -> your daily routine then you can go into
407.28 -> the app when you're ready and find a ton
409.44 -> of data that can provide insights that
411.199 -> can inform better health decisions well
412.88 -> who is this machine not for whiting says
415.36 -> this machine should only be used on arms
417.199 -> with a circumference of 9 to 17 inches
419.28 -> around otherwise the readings may not be
421.52 -> accurate also according to why things
423.36 -> this machine is not for people with
424.88 -> pacemakers or icds which are special
427.28 -> devices required for people with certain
428.88 -> heart conditions because the presence of
430.88 -> these devices may make the pressure
432.56 -> readings inconclusive
436.56 -> so
437.44 -> is it actually worth it well you can
439.28 -> find it for about a hundred bucks online
441.36 -> and sometimes cheaper and if you live in
443.28 -> the united states you may be able to use
445.36 -> your fsa or hsa to buy it but are the
448 -> features and accuracy worth it for the
449.599 -> price especially when other validated
451.36 -> cuffs can be found for cheaper if this
453.36 -> cuff makes it more likely to have better
455.12 -> blood pressure management or if it
456.72 -> motivates you to take better care of
458.08 -> your health and achieve your goals then
460 -> the cost of this machine may be
461.759 -> negligible in the grand scheme of things
463.759 -> considering the monetary and
465.199 -> non-monetary benefits of better health
466.96 -> and it hasn't heard that it looks like
468.08 -> it belongs on the space station or
469.28 -> something tracking blood pressure is one
471.36 -> important aspect of maintaining heart
472.96 -> health and living a long and healthy
474.319 -> life making some specific dietary
476.4 -> changes can help improve our blood
477.919 -> pressure as well so check out this video
479.68 -> if you're interested and here's another
481.36 -> video on how to sleep better which could
482.72 -> also impact your blood pressure
484.84 -> [Music]
